With Valentine's Day approaching, I thought I'd 'clean up' the stray symbols left over from forum upgrades and offer this little project for anyone wanting to put time and effort into a hand-crafted Valentine's gift.
To make it, I used two concentric boxes, the smaller inner box had action words printed on pieces of paper I folded in various oragami (sp?) ways for DH to read.....things like "exciting adventure" "fishing" "baseball tourneys"...and other things we wanted to do together.
The first part of the poem is wrapped around the larger box.
After the *****, the middle part of the poem is attached to outside of the smaller box.
After the #####, the last part is inside the lid of the smaller box.
Just tweak the poem to fit your own creative situation and enjoy!
The Gift that Fits to the Tees
Perplexed and bewildered I often just sit
and wonder what (your spouse) might want for a gift
As we've all grown older each year is the same
the search for your present becomes a tough game
I go to the malls and begin to explore
the many fine things I can give from a store
The gadgets and gizmos are plenty to see
but what I should get is a huge mystery
From tools at Home Depot, Ace Hardware or Lowes
to Safeway for groceries or Macys for clothes
From outdoor equipment found at REI
to fancy 'lectronics at Frys or Best Buy
From NAPA or AutoZone, Les Schwab or Shucks
to find something useful for our car or truck
But parking lot hassles and crowds by the ton
create a huge nightmare of what was once fun
I could go online to check out cyberspace
determined to find it while shopping-in-place
From wiring some beautiful flowers or plants
to getting some lessons for learning to dance
From candlelight dinners and then Maggie Moos
to Ballys or Twenty-four Hour Fitness dues
From DVD movies, a concert or show
or sports event tickets to which we might go
I've search high and low for that one perfect thing
and try hard to find it with just the right zing
This year we committed to make a new start
deciding to give only gifts from the heart
Our options seem endless, from near to afar
This heart-gifting search could become quite bizarre
But two new ideas begin to arise
that just might become the right color and size
And no, these two things can't be bought in a store
online or from catalogues bursting galore
You cannot acquire these two things for a fee
but someone might say they are priceless to me
And here is a hint of what they just might be
the name of both items begins with a "T"
They're tasteless, invisible, formless and vague
and something that cannot be put in a bag
You're holding its impact and hearing its voice
I hope you enjoy the results of my choice
So if you give up and you just want to see
what these two gifts are that begin with a "T"
Just open this box and another you'll find
and in it both "T's" of your gift are entwined!
The first "T" is TIME spent to write this ol' poem
and TIME in this personal box of its own
I've thought long and hard! Yes, the next "T" is THOUGHTS!
And some of my thoughts can be found in this box!
The next thought was what type of card I should find
just open this box and then you'll see what kind:
To add some suspense and a little intrigue
my card involves thoughts that are little or big
It costs very little, just TIME and a THOUGHT
but this brings BIG wishes that cannot be bought
I hope you receive this the way it was meant
you'll know that my LOVE is the reason I sent
This big gift of TIME all wrapped up in a box...
...of continuous multiple loving heart THOUGHTS!
~~~ The End ~~~
NOTE: I think I did about 20 little "activity suggestion" thoughts on folded slips of paper, trying to build my new attitude of adventure. When I first used the box for Christmas, I used generic thoughts for family enjoyment.
Later, I replaced the notes with more intimate ideas on pink paper shaped like little hearts ...

... and we shared this privately for Valentine's Day.