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I've been a bit more depressed lately than I like. Even w/ my antidepressant. Don't know what's up.

Probably need to talk to God about it some more.

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All He is asking from you Queenie is to give over to Him what you have. You don't need anything special or expensive, but He wants you to just let Him take charge of it.

Then, He expects you to do the best you can and do what you can. But He doesn't expect you to do more than that, only what you can do. Then He will do what you cannot.
The hard part is knowing what it is he wants. I am working so hard at giving him anything he wants. I don't know what more. But I will gladly turn it over.

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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Yes one day you will heal. I don't know when or how, but you will. Because as long as you are seeking G-d, he won't leave you out to dry.

He may be talking to you and you don't hear him they way you want. Try looking around you, the names on trucks, the messages at church, the magazines in the store. Listen to the words that others tell you. There are signs all around us, we just don't hear them because we want to hear them a certain way.

Keep praying, keep seeking. And tell G-d, HERE I AM....

Cinder, I'm sorry you are feeling more sad too. It's not fun. And yes, the best remedy I know is to start talking to G-d. And just make it one second at a time sometimes.


I'm working on the new memories, I truly am. It's just a little harder to go traveling and entertaining while broke. But I am working on that as well.

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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My point was that we ask God, "What do you want?" and He answers, "What do you have?"

It isn't that he wants you to do more, but that he wants you to give Him control of more.

Give Him what you have, whatever it is. Hold nothing back from Him.

Do what you can do, He asks nothing more from you.

Let Him worry about supplying your needs.

I'm talking to myself of course... grin


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BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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Hi Queenie,

...my heart is broken and I want the pain and sadness to just go away....

I am sorry for the pain, Queenie....

....we CAN imagine how you feel!


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Yes Luna,

Sadly those of us in pain can imagine and do.

But sometimes G-d is good and gives us LV that don't make the pain go away just bless you during this time.

WH deposited another amount into my account, so now he is only one week late with another one due on Friday.

I would love to figure out why, but it's not my place, space or issue.

My place and space is to keep walking in FAITH and trust G-d with my life....

I am one grateful person and need to figure out a way to thank G-d by giving back to someone who is hurting. Do they have funds for people who have suffered in affairs or do the Harley's recommend one?

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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Just remember that in Psalm 23 it says, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for..."

Why will I fear no evil?

"Because YOU are with me..."

God doesn't take us around the valley. We still have to go through it, but He will go with us...

"Your rod and your staff, they comfort me"

The word "comfort" you may recall, means "with strength" or "with power."

Not our power, but His.

God doesn't promise us that we will never be sad. He promises us that He will hold us while we cry.

You have been all over the place around here lately, helping others, showing care and concern for everyone. This, Queenie, is God working in you and through you.

I am WAY proud of you!


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Mark,I am curious...you have a real gift with scripture and getting the message across.Are you a church leader or minister?You are truely blessed with this gift.Before MB did you help others in this way?

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Yeah, I've been a leader in the church for a few years now. I'm basically just an old broken down Sunday school teacher with no class to teach any more. But I don't seem to be able to stop learning or teaching.

I filled the pulpit once per month or so for about 3 years.

I taught Sunday school at our current church for 14 years.

I worked with our children's ministry for about 10.

I've led small groups, bible studies and mentored one on one.

I grew up in the church and was a deacon and Sunday school teacher when I was 18. I'm almost 56 now if that gives you any indication...


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Thanks Mark for your reply..
The way you write cannot be learnt...it comes from the inner being of the soul...truely God is talking through you.Have you thought of writing a daily devotional book or something similar?
Sorry for the threadjack.
You remind me of a guy here in S.A, Angus Buchan.He wrote a book called "Faith like potatoes".is about his life....was made into a movie.He is a farmer you has no "training as a preacher"but is truely blessed in getting the message across.No airs and graces.He has a get together(revival) on his farm once a year for men only.This year there were 20 000 attending..

WH left12Dec06
WH marries OW 21days later!

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I saw your posts on the goddess thread about the scholarship ceremony and I am so happy that you could stand there shining, healthy and happy and celebrate with the kids. I am sure that they admire you and are impressed how you have changed the last year.

I understand that you enjoy being thinner and don't want to gain weight now when you have got your appetite back. I say go for veggies and fruits, cut out processed food and deserts and take as much exercise as possible. It's summer and a nice time for walking, swimming and other outdoor activities.

I am sorry to hear that you are hurting so much from the affair. I feel the same as you do, a marriage does not deserve an ending like this. It is almost unbearable that the person you trusted more than anyone else has betrayed you completely. But it is out of our control and we can only do the best we can and have faith that everything will lead to the best.

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I have heard of him, but don't know much at all about him.

This year there were 20 000 attending..

I found this: The Witness


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Hi Mark,

I'm basically just an old broken down Sunday school teacher with no class to teach any more. But I don't seem to be able to stop learning or teaching.
Oh no, may I correct this and offer you are a man of G-d and one of his teachers who spreads his word around in peoples lives who NEED you. How blessed for the rest of us that you can teach us and help us learn.

You know that Psalm 23 is the reason for this in my life. I was dying inside and G-d made me lie down in green pastures to RESTORE my soul. For that there is NO DOUBT. I'm sad it's been taken to the extreme, but we really don't know the ending yet. G-d is still working in me and in WH.

I'm sure I posted a long time ago, the bracelet that JT gave me which was the 23 Psalm and it was right after I read this book G-d is more than Enough. Wow, it impacted me and still does.

You're right, there is nothing that says I won't hurt, have hard times, etc. But it does say that G-d will be there every step of the way, I just have to look for him and let him know I am there.

Your are the best Mark.... Keep on teaching....

Thank you so much Why. Isn't amazing how my successes really are about us on here and G-d working in our lives. Not me alone and for me to even think that, well I just won't go there. Yes, I think many people are proud of what I have done, they don't know the struggles, but that's ok. It's not their journey to know. Just my journey to keep walking, even when the valley of darkness is so black.

I agree, the processed food is the killer. Fruits, veggies and exercise, what a brilliant concept. I learned last year, this was a lifestyle change, not a diet so I'm not beating myself up, but being careful and open to what G-d wants me to do so thatnk you.

I don't even want to go acknowledge that pain of the affair. Not today, because it spirals me down and G-d worked hard to build me up. You are completely right, WH's decision to just abandon the M without giving me one chance to make it up to him, was out of my control or choice, and I am just seeking G-d on how to survive and recover the best I can and the way G-d wants me to.

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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You are around and didn't stop by? Oh can it be?

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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Queenie,I hope you don't mind me talking to Mark,but I am so excited now I just have to say this to him!!!
Sorry,I was wrong with my figures,not 20 000 but 60 000!!
Mark, Angus's GRASSROOTS series is on TBN channel,don't know if you have it...at 7.00 am on a Saturday morning here.There is about a 8 hour time difference between us..I really hope you can manage to watch it..its half an hour long..He has written a devotional book called A mustard seed and a book called Fathers and Sons.I will get his website for you where you can order stuff from him..he has made a dvd set of his gathering.I think off the top of my head its shalom ministries,not sure will check when I get home from work.

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Not one bit Hope. Talk away... grin

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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Originally Posted by QueeniesNewLife

You are around and didn't stop by? Oh can it be?


I figured that I better not pull a TMTS, so here I am....how ya doing honey??? Good I hope.....it looks good, it smells good,it must be ALL good.....

Anywho, I just want to pop in say hi....HI...


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Hi Queenie,

LOL, I keep an eye on you, and pop in on those days you need an extra hand.

Now I'm really scared becasue between you and not one of you is going to get on me for not posting any updates....

I hope you're A got answers and cash for you.

Still praying for you Queenie.

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I bookmarked his site today. I might order something to read when I finish my current reading list.


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