This is a letter I want to send to her mom.
Should I?
Just found out today about Frank.
Went home for lunch and the kids told me, said "he spent the night last night"
I told her time and time again to be honest with me, don't let me find things out later.
Yeah, she used the same line every adulterous spouse says. (were just friends) (we haven't done anything) (I can do what I want to now) etc.etc.etc.
Not while she married.....Uh...adultery. Doesn't look good during child custody hearings.
(not a threat...just a thought) I would never do that to my beautiful wife anyway.
I stopped by her house on the way back from lunch today and met him.
I don't really think I want him there with my kids (if you know what I mean).
He said he liked her, I asked why he was sleeping here, "dont you have your own place?" "yeah I just like hanging out here and "helping out"
I'm sure she'll tell you he's "just a Friend", "he sleeps in the other room"
I tell you it may not be an physical affair but it is definitely an emotional affair.
All cheating spouses use this same line.
See it here
www.marriagebuilders.comYou know nothing surprises me now, I mean she has him spend the night with my kids in the house.
Uhhhh, how long has she known this guy?
And he's sleeping in the same house with my kids.....With D7 there.
I hope she knows him real well to let him do that.
I sure don't want to here those dreaded words from D7,
"daddy mommy's friend touched me down there".
Just a thought.
What was she thinking? that by saying he is just a friend it's going to be alright?
S12 said he's spent the night there before. "He came over one night drunk and his van was messed up and he thought the cops would think he stole it so he hid out here."
I didn't even ask any questions about that one, I just came back to work.
Why would she subject the kids to this? doesn't she think there confused enough?
I'm not crazy MIL, I know you think I'm probably over reacting but in her emotional state (and you may think she's fine) she's making bad choices.
That's why I suggested she see a therapist (not for marriage) just to help her get her feelings out instead of turning to another man.
You can believe what you want but remember she's very very confused right now and obviously not thinking to clear.
Not sure what to do.
I love her and I will fight to save my marriage forever
I'm OK and I won't do anything stupid, I want her to like me, love me, not hate me.
Still working on "it"
Love JSlost