(((((((ears)))))))good to here from you.
I'm sorry if i don't make scense, I'm just really confused right now.
Would it be an LB to remind her that she said that she said she wanted to know what it was like to live alone, without being controlled, that she went from her parents house to yours, and then, she moves some guy in weeks from when she left you? Maybe her mom could remind her instead?
This is a very good point but how do I approach this now?
He does spend the night there when the kids aren't there but he hasn't "moved in" yet.
See, the thing is, I know very little about him right now.
As soon as I can get his last name then I will get more info.
I asked ww if she was in love with him she said "I dont know yet"....... "its been too soon"........"I'm just having fun".
I'd like to just go over there and tell them both that there aSSh__les.
What do I do?
Do you know whether your kids are left unattended with this guy? Can you ask your daughter to call you if this happens?
They will not be there alone with him anymore...I made this clear with ww.
The kids know this too and I told ww that I sat the kids down and told them the rules regarding OP.
Kids will call if this happens.I have discussed it time and time again with ww and the kids.
What about running a background check on him?
As soon as I get an liscense number or a last name.
I have someone working on the name right now.
He hasn't been there as much lately but he did spend the night 2 nights ago.
My kids were there last night and he wasn't there. ww niece was over to so she could watch the kids today.
Babysitter needed a day off.
Have you told your kids that they can come to you with ANYTHING? And if for ANY reason they are uncomforable talking to you, to tell a teacher, or grandma?
This was part of what I told kids when I sat them down the other night.
They were instructed to call me if Frank stays there or if ww leaves them there with Frank and they are not to go anywhere without ww.
WW also knows what I told them and she knows they will do it too.
I do hope that Frank knows what a wonder full person he has in you.
Why do you hope this? Wouldn't you rather he gets away from your family? I'm not sure what you meant here?
Again...I dont know what I'm doing.......I'm new at this.
I said it so that she knows that I fully understand that she is in an affair and that they are not "just friends" as she has stated earlier.
I want her to know that I've changed...you see in the past i would have called her every name in the book and went nuts and ran to the lawyers office.
Now i just show some composure and she is standing there waiting for the Chit storm to start and she gets nothing.
I believe this is really confusing her and i think she is trying to test me sometimes and I am not showing the usuall me.
Ya know?
I told her I'm changing and now I'm showing her.
Wrong? I don't know but i do know ww and she is confused with "the new me" and i can tell you from what I heard her say in the past that she don't trust the "new me" yet.
It's a little confusing
set bounderies...dont love bust....emotional needs...
I guess I need a little more help with how to talk with out djing and not love busting but at the same time set bounderies.
I hope he get the He!! away from my family, What do I do?
I could go over there and pull his pony tail out.
Not sure thats showing a good plan A