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You said I should leave gemela hope. Dr. Cymanca made a nice post yesterday on another thread. He said something like any WW can save her marriage at any time. That's it in a nutshell. gemela always had the power to save this marriage. She still does. She doesn't get my help right now.
Last edited by piojitos; 09/14/06 02:47 AM.
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Well I bought enough beef that I think I actually can reassemble the cow so that is what I am working on now since I have some free time. It doesn't have a tail though. I also found USA fruit (very expensive here). I bought seedless grapes, seedless oranges, seedless watermelon, seedless apples. Makes me wonder how they make new ones? No seeds? Oh it's the USA. They probably have machines to make those fruits.
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Oh c'mon Jen. Sheep jokes are WAY funny.
Me: 56 (FBS) Wife: 55 (FWW) D-Day August 2005 Married 11/1982 3 Sons 27,25,23 Empty Nesters. Fully Recovered.
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So I go into Extra to look for my minifridge because they carry some 120V appliances. I see one I like, the right size and a good price and it happens to be the only one that says 120V on the tag. I ask the salesman for one. He tells me that these only come in 220V. So I ask what he has in 120V. He says he has an LG that is 120V so I look at it. It is larger than I want, more expensive than I want so I tell him I'll take it. Beggars can't be choosers. He says he will go in the back, find it and take it to register #3 and it will take him about 15 minutes. I say okay. 30 minutes later he comes and finds me in the store and tells me that the LG is only 220V but that he does have the one I originally looked at in 120V and asks if I want it. I say yes.
The truly sad part is that I have lived here long enough that this seems perfectly normal.
BTW nams, it isn't rude to make bold political statements. It is rude to make bold political statements and run away so we can't pummel you.
Last edited by piojitos; 09/14/06 06:38 AM.
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I love this thread, always something going on.
Todd I ran out of here last night due to a school supply emergency. OS said he'd get kicked out of school if he didn't have book covers & note books. I certainly didn't want him here to home school again (did it for 1/2 a year & we're both happy he went back). He's a love even if he is somewhat dramatic.
Snakes - I can think of three ways to get rid of them. You have to do them in a certain order so no one gets hurt. 1. Hire a snake charmer. 2. Hire an exorsist. 3. Fire. The snake charmer is probably harmless so you want him before you try fire. The exorsist...well, that's a personal choice.
2mch - excuse my big mouth please. Our troops are to be thanked & appreciated for the incredibly hard & dangerous work they do. We are indeed fortunate to have the freedom to express ourselves freely.
You're Wheat Thin discovery is noteworthy. The Wheat Thin people & the cranberry people have a lot in common. Once they discovered you could mix flavors they didn't hold back.
Pio - I don't like to be pummeled that's why I dropped & ran then came back to beg forgiveness for my rash words. I'm still working on a suitable punishment.
I've only been on this thread for a short time & haven't gone back to the beginning to see the difference in you people remark about. I will tell you the image I get of you from your current words. I picture you with your girls, they at the table while you cook dinner. You chatting to them in a happy, light hearted way. Not sure but I think you're wearing an apron. You have a lightness about you, almost a glow.
On to the very important topic of vacs. I have a Kirby. It works great but it weighs a ton. I got it because of my boys alergies & asthma. Now that we have a dog they love to death trying to keep alergies at bay is useless. Well that & I hate cleaning.
Kiwi, flippant & silly are GOOD.
Hi Bigk, luna, believer...
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Let me set you straight. DD1 wanted steak today. I had a hard time getting motivated to do anything today so I started working on the garage a bit. The minifridge created its own problem that would be solved if I could raise it six inches. I got out the golf cart, hauled out the table saw, took all my measurements, cut the legs for my short table, went to look for some scrap plywood, discovered I didn't actually have any scrap plywood, kicked myself, put the table saw back, the golf cart back, then set the minifridge up on a few bricks and it seemed to work just fine.
I decided I needed to work off my frustration so I got out my Remington pole saw (chain saw on a 15 foot pole), put the extension ladder up in the tree that continually tries to overhang the tree house and I cut the tops off. Of course this tree is full of thorns so I am all bloody now. It is hot outside (about 106F) and I was tired and going to blow off the palm tree but I saw some of the berries were turning black so I put up the ladder and cut off all the berries with the pole saw and then got out my saws-all and cut off the brown palm fronds. Now I am really hot but the DDs are hungry so I get the charcoal going but first I had to haul the grill outside to get rid of all the ash so that the charcoal could have air to burn. Charcoal is going so I get the steaks and potatoes ready and go outside to cook, I ask the DDs to set the table but they get into a big fight because DD2 says she has a stomach ache (this is a work avoidance ploy) so DD1 is angry at both of us (I'm outside so I'm not sure what I did).
I get the food inside and am working on the potato for DD1 (butter, sour cream and cheese) but we get into a debate over whether you can eat the skin or not do we compromise and I skin half the potato. I cut up her steak and she sits at the table to eat but then needs salt and lemon on her steak (a Mexican thing) so I stop working on DD2's potato to cut the lemon. Now DD2 won't eat the skin at all so I burn my fingers getting every bit off. I finally get her to sit down and eat. I have saw dust all over me and I smell really bad because I have been sweating all afternoon. DDs eat and then get into an argument over whether they will go on the water slide or not. They go into the living room to watch cartoons and I clean up the kitchen and wash dishes.
Oh, forgot to mention, while we were eating we got into a debate about where steak comes from (cow) and why steak doesn't taste like cow. I cannot convince DD1 she has no point of reference because she has never actually tasted a live cow so we decide it is a draw and go onto to discuss what a potato is made out of.
DDs are upstairs supposedly putting on their swimsuits. I am covered in wood chips and blood, smell like three day old sweat and charcoal smoke. I can assure you that I am NOT glowing. But all is under control and we once again have peace in the world.
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Piojitos...it seems that you are rather happy without Gemela. Hmm....anyways,,,,dont you think is rather unfair for her to see the girls so seldom? You want her to "visit" in Christmas. That seems like a long time for those two little girls without seeing their mom. Have you put herself in her psoition? I know she has not put herself in your shoes, but have you? I am sure even if she was unfaithfull,she was a good mom to those two little girls, and they need her, and she needs them too. Even if you two dont love each other anymore. You are their dad, and even if you try to fill Gemelas place , you can't!
Gemela should move to SA close to you, so she can see them as much as possible. Its only fair for your daughters.
I am happy you found your happiness Pio.
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The problem with that is that gemela wants to be close to her family. According to her, her family is in Mexico. I would have no problem with her living in SA and being close to the girls if that is what she wants to do.
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Indeed that is a big problem. If thats the case, then she is not as good of a mother as she should be. Her family is you and those little girls. NOt the ones in Mexico.
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IMO gemela has never been a mother to the girls in the sense that I understand. They have been more like living Barbie dolls for her. Maybe I am being too critical. IMO her mother doing most of the dirty work in rasing the babies didn't let gemela get as attached to them as maybe she could have. I don't know. But gemela has never viewed us as her true family. She views her mother, father and sister as her true family. That is kind of odd because it is a highly dysfunctional family. MIL and FIL hadn't spoken a word to each other in 14 years until last summer.
It's not like she goes home to Ozzie and Harriet.
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Give Stan-ley my regards. I hope all is well with you.
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OK, Pio in the ephemeral sense you glow. You glow in a sweaty sort of smelly way. It beats bitter.
I see two words in your post that stand out "under control" & "peace in the world". Sounds pretty good to me.
Funny, your daughter is mad but you don't know why. My guess...she imagines you're letting her sister slide because she claims a tummy ache.
Pottery duties call. I'm lucky to be able to answer the call. No substituting so far this school year. The teacher's are behaving themselves & not calling in sick. I give a another week or so.
Todd must be out investigating the purchase of a crock pot.
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Just to clarify one point. I cannot prevent gemela from coming back any time she wants. She has a passport and ticket in hand. All I can do is request that she stay away for a reasonable period of time. I can't force it.
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Well, if thats the case with Gemela and the girls, then you should do ANYTHING possible for their happiness. Because at their age, they should really be close to their mom. If Gemela wants to come back for selfish reasons, then she should not!! Let her stay in Mexico, then.
Things are great with Stanley and me. Thanks for asking. Our recovery is just going upward now, thank goodness!
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I walked up to Kroger this morning and bought a crockpot. It is made by Betty Crocker. It is called a Crocker Pot so I guess it is the same as a crock pot? I read the menus briefly but it encouraged the new "crocker cook" to experiment so that is what I did. I put the following ingredients in the crocker:
2 pork chops 1 rib-eye steak corn green beans strawberries two bananas cup milk cup flour 2 popcycles 1 cup water salt pepper oregano thyme tomatoes catsup BBQ sauce Heniz 57 taco 2 glazed donuts capers 3 whole limes
I mixed everything and plugged the crocker in. I figure pork chops take 30 minutes to grill, depending on thickness of course, but I know that crockers cook slow, so I set the time to 90 minutes. Since it was a soupy concontion, I put a serving of the mixture in a bowl. I got a plastic spoon and tried it.
I don't think I like the crocker. It tasted awful. And the pork chops were not even cooked all the way! 90 minutes! I think I got a defect so I took the crocker back to Kroger. I forgot to empty the rest of the soup, so they tasted it. They agreed that the crocker was defective. I am walking to the English Pub for lunch. I am done with crocker cooking.
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This is interesting because if you ask WW who her family is, she will say her Mother, Father and siblings.
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It's because you forgot the peanut butter and jalapeños. Check the recipe again.
Oh, and since you only slow-cooked the pork chops for 90 minutes, you might want to do a little research on trichinosis.
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well I am spanish too, and my family is my husband and children. NOt my parents or sibblings.
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It's because you forgot the peanut butter and jalapeños. Check the recipe again. Well, after the pico de gallo disaster, not so sure I wanted more peppers of any kind. I do love peanut butter and am not sitting here kicking myself for not adding it. Oh, and since you only slow-cooked the pork chops for 90 minutes, you might want to do a little research on trichinosis. Well, explain that to me. Is it a spice? type of mushroom? Honestly, I wish WW would show up with a plate of rice and beans.
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Hi Pio, I cannot prevent gemela from coming back any time she wants. She has a passport and ticket in hand. All I can do is request that she stay away for a reasonable period of time. I can't force it. I know that due to the high traffic and cross-posting some questions go amiss ( and some real 'pearls' are lost to cyberspace, too) ....which is why I will ask again. If G. comes back earlier than expected, can she stay somewhere else? with the two of you seeing the girls SEPARATELY? ...until you come to some kind of understanding of what the two of will do with your M?
XBW DS16 & DS22 PLAN D: finalized!
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