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I think the point was, and it's been hinted at by numerous posters, numberous times, that if you don't support Obama or have anything to say against him, then you must be racist.
I know that I have been accused of being a racist because I DO NOT SUPPORT OBAMA.
And that is far from the TRUTH.
Me46 FWH42 Married 19 yrs EA 4/07 - 4/08 (Confirmed by polygraph that it had not gone PA) Dday1 4/13/08 Dday2 8/8/08 S26 S16 D10 Trying to Recover
Mimi, I thought my "point" was both obvious and stated...an interesting viewpoint.
With 90+% of Blacks voting for Obama, it seemed appropriate to hear from one of the 10-% who actually DID deal with the ISSUES and RACE was not an issue.
So are you trying to imply something more?
If not, what, as an Obama supporter, would you say in rebuttal to the young man's points?
Why don't we let Mimi respond to my response to her question to me?
I have no interest in whether or not anyone considers me a racist or a saint. This is about the election and the VIEWS of the candidates and political parties.
Just as I don't care what anyone thinks about me because I think the Abortion issue transcends race and politics and is WRONG according to God's Standards concering life.
So let's keep on "point" as Mimi was suggesting, eh?
Last edited by Dufresne; 11/03/0804:11 PM. Reason: removing quoted deleted text
I think the point was, and it's been hinted at by numerous posters, numberous times, that if you don't support Obama or have anything to say against him, then you must be racist.
I don't think ALL of those that do not support Obama are racists!! I never said this to you, JoJo.
I made it happen..a joyful life..filled with peace, contentment, happiness and fabulocity.