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I love living rural but that's sort of out for us these days. used to take long walks every day... watch the sheep and cattle .... splash through the streams for marron ...like lobster but fresh water... take the kids to neighbours for a cuppa.... fish.... have picnics .... all away from the maddening crowds. Fun. not great fun for teens I guess at times. Safer though. I guess Neak that its not much fun to be a Dervish if you have no peers to Dervish with. But enjoy the QUIET and the PEACE ......... it will all be back to normal pretty soon !!! anyone doing more than washing for the weekend? we have been rained out all week and looks like the weekend is going the same way. can't complain we've been in drought last 5 years or so. And I wanted to put in my sliding glass door.... 
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An email today from the lonely Montana Dervish:
Dear Grandpa, Noah, Auntie, Damon, Tiggy, Mommy, and Daddy, I miss you. (NB: He didn't miss me - he hit me with a kangaroo, and several other small items.) I want you come to Montana. Wish that you can come in a plane. I will drive a oh! Grandpa! I get to a giant tractor, drive it! And Noah, that's the same as you - I get to drive a tractor. It makes hay balls for cows to eat. Mom and Dad are going to watch me drive a big tractor, which makes hay. But. I don't fink Dad will let me open the hatchet for the hays. I might make a hay ball, but I don't fink I can open the hatchet to make the hay ball come out. Mom said would this take a long time to find a little needle in a giant hay. Stack. And this is from Devon and Diesel. Diesel is our cat. Baby cat. And. I don't like to change the litter box. It is stinky. And at noon, there's a couple big yellow sirens every noon they go off so we know it's time to eat.! And Damon and Tiggy, Mom fought I was going to sit just on the back porch, but I was way way waaaaaayyyyyyyyy out there where lightning was. And Damon, you'll love the lightning at night-time. Because I fink you can read a ma-zine wif the lightning storm which we had up in Montana. Auntie, Diesel is so cute! Cuter than YOUR kitties! (Mom, do you fink Auntie will be angry, or do you fink she will fink this is funny?) That's all I want to say. Love, Devon and Diesel! and Dad and Mom and Devon and Diesel All right, Mom's done playing that game.
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I think the dervish needs to be kept busy lol  What does the rest of the world know about Montana? well the Australian part of the world? Well its probably where Hannah came from so teens will love it And the name comes from a Spanish word meaning mountains - I read a Louis Lamour book has the third lowest population density in the United States - Sat TV is great isn't it Montana and Canada share a 545 mile (877 km because I have trouble with miles ) border.. Australia doesn't have any border with anyone .... just lots of ocean.,.... no no hold on... we have borders down in our Antarctic territories with Argentina & Chile..... Norway and New Zealand... though what we want with 5,896,500 km² of ice is beyond me. Maybe we are planning to float the ice to Australia to cure the drought? some of the MT views look spectacular.... like St Mary lake area ... now thats a camping area... my fav camping area in Australia is in the Karri Valley 5 star resort right in the middle of the karri forest down south ... about 300kms away.... ok any 5 star resort MT is where Custers scouts told him 'you're in deep kaka' at the Battle of the Greasy Grass ... I watch the History channel sometimes It has part of the Yellowstone park ... I think we are mining our parks up north for China or someone... though when you have parks so far away its a bit hard to actually find out whats going on a 1000km or more away. In MT 94.8% of the population aged 5 and over speak English at home whereas in Australia we don't speak English at all. Ask anyone from the UK. it has 3 nicknames ... Treasure State... Big Sky Country... The Last Best Place .......... I want to dispel rumours that its called the 'The Icebox" ... that's another rumour Montana shepherds spent many lonely hours piling rocks into high stacks called cairns. ................. ummm .............. WHY ???????????????? In Butte, Montana, it's legal to shoot anyone who deliberately mispronounces the city's name and giggles........ I don't THINK this is true but you know how rumours get around The state bird of Montana is the Meadowlark, which terrorizes the skies above the state's human residents much as their prehistoric pterodactyl ancestors did :eek: The first bobsled track in North America was built at Lolo Pass, Montana in 1965 in the hopes that it would enable the American Olympic team to finally defeat those feisty Jamaicans..... I think this is just a big fib!!! I mean defeating the Jamaicans ...... HAH ... as if !!! I can't think of anything else ......... but give me time
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Auntie has responded to the Dervish's attempt to communicate...
Dear Devon,
There I was sitting at my computer when I saw an email from Devon. At first, I was like "Whoa! Who's Devon? Must be spam..." Then I was like, "Oh, I remember Devon. He was that little kid that used to hang around here. I wondered where he's been."
So how have you been, Kevon? It must be nice in Minnesota where you are. I am glad that you are doing lots of farming. That is a nice thing for a little boy to do. Maybe you will be a farmer when you grow up. Of course, that won't be for a long time since you are only 6. (He's 7.)
We just finished eating the corn that my dad, Donald, grew for us. You remember him, don't you Stevon? It is the first corn to be ready from the corn patch. We planted a corn patch at my mom and dad's house this year. We planted lots of other things, too. You should come see it some time.
Well, I need to go for worship. We are having Friday night sundown worship now. We do that because we are Seventh-day Adventists. Maybe while you are up there in Maine you can go visit one of the Adventist churches there. Must go. Email me again sometime, Devine. I always love to hear from an old friend.
Love, Your old pal
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AW, loved the compare and contrast about MT and Aussie-land.  You know a lot more about Montana than I do, but now I know more than I did. Devine hasn't written to his auntie yet because he gotted a playmate. Some of the church people had their son home from college, accompanied by his very nice girlfriend. We all went out to their farm for the evening and supper, and my lonely, pathetic little boy had so much fun! The son was a very good sport and let Devine play with a bunch of his old toys. Shortly before we left, an RC helicopter came out. I'm not too sure if the problem was the heli or the pilot, but on its second flight it nearly gave one of the cats a reverse mohawk. We roasted veggie hot dogs over the fire, made smores, and had a wonderful time. When it was time to go, we reminded Devine to get the last little bit of his juice, which he had brought in a plastic water bottle. He disappeared in the house for a minute, came out with 3 styrofoam cups, and proceeded to pour his much-slobbered juice out to share with everyone. I whispered to them to NOT drink it, and just hold it till we left, just in case they weren't able to guess what that bottle might have been through in the preceding 24 hours. In all fairness, the little hoodlum wanted very much to write his auntie, but didn't have a turn on the computer while we were home. Tune in tomorrow for the dramatic conclusion to... "Mommy, why did Auntie write to me with all those funny words?"
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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Only time for a quick note, but I had to share the latest in the IL drama.  Let's just say that, though I dare not hope it is permanent, there has been a significant rift that was none of my doing. About a week ago, AJ & his brother went out to another brother's house, where MIL's pickup had broken down. They worked for a while, fixed it for her, and since AJ had nothing else to drive at the moment, he brought it here and let her know it was working again. Friday they came over for a few minutes, as nice as could be, and AJ gave them the key for the pickup. They thanked him for fixing it. After we thought they left, they went through BIL's trailer out back and took some stuff that may or may not have been rightfully theirs, but that's a whole nuther tale. (The Dervish had a blow-by-blow account of it, lol. Why didn't he just tell us at the time??? I guess it didn't seem important.) Well, the next morning, with nothing at all happening different that we know of, MIL was loudly trumpeting throughout the family that she was going to call the sheriff on AJ, to come over to the house with her and make him give back her pickup. I don't know if she ever actually called, but it was gone when we got back from church. AJ has handled it very well, maintaining a Christlike disposition, while understanding a need to distance himself from the blatantly manufactured drama. My guess is it will be a while before she comes back to borrow a cup of sugar, rofl!
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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I think these things are laws in Montana: Dumb Laws Prostitution is considered a “crime against the family”. One may not pretend to abuse an animal in the presence of a minor. It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone. It is a felony for a wife to open her husband’s mail. It is a misdemeanor to show movies that depict acts of felonious crime. In Montana, it is illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays, and illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all. It is illegal for a man and a woman to have sex in any other position other than missionary style. Seven or more indians are considered a raiding or war party and it is legal to shoot them. City Laws in Montana - BillingsNo person shall raise pet rats. Persons in possession of a “pea shooter” risk it being conviscated by police. It is illegal to bring a bomb or rocket at city council proceedings. Bands who play in clubs where alcohol is served may not leave the stage while performing. It is illegal to use speed-dial in the city phone system. Excelsior SpringsHard objects may not be thrown by hand. Worrying squirrels will not be tolerated. Balls may not be thrown within the city limits. HelenaIt is illegal to annoy passersby on sidewalks with a revolving water sprinkler. The game of “folf” may not be played at night. No item may be thrown across a street. KalispellAll pool tables must be able to be viewed from the street outside a billiard hall where they are located.
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Those are funny! I'd believe them, too. This is an interesting place, for sure.
AJ was just asking last night if you were back from dolphin-watching yet.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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well Rella I was always concerned about those sheep ... now my mind is at rest .... at last lol  I wonder how much it would take me to get those fishing rules up & running here????????  I don't know ... bomb or rocket at city council proceedings may actually help things along a bit.  Its about time the squirrels got their way  The revolving water sprinkler law wouldn't work here... usually the neighbourhood kids are running under any and all they can get to  Now come on!!!!  the law on the game of “folf” about not to be played at night is just NOT fair!!!!!  really I think they over stepped the mark this time!!!! Neak the IL saga seems to be so weird I have nothing to say .... what a fib .. I have lots to say .... just not about IL's  ....... I do hope they gently go away when they get like that. AJ did so good. Say 'allo to him for me and Liz and Mikey. Heard nothing from the old man.... neither has anyone ... just that he's in country .. one does not ask which country  well off to bed need to start 6.30 tomorrow .... Liz & Hayley have been sleep for hours the lucky things. Mikeys playing musical beds  .. Hayley looks so cute with a toddler ..... son hurry up home and marry the girl ... few baby girls would be nice
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I want a house overlooking the beach....and a boat so I can go and visit the dolphins.....and maybe a very large and friendly picture of me on the bottom of the boats so the dolphins will know how to find me so we can talk to each other.
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I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff. Since it all seems to be in good fun, I won't get all offended on behalf of my state. Just be careful.......  Fox
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More Montana loopy Laws:
It is a misdemeanor to show movies that depict acts of felonious crime.
In Whitehall, it is illegal to operate a vehicle with ice picks attached to the wheels.
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You're from Montana too???
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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And AW, irritating but no surprise that you haven't heard from Aussierabia. You would think that with all the technology, they'd be able to figure out some way to keep in touch with everybody.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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Today the Dervish dug potholes in the driveway, trying to keep his daddy from driving to work tomorrow.
We learned how to make our own lolcat pictures. I think I'm addicted.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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Neak I guess they can but would never admit it. I know I only need to worry if a car stops outside at an odd hour. But its frustrating darn it all ! lol  We are all waiting for October .. maybe November  Good to see the Dervish getting some distraction .... bet he never thought he'd miss his peers huh? lol but the pot hole digging.. isn't that just the cutish!!!!!! I remember Mikey just not wanting to let go of daddy.. he didn't understand much except he knew his dad was going away. No screams but just big gasping tears running down his little face. .. might have been a little moisture in dads as well bet Neak is missing Neaksis and mum & dad & the munchkins too huh? ..... Ok we won't mention that then will we. 
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More Montana laws:
Bozeman has a law that bans all sexual activity between members of the opposite sex in the front yard of a home after sundown, but only if they're nude. That may explain the late night run for a pair of socks in this town!
In Helena a woman can't dance on a table in a saloon or bar unless she has on at least three pounds, two ounces of clothing. I guess those folks don't know the likes of buxom strippers like Pandora Peaks who can wear next to nothing and it would still weigh a few pounds.
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Tennessee laws: It is illegal to use a lasso to catch a fish.
In Dyersburg, it is illegal for a woman to call a man for a date.
In Bristol it is illegal for a woman to stop in the street to adjust, straighten or pull up her stockings.
In Memphis it is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless there is a man either running or walking in front of it waving a red flag to warn approaching motorists and pedestrians.
In Tennessee it is illegal to shoot any game other than whales from a moving automobile.
California laws:
It is illegal to skateboard on walls "or other vertical surfaces" in Palo Alto.
Wearing a sweatshirt inside-out is deemed a "threatening misdemeanor" in Half-Moon Bay.
In 1930, the City Council of Ontario (California) passed an ordinance forbidding roosters to crow within the city limits.
In Los Angeles, you cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time. (Loony Laws" by Robert Pelton)
In California, animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship. (Loony Laws" by Robert Pelton)
Peeling an orange in your hotel room is banned in California (Legal Lunacy)
San Francisco is said to be the only city in the nation to have ordinances guaranteeing sunshine to the masses.
Redwood City has outlawed the frying of gravy.
In Santa Clara, it is forbidden to dedicate parking spaces to the patron saint of television.
Prostitutes in San Francisco are not obliged to make change for bills larger than $50.
The city of Mountain View proscribes calling pet fish by "names of aggressive content, e.g. 'Biter', 'Killer', 'Sugar-Ray'"
Bicycles may not be ridden without "appropriate fashion accessories" anywhere in Santa Clara County (de facto law).
In Blythe, California, a person must own two cows in order to legally wear cowboy boots in public.
In Los Angeles, a man is legally entitled to beat his wife with a leather belt or strap, but the belt can't be wider than 2 inches, unless he has his wife's consent to beat her with a wider strap. (Loony Laws" by Robert Pelton)
It is illegal to set a mousetrap without a hunting license.
Community leaders passed an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to try and stop a child from playfully jumping over puddles of water.
In L.A. it is against the law to complain through the mail that a hotel has cockroaches, even if it is true.
It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Blvd. at one time.
It is illegal to whistle for a lost canary before 7 am in Berkeley, CA.
In California, it is illegal to posses bear gall bladders.
In California, it is illegal to trip horses for entertainment.
Australian laws:
Although children are not allowed to legally buy cigarettes, they can legally smoke
Only a fully qualified electrician may change your broken light bulb. Otherwise you may receive a fine of $10.
When going outside, cats in the town of Longhorn must wear three bells on their collar to warn of their approach to birds.
Under Australian Communications Authority (ACA) legislation and the Telecommunications Act (1991) a modem may not connect on the first ring. Doing so will invalidate the operator’s ACA permit and may result in a fine.
In Victoria it is illegal to wear “hot pink pants” after 12 noon on a Sunday.
Thailand laws:
When a man is driving he must always wear a shirt
It is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing any underwear.
Folks, I'm not making these up....I'm just finding them.
Last edited by cinderella; 08/06/08 11:16 AM. Reason: 'cuz I found more silly laws
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More interesting "facts" about Montana ..... just bear with me a moment ......... In this life I'm a woman. In my next life, I'd like to come back as a Montana bear. When you're a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that. Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too. When you're a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you are sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that. If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. Even papa bears have been known to do a runner when mama wakes up mean............ I could deal with that. If you're a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat. Yup, I'm gonna be a Montana bear! *************************************************8 In light of the rising frequency of human/grizzly bear conflicts, the Montana Department of Fish and Game is advising hikers, hunters, and fishermen to take extra precautions and keep alert for bears while in the field. They advise that outdoorspeople ..... see how EO I am? .... should wear noisy little bells on their clothing. They also advise outdoorspeople to carry pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear. I wonder where the bear gets salt. It is also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear activity, outdoors people should recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear poop. Black bear poop is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear poop is larger and has little bells in it and smells like pepper. **************************************************************** Guests staying at the Best Western Motel in Whitefish Montana, received a shock when 'a cute, little bear' strolled into the hotel grounds and climbed into the swimming pool with them. The motel manager informed all that the bear appeared to enjoy its dip and was no danger to the other guests, it had already eaten its fill over at his competition next door. **********************************************************8 Did you know that Montana is home to the shortest river in the world. Roe River is about 200 feet long ......... then it becomes a glacier ......... in summer  I'm sure all this is true ... trust me I'm a public servant who gives advice to politicians
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Australian laws: yup .... all true Although children are not allowed to legally buy cigarettes, they can legally smoke ... and do Only a fully qualified electrician may change your broken light bulb. Otherwise you may receive a fine of $10........... boy am I in trouble When going outside, cats in the town of Longhorn must wear three bells on their collar to warn of their approach to birds...... not bad .... Aussies wants to shoot them Under Australian Communications Authority (ACA) legislation and the Telecommunications Act (1991) a modem may not connect on the first ring. Doing so will invalidate the operator’s ACA permit and may result in a fine......... we do second best the best In Victoria it is illegal to wear “hot pink pants” after 12 noon on a Sunday. ... and so it should be !!!! and in WA if more than 3 people meet its a crowd and you need a permit and you can buy all the speeding radar warning equipment you like and install it in your car ... but you aren't allowed to use it. and in Perth its an offence to ride your horse if you have drunk more than 5 glasses of beer and you can be fined if you leave your horse unattended while left unsecured to appropriate street tie stations. Gosh how tough is that 
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