No doubt ** will come back and mischaracterize what I posted on these threads, as I've found that message board cyber-bullies are incapable of allowing anyone else the last word, but luckily I'll never see it, and just ask that IF anyone cares, to go back and re-read both threads and make up their own minds about who started and maintained the animosity.
All I'm asking is that before any of you JUDGE me, at least take the time to read my words and interpret them for yourself, rather than simply take the mischaracterized description of me from someone who obviously has issues with me, and I think that is a fair request..
Actually several others on this board have apparently "misjudged" you too, in your a) advocacy of dishonesty and fraud on someoneoutthere's thread and your very misguided advice to AlphaBeta that it is possible to recover his marriage while his wife is in contact with her affair partner. No one has a reading comprehension problem here at all. We read you all too well and can see that you are doing AlphaBeta a great injustice by endorsing his decision to foolishly allow continued contact.
The problem is that your positions are silly and you can't defend them. So rather than making your case in a intelligent, cogent manner, you lash at your detractors. And since I am your biggest detractor, of course I am at the top of that list. Thats ok by me! I love a good scrap! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
As far as those "absolutes" to which you so strenuously object, be assured that the subject of no contact definitely falls into that category. Your argument is with Dr. Harley HIMSELF, who unequivocally states: "recovery is impossible unless contact ends."
It is "absolutely" true that recovery is impossible until contact ends.
And even though we SEE in AlphaBeta's situation that this is TRUE, you still argue against it. The proof is ALREADY THERE, yet you blindly argue against Dr. Harley's position and endorse AlphaBetas foolhardy path. I suspect this is because you do not care at all about AlphaBetas' marriage; you care about telling him what he wants to hear so you will be liked. You are like the "friend" who hands the suicidal person a gun to be "nice."
You arrogantly feel you have the qualifications to challenge that tried and true advice, yet you offer up no credentials. So, I will ask again, what are your credentials? Where did you receive your doctorate? How many marriages have you saved? Let's compare Dr Harley's credentials to yours. That is not an unreasonable request if you going to challenge his educated opinion.
If I go over on the general dentistry board and challenge the advice of trained, licensed dentists, I should be prepared to offer up my credentials, lest folks take me for some wacko on the internet, right?
You are doing AlphaBeta no favors, **. You can cry and whine all you want, but rest assured when you come here and try to harm people with your **********opinions, you will be challenged. We might pull out the feinting couch and hand you a hanky when you cry, but rest assured you will be challenge d.Count on it!