I think you're beating a dead horse here. He doesn't love you. He probably can't articulate that, or even understand it, and probably feels ashamed to admit it, but he doesn't.
More than likely he has few skills to deal with life and has gotten through much of it on the 'magic' of his emotions, that just aren't there now. So, he's just sort of aimlessly drifting.
That doesn't mean he can't become more, but it's unlikely that anyone will be able to compel him now, not in his own time, whatever that may be.
I call my ex a deadbeat, not just because he didn't pay his child support, but because for all the time I was with him, I could never seem to inspire him. I can inspire most everyone I know, but not him. No amount of good behavior, prettiness, love, money, inclusion, honor, admiration was enough. It's like he was just stuck, dead within himself.
His girlfriend (OW) inspired him - he says he was passionate for her, but that's all based on fantasy and secrecy. I doubt his feelings are as intense now that it's just an everyday thing.
Sometimes I think these men are addicted to intensity (think that's what makes it seem real), but have no idea how to achieve it, so they just follow it wherever it shows up and if it's not there, they just drift. It's kind of a narcissistic thing - their attitude seems to be expecting the world to 'serve up' the good stuff. Like "ok, I'm here... make me feel good". With a new relationship, that works for a while. But, then the brain chemicals subside and reality becomes a challenge and they go belly up to the path of least resistance.
Frank Pittman wrote a good article in which he describes some people as just being "emotionally retarded". They don't have a clue what makes the world of relationships go round. They don't know how to identify what they feel or even what to do with it when they feel it. They only know 'pleasant' or 'unpleasant'. If they feel icky and you're there in their field of vision, they attach the feeling to you. If they feel good and you're there, then they attach the feeling to you. It makes absolutely no sense to those of us who know how to love. Here's the link: The article is about infidelity, but he describes the mentality behind those caught up in it. Dr. Harley will tell you that with your husband's lack of feelings for you, that he's ripe for an affair, especially if he's saying things like he doesn't believe in monogamy*. So, you can see it doesn't hurt to look at his mentality now, before he's made the mess.
If your therapist can help, that would be great. But, if not and your husband won't do anything else, maybe beginning to taste the realities of divorce will snap him out of it.
You seem like a great woman. I hope you don't view all men in the future as your husband is now. There are good men out there.
*FYI - There are some people who try to live a double life. Their thoughts are not anything you would be aware of, because they're expert at hiding them. Often times their thought life has crossed a line that they can't return to a true integrous life. The fact that he said he doesn't believe in monogamy should be a warning sign, a big red flag for future behavior. And if he doesn't believe in religion (from that I'm assuming God or any 'higher power') also tells me he's a bit narcissistic and some narcissists have this strange habit of warning their victims. There are some men who marry their ideal trying to force themselves to want this particular life. But, their mental life is a constant undercurrent that erodes their motivation and their feelings. Eventually they can't maintain any longer.
If your husband is now saying he doesn't believe in monogamy, it's probably because he's experiencing lusts or urges for other people, besides you. Unless he's basing this belief on current divorce statistics - but why would he do that out of the blue like this unless he was questioning the issue in the first place?
Don't be too hard on yourself and beware of him rewriting history with things like accusing you of pressuring him. Just ignore it and trust your memory and intuition. Just find out if there's anything to save and if not, move on purposefully, knowing that there is a life meant especially for you.
Check back if you need help. There are so many good people here.
I wish you the best.