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The fervent effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
If any 2 agree as touching in my name, it will be done by my Father in Heaven.
We have sure promises that prayer works.
My schedule is very full. I can check this thread and pray over people and situations... I do ask that you please come back and give me the report of how we agreed in prayer and it was done by our Father in Heaven. (I do believe He said what He meant, and it will be done.)
I'll come to this thread and pray over prayer requests logged onto this thread the prayer of faith and agreement in Jesus' name. (Please bear with me and be patient if I am not able to be on here every day... but I will make an effort to post a prayer of agreement on every prayer posted... and I will pray over the board, persons, also, as I feel lead.)
I will try to go through and read the different prayer threads on this baord and pray... but just don't know how I'd be able to maintain sure focus on that.
Be blessed. Jesus is touched by the feeling of our infirmities... and we can come boldly to the throne of grace in our time of need. We can be sure the Father hears us when we pray His will... and His will is good, perfect, and pleasing. Because the Father hears us, we are assured we have our requests.
God is faithful!!!
********************************************************** Dear Father in Heaven,
I come boldly to your throne of grace in the name of our beloved Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
On this board are many hearts, many situations, many needs. Father, I pray your blessing, your Spirit, your wisdom, strength, comfort, guidance, leadership, and direction over each person on this board today.
Father, I pray your Spirit, your peace, your comfort, your safety and protection over every person - every spirit, soul, and body - on this board... their family, their friends, their work, their situations.
Your Word states that you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Heaven through the Lord Jesus Christ... and you will your will in Heaven to be done here on earth. Father, you delight to bless us!! Your heart is a heart of grace, mercy, and love... and you speak to us, "Peace... be still."
Lord, I pray for the healing and comfort of every soul... that their souls may prosper and be in health... and they may prosper and be in health even as their souls prosper.
Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind and rebuke Satan and command Satan in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop and desist all operations against the persons, the relationships, the circumstances, the different situations and every area in the lives of the persons on this board in Jesus name I pray.
Father, we look to You... because from You comes our help!!
You are our Helper in times of trouble... and you are very near to those who are broken in heart and crushed in Spirit... a mighty Help in times of trouble.
You are our strength. You are our refuge. You are our deliverer.
Father, we come to you.
May the Spirit of the Lord arise and His enemies be scattered!
Bless the work of our hands. Anoint the words of our mouths. Keep us from sin and evil. Deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever amen.
Restore unto us the joy of our salvation and renew a right spirit within us. Renew and restore every covenant union on this board... and come against, Lord, the hands of evildoers. Break every false chain, lift every false weight, and give us rest, Lord, from our adversaries.
To you we come, Lord Jesus.
To you we come, Father God.
Upon you rely and depend, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Hear our cry oh Lord! Hear our cry, and move in our situations to bring your will to pass Lord in our hour, in our day... and in our lives.
Forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Restore, deliver, and heal us and our relationships... restore your blessings to every area of our lives...
In Jesus' name I pray.
And let all who agree say "Amen"... "so be it"... "may the Lord's perfect will be established on earth today".
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Dear Father in Heaven,
I ask, Lord, that you give the people on this board divine wisdom, strength, power, and authority... boldness... inner courage and strength, Lord.... - to make the changes they need to make - to take new action steps that produce your perfect will.
I pray for them to be surrounded by support... and I call on you Lord to raise up support for them and their marriages in centers of influence surrounding their spouses and fiances, so's or ex's Lord (who are your perfect will for them).
Grant divine favor to them Lord and raise up people as strong influences, Lord, to call spouses to return and be faithful!!
Lord, cause social disfavor to come upon every wrong relationship... every affair... every OP within relationship. I ask you to move in circumstances to "break up" affairs, "break up" OP's & WS's.
Lord, strengthen BS's to complete effective Plan A's. Lord, cause spouses to see clearly that they must end affairs and come home to their spouses, children, families.
Strenthen covenant marriages... and strengthen the public and social support of covenant marriages... and, in particular, towards all those on these boards.
I'm calling upon you Father in Jesus' name to put a swift end to the affairs that have been attacking the covenant marriages of persons especially on this board. I am calling upon you Lord to move quickly and decisively in these situations... and cause them to know Lord that it is your hand moving in great power to deliver them from evil... and keep spouses from temptation.
Bring healing, Lord, to the relationships between covenant spouses. Let their be forgiveness, restoration of marital love, and reconciliation.
Change people's hearts, their circumstances, and their lives and bring all these things, Lord, into agreement with your perfect will.
I ask you to protect and bring comfort Lord... and bring healing in your wings.
Protect the physical health, wellbeing, and safety of all persons on this board, their families, their friends... and grant courage and wisdom to action in your perfect will.
I pray you would restrain evil and restrain members of the board from making any moves or mistakes that would prolong any trial or tribulation.
In Jesus' name I pray.
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Dear Father in Heaven,
We come to you, Father, in the precious name of Jesus Christ who suffered and died - according to your good pleasure and perfect will - that we might have life anew in Him. Truly, Lord, He lives. Because He lives we can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all care is gone. Because we know who holds the future - life is worth the living just because He lives.
Holy Father, I'd like to take time to thank you and appreciate you and praise you for all the good you are doing in our lives, all around us, in our situations, and in our world. You work all things together for good to those who love the Lord and are the called according to your good pleasure.
Lord, thank you for the good! Thank you for the good you are doing - even in the midst of our troubles, our trials, our difficulties. Lord, help us to remember you and your goodness and to look for the good. Lord, let patience have it's perfect work in us that we may be complete, mature, lacking nothing.
Lord, Job suffered greatly - and, at first, with his lips did not sin. Lord, Job did not foolishly charge you with wrongdoing. Job gave you praise.
The friends of Job, Lord, were not wise in causing Job greater sorrow and grief in his time of trouble - rather than comforting him. But Job prayed for his friends.
Job was restored double all that he had lost... and, God, you turned and forgave Job's friends for their unwise remarks. You forgave Job also.
In the book of Job, after Job had "broken down" and falsely "vented" towards you... in his grief and brokenness of heart and soul and sorrow.... Lord, you completely forgot all that he had said wrong... when you said your servant Job, a perfect man, spoke of you that which is right.
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised... greatly to be respected in awe and, thus, godly fear. You have mercy and forgive our sins... or who, Lord, could stand before you?
You take our sins away as far as the east is from the west and remember them no more through the body and blood sacrifice - the atoning sacrifice for our sins - the Lord Jesus Christ.
God, you have been good to us. Lord, let us think about the good and be thankful and be comforted under the shadow of your wings.
Bless the work of our hands, Lord! Bless the work of our hands! Lord, we need your blessing today and every day. We need our relationship with you to be close and comfortable. Help us to give up out of our hearts, minds, souls, and strengths all things that "stand in the way" of drawing closer to you.
Help us, Lord, to forgive as you forgive... sins gone as far as the east is from the west... not counting sins against any... keeping only a record of right (not wrongs) in our hearts,minds, souls and strengths.
Cause us to focus on good and doing good... and give us strength, Lord, to "make things right" with you God and others. Let us forgive. Let us forget. Let us love with unfeigned sincerity of heart.
Whatever is good, noble, pure, lovely, and of a good report... Lord cause us to think on these things.
Let the fruit of our lips... the thoughts, motives, and intents of our hearts... Lord, be pleasing to thee!
Let the redeemed of the Lord praise Him! Lord, bless the work of our hands. Lord, bless every area of our lives... and bring us into your perfect will... your kingdom of Heaven in the Lord Jesus Christ here on earth... right now... in our hour, in our day, in every area of our lives.
Lord, who have we in Heaven but thee? There is no God before you. I know not one. You alone are God... and a jealous God. You will not share your praise... your glory... with another.
But when we praise you and glorify your name on earth... when we magnify your name, your goodness, your goodness and grace Lord towards the sons and daughters of man... Lord, you garrison yourself around us with peace.
You go before us. Your glory is with us. You are behind us around us, you are over us, you are beneath us lifting us up.
You bouy us Lord.
Be with us today Lord in a special way.
I know, oh Lord, that when you are with us... all is well. It is you we need Lord. Your presence.
We seek your blessing. We seek your favor. We seek your mercy. We seek your grace. We seek you, Father Son and Holy Spirit. We seek you, God... to be with us.
All we desire Lord is found in you... and when you are with us... you rain your blessings upon us and bring our lives into agreement with your perfect will... which is good.
You do good always. You are good.
Be with us today in special comfort, peace, provision, protection, blessing... every good way.
Establish the work of our hands! Give us strength Lord.
To you we come this day and every day.
There is none in Heaven beside you. I know not one.
Be with us, oh Lord! Be with us today... and cause more of Jesus to be made manifest in our characters, our walks, our lives, our circumstances, our relationships.... every area of our lives, Lord... today and every day.
We seek "revival". We seek "renewal". We seek "restoration". We seek "reconcilation". We seek "blessing". We seek "happiness, contentment and peace".
Holy Father in Heaven in the Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek your face, your heart... we seek you... today.
Be with us oh God... be with us... in all of thy glory surrounding us with your presence and your favor and mercy and grace and peace and power... today.
We thank you God that you are Love and Love is easily intreated and you long to bless us and show us your goodness in the land of the living... with us today and every day...
In Jesus name I pray.
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Song on my heart... may reference above prayer:
I Need Thee Every Hour
I need thee every hour Most gracious Lord No tender voice like thine Can peace afford
I need thee, oh, I need thee Every hour I need thee O bless me now, my Saviour I come to thee
I need thee every hour In joy or pain Come quickly and abide Or life is in vain
I need thee, oh, I need thee Every hour I need thee O bless me now, my Saviour I come to thee
Same song... another version (traditional)
I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord No tender voice like Thine can peace afford
I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh
I need thee, oh, I need thee, every hour I need Thee I need thee, I need thee, I need Thee every hour
I need Thee every hour in joy or pain Come quickly and abide or life is in vain I need Thee, oh, I need Thee, every hour I need Thee I need Thee, I need Thee, I need Thee every hour I need Thee, I need Thee, I need Thee every hour
Oh, bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee Oh, bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee I need Thee every hour, teach me Thy will And Thy rich promises in me fulfill
I need Thee, oh, I need Thee Oh I need Thee every hour I need Thee, I need Thee, I need Thee every hour I need Thee, I need Thee, I need Thee every hour
Oh, bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee
God bless
Last edited by back; 12/06/07 10:00 AM.
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Amen! Beautiful, just beautiful
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Hello to everyone!! I am new to this forum even to this type of communication, so please excuse my ignorance about all of the "two letter words" that I do not understand. I am asking for your prayers. Unfortunately my husband doesn't want to do anything to fix this marriage. We are married now for over 18 years with 3 kids. He was never affectionate to me, he never showed loved for me. Whenever we had little differences I was the one that apologized even if it was his fault. We used to make love about 5 to 6 times a year, and whenever I needed or wanted more I was rejected. I used to tell him that we needed to go on vacation by ourselves without our kids, he always laughed at me and said that was only for new couples not for us. I felt so dumb so stupid. I was miserable when I become pregnant with my kids because at that very moment that he knew that I was pregnant he would never touched me again until after 4 to 5 months I gave birth. There are a lot of things that he did to me. When I became christian I started praying to God that he would change him, but he never wanted the Lord in his life. He liked the benefits of me being a christian, like wife being submisive to his husband and a lot of more thins. I stopped praying for him because I got tired, I was dissapointed that a lot of years have passed and he did not change a bit. One day, a man came into my life, I stupidly thought that what I felt for him was true love, he lives like 3000 miles away from me. One day we decided to see eachother and took a plane to go see him. My husband found out about 4 months afeter (he caught all of our e-mails, pictures, chat conversations, everythin). I stopped every contact with this other man and tried to work it out with my husband. Unfortunately I was so hurt about my husband's life attitude that it did not work because I was not healed from the rejection that I had suffered and left our house for the entire summer vacation. When school was up, I came back but he never took me back seriously. He never forgave me. He always told me that he wanted to divorce and because I was not going to church (I was away from church and from the Lord in this whole ordeal) I told him that I wanted a divorce too. But none of us would move out or make the neccessary to begin the divorce. I think because of his continously rejection I felt compelled to contanct the other man again. In november of 2006 we started e-mail communication. Unfortunately for me my husband caught all of these e-mails (again). Now he feels betrayed for the second time. When 2007 started the Lord brought conviction to my heart and I felt like the prodigal son, coming back home. But the consequences of my sin are so painful. How could I have done this?? I was the christian!! How could I have done this to my Lord, my husband and my family!!! I can not do anything of what Dr. Harley is advising because it takes two to work out a marriage, I have worked on this for the first 15 years of my marriage, and now, for this past year by my self. I have suffered from his rejection again, change of moods, bad words, humilliation, and I would take more If he only would give me a chance. He has said many times that he is going to leave home but yet he is still her. I know that he is here because the Lord has a purpose for us. I have prayed and prayed and the only thing that the Lord tells me is to wait. He has told me through other people that he is going to restore everything, it is so hard to live by faith, because my husband is not a believer. I know that my fight is not against flesh and blood but still!!! Please don’t tell me that this is hopeless or that what I am doing is in vain because he is not going to change, I know this sounds crazy to some of you, especially if you are not believers, but this is what faith is all about. Please I need prayer because the hurt of all this is overwhelming!!!!
Thank you!!
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Welcome to MB, you are in a good place. Especialy on this thread because there is power in prayer and I will agree with you for a complete restoration of your marriage.
I can see your pain when I read your post. I want to warn you that you can't change your husband but you can do things that will cause him to make changes on his own. It starts with you and the way you think. Paul says in Romans that if you want to change the way you live, change the way you think, don't be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Here's how you can start.
I first want to encourage you to begin to put your trust in Christ and Christ alone. Let Him be your comfort zone, not your husband. Begin to agree with the Word. The bible says in Ephesians that Christ loved the church (you) that he washes you with the water of the Word so here goes...
You are blessed with spiritual blessings... You are the light of the world, the salt of the earth.... You are the apple of Gods eye... You are more than a conqueror... You are the head not the tail... No weapon formed against you shall prosper... You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you... You lack nothing... God shall meet your every need... Arise and shine for the Light has come and His glory has risen upon you...
These are just a few things that God says about you because He loves you just as you are. He absolutely adores you.
You have just been washed with the water of the Word.
When you begin to ponder and think on these things (like Paul said, renewing your mind), soon it will grow into your heart (your sub conscience realm) and things will begin to change in your life. In Proverbs it says that "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he therefore guard your heart with all diligence because out of your heart will flow every issue in your life." Your heart dosen't think, it will only grow what ever you place in there over time.
Now, start to love your husband like God loves him. God so loves your husband that He gave His only Son, His very best. Remember that when you asked Christ into your life, the bible says, I think its in Corinthians that "he that is joined to the Spirit are one" it also says that He will never leave you nor forsake you. So you ARE full of Jesus so you are also full of the Love of Jesus.
This is how you will bring about change in your husband when you love him with Gods love. No judgment, no condemnation... just perfect love. Remember, Jesus is your comfort zone.
Now the Word says, "In all things give thanks for this is His will concerning you".
He doesn’t say give thanks for the mess your in, He says IN ALL THINGS GIVE THANKS... so in this situation, Father thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Thank you for Your Word that you can get me through this. Thank you that you love me so much that You cause me to be an over comer and only You can cause this situation to change. Thank you for your Word that is the same yesterday today and forever. Thank you that your Word is the TRUTH Father and that YOU said "when you know the TRUTH, the truth shall set me free" Father thank you always being there for me, never leaving me. I trust you, I trust you, I trust you. In Jesus name, Amen
Angie, do you see why God says to give thanks in all things? The more thankful you are, the more grateful you become in all things. How can you have a problem if you're truly thankful? You can't.
This is how to bring about change. The bible says that faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God. Notice it didn't say hear, it said hearing... over and over, so keep speaking the truth over your life. Wash yourself with the Word whenever Satan trys to mess with you. Jesus did the same thing when he was in the wilderness and Satan tried to mess with Him, "FOR IT IS WRITTEN!!!!" and He spoke the Word over the situation.
I will pray for you and also please read all the articles in this web site as well as post your story in the general questions II page. You’ll get some good help there.
Hope this helps.
God Bless, Stillhurts (no more)
Me=BS 45
Wife=WS 40
2 kids,
D 20
S 17
D Day 8/12/00
I didn't think we could make it...
I was wrong, we are in love again!!
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You have no idea how you have helped me with what you wrote. I was crying the whole time!! Thank you for your words of encouragement,faith and hope. I had forgotten that I was all of those good things for God. I think because all of this time I felt dirty, guilty and condemned. I do not know how to tell you how grateful I am to you that you did not judge me or told me ugly things. And I think this is the same reason I did not post my story on the "general"....fear or rejection.But at the same time I needed somebody to agree with me and that would pray for my marriage. This whole situation has made me mature (spiritually) I, for the first time in my life have learned to trust completely in God, I have learned to run to him whenever my husband does or says something that hurts. Anyway, thank you for your words of faith. Thank you for loving our Lord so much. Please keet in touch and I will be praying for you as well. Thank you,!!
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