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nams #1689278 09/12/06 08:56 AM
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Hi Nams,

Can't say it was a complete waste. I got a clearer picture of him & that helped me to see I wouldn't want him back even if he wanted it.

You're talking my language.... that there is always something to learn from any experience in life ... In my case, I lived long enough with a WS to help me 'stick' to my PLAN B....and keep as faaar away as possible from WS...... and I never would have 'believed' if only someone would have just TOLD me..... but an S and a WS are really not the same person..... to avoid changing 'behaviour' a WS has to adhere to a whole new set of values.... often totally opposite of those of a S ... and immensely destructive to the 'family' dynamics....

I've done a lot of self examination & understand clearly how my behavior contributed to a marriage with problems. I will not make those mistakes again.

Care to share? ...or, NOT!

Why would I when there are so many new ones I can make?

LOL....I know...

Hi Pio,

What happens if you are a manager and an engineer?

BTW....you 'sound' like you are doing well....are you?

Guess once you got your DD's colour scheme under your belt... the rest of life now is a breeze! LOL.

You aren't really mean at all. I love you daddy" and she got out her homework.

....that's when I say that kids 'teach' us.... and another thing...how come kids can drive us crazy all day..... then 'buys us back' with one little tiny smile or kiss....

I am going to have a serious talk with DD2.

Yeah..well...good luck....papa Pio!

BTW, I had really been wanting a planer/jointer.

....should we all know what this is/does...because I don't... I have a suspicion...it's a TOOOOL of some sort!

Hi Todd,

I am with B...glad to hear it was just your scalp.


Your daughter and BF are so cuuuuute!

DS16 & DS22
PLAN D: finalized!
lunamare #1689279 09/12/06 09:05 AM
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What happens if you are a manager and an engineer?

Well as it turns out, I am. It just means that you know what is wrong, know how to fix it but can't do a darn thing about it. I hate it.

Guess once you got your DD's colour scheme under your belt

Well tomorrow is "orange" day and I just surrender. It is Wednesday and the last day of the week. I did pretty well. I got 80% and that is passing.

then 'buys us back' with one little tiny smile or kiss

Because we're cheap.

should we all know what this is/does

Yes you should and the fact that you don't offends me. It was a very important EN and you simply dismiss it out of hand.

DD1 lost another tooth at school today. So now I have to stay up late to put money in the shoe under her bed. [I am the "ratoncito"]. Just that much less sleep. Ugh.

ToddAC #1689280 09/12/06 09:46 AM
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Hi Tod
I wish you'll be all right.. no pain, no headache...
Did your doctor told you what do you have?
Animo amigo!!! cheers for you!!!

piojitos #1689281 09/12/06 10:04 AM
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How is possible that same person shows so tenderness,(to his dd's) and at same time so cold (to his wife)?
For me is difficult to understand this...
I can understand that you dont miss SF but what another things, (su compañía, su risa, sus juegos, sus bromas, su cariño?)
Im sure that G wasnt a monster with you, I just cant understand that you dont miss anything from her...
Maybe you are more practical, and left your feelings behind... maybe your pain was so big, that you stop love G.. since long time ago...
I dont know... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

xxxxx #1689282 09/12/06 10:06 AM
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Well as it turns out, I am. It just means that you know what is wrong, know how to fix it but can't do a darn thing about it. I hate it.

I figured as much...LOL.

should we all know what this is/does

Yes you should and the fact that you don't offends me. It was a very important EN and you simply dismiss it out of hand.

...so....is it or isn't a TOOL?

So now I have to stay up late to put money in the shoe under her bed.

I had to figure out how to get the money...under the pillow!

DS16 & DS22
PLAN D: finalized!
xxxxx #1689283 09/12/06 10:17 AM
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and at same time so cold (to his wife)?


Are you insane? I gave my WW everything I had for a year. She continually rejected it. I did everything I could to save this marriage and she wanted none of it. Who was being cold and cruel? As you so correctly put it this morning, gemela cosecha lo que sembró. Please don't lecture me about being cold or cruel to gemela. I have never been that. Not for one minute. Please do try and remember who cheated on whom, who completely disregarded her family and her marriage vows and who rejected ever opportunity to get back in the marriage.

Do you have a point or do you just feel like busting my chops?

What is there to miss from gemela? She left the marriage a long time ago. What has she given me since? Pain, misery, abuse. Do I miss that? Absolutely not.

So please don't lecture me about what I should feel for gemela.

Last edited by piojitos; 09/12/06 11:01 AM.
lunamare #1689284 09/12/06 10:19 AM
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I had to figure out how to get the money...under the pillow!

That is the tooth fairy - not the tooth rat.

piojitos #1689285 09/12/06 11:29 AM
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....does gamela know about this website? has she ever posted here before?

Ahuman #1689286 09/12/06 11:35 AM
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BTW, I had really been wanting a planer/jointer.


....should we all know what this is/does...because I don't... I have a suspicion...it's a TOOOOL of some sort!

Now...I will assume that my question is not being answered because there is major cross-posting on this thread... which is why I am bringing it up again....

Pio thought it funny to leave me 'hanging'....and now he's too busy giving heck to Regreted....

Now...let me preface...uhmmm.....suffix this????....by saying that it is not necessarily that I lack knowledge of tools..... I lack knowledge of the NAMES of tools in English.... all handywork done in French!

DS16 & DS22
PLAN D: finalized!
lunamare #1689287 09/12/06 11:43 AM
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Can I take this one?

Its a: corroyeur (raboteuse à bois)

Ahuman #1689288 09/12/06 11:47 AM
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You got me on the joiner translation....and admittedly I am not that level of handyman....I am more the handy-man's admirerer-go fetch girl. (WOW! Honey, you're amazing. It looks great! Can I get you a beer?)

But I did put together the kid's dressers from IKEA! Does that count??

Ahuman #1689289 09/12/06 11:57 AM
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You got me on the joiner translation....and admittedly I am not that level of handyman....I am more the handy-man's admirerer-go fetch girl. (WOW! Honey, you're amazing. It looks great! Can I get you a beer?)

Hey, don't knock it. There's high demand for someone like you. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

But I did put together the kid's dressers from IKEA! Does that count??

err.... no. But kudos anyway.

piojitos #1689290 09/12/06 11:58 AM
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Lo siento si te molesté con mi comentario... el punto es que me da la impresión de que todo ese coraje que sientes, aún sigue ahí, y a fin de cuentas a quien le hará más daño es a tí...
Si realmente hubieras hecho todo lo que estuvo a tu alcance quizá aún estarías con G...dices que hiciste todo por ella, a pesar de su traición, eso solo lo sabes tú... yo creo que tu enojo nunca cambió... y el que digas que no la necesitas para nada, a quién fue tu compañera, por cuántos años? a la madre de tus hijas?
Cierto que se equivocó terriblemente, si, y también es cierto que todo indica que aún no se da cuenta de su error...probablemente siga en su fantaasia con el OM.. pero quiero preguntarte algo, si en lugar del OM G se hubiera dedicado a beber o a drogarse, igual la dejarías a su suerte? le dirías "deja el alcohol, nos hace daño a todos y más a tí misma...." y listo... y si no lo hace pues adiós que le vaya bien?
Tu eres una persona madura, adulta y G supuestamente también lo es... acorde a tus comentarios, la mayoría de las veces tu decidías las cosas, tu eras el pilar de todo, ella seguía loque decías no? y entonces cómo o quién la va a orientar para decidir lo correcto...
Entiendo que todo ser humano tiene un límite y tampoco vas a estar en una relación solo por tener unida la familia, y si G te hartó y ya no la amas, ni la extrañas como tu compañera. pues entonces no hay más que decir...
Ha pasado más de un año desde tu D day cierto? y cuántos duraron de casados?
Para tí la solución solo está en G.... y esperas que ella sola decida lo correcto... amigo mio, y si está confundida?
Lo siento probablemente soy muy terca y creo que ustedes podrían seguir adelante como pareja, como familia... creo que tarde o temprano G se dará cuenta de que el OM no sirve y que solo estaba soñando.
Me da la impresión de que tienes un caracter fuerte y bueno mejor no digo más pues no te agrada que "defienda" a G...
Sorry, a veces soy terca...
aunque como dicen " a fuerza ni los zapatos entran"...
¿cuándo dejaste de amar a G? después del d day, que hizo de bueno G?

lunamare #1689291 09/12/06 12:11 PM
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....should we all know what this is/does...because I don't... I have a suspicion...it's a TOOOOL of some sort!

Link below to a planer/jointer. The best way to distinguish between the two functions is that a planer cuts parallel to the feed deck and a jointer cuts perpendicular to the feed deck. I am sure that clears it up.


ToddAC #1689292 09/12/06 12:16 PM
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Hi Ahuman,

Thanks for not 'ignoring' my question!

But I did put together the kid's dressers from IKEA! Does that count??

I don't know, Ahuman, some might consider that cheating a bit.

WOW! Honey, you're amazing. It looks great! Can I get you a beer?)

...but you get full stars for your 'cheerleader' role!

....make that, two, please...and pass the natchos!

DS16 & DS22
PLAN D: finalized!
lunamare #1689293 09/12/06 12:33 PM
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Link below to a joiner/planer.

Thanks, Todd...WOW!.... I can see why Pio regrets investing in the scrapbook kit...when instead he could have bought one of these!

It's a handyman's dream...and honestly...I don't know why Pio is depriving himself....if he can afford to put that much into the scrapbook kit!

.....think we know what Pio will buy 'himself' for his birthday! ...ohhhhh!....wasn't it just a few weeks ago!

..will count on Pio to think of a 'reason' to reward himself.... actually, I am even surprised he does not own one already!

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PLAN D: finalized!
lunamare #1689294 09/12/06 12:44 PM
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Unfortunately I am a year away from another planer/jointer window. I might be able to get one here but it would be the wrong voltage/frequency. The transformer required to change the voltage for that much Hp would be about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.

Did regreted say anything? I don't feel like reading her posts any more.

piojitos #1689295 09/12/06 12:57 PM
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Alright, I admit it. My success with the dressers was more about IKEAs success at putting together an instruction booklet for the "spatially-challenged"!(And I dont mean my butt!)

But it still felt nice to say: "Look honey, nothing's on backwards or upside-down!" Oh and I got MAJOR points too...since apparently for handymen there is really no joy in assembling pre-cut furniture. Its just dishes and laundry, if you know what I mean.

WOW! That machine really is impressive. Does it come with a first-aid kit?

Ahuman #1689296 09/12/06 01:26 PM
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Ok pio, I understood, if someone writes about something that you dont like, you just ignore it... fine...
I respect that...
Before stop posting in your thread, I want to say thank you for all your suggestions, and for the letter that you wrote to my H.. I appreciate it...

good luck.

xxxxx #1689297 09/12/06 01:42 PM
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since apparently for handymen there is really no joy in assembling pre-cut furniture.

Actually, Ahuman....some may even consider this an insult... and some do not appreciate IKEA flooding the world with their standard run-of-the-mill models produced in the thousands (even in the name of affordableness!) and in so doing reducing the demand for the 'uniqueness' of works of art produced by the so-called handyman who is slowly being driven into 'extinction'.....due to low demand....

....I have seen my S unable to resist buying a tool.... that we did not actually need....in case we might have project and would need it!

...wish he had stuck to new tools!..... I could live with THAT!

DS16 & DS22
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