Originally Posted by ark^^
tell him
speak the words...

if were not for OUR child I would never ever speak to you again...

because there would be no reason to..

I will not give you anything of mine to give to your OP
I do not want you to touch me in any way..
no hugs
no kisses
I want none of that...

can you go to email contact over child issues
and get an intermediary for visitation...

can you do a limeted plan B with face to face with him for you just to get some space and healing time under your belt..
not to get him spend time with you..
but just for you...
I was doing so good when we would see each other and he would not mention us at all, but he started going in the wrong direction. Doesn't he know that he has hurt me enough already?

how is he contacting you..
I see him three days out of the week when we exchange our child. He picks him up after he gets out of work and we meet somewhere so our WS goes home with me

and what can you do to make all contact about your child only...
At one point, it was just about our WS, I really liked that idea. But then he gets side tracked and goes on about us. That irritates me so much!

can you set up a hotmail account only for you and him with only child stuff....

think of what you can do to empower this on your side of the street.... I want to get along with him because in the end, I will have contact with him over our WS forever (or until he forgets about him when he goes to live with OW)but when he starts with nonsense.

how often is he seeing you and contacting you..


BS(ME)25 WH-29 M-July 2004 D-Day April 15, 2007 DS-10months Things happen for a reason, the hard part is know what the reason is