Everyone’s opinion counts, EVERYONES, even the Pinkies of the world (Pinky is the OW who participated with a MM to end his marriage and then married him). It is through the dialogue of others that we are able to best formulate logical conclusions that are founded in the basis of absolute truths. To the many poor souls that strive each day to repair their relationship the logic plays to the ears like a well-rehearsed symphony. It fuels the resolve and purpose of those betrayed and formally wayward alike.

Pinky’s defense of her act of infidelity to covet a married man quickly degenerated to an indefensible position as she offered her rationalizations. How do you think it would play out if the married man’s wife were to express her views in this discussion? I suspect that it would cast an even more shameful light on Pinky’s and the MM’s act. Though you don’t really need her version as we all have our own which is all to near the same. As for Pinky and the MM, they continue to be victims of poor choices and have forever shaped their lives into a direction that she claims to abhor. I suppose they will learn to live with their lot in life. The folks here have chosen a different path.

“A person’s behavior defines who they really are.”

It is an absolute truth. It is the mechanism that allows a wayward spouse to transform into a “formally” wayward spouse and for the betrayed to grant pardon to mistakes of the past. It is the quintessential truth that permits a path back to repair broken marriages and relationship, an absolute truth.

Relationships that are born in acts of infidelity will forever miss this all-important aspect of human nature, this absolute truth. Yet, the truth is no less true for these individuals, “a person’s behavior defines who they really are”. They will formulate all the rationalizations in the world to defend their position but in actuality, their position is indefensible as their actions and their course has defined who they really are. Nowhere is this more evident then to the folks that frequent these pages, people that want to desperately want to right a terrible wrong, both wayward and betrayed. That is why bobP and all the rest have so much to be grateful for, so much to hope. It truth is indeed a powerful weapon.

So, I willingly welcome the Pinky’s of the world. Let them come and hear what real love music sounds like. Folks, you are the genuine article, don’t ever forget it.

Mr. G

"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows," Bob Dylan