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My wife just got her own sign in on the computer so I cant see her girl talks that bash on me she says that way I wont accidentally see it. Does this seem deceptive or am I crazy! We have just seen a marriage counselor, and she has been untrustworthy in the past,she says this is a girl thing. We have been married for 6 years and has recently told me she wants her time with the girls so she has someone to talk to. She says girls need this. Help please.

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Might or might not be bad. My wife did the same thing and I am not happy about it but she needs her privacy. If there is evidence of other problems get a key logger program and find out what is happening.

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Strengthman...welcome to MarriageBuilders.

Please read about the Basic Concepts, Emotional Needs, Love Busters, the Four Rules of Marriage (links to the right of your screen). The Policy of Joint Agreement, one of the four rules, addresses your situation, I think.

Marriage is a partnership. In marriage, there is no secrecy. That's what your wife is now saying is privacy. It isn't. Privacy is in the bathroom. Relationships are not. Your marriage is the top relationship...when other girlfriends relationships come before it, then that's secrecy, not privacy.

You said you've just seen an MC...and that your wife has been untrustworthy in the past...could you clarify?

She's twisting reality, which worries me. Yes, humans need friendships...so I'd agree, women need their women friends. The twisting comes in that she has you to talk to...her best friend and partner...and radical honesty is another rule of marriage.

Yes, she's being deceptive...and from my perception, mostly to herself. She's lying to herself, hence, to you.

Are you transparent with her? Does she have all your passwords, know all your email addresses and sign ins? Easy to share when you have nothing to hide.

Is there some problem she doesn't have family to talk to? Make real life women friends? Can you keep seeing the MC (only works over time...not a fix it and go kind of thing)?

Please read about the rule of time...15 hours of undivided attention...recreational companionship...find out what is missing from your marriage right now that you can change and enhance.

You aren't crazy or wrong. More information would help.


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Let me clarify she says that she has never cheated on me and i do believe she loves me dearly, yes I am a complete open book, nothing is hidden with me,we do not spend enough time together and the counselor got on to me for that, i work to much, we are fixing that right now, she does in home daycare and has decided she wants to get out of the house more, i understand, i just think i should have some say so as to where her and her girlfriends go and do. I am not comfortable with her going to the bar,or partys, and i believe she should respect that. She has been dishonest in the past financially, doing some things behind my back such as getting credit cards and maxing out without me knowing at all. She feels I am being controlling and I dont. I would never do anything she was not comfortable with and I want to spend my time with her and my kids. The mc is splitting us up next session so I think that will help alot.We recently went on a canoe trip and she flashed, this really bothers me, she said everyone does it, and then she was smoking. She quit that 8 years ago. Why would she restart? She says it was only that day...hmmm...she told me two days ago she wouldnt mind smoking occasionally, uh, smokers dont smoke occasionally, this really concerns me, she seems like she wants to take a step backwards in life???

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Let me also clarify that she got her sign on because she didnt get a message deleted in our email and i saw one of the messages that her girlfriend had left that said i was crazy and trying to control her. She says she needs someone to talk to about me when she is mad at me. I get that but this route seems very deceptive and wrong, it is like my best friend is talking behind my back and I am suppose to just understand that this is what girls do. I never have conservations about her to someone else behind her back.I told her that and she doesnt believe me.

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Thank you for the info. She has cheated on you with money. Good to know. I imagine you live in a state where whatever you both purchase becomes marital debt...shared responsibility for. That makes it a real betrayal.

Does not make you controlling. You are a human being...get this all the way through...you cannot be the cause, control or cure for anyone...only yourself. She may feel controlled...valid because that's hers, her reaction to your actions...doesn't mean you have power over her in any way. She chooses. You choose.

I think you know that. What I hear in your more info posts is more fear, some anger coming after the fear...and a bit of pain, too.

I think what you are looking for is to POJA having friends of your marriage...not her having women friends. For you to be safe enough for her to talk to you when she's mad at you. Have you shared with her that you see it like your best friend is talking behind your back? Feels like being lied to, dangerous to your marriage?

Know your own love busters and share them with her...eliminate them for you. Be open to stating what busts your love bank...the flashing (she's cherished from head to toe...when she shares any view of her preciousnesses with others, you don't feel like cherishing her as much, a love buster)...same for not having a shared email...to hold both of you to healthy marital boundaries...

Would you consider getting the Harley home study course to do together, to supplement MC? And yes, we split into IC with our MC, and that was really important. Is this MC familiar with Dr. Harley's books? Has he/she recommended them? How about asking you guys to do homework...communication exercises, etc?

And as for you "never" having conversations about her to someone else behind her back...in a way, you are now. You may have with your mother or brother or children, even...if you have them. What I hear in your "never" is you emphasizing how IMPORTANT this issue is to you...and I hear you. It hits your fear buttons big time, doesn't it? A reactive part of fear of what is out of your control...another part of fear for her no longer loving you or honoring your marriage...another fear of change...and others changing in ways you fear...think about all this issue represents to you.

What books are reading or have you read? His Needs, Her Needs? Fall in Love, Stay in Love? Buyers, Renters and Freeloaders? (All by Dr. Harley)

Boundaries in Marriage by Cloud and Townsend is a great one, as well. Sounds like you have an idea of boundaries...about holding yourself to them...I'm not sure if you feel that protects you in some way from others crossing your boundaries, anyway.

And I believe you do not consciously have conversations about her behind her back...that's not what you want, it's in your code and you want it to be in her code of conduct, as well. Reasonable...not doable. She alone defines and lives up to her own code. Just as you do yours.

Good to know, also, that you're working on the not working to the exclusion of your marital time...very important and sounds to me like you really get that. Really putting your marriage first. I hope you'll download and take the Recreational Companionship Inventory...and have fun with it with your wife.

Oh, one thing about the MC as IC, too...do you have the agreement in place that nothing is confidential in your individual sessions unless you tell your counselor that this certain statement is confidential right now? I'm wondering because that was what our MC did...and to my knowledge, that confidentiality wasn't invoked...and my H was in an affair when we began.

Just wondered how your MC was going to handle this...


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I am the wife of streng [color:"blue"] [/color] thman. I am going to be honest that this type of forum bothers me. My husband told me had posted this and I understand why. The problem is that his post is totally one sided and completely biased on his part. Thank you loving anyway for acknowlegding that his post on here is the same as me talking to my friends. By the way, these are face to face friends, we just communicate via email while they are at work. I do not want to spend my time in the evenings talking to my girlfriends on the phone. That is our family time. I understand my husbands trust issue and I have been dealing with that for years. I accept I have faults that are my character flaws but my husband also has these and it is our flaws in conjuction that have gotten us where we are today.
He is very controlling. His wanting me to go no where that does not include him is controlling. I'm not going to get into all our issues but I really want it known that there is another side to this story. We deeply love each other and although not every day is a cake walk, we are both committed to working on our marriage.
My husband has anger issues, as do I. My talking to my friends is for the most part "venting". As we all know, venting is not always rational. I do not want to make a bad situation worse by over reacting so I go to my friends. In doing this I have found that I do not always agree with them, and sometimes it has made me defend my husband when i'm the one that said something in the first place. No one knows the ins and outs of my marriage and for me to listen to anyone that only hears the bad stuff would be idiotic. My husband made this statement to me during a discussion the past few weeks, (not a quote though since I do not remember exactly how he worded it) I'm afraid if i'm not with you, they will tell you what to do. I was furious. What I heard was if i'm not there to tell you what to do they will like I do not have a mind or morality of my own. The flashing issue, there is more to the story, but I totally agree with what loving anyway posted. At the time I really wasn't thinking of it that way. I have apologized for that over and over. I did not see it how he did but I now get that now and am deeply sorry. I may not see anything wrong with it but I value and respect my husband and am sickened that I hurt him so much. But my apologies are not enough. He continues to punish me for that as often as he can, at least that is how it feels to me. Our top 2 questions to our MC is how to meet and the middle and how for my husband to forgive me.
I didn't post this to justify any of my issues. I have them and i'm learning on a daily basis what all they are and how to work on them. I just felt since he did tell me he posted this that I would give my side so anyone giving thier opinion could see a little of both sides.
I will be happy to give my husband my sign on information as soon as he can make me feel confortable in what I say will not be held against me. It is really just wives venting about the men in thier lives. Sometimes we all just need to vent.
As far as the confidentiality issue with the MC, I have nothing to hide and do not have a need for tha [color:"blue"] [/color] [color:"blue"] [/color] t.

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Welcome, H4C...I'm delighted you posted.

My perception of this MarriageBuilders website is that we know we're dealing with one side...not "the" truth, the poster's truth. When I came here, I didn't really know the difference. I knew two sides...not how complicated even our own "sides" really were...

For instance...SM's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, perceptions and perspectives are valid. They just are. Those are his truth...coming in through his filter and how he views your marriage. Doesn't mean it's the truth. Actions are the truth...the rest are our expressions of ourselves...separate and equal...which means, yours is as well.

That's how I see humans.

Really benefited me (tremendously) to get this important distinction...see, I came here FULL of Disrespectful Judgments (DJs). I had no concept of respect in its pure form...I assumed, mindread, was reactivity walking. You guys really don't sound like that. I'm filling you in so you know what my own truth is...and what hits me in SM's post, and yours. Not because I'm so knowledgeable or learned...heck, because I see myself in you guys.

It's a growth road, in my book. With NO markers on the way.

Dr. Harley wrote a great book called Love Busters (there's more to the title, but it's not coming to mind right now)...and it sounds like this would be a great place to start you guys on your way to meeting in the middle. I totally believe you both know you love each other tremendously, are not in crisis, and really, are being bravely proactive. Both of your acts of care shine through.

(Btw, it's come up recently that some newcomers think that those who post here--some of us--are in the paid employ of Dr. Harley or MB...we're soooo not. We're deep fans from our experience and we're here, sharing and paying back, sorta kinda. We don't sell books or seminars or anything. We just thrive from them.)

Btw, have you had bad experiences in posting to forums before? What bothers you specifically? Mine was huge fear...I'd never posted to a "board" before unless it was for computer help. Funny, I would do that in desperation, not to help my marriage. Just thought of that.

And from SM's second post, I figured out these were real-life friends. Sorry I didn't include that in my response.

Here's where I connect with both of you...

I was really controlling. My DH has addictions...and he did the monetary infidelity, too. My DH (that's dear husband, btw...someone once thought it was Dang Husband), through MC, learned he was really controlling, as well. Under the radar, I call it. Neither of us knew how to partner...we knew how to alternate as parents...and we did a lot of damage in our marriage--including infidelity.

We often felt each other punishing, rewarding, giving to get and doing tit for tat. We were enmeshed into one identity and instead of growing to know we were two separate and equal humans in a human marriage, we acted to break apart in all sorts of destructive ways...which seemed normal, not decimating.

We've recovered from a lot in our marriage...and we're growing towards thriving daily. Sometimes we slip...we're in a readjustment right now...hence, my not feeling sloppily in love with my DH at this posting. I know I will feel that way again, though.

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If you continue to post and feel what I've experienced would be of value to you both, I'll be happy to respond. MB, with MC and a lot of reading changed my entire life. They work well together. And I don't really feel the need to vent anymore...though, I, too, came here with pretty much that in mind...and I think SM did, also.

I agree that venting can be an act of protection, a way to cherish your marriage. I also agree that when resentment hardens over time, then our friends can sway us through their loving support and destroy our marriages...from a history of venting.

What Harley suggests is having only friends of your marriage...helps you as partners in meeting in the middle and staying there. Doesn't mean you're weak, have a character flaw or don't think for yourself. Means over time, our perspective is heavily influenced by our actions and our partner's actions...and we can get lost without knowing we are.

He promotes having friends of the marriage, protecting marital boundaries and other great stuff in his four rules of marriage. He even shows you how to affair-proof your marriage. Doesn't mean either you or SM are right or wrong...means there are considerations, negotiations (Policy of Joint Agreement) and a way to connect more intimately over time, instead of the ways a lot of marriages go.

One of the many great things I learned in MC and here is that there are actually three parts to your marriage. There's you, there's SM and there's The Marriage. When you may not feel like honoring SM, you can honor your marriage. Same for SM. In this way, you own your half and he owns his half of the whole marriage.

Sure helped me. You probably already know this. Became my guideline for my own actions...making my marriage my top priority...and being able to hold it in that place (no bumping around) because we are BOTH in top place...with The Marriage at the very top.

You may also want to post in the Emotional Needs Forum...gets more traffic. The busiest one is the Infidelity General Questions II forum. It's hoppin'.

Thank you both for coming here...what you have to share can help so many here...and you may not even know it. Trust that it does. Not an act of examination, judgment and lectures...I believe when you share your experiences, your stuff...you ripple around the world and touch many, many lives in positive ways.

Even when ya vent.

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Ok, first of all loving yes I have explained to her that it is talking behind my back, and we cannot come to an agreement on this one, I do believe you said it right when you said she was cheating on me with money. This is true, I just never thought of it that way. Our boundaries seem to be headed in opposite directions and that scares me. Thank you for all the valuable info. As for her response, I believe it shows alot of anger, I dont feel like I dont allow her to be with her friends, although I have explained I am not comfortable around these friends because she is talking about me behind my back to them and they are the same ones from the flashing incident. She doesnt seem to get just how difficult that is for me. Our trust issue simply got escalated when she got her own sign on. To me that was a step backwards and rekindled that issue. She also states that our 2 questions to the mc was meeting in the middle and my trust issue. This is her perception, not mine, lets make that clear. There has only been one session and I personally have many more questions and concerns. Then the controlling issue, she states she will give me her password basically when she deems fit. Is that not controlling? See I feel her control issue is just as bad as mine, just in a different way. I do feel the ring on my finger gives me some say so in what she does and vice versa. Going to partys and bars is just not acceptable to me if i am not there. To me she should respect that. She hasnt done that yet, but she has expressed interest in that. We are getting some of these books, and we try to talk all the time, although I must admit talking seems to only make the situation worse right now. It is nothing more than a tug of war.

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Thank you for your response. I understand her beliefs scare you. I see a lot of fear in your posts. I understand the perception of having a tug of war right now. That's what power struggles feel like.

With MC, it's not unusual for each of you to have two different goals. That's okay. My DH and I had very different goals and we both attained them.

In H4C's post, she recalled you saying "I'm afraid if i'm not with you, they will tell you what to do." She was respectful in not putting it in quotes because she couldn't recall your exact phrasing. I want to highlight this is an "I" statement...states your fear, shares your belief.

That's terrific. H4C's answer was equally terrific. She answered with

"I was furious. What I heard was if i'm not there to tell you what to do they will like I do not have a mind or morality of my own."

She shared her filter from your statement, which is awesome, as well.

So I think I understand when you say "we try to talk all the time, although I must admit talking seems to only make the situation worse right now." You've got half of great communication going...you both use "I" statements and share your stuff.

I think it's the other half which isn't there right now (and I'm only going off a few posts). That's the listening part.

What I hear is that you fear...you have a lot of fears. You cherish your wife, your marriage, your life. I hear you fear not being heard, understood, or protected. Those are yours. That doesn't mean she's making you fear. You fear. That's valid. That's yours.

I hear she fears, as well...she fears being controlled, defined (told who she is), failing you, or you seeing her as less than she truly is. I hear that's because she cherishes you, your marriage, your life together.

I think you both fear it being wrecked...from the outside or the inside. I believe that's a reasonable fear which is part of those rings on your fingers.

In my experience, it isn't fear which will tear the marriage apart...it's reacting from the fear that does.

Here's some of the truth which may help. Marriage has three phases. In Phase I, we meet and fall in love with each other's best selves. Happens in all sorts of different ways. What attracts us are a complex mixture in the other person of all that we know from our FOO (family of origin)...what we love and what we fear. We are marrying a person we love and fear...only in Phase I, they are all love...as are we...because the fear only jumps up now and then and love seems to fix that fear. Doesn't, in reality, just feels like it does.

Makes sense to me because our strongest two emotions are love and fear. We often feel completed by our spouses in Phase I...finally whole, safe, fulfilled. They are our best friends, our other halves...they've got our backs and wouldn't hurt us.

Phase I feels like true love...yet if you picture a set of scales, they are really tipped far to one side, aren't they? Lots of expectations from false evidence...not deceptively false...naturally false...when we are acting from love, our best selves, we're being real...doesn't mean that's all of us, does it?

And we reflect one another back to each other. We reflect great appreciation, admiration, attention, delight, joy, as easily as handing out pennies...think nothing of sharing the abundance we experience being married to our partner.

As our relationship continues over the years, our whole selves come out...not just our best. We do hurt our partners...not intentionally, and intentionally. Slowly, the scales tip the other way...because now we aren't safe, completed...this partner has the way in to hurt with the tiniest action or simplest word. We are vulnerable to their opinions, what they reflect of us...they matter greatly to us (our other halves), so when we aren't reflected as we'd like, we don't reflect back in the same way. When we hurt, we want to hurt back to get our partner to not hurt us...like those scales, tip the balance...get it back to no hurt, no fear...all love.

In Phase II, we bring out more of our whole selves...living together does that...no place to hide our irritation, frustration, reactivity. This is part of intimacy...sharing all of ourselves, not just best self. Not just the parts you want your partner to know, accept and admire...even the parts of us we don't know, accept or admire. And because that's full of fear, because intimacy is scary, we begin to see our teammate, our comrade, more like an enemy...how will they react if? More caution, less intimacy, feels like trust takes a dive, and then our urge to protect more, control more (our desire to control their reaction to our stuff to keep us safe). Not bad or unreasonable...part of growing together, into one.

Which is where Phase II knocks the heck out of partnerships...you aren't one...you are two separate human beings in one whole marriage. Easy to overlap...because the truth is that each choice each of you takes affects the whole...and can feel instead like it affects each partner's whole being.


Phase II is where marriages end. There are coping skills which keep it going...trade offs...counter measures. Phase II can last decades because of this. Alternating from seeing each other as an enemy, an ally, back and forth.

Phase III begins when coping skills are exchanged for living skills. That's when each partner accepts on a core level that which they cannot control. When they step into reality and hold it with both hands. Two separate and equal human beings choosing to share all of themselves, knowing they will at times feel pain, joy, security, emotional peril, and do harm even as they do love. Knowing they are each complete and together, they complete a union. They don't act from fear...they hold their fear, know it, share it and do not act from it.

Instead, they know they choose to love their partner and act from it...so Phase III is the mature way of loving...with our entire selves known and knowing each other. Not enemies or caretakers or protectors of what is within us...not putting that all over their partner...not reacting from their feelings...knowing they choose to act in celebration of themselves, their partners and their marriage.

And you can't get there without having experienced Phase I and Phase II. They are essential.

During these phases, there are three stages Harley calls Intimacy, Conflict and Withdrawal. Up to each partner to know and state which place they are in. To understand their own choice to be in one of them. I see you both as being on the cusp of Intimacy and Conflict. And what blows me away is that I see you connecting through conflict.

You guys ROCK.

Listening helps the listener to discern stuff from actions.

H4C has not chosen to go to parties and bars without you. She has considered your fear of undue influence, and her own desire not to feel controlled. She has not acted on it.

That's the truth, SM. I repeat this for clarity...to discern what is versus what you fear will happen.

As for the flashing...your fear remains in you, therefore, you don't see her ownership of it, her amends. That's you cutting out reality. I'm bringing it back to you. Your fear greatly increases from your own beliefs. I ask you to choose them from the truth, not your truth (that's when you spiral down).

The flashing incident is a great way for you both to meet in the middle. Your fears cannot control your partner. They sure will control YOU...your life experience. I believe what you crave most is to not live from fear but to live from love. You've got some work to do on the inside of yourself. Her choice to flash hit your fear dead on...showed you that she chooses all of her actions...you have no control. Your worry came true...she was influenced in that moment as if she didn't have a mind or morality of her own.

She gets that. She gets where your fear isn't baseless. It's real. It happened. Didn't live up to her code, her own self-image. Get your reflection of her out of the way, SM. Listen to her own and amend. Not to keep your fear down...because she didn't like her own choice in that moment, either...or the consequences. Your fear can drop now because she gets it...not because you control her.

I hear that in you saying you've "explained" your stuff. That if she will really get your stuff, you'll be safe.

You won't be safe from any of her choices, SM. You make yourself safe. That's what boundaries are. They don't move unless YOU move them. And fear will make you widen them far beyond what is real...they will go around her, like a noose, and choke your marriage. Boundaries are around your choices...and seems to me, you hold yourself to them really well in your actions. What's kicking your heart right now, is that you're struggling to hold H4C to them as well...from fear.

That's not love. That's not respectful. That's not reality. She has her own boundaries...listening, understanding and accepting she has her own is what I don't see you doing. If you won't do that to her, then your fear will come true because you won't really do that for your own.

I saw anger in your posts and in H4C's. Anger is a secondary emotion...what's your primary one? I hear fear. I hear the same in hers. Anger isn't the opposite of love...sure can feel like it is...anger is a signal a boundary has been crossed...so check the boundary.

You may have a boundary which says that you cannot feel anger, so neither can your partner. Not a real boundary, eh? What if the real boundary is you permit yourself to state your anger, not demonstrate it? Healthy boundary. Be clear on your lines, and your feelings will be different.

H4C may have a boundary like that, as well. I must believe in myself and therefore, SM must believe in me also. That can be a pretty jumpy boundary, as our faith in ourselves can go up and down; same for in our partner. Not a healthy boundary. Same for the hidden belief that our partners keep us emotionally safe...when they cannot do that. Sure can feel like they are that powerful. If you are the guard of her anger and she is the guard of your fear, then that's a fantasy boundary, isn't it? Your feelings are signals to you, about you, from your own beliefs. You get to choose your beliefs...the result isn't really within your control.

What if believing in others means trusting others? Harley says blind trust will ruin a marriage (my perception). I was shocked when I read that...and then stunned. Yes! That's true. I was told that if you can't trust your partner, you have no marriage. That's what I was raised with...yet I saw my parents do harmful stuff...in fact, you could trust each one to react in pretty much the same way, each time, to the marriage's detriment. Well, that's trust, isn't it?

In Phase I we blindly trust. In Phase II, we learn that our partner's character will not keep us safe...because we only have our own perception of their character. And we're human, and we don't live up to our boundaries all the time. Not intentionally...and sometimes, intentionally. We just don't. In fact, we can be trusted not to sometimes. Trust remains through our perception. Not what we need most when we need it in the way we think we need it.

Getting to know what trust really is...how in extreme it gives us permission to not be mindful, aware of reality, and has no acceptance in it...will actually sabotage a partnership...that's really good to know. And how without any, there can be no connection between selves...well, another extreme, right? In the middle of trust, there is care, consideration, respect, acknowledgment..all that great stuff.

So if your goal is to have a full-proof marriage with extreme trust...might want to change the goal, not the partner, right?

Speaking of goals...seems like you both share the same ones...you want to be partners for your whole lives, with whole selves, in equal respect, acceptance and awareness. See why you guys rock? What you're working on right now is the many paths to those goals...and your lives occur only in the moment...one day at a time.

Would it help, SM, for you to stay present...right now? Not go into all the possibilities of how your marriage can be torn apart through what ifs? Or go into the past (which from the length of my post, all the words preceding this one are already in).

To truly listen, we have to be present...our filter, what we perceive from, is full of every past action and future fear. Up to us to cull those out...listen and repeat, or as your wife does, listen and repeat with filter. Our choice. Inherent. Constant.

Mastering your own stuff is your half of the marriage, SM. Same for H4C.

Which is why venting is a coping skill, not a living skill. Same for privacy in a marriage...you may think it protects (controls) your partner to not fear or react from their fear. That's fantasy, really. It's what we learned, felt like a healthy action...until we learn healthier ones.

Every human learns what is within their control and what is not...over time. Isn't a character issue...humans want to control to feel safe. We aren't safe. We are flesh-wearing creations who are vulnerable to love and harm every moment of our lives...so we can connect, widen our experience. We aren't safe from anything. Our power is in making ourselves safe for others and for ourselves.

You guys cherish each other and your marriage. You each demonstrate it's your priority, your heart's home and I see active reverence. I'm asking each of you to see how the other reveres already...which is how you stop seeing your partner as your enemy or the enemy to the marriage. Then your fear drops and love comes rolling in...the land of understanding and acceptance...because you know what you cherish is cherished by your partner, as well. Which is you, btw.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

See where all of what concerns you, SM, ties into one central place. If you want H4C to protect you from feeling afraid, then her hiding her spending, or her anger (venting) is honoring your boundary. Not healthy, not real. You can't have it both ways because in our human design, we are constant two-way streets. Not your fault. Don't wrestle the truth or her truth...mind your own. Assess your own boundaries, if they are reasonable and healthy or not.

And H4C will mind hers. That's what she's telling you. She's in this with you. Healthy boundaries don't have power struggles...no one feels controlled by them. When we choose unhealthy ones, then that's the signal...each sees the other as a threat, as controlling, and walking on eggshells may be the resulting belief...and I think you guys sense this already...and have seen where this downward spiral from unhealthy boundary placement and enforcement kills marriages. Your fear is real and valid. And you're actively working on not going there. So you won't go there, guys. Know that.


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Thank you for your post LA. You have hit on several topics that I have tried to explain to SM. But you did so with much more clarity and in a better more constructive way than I ever could have.

I stuggle with my issues and have a horrible habit of becoming defensive at the onset of a discussion of these issues. I really don't want to but i'm not doing a very good job of it right now. I think I don't feel like anything I am saying is really being heard so the walls go up and I begin to attack. That is when he throws out the "why are you still here" and then it's on.

Let me clarify something SM misunderstood in my previous post. I said the TOP 2 questions for the MC is meeting in the middle and forgiveness. These are not the only questions, just the beginning. I do not feel that until we learn to meet in the middle and SM stops punishing me for the past that the other subjects can be handled in a constructive manner.

We agreed last night to steer clear of a few topics and deal with them with the MC since we can't work on them on our own. We have estabished a "redo" or a "truce" factor. When things are spiralling out of control, I usually walk away. It may not be the right way to handle it but it seems the only way to stop the negative unproductive conversation. That is when we are pulling on the tug of war rope. I was horrible last night and said we needed to stop talking about certain things then after a few minutes of silence I picked the rope up and gave it a hard pull. We laughed about it later. I admitted I did it and felt bad about it. I am tryng, WE are trying.

He really is working hard at this and I love him for it. That is one of the reasons I love him so much, because I matter this much to him. There have been many times he has told me that he is only here because of our kids and that hurts A lot. I no longer feel that is true. We want to do what is best for our children and show them what a true partnership is about. They are part of what we are fighting for.

I guess at the end of the day I just want to feel that we are still holding on tight to each other and walking to the light together, without fear of losing ourselves along the way.

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Welcome, both of you. I had thought of a post to Strengthman way back, but obviously didn’t post it.
H4C, it may help to frame the question of forgiveness in terms of what you need to do to regain his trust. Once the trust is restored, SM will probably stop all those behaviors that feel like punishment to you. He doesn’t mean them as punishment most likely, it’s probably because he’s so scared because the trust hasn’t been restored.

BTW, I came from a marriage where I was monetarily betrayed repeatedly among other issues. Just want to toss that out in the full disclosure.

Meanwhile, SM, you really don’t want to see every little email, do you? It’s like family. My sister and I are tight. My whole family is super tight. But, last week, sis and I got on each others’ nerves. I know she vented a bit to my daughter M, and I certainly vented to my other daughter. Sis probably said something to my mother, too, who most likely listened with the patience of a saint. I know they talk about me behind my back. But, it’s done out of love. Just as I discuss them behind their backs with love.

So maybe you two can brainstorm a way SM can be comfortable with H4C venting and getting feedback.

Okay, the money deal. I’ve become a devotee of Dave Ramsey. He recommends doing a written budget every month. The kicker is BOTH of you have to do it and decide where every penny is going. You two together have the control. One reason I love Dave is because in his words he’s “done stupid with money.” He went completely broke before making millions.

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