I couldnt get the subject to change on my other thread so I decided to start a new one:

WH filled out ENQ...interesting
I havent read the entire ENQ, only the ranking (last page)

1. SF (surprise surprise)
2. DS I figured
3. Financial Support ??????
4. Honesty and Openness?????????????????
5. Family Commitment ?

Did he even try to fill out the ENQ right.....lol...j/k, but I'm just surprised with 3, 4, and 5...my explanation below:

3. FS?????? Wow! He has complained about this over our entire M BUT...he makes twice as much as me. He said he would never want a SAHW...which works because Im a career woman....but WOW, we'll have to talk about this one because what does he expect me to do....He buys whatever he wants WHAT-EVER-HE-WANTS(w/in reason) Im the one that has to scrap and save to get anything I want. I dont under stand this. Never understood it when he complained about it...for the most part I just ignored him. I mean, times have changed but I still have the thinking that he's the man he's the provider...plus he makes twice more than me. He would have some argument if I made more than him....but I dont.

4. HO???? How could he rank honesty and openness???? ok when we were dating we use to do this all the time. After M i continued, he stopped. How did this make his top 5?? Did he read the ranking right? Its suppose to be what you can't be without...or is he saying He like when IM H/O but he doesnt want to be H/O...because forget the affair...its like pulling teeth to get him to talk about his feelings and the future anymore....If this is fact-great....But I really think (based on the past) he didnt rank these very well. but i havent read the H/O sheet so later when we combine notes...we'll see if H/O is 2, 4, or 6 of importance.

5. FC, hmmmm I would think this one would be ranked 7...we hardly do anything together as a family unless its my idea and then he dont feel like doing it. But my WH doesn't like doing anything that doesnt have to do with him laying on the couch.

I'm very surprised that "An attractive Spouse" didnt make the 5.....sooooooo I guess if i was funky all the time, ugly, teethless, hair not done, hairy legs and pits, musty, and unattractive weight and clothing...but did everything else....it still wouldnt be a top 5??? I should at least make sure he understands. It may have not been a top 5 need because I'm the opposite of the description, so he has no need for it because he has it all the time....so i will break it down and see if he keeps his ranking.

BS (Me) 27 WH 26 M 03/2005 D-Day 06/20/2007 2 DS: 2.5 years and 1 year old Plan A 8/04/2007 Plan B 10/06/2007 NC 10/12/2007 On the road to recovery 11/06/2007