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Morning mvg! FANTASTIC news all around. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> It sounds like things are turning around. And try not to think it is a temporary thing and just keep going with it.

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Ditto to what Orchid and Still Crazy have said. This is wonderful news!

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Happy Valentines Day, ladies!!

Congrats, mvg. I'm so happy for you!

I got flowers sent to my work place yesterday. H started to do this 4 years ago and he never did anything like this before that. Now I realized that 4 years ago he tried for the first time to test if I still loved him and/or trying to improve our marriag a little by starting to send me flowers and stuff and I totally igored this subtle hint of something was not righ for him in our marraige. His A started a little over two years ago.

Our weekend get away (at H's conference place) is going to be the first weekend in April. And I'm really looking forward to it.

H is now doing a lot of planning for vacations and stuff. I used to have to plan everything. SO, my guess is, mvg, when your H starts this route to taking charge of planning things, he will keep doing it...That got to be good news, right?

SL, hope you feel better soon. I trust your judgement in making decisions for your own sitch. Nobody knows enough to say what you should or should not do, and only you know when you are ready to take your next step and in what direction. Have you considered going to IC by yourself? I started going and it does help. At least talking to a professional about my sitch releases a lot of built-ups inside me and it can make it easier for me to make decisions and in general feel better. Also it makes me feel that I'm addressing my problems, not sitting here hoping and wishing things will get better. I feel much better grounded now. Check with your insurance. Most insurance cover 30 sessions of counseling per year.


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Also mvg just in case i am not around too much the next few days (i am taking a couple of days off work to help my daughter pack, she is moving to a different place at the end of the month) i wanted to wish you luck on your surgery on Monday. I will be thinking of you and praying for you.

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You asked where I was...and I am here, on your thread!


I just began posting again yesterday evening. Been following you...lurking behind you, you might say. Or not.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Big congrats to your DD on her proposal...you didn't say if she accepted him...I get the inkling she did.

Thoughts and prayers with you on your surgery on Monday...gall bladder and partial hysterectomy? Are they gonna take your appendix, too?

Wanted to tell you how that same procedure for me in 2001 was such a blessing to me...I love it...and recuperation wasn't odious, either...not the worst or the best in my experience...just in the middle. I am sorry it's going to be on your 30th anniversary...and I trust that means something else...like a second chance for your FWH to get the passports applied for...something great on the way, I think.

Don't know. Won't change you being married 30 years will it? Maybe some excellent compassion, sharing and caretaking coming your way for a little while...don't know. Do you?

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Snowy...the dance you've become aware of is really common...even has a name...the pursuer/distancer dance. I believe all of us have experienced it in our lives...begins in FOO, btw...and what changes that dance the most is awareness...and then standing still.

Not pursuing and not distancing. I think you working at the distancing with awareness (and a lot of DJs, to keep to it for one week) is different than the times both of you did it unconsciously...reactively. We lock ourselves into the "either or" two-options only and that sneaky dance continues...even when it looks better from the outside.

Options: Pursue or distance...or neither. We learn to talk about our DESIRE to pursue or distance instead of doing them...we listen to know what our partner's desire is at the time, too. Why this dance?

Because of our fears...we fear being abandoned (pursue)...as if we control whether we are abandoned or not (ignored, neglected, not being connected with, loved, cherished...write your list out of what you fear and how pursuing feels like you can control what others do/not do); distance is our fear of intimacy...too close, we cut one another, humans bump into each other, we bruise and are bruised as part of connection...even as we're healed, btw; too close and we will be revealed as undeserving of love, admiration, respect, acceptance...

like a pendulum that swings back and forth (that dance cycle) between those two fears...no wonder reacting to our fears feels "natural". Important to my not choosing the pursuer/distancer dance for myself anymore was recognizing my DH's very real pain and fear in his distancing...I got my abandonment fear readily...couldn't fathom his fear of intimacy...just hurt, felt punished, rejected from him acting on his fear.

I figured out what abandonment really meant to me...being wiped out of existence...erased. Bottom line. Fear of intimacy for my DH felt the exact same way...only wiped out from being engulfed, taken over...consumed out of existence.

So when I pursued, I hit that fear in him (pushed that button)...and I was an obsessed pursuer, btw. And when he distanced, he hit my fear dead on, too. Then we both were reacting to our emotions, not acting from our real beliefs.

We cannot be consumed by another.

We cannot be wiped out by another's rejection.

We exist, anyway.

Hard lesson, though...worth learning, understanding, staying aware of and SPEAKING about it...not demonstrating it...no acting out. Hence, standing still.

And I stopped trying to MANAGE my fear, too...all that time and DJs, SDs and AO's that came directly from trying to quell, reduce, remove that fear in me...instead of see the primary belief it was coming from...the big core belief...and to respect my DH's fear was equal to mine...not spend my time measuring it, lost in my shoulds and shouldn'ts...missing out on what is and isn't.

Then I learned that to reach for my DH's hand when I didn't want to...helped to change our dance. And then I would feel relief, acceptance...same for him. In conflict, to physically connect directly from my belief "I may not feel safe and loved right now...I can choose to act from love, anyway." That's standing still. Smack dab in the middle...not each extreme.

When I began to do this, I realized how often I touched him when I wanted him to touch me...giving to get...even after I no longer believed in earning love...and by acting from my belief, how I felt loving to myself, my marriage and to him...NOT based on his response.

SL - hope this helps you, too...being still is being present, aware, open to connection and focused on your own connection...allowing love in...and out.

SC - may I suggest you speak of your triggers as your own? Not him making you...not you making him not talk about his day...he chooses to, anyway or not. His choice. Yours is to say, "I'm triggering right now." That's at the time. He's not to solve you...he's to hear you, acknowledge and understand. That's you and him in recovery together. And later, when he's amorous, you hold yourself to your code of honesty and speak again, "Now I'm triggering again...not sure it stopped. The DJ in my head is that you're wanting SF now, with me, because you were aroused by thoughts of her."

Own your triggers. Talk. When we assume (and keep to ourselves), we cut out other possibilities...and one is that you listened to him talk about his day...you didn't AO over your trigger...you heard him...you met his EN for conversation, acceptance, understanding...which is a TURN ON...easily can bring on the yearning to be closer to you, an expression of appreciation, enjoyment...cherishing you deeply.

Letting love in after an A is really hard...and it was difficult pre-A, too...because we cut out with the LBs a lot of reality. Assumptions kill relationships...sharing with ownership heals old assumptions.

Each time my DH heard me own my trigger...didn't get defensive (because sometimes he did) and acknowledged my trigger, I felt love deposits going into my love bank...and another chunk of trust going into the mortar; and I saw it as taking responsibility--not causing my trigger--for his amends...active, real amends.

Don't cut THAT out of your recovery...you say you want to control him...you don't want him to stop telling you about his day...well, you are manipulating him each time you don't share your trigger, own it...aren't you?

Triggers ease, slow and disappear in relation to the A...takes time...and one-year anniversary time was SOOOO tough for me...like reliving it at surprising points. You're not unreasonable, wrong or bad, SC...you're in recovery...both your personal recovery and your marital one...and you are recovering.

You guys all rock...I love reading your posts seeing the way you are there for each other...the caretaking, bravery, awareness and compassion. Thank you for looking for me, mvg. Sometimes, we need to be found.


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Thanks Orchid & SL!
^5 Snow!!! I like flowers.
SC don't overdo with the moving stuff. Yuck, Not fun. And thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!

Now...Drum roll...LA is in the House!!!

Good to see ya!
I've missed ya. How are things going?
And thanks.
No gallbladder surgery yet, just the hysterectomy.
I gotta read that post again...and possible again. YOU make me really think.

EA4-7/07,Dday7/29,NC 7/30/07
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Mvg...did you need your gall bladder out?

Guess I don't understand where they could make one cut, take what they wanted and leave the rest.

Like with my posts. LOL.

Full service surgery (check your oil, clean your windshield, remove your uterus, kick your tires, and fill up your tank)...grease rag and sweaty grin optional.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />


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mvg - i will take it easy, we are just doing the packing part she is not actually moving until the end of the month. you just go out and have you some fun this weekend before you will be out of commission for a little while. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

My goodness LA you got me crying here. Thanks for that wonderful post. I am hearing what you are saying and i guess i just never thought of it that way.

And i can say that he is very in tune to my emotions he seems to know when i am triggering anyway even if i don't tell him and tries to be more attentive. That night he was just so upset by his day he probably did not even realize that it was a trigger.

Thanks for making me put another perspective on it and i will try to get better on telling him things that trigger me.

And then i was still crying because of LMAO on the full service surgery comment!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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You're welcome, SC!!

Truth is...you're going to trigger...he's going to hurt, too...and

you both are going to together.

Speak of your stuff...listen to each other...and together, you will recovery.

Thanks for sharing you laughed through your tears at my full service surgery idea...I got that from my stepmother. Shortly after she married my father, she had to have intestinal surgery. About a year later, she had to do it again...and I watched as she painted (with sparkles) a little posterboard that said...

"This time, put in a zipper."

I didn't think of that until your post...I love remembering her humor...her "gall" as she would have said...


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Well i have to say that i cry at anything. I cry happy tears, sad tears, laughing tears you name it. I love to laugh so hard i cry.

My kids (and my h too) pick on me when i watch tv. They don't even have to look at me and they will say "you're crying aren't you" and i say "of course".

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Full service surgery (check your oil, clean your windshield, remove your uterus, kick your tires, and fill up your tank)...grease rag and sweaty grin optional.

I WISH they'd do it like that! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> IF the gallbladder will behave awhile I'm thinking more like summer to get that done or fall before the holidays.

DD says they are talking about getting married in Sept. so I'll work around that when date finally set. They want to go to Vegas to get married?! Silly kids. But this is her second go around and I think she just doesn't want the first one's memories to come flooding back. This way it's entirely different and will be good for her.

EA4-7/07,Dday7/29,NC 7/30/07
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My kids (and my h too) pick on me when i watch tv. They don't even have to look at me and they will say "you're crying aren't you" and i say "of course".

You are not alone, my friend. I, too, cry at the drop of a hat, especially since my DS was born. I'll cry during a really touching commercial sometimes, depending on the time of the month. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> I laugh at myself sometimes, like when I cry during a HAPPY ENDING.

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Thank you so much LA for helping me in this thread.

I so wish I could be in the state of total emotional honesty with my H, but I feel I have a lot of difficulty in speaking my truth and H has even more problem with that. Just as you wrote, it's both the fear of intimacy (too close I would be hurt again) and the fear of abandonment (when he is not so attentive, I feel abandoned) that drives my reactions and at least now I'm very clear about that now. I belive the same fears are definding my H's dance steps also.

I believe I still need a lot of guidance in getting out of this dance, in speaking my truth and act instead of react.

When I was pulling away this time, I did tell my H why I wanted to do that and I truly felt that I was not pulling away to manipulate him into doing anything. I had zero expectations and I told him that. I told him it's my way to channel my energy the best since being close to him felt uncomfortable since I felt he was holding some of the things I wanted and he refused to give to me (some details of his A).

It does take a lot of practice I know, and I belive I'm getting started in that. I just need a lot of guidance along the way because sometimes I'm just so confused about what is being emotoinally honest and what is being manipulative.

I do see my H's pain. That's why I am still here. I see him trying so hard. And I have compassion for him. But we are just not in the space of emotional honesty yet and this drags both of down every now and then.

I'd apprecaite your continued help in this, LA.

hi ladies, how was your Valentines day? Holidays were usually a bad time for me since I trigger for whatever reason. But yesterday was pretty nice. Unevenful. And we stayed late planning for our spring vacation.

mvg: best of luck on your surgery. I'm not sure if I understand what problems you are having (I'm very bad at medical terms). But it isn't very serious, right? I was brought up and educated in China and came here as a graduate student, so all the medical conditions (excluding the ones I had myself) are still very foreign to me.


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Snow considered major surgery, however done daily now. Removing uterus and possible one ovary that's causing me pain. Doc did ask if I wanted both ovaries out....NO! I don't think going thru menapause right now would be good for anyone!

And for what it's worth, I too can cry at a commerical, tv show, movie...whatever and geesshh don't let me see a commerical for St. Jude's or anything! H hides the credit cards and checkbook then.

It use to bother me I cried so easily, now I accept it's a GREAT part of my innocence that I can and do react to others pain. And we have had ENOUGH of our innocence destroyed so I'll keep what I have left. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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good morning...bored to death here, it's WAY to early to be awake but yet here I am. UGH! Maybe I'll do some cyber shopping <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Have a great Saturday!

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Good morning little lady. Hope you find yourself doing well this lovely Sunday morning.

Well i got my daughters stuff all packed for her and then did the same at the BF's apartment. I could not hardly move yesterday (man i am getting too old for this stuff LOL). Her and her BF are moving in together next month. I still have not really decided how i feel about that. I love her BF to death (he is so good to her and for her they compliment each other nicely) and i lived with my h before we got married so i guess i would be a hypocrite if i was mad at her. But i think we always want the best for our kids. Like i said i love her BF but just hope they are ready for this.

This particular daughter is like me (and you and SL) that she cries at the drop of a hat (actually she is too emotional and puts me to shame in comparison and i am baaaad. i like you cry at sappy commercials for goodness sakes) but this has been the only guy that could handle her emotions. He is really good to her so i guess that is all i should be concerned about and just be happy for her.

I do laugh at myself for crying so easily but have never found it to be a bad thing, i just think i feel emotions easier is all.

I have been thinking alot about LA posts and have talked to my h a little this weekend over my triggers. He really is a "F"WH and is so good to me in many ways that i am thankful for. I just have to keep working on me and get past my anger and triggers and i truly believe that we will have a better marriage than we had pre-A.

I know in our case we kind of "lost" one another (for lack of a better term) for a little while and that is how the OW got in, we seem to be making sure that does not ever happen again and i love the fact that my h seems to work really hard at that.

Today i am in a happy place and am just going to try to keep going with it,

Now that i have written you a novel LOL. How are things in your world today?

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Forgot to say make sure you do something good for yourself today because of your big day tomorrow. It's not that i felt bad after my hysterectomy but let's face it this is major surgery and you are going to hurt and have to take it easy.

I don't know what they are telling you but my goodness they had me scared to do anything after the surgery because they kept stressing how much damage i could do (without even knowing i was doing it) if i tried to do too much too soon (may have already said it but just in case mine was in 1995).

So just take it easy for as long as you can <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

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Hi mvg....

Will you be able to post on MB during your recovery? If so, be careful when you take that morning 20-90 Something Vacation or as Mark says "breakcation".....ya don't want to laugh too much and undo your stitches <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> .....do they still to stitches or are you taking LA's suggestion and having them install a zipper? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

Hope your honey gets well soon and that you both enjoy the races today.


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Good luck with your surgery.


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Hope your surgery goes well and Happy Anniversary! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


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