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I guess I'm going to go shower now. I need to get some packages to the p.o. before I leave for my attorney's office.

I don't know if he's going to even want to dignify this crap with a reply but I hope so. Because I WILL take a LD test. I have NOTHING to hide.

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Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!!!

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And I'm betting dollars to doughnuts that he had his attorney draft that letter on THE day of the hearing.

No bout adout it.

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Seems like things have been busy your way. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

I would recommend you differentiate a title for your H. Call him a WS or someother descriptive unique WS type of word to identify when he is being a Ws vs when he actually is acting like your H. It is a mental marker of sorts that is quite helpful so you don't lose the love for your H as quickly. Just a suggestion. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Here's another.... call OW, Mrs. __________ or give her a real good OW type name. I called mine both Mrs. River (her real married last name was named after a river <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> ) or with a slight variation to her maiden name (Chewed - LOL!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" /> ) or PBR (psycho babble rabbit). Depending on who I was speaking with (i.e. WS, police, supporters, MB, etc.) <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> This showed the OW didn't have a real space in my life and she was not a friend (like she claimed she wanted to be.... imagine the gall of that OW..... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> )

Btw, I loved the jokes. We used to tell some pretty funny ones during our days of misery.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> I learned the ability to keep one's sense of humor while all this chaos goes on around you, shows your can heal and move forward. This in turn is a big kick in the shins to the WS (they don't like to see us happy). You can also use that humor to keep things balanced. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

As for the so-called phone threats, I would meet that challenge head on. Here's why - In our case, the OW via the WS threatened to call my work and get me fired. I was a manager at the time. OW (PBR) 'claimed' she knew people at work and was able to wield enough power to do so. Hmmph.... well I was around before that company went public so if she really knew anyone, I would know them also and my reputation was already defined. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> So I met it head on. I went to my director and HR rep. My director already knew about WS and the A. He supported me as much as he could. HR went one step further, they offered me security support for my PC, laptop, phone (trace calls if needed) and escort to my vehicle as needed. They said they would notify me if any such letter was received. It never was. OW was full of hot air (already knew that.... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> ).

So yea.... in your case it c/b something blown out of proportion or the OW calling to make trouble. Either way it wasn't you so ask your lawyer to demand work find out the source of those calls so you can file that someone has been attempting to impersonate you.

Instead of being afraid or angry, use this as an opportunity to give a swift kick the A in it's belly. Let your lawyer know you are angry at whoever is trying to impersonate you.

Might be good to let your support group know 1st, just in case one of them is doing this as an attempt to help you. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />


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Thank you, Orchid!

I am still trying to calm down before I get in the shower and drown myself because I am cussing H out.

Let's see. H is Mr. Gray right now and Mr. Gray was the epitome of evil alien wanting to take over the world with the help of the "weasels"...one of the most painful ways to take over mankind!!

Or how about Kahn? Then I can shout, "KHAAAAAAAAAAAN" And we all know how Kirk and company took care of Khan's [censored] in the movie.

You're right about the phone calls, that is a good idea. I am going to urge my L to pursue this and not sweep it under the table. I know he might want to because it is so ridiculous but this crap just isn't right.

So yes, I am going to discuss with him just what you suggested. That is a very good idea. I hadn't thought of that. I was just thinking LD test and subpoena my phone records...but forget the subpoena, just TAKE them!

Names for OW: "The Thing that Wouldn't Leave" "Return of the 50-foot W***e" "Little B***H Riding Hood"

Well, I guess I need something shorter! Slag. That's a good one.

I'll think it over.

My mom is like: Why don't you tell him to f off already? I said well, he'll be getting the PBL soon.

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Let's keep her in character, Charlotte, I'll share our XOW's name with you the slimy, disgusting "Jabba the Hut"
Jabba for short..Mine even looked like him other than she wasn't green. GF

Marriages don't fail, people do. (And I don't recall who said it)
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How about just...The Thing...didn't you see that movie with Kurt russel.....creepy and gory...

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LMAO over here, GF!!!!

That's a good one. Maybe I'll take you up on your offer with a slight modification.

Yeah, you already know what's coming. Jabba the S**t. Or Jabba the S**t Hutt.

I would use the word "Phlegm" but I formerly used it as an endearing term for my sister for a time. I'd like to keep that one. Yeah, I know...a term of endearment? We had a lot of fun with that one, she and I.

SIHW #1960524 11/26/07 01:39 PM
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You're right, surviving.

And she is "The Thing" in my sig line.

I'm still contemplating.

How 'bout Mrs. Ripley as in Matt Damon's name in the movie? Naw, I don't want to contaminate Ripley since she was a heroine in the "Alien" saga. I would have to be Ellen Ripley.

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I love your literary creativity!!!! LMAO <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> GF

Marriages don't fail, people do. (And I don't recall who said it)
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You're right, surviving.

And she is "The Thing" in my sig line.

I'm still contemplating.

How 'bout Mrs. Ripley as in Matt Damon's name in the movie? Naw, I don't want to contaminate Ripley since she was a heroine in the "Alien" saga. I would have to be Ellen Ripley.

ahhh the alien saga my favorite.....you could always call her a xenomorph....the technical term for the "aliens".....I know I am a big dork. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

SIHW #1960527 11/26/07 02:02 PM
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I called mine "Little Miss Dow Corning" (breast implants) and/or "Mother Theresa with Breast Implants" -

I just don't have the knack for short, quippy nicknames.

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AHHH...another Silicone SALLY!!!

Marriages don't fail, people do. (And I don't recall who said it)
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I sometimes kindly referred to OW#2 as AquaLungs for two very obvious reasons. LOL

Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
“In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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LMAO!!! Ya'll are funny!!!

I'll be back later to talk OW monikers.

I'm leaving for my attorney's office now.

I'm going to be thinking of good names on the way there and back.

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Some days I am seething asking how could my WxGF be such an absolute selfish [censored].

Not only is she screwing up her life, but the MM's the OMW's their kids my life, my families life her families etc.

That's the problem with A's the collateral damage that is done.

You have right to be angry absolutely.

The thing that always scares me is how easy it is to fall prey to evil ways when you let the anger take over.

I didn't like who I was this las Thanksgiving weekend. I berated my mother and acted so indignant and selfish.

I was projecting my anger towards my WxGF onto my mother and just about anyone who loves me.

It was in this weekend I began to better understand what my WxGF dealt with on a daily basis.

Even with medications it's got to be very difficult to fight the temptation to have things be easy and calm.

I suspect my WxGf has bipolar II which explains a lot of her behavior.

My guess is that your H may also be Bipolar or manic.

People with these conditions tend to have hypomanic episodes where they are overly exhuberant followed by deep depressive periods.

The better one takes care of one's self the better they are able to control these episodes.

Intense IC is needed to help resovle a lot of these issues.

BxBF 32 years WxGF 30 years D-Day 9/24/07 Break-up/separation 9/30/07 Plan A 9/30/07-11/7/07 Plan B 11/8/07 A over 12/4/07 NC since 12/16/07
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Thank you wonderful people for calming her down. I just love you guys! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

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SQUEEEE!!!! Group Hug {{{{}}}}

SIHW #1960534 11/26/07 07:35 PM
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Thank you Melody, GF, surviving, 411, Bellevue, princess meggy and everybody who helped me calm down about that letter.

I cried when I saw it, though. My lawyer said don't worry about it and don't let him get to you. You didn't make those threats so forget about it.

I told him I was worried that Mr. Gray might bully me when it comes time for the inventory and to get the few things he's allowed and my lawyer said, "No he ain't!!" I thought it was kinda funny/cute...I didn't think I'd hear a lawyer say "ain't" unless the lawyer is Racehorse Haynes! Or Mike and [censored] Deguerin (there! I knew I'd remember their names dang it! Not sure about the spelling, though.)

So the best response is no response, which is what I suspected he would say and I think that's probably right.

If it comes down to another letter going to my lawyer about phantom phone calls then we are going to take action. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this were to happen. I bet I could be on the other side of the world out of phone contact and still get accused of this.

So anyway, Slag-Ugly will be getting a letter with Mr. Gray's arrest video, and the affidavit that he needs to sign. I wrote the letter last night and my editor Melody revised it.

It was a little too "business as usual" so now it's worded much better.

I'm sure my lawyer will be getting a letter about this, too. Well, if I was REALLY a B, I would just NOT send the thing at all and torch it. I could screw Mr. Gray so bad about this, he just doesn't know how bad. He'd lose his license and it would look even worse for him in court. I know he's forgotten about the affidavit. He hasn't been taking care of crap since the A and he almost burned that precious car of his (ours) up.

He came home whining one day in late August or early September about the car making a funny noise. I asked him if he checked the fluids. No. So I went out and checked everything: oil, transmission, brake, power-steering. Guess what...there was next to NO transmission fluid in that car. If he'd have driven it a couple of more times back and forth to work, the transmission would have been toast. The dipstick didn't even register any fluid, just a couple of damp spots that came from the sides, NOTHING in the well.

I could have let the dang car burn. What did I care? He was using it to further his A. But I didn't.

After these accusations, of COURSE I feel like screwing him with the affidavit and wish I had screwed him with the car. And the other paperwork that needed to be filed with the court that he forgot about.

I'm obviously not going to do that but that doesn't change the fact that I FEEL like doing it.

Just let him pull this crap with the phone call bit again. My lawyer is going to let him have it. He is quite disgusted with Mr. Gray.

I told him that Mr. Gray is killing the love I have left for Jonesy. I don't want to lose that love. But it's getting there.

Maybe I should just mail the PBL and not be here when he comes. I don't know. I'll try and tough it out. At least I will have protection from his wrath.

Oh, and another thing...Mr. Gray cannot remove any of the stuff that's being inventoried until it is appraised independently. He thought he was going to have a hand in the appraisal (yeah, RIGHT.) So that means it will still be here after the photo session(s) until appraisal. Great.

Well, he's still getting the PBL and someone else can be here when he picks up the "junk" as he tried to refer to it the other day in court.

So now he's lying to his lawyer. Big surprise. That's two lawyers he's lied to already because he's not been forthcoming with the criminal lawyer. He's probably going to end up in jail.

I wrote my lawyer a long and detailed account the week before court so that he'd be prepared if there was any mudslinging. He knows everything, warts and all. That's the way it's supposed to be. I don't know why Mr. Gray can't understand that. Well, cue Elvis for Mr. Gray, then.

Last edited by Charlotte22; 11/26/07 07:46 PM.
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Sorry that was so long. I couldn't help it!

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