SHINY ROCKS!!! Yes indeedy!!!
Well, it was GREAT!!!
Shiny grilled the pants off of Slag!!!
And she LIED.....OOH, she lied!!!!
That's okay, Shiny GOT HER!!!
Oh DID he!! Me-oh-my-oh!!!!!!
Yeah, I was waiting for the call yesterday and then there was a drama with my cousin and I stopped thinking about it. I checked my VM, there was a message from Shiny's PL. Are you meeting Shiny here to go to court?
Well, it was late to call so I tried to decide what to do. Then OWH called me.
After that I called Shiny's office and left a message and then I sent a couple of emails.
Called Shiny at 7am.
So we left there around 8am, got to the courthouse around 8:45 or so. We had to park about 3 blocks away.
OWH wasn't there yet. Slag wasn't there yet.
We went to the courtroom. Then Shiny took me upstairs to wait sentry for OWH with instructions to come back at 9am. Shiny went in to announce present.
So 9am. No one yet. I went back to Shiny and then called OWH, summoned Shiny out of the courtroom to talk to OWH.
He was looking for a place to park.
So Shiny went back into the courtroom and I went to the foyer to wait for OWH.
I saw Slag walking in. I stood my ground. Right in the middle of the foyer underneath the skylight, in the middle of the star.
She walked here, she walked there, she didn't ask ME for directions!! LOL!!!
Then OWH arrived. That's when I found out he has a pacemaker. I had NO idea.
The security guard worked him over really well. Made me go back over the threshold so I didn't what? Who knows?
Then we went in.
He and Shiny talked, then it was time.
They went to counsel's table.
Slag turned around and
started waving at me. My eyes weren't focused on her, I just saw it out of my peripheral vision. I just did a one hand...whatEVAH....flash.
I mean, geez, Lady, what do you think this is? A TEA party?
Then Shiny called her to the stand.
Asked about finances. She lied. Asked about the trips she took with her "boyfriend." Like the trip to Las Vegas. (I'll tell you my theory later.)
BANG!! There goes the starter pistol!!!! Shiny is IN THE LEAD!!!!
Then her lawyer questioned her.
Then Shiny got her on cross.
Then OWH.
Shiny, asking about finances and OWH's health. Turns out he has a hip replacement, too. And get this: He has Muscular Dystrophy, not Multiple Schlerosis. I was always told MS.
Anyway, he had genetic testing done and no one on Earth has what he has.
NOTE: If y'all think I should take the above part out, I will. It's public record now though. So I'll leave it for now.
Okay, then Slag's lawyer tried to make OWH look bad.
I gotta tell ya', when Shiny was questioning him about his health, I almost started crying. It was close.
So that harpy tried to make OWH look bad. Can you believe that crap? Man!! How LOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW can you go?
Shiny crossed OWH.
Then closing.
OWH got support until it's time to go back to court.
Okay, now THIS is FUNNY!!!!!!
Shiny was questioning Slag about money she said she "loaned" her boyfriend. She said, "He's going to pay it back."
FOTFFLMFAO!!!! OMG!!!! I almost lost it there!!!! And Shiny went back to that several times and I gotta tell ya'......awwwww MAN!!!
I had to cover my face!!!
I'm sure Slag saw THAT!!!!!! LMAO!!! Pay her back!!!! LMAO!!!! What a SCREAM!!!!
Then we were done. Slag tried to talk to me over the partition. Something like: "It was so nice of you to come, I'm glad you could be here."
Some such nonsense. I didn't acknowledge her. I walked on the other side of Shiny so he was between us.
Then the three of us walked out.
OWH asked what I was doing. I said, "Well, I can't lose Shiny so I will make it home!"
OWH wanted to buy me lunch!!! Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!

So Shiny said, "Well, you two can go to lunch and then you can drop her off at the office."
Then: "Or why don't I just take you both to lunch?"
Okay. So Shiny had to file something at the courthouse across the street in probate court.
We left and waited for him at the restaurant.
OWH said he had been doing really well until the last few days. It started to come back on him. He said he was feeling generous until he got out the print-out I had given him on October 30th and read through the WHOLE thing.
After that, he said...."That was IT!! NO MORE Mr. Nice Guy!"
And Slag's lawyer making him feel like a small turd by the side of the road just made him even more determined to take care of himself.
So we had a nice lunch, these three humans brought together by a tragedy.
Shiny said at lunch, "She's having too much fun with this!!" (Meaning me!!! LOL!!!)
I just laughed. Hey, better to laugh about it than go insane!!
Ain't it?

So I told OWH we need to keep in touch more. They think we are in cahoots anyway!! LOL!!
And he is READY for the next phase. I said, SO AM I!!!! Whenever you need me, I am THERE!!!
Oh yeah, and he told me that text I sent him last night around 10:30 made him feel a lot better. He had been worried about her lawyer and stuff. I said, "Hey, Shiny's onnah da case, you gotta nothing to worrah about!!"
Then we left.
Shiny thanked me several times for being there for OWH. And for Shiny, too, really. He knows I'm detail oriented so I had a Shiny Report for him. LOL!
Oh, he asked me to take the pictures of him, L & T (PL's) for his website. SWEET!! That's funny, because I had been thinking about asking him if I could. When I found out L was working on it.
So I asked him if he wanted digital or 35mm. And hey!! I have the nice lights here, we can make it uber professional!!
So I thought that was WAY cool!!
Okay, I have a theory. And OWH was really upset about these trips. I knew about the Vegas trip because the kids told me the other day.
Well, here's what I think: I saw Gray wearing a ring. At first I thought engagement ring. My brother wears one (well, until the kids lost it!). So I didn't think that was unusual.
Then I thought about it: Vegas. Ring.
I'll bet they got married!!
I told this theory to Shiny and OWH. You should have seen how far their mouths were hanging open!! LOL!! Coulda caught a LOT of flies!!! LOL!!
So I think that's VERY possible. After all, don't you think that in their warped minds that they are thinking, "Hey, we are getting divorced. We will be valid once those go through?"
I think so.
So I told Shiny I'd do some snooping around if he wants. Give me a couple of more times with Gray over here. I'll get it out of him. LOL!

Heck no! Not THAT way!!! I'm talking about the Mistress of Sweet Talk!! None of the hoochie-coo, I'm yo' Hoochie Man!!!
Anyway. I'll put out some feelers on that. He can still question her about it if he wants, whether I get info on it or not.
We talked a bit about the settlement agreement on my side. He wants me to go through the list and see what I can decide on so he can send a reply in a couple of weeks, actually, at the beginning of August, that's pretty soon.
Yeah, with all the drug use and the info OWH gave us from people Slag works with, who knows how much longer they are going to put up with those two pill heads?
And Shiny doesn't want to have to spend all of that money, MY money and roll the dice if we have to go to trial and all. Yeah.
My Shiny Attorney does NOT want to spend money!! HALLELUJAH!!! Thank you!!! Have you ever heard of such a creature? LOL!!
I'm going to call OWH later and see how he's faring. I notice that Mr. Gray wasn't in IM, must have taken the rest of the day off of work to comfort his gurrrrl-frayund!! HA HA!!!
Okay, if I forgot anything I'll post it later. I've been working on this post for.....WHOA!! Nearly 2 hours!!
Sorry it's so long!! High drama, ya' know!!
