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33Miles: Hold On - Chasen: Shine Through the Stars -
And to throw a little humor...love this one too!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> I especially feel like this after the events of this week.
Carrie Underwood: Before He Cheats -
Me, BS 33 Him, WH 33 Kids, DS3 Married July 23, 1994 DDay-11/24/06 (day after T-giving)said he was unhappy & left 2/7/07 -mutual friend (co-worker of his) hinted if I thought he might be acting "improper" I might want to get it checked out. 2/14/07 hired PI to check out his A with coworker, someone I know! 2/23/07 Solid proof of A from PI Sta: sep, primary custody, he has visitation 1st Med: 9/5/07 2nd Med: 12/12/07 1/8/07, found out violated RO with DS & OW DV-Day....2/5/08 <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Me, BS 33 Him, WH 33 Kids, DS3 Married July 23, 1994 DDay-11/24/06 (day after T-giving)said he was unhappy & left 2/7/07 -mutual friend (co-worker of his) hinted if I thought he might be acting "improper" I might want to get it checked out. 2/14/07 hired PI to check out his A with coworker, someone I know! 2/23/07 Solid proof of A from PI Sta: sep, primary custody, he has visitation 1st Med: 9/5/07 2nd Med: 12/12/07 1/8/07, found out violated RO with DS & OW DV-Day....2/5/08 <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />