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I'd totally dream about chupacrabras...or socks...which is just as bad. My mom taught me to begin with my toes and conciously work my way up my legs telling each major muscle group to relax, it's time to relax...by the time I get to my neck and tongue, I've usually dozed off.
I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. My Story Recovered!
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For Trying and for anyone finding obsessive thoughts a serious problem, I have the following suggestion.
A full 2 years after D Day of March 2005, I was still going through my slow, not-quite nervous breakdown. In April 2007 read an article in the British Observer magazine about hypnotherapy. It was part of the health and beauty section, in which journalists try out various treatments and report on them. This journalist visited a hypnotherapist in London and reported positively. She hadn't gone there to get help specifically with her love life but with her peace of mind more generally. However, the therapist uncovered a broken relationship which on the surface she had got over, but about which underneath she was still unhappy about.
Under hypnosis, he got her to let it go, and a few weeks later, when she wrote the article, she was experiencing relief from an unhappiness she hadn't realised she was still feeling. Her article named the therapist and the clinic (The Hale Clinic, a quite well-known centre for alternative therapies in London.) In desperation in May 2007 I booked an appointment with the same therapist and the treatment made a world of difference to me. The therapist couldn't wave a magic wand and change my husband or make the affair something that never happened, but the session dramatically reduced my misery, obsessive thoughts and feelings that H had done what he had because I hadn't been good enough. In fact, the feelings that I hadn't been good enough and that OW had been some sort of queen were turned completely upside down. From the moment I got home that day (it took about an hour for me to realise I felt different) I realised genuinely that I was a goddess and OW was crap beneath my shoe. I have walked on air ever since.
The only downside was that for some time I also looked down on WH, rather badly. I saw him as pathetic, unprincipled and a bad father for doing what he did to our kids. While the affair was in progress we were having frequent, and I thought good sex and fun at home but he wanted sex with a bit of strange THAT BADLY that he would risk breaking up our family for a woman that he did not ever want to live with, but was sexually obsessed with.
That feeling of contempt was a big problem because I was still living with him and trying to make recovery successful. I had to work a bit to adjust my feelings for him so that I could carry on living with him. I tried to build respect for him by recognising how much he did to keep us together. He did maintain contact with her for two years until I was driven to contact her H (just before I tried the hypnotherapy), but he also gave up the job he liked and stayed through all my hatred of him. He tries hard now to make me happy.
I told OWH my experience and he saw the same therapist when he visited London. He reported a big improvement to his own well-being. When I exposed the affair to him in 2007, he had known that my H and his W had "had lunch" a couple of times in 2003 and he had banned her from doing so again. He never suspected that my H had already slept in his bed and travelled abroad with his wife, and that the affair had continued for another 3 years after his partial discovery. He was so badly affected that he was prescribed anti-depressants, but the hypnotherapy calmed his thoughts more than the drugs seemed to.
Anyway, you might care to look into it, if you are in a bad way. Make sure that you choose a qualified hypnotherapist. You don't have to believe in it or practice anything on your own at home. You more or less tell him or her what the problem is and what you want done about it, and then listen to what is said to you when you are in a very relaxed state (you are not put to sleep!). What is said will act on your unconscious mind without your having to do anything. You would get a huge confidence boost and strength to go through this long trial if you tried a session. My session in London cost me £90 for one hour and I never needed another. You would probably pay less than this is you did not go to a swanky clinic, but you must make sure your therapist belongs to some institute that is seen as respectable in your country. Awe thanks so much for thinking of me, very sweet. I couldn't do hypnotherapy. I know I'm nuts but I am a all natural kinda person, plus I hear that if you ever go under hypnosis if you have to go to court your testimony would not be valid as they feel its mind altering. Plus not sure how I feel about hypnosis, I think it may open you up to spiritual things you may not want. Just my thoughts tho. Well had a fairly successful day yesterday pushing H out of my head. And I slept good. Back to the grind, DS10 is up and getting ready to home school and DD17 is back to her charter high school this morning.
Me-39 H-38/Married 19years/DD18 & DS10 Dday EA/PA 4/23/08 Left home 5/08/08 Moved in w/Sea Hag 08/01/08 Read SAA Sept 08 Plan A 10/03/08 thru 11/15/08 Plan B 11/15/08-currently 01/18/09 Plan B crack w/phone call restating PBL 01/31/09 Planned brief contact 02/15/09 Delivery of Planned 2nd PBL Filed for D Dec 2009 Recovering well!
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T2L, I have 2 pieces of advice for you. I mean them very strongly.
1. Change your cell number. If there's an emergency that bad, he can call the police or your pastor.
2. Unplug your answering machine, and do not plug it back in until his rectocraniotomy is complete.
I would make those 2 things flash neon if I could. Your LB is in grave danger, and he is getting to you.
What other things can you do to cut him out of your thoughts, and the day to day reality of your life? Flashing is good, I like flashing. If it is flashing in Pink, my favorite color, I will award extra IM mentor bonus points too.  Ok I know Yes my LB is in grave danger. Had a better day yesterday, pushing the thoughts out and not letting myself go there. Its hard, but the day was better and I slept good with no trouble falling asleep. Okay for the cell number, even if I changed the number it wouldn't matter as the cell bill goes straight to him. I have been using the house phone more as the bill comes here so he cannot see who I am talking to. So he would see the number change. We have a family plan H pays for, it has all 4 of our phones on it. Financially I rely on him for that. I can however unplug the answering machine. He usually only calls towards the evenings so I can unplug it then. He has never called during the day. Need some input. So I think my H has 3 people feeding him crap and supporting him, his 1 brother, mother and the Sea Hag. Here is my question, DS10 does not want to talk to him or see him as he is mad about hearing that message. BTW I found my recorder and will be removing it from answering machine today, anyways I do not want to have problems with accusations of parent alienation. What should I do? I'm not even sure I can force him to talk to his dad. H called last night at 8:25 but hung up when no one answered. I am pretty sure someone is telling him to log all his attempts of calling, but no worries I have a log of all the days he does not come to visit and his nasty message. But again I live in California and from what I hear they do not care about my journal or adultery or any of it. So what do? Should I force DS10 to talk or to visit? Hey IM"s should I send communication saying that he heard that message by accident because of DD17 and that he is heart broken. Actually what DS10 told me on our walk Saturday was that he does not want to talk to his dad for a while and I said why and he said because he is nice to my face and talks to my mom like that, i want to punch him in his face 5 times. I thought if I sent H communication and addressed DS10 being upset over the message then I would have a copy of the email and I would also show that I am not trying parent alienation.
Me-39 H-38/Married 19years/DD18 & DS10 Dday EA/PA 4/23/08 Left home 5/08/08 Moved in w/Sea Hag 08/01/08 Read SAA Sept 08 Plan A 10/03/08 thru 11/15/08 Plan B 11/15/08-currently 01/18/09 Plan B crack w/phone call restating PBL 01/31/09 Planned brief contact 02/15/09 Delivery of Planned 2nd PBL Filed for D Dec 2009 Recovering well!
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Another song for you: Rise Up by Third Day Here's a song I prayed FOR tst during his affair. When I heard it, I thought it must be what had happened to him. Set Me Free by Casting Crowns "before the dark ones came, stole my mind, wrapped my sold in chains" "all alone with my demons, I am"
Happily married to HerPapaBear
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Don't force your son to do anything. Just be there for him. Go on walks with him and let him talk. Play games with him. Have movie night on a blanket in the living room. Give him lots of good memories to fill up this time with.
Not your job to correct H on how to deal with his son at this point. If you want, you can let IM know and they can pass on the news if it feels right.
Your job to stop thinking about him and let him stew in his own juices. Have you changed your email address? Changed password on your phone? Things like that?
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T2L {{{hugs}}} as always. Glad to hear you got some sleep. I did pretty good. Woke up at 4:30 but managed to go back to sleep instead of my mind churning through the darkness.
As for your son, even though my D15 is older, at the beginning she was angry at her Dad and I was pushing her to see him because she needed to have respect for him (where is the 2x4 to hit myself). What happened is she started getting more angry and directing it to me.
Validate his feelings. 10 is not 6. Let him know that he allowed to be angry for a little and not see him but will need to talk out his feelings in a week or so and at that point he might miss him. Your H has only really gotten grief from D17, so it might make him pause seeing that S10 is having issues. We need to stop protecting them and protect our kids.
Disney land in March?
Me 55, XWH 53, M 22 years D17, D30 alien replaces my husband "I'm not happy" -7/08 Discover OW-8/08 (his direct report and I work there also) H moves out 10/1/08, confront Ow 10/28/08 Plan B 1/09 D final 12/09
Quote: "First thing you do is pray; when there is nothing else to do, continue to pray."
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Don't force your son to do anything. Just be there for him. Go on walks with him and let him talk. Play games with him. Have movie night on a blanket in the living room. Give him lots of good memories to fill up this time with.
Not your job to correct H on how to deal with his son at this point. If you want, you can let IM know and they can pass on the news if it feels right.
Your job to stop thinking about him and let him stew in his own juices. Have you changed your email address? Changed password on your phone? Things like that? Okay, I won't force him. Don't want to correct H, but letting him know why son is not answering the phone I thought would be in order. It may protect me from accusation that I denied him access to his son. DS10 has been mad at his dad before, Pre SAA and I told his dad to call even if he is mad and when he is ready he will answer. But I definitely do not want to be legally held for parent alienation. I told my H in the PBL that my email address would be shut off that night and I have not had any contact with him through that. Our cell phones are on a joint family plan and the bill goes to his house. I am making pointless calls on the cell phone and important calls on the house phone as the bill comes to my house. So yeah I've done as much as I can.
Me-39 H-38/Married 19years/DD18 & DS10 Dday EA/PA 4/23/08 Left home 5/08/08 Moved in w/Sea Hag 08/01/08 Read SAA Sept 08 Plan A 10/03/08 thru 11/15/08 Plan B 11/15/08-currently 01/18/09 Plan B crack w/phone call restating PBL 01/31/09 Planned brief contact 02/15/09 Delivery of Planned 2nd PBL Filed for D Dec 2009 Recovering well!
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Third Day is the BESTEST EVER!
Cry out to Jesus is especially fitting!
I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. My Story Recovered!
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If you can disable the voice mail on your cell phone, I would really recommend it. You can still see who called, and whether you want to call them back.
If I was a 1/2-way bright WS (ok, no such animal, but work with me here), and I got in hot water for leaving a cussing message that my kids got ahold of, the very next thing I would try was the cell phone, since only you would receive that message and I could be as bad as I wanted.
Failing that, as soon as you can, get one of those cheap little prepaid phones and stop using your other one.
A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. ~ English proverb Neak's Story
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bombs away! Pep
Last edited by Pepperband; 01/05/09 09:04 PM. Reason: snicker
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End of day, update, not much LOL. No contact and dark.  Did okay pushing him out of my head. An older lady from from church emailed me today. She used to be the head secretary. She wanted to encourage me, it was sweet. She said she had been in my place a few times in her life. IDK, it was nice and i thanked her but I am still stinging from everything, not just church stuff but the affair and everything. I just need a few weeks to think before I can go back. H didn't contact the kids and did not visit on scheduled day today or scheduled Sunday. I can't really understand why he would take it out on them.  It hurts me that he does that to them. He gets mad if they don't answer the phone, but I cannot get DS10 to talk on the phone, he won't do it. He's mad and me asking him if he wants to answer when the phone rings makes him even angrier. The kids seem calmer when he doesn't contact or have to visit. No getting ready to rush off and visit and no pressure of the awkward phone call or what to say. I don't think he realizes how the kids view things. DD17 told me she has lost all respect for him. She loves him as her dad but even that has changed. DS10 is up and down and all over the place. He loves his daddy and is angry with his daddy and needs his daddy. It a very messed up thing. I should be hearing from a new counselor tomorrow for DS10. It worries me when H is that quiet, for over a day. I wonder if he will just get sick of it all and file on me. I can't stop it if he does, it scares me. I guess I should stop, I'm worrying for tomorrow and it hasn't gotten here. Did the last of the throwing out and organizing today as DD17 was at my desk and using the computer alot today. Since the 1st I have throw out 6 very large lawn and leaf G'night friends BTW: How do you go back to an old page in your own thread and edit? I thought just incase H finds this, which I pray to God he doesn't I should edit out that intimate stuff in during the PA. Anyways can you go back to your own post a month or two old and edit? If so how?
Last edited by Trying2live; 01/06/09 01:11 AM. Reason: Added BTW
Me-39 H-38/Married 19years/DD18 & DS10 Dday EA/PA 4/23/08 Left home 5/08/08 Moved in w/Sea Hag 08/01/08 Read SAA Sept 08 Plan A 10/03/08 thru 11/15/08 Plan B 11/15/08-currently 01/18/09 Plan B crack w/phone call restating PBL 01/31/09 Planned brief contact 02/15/09 Delivery of Planned 2nd PBL Filed for D Dec 2009 Recovering well!
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Who is this person that you are wondering what they might do? *looking around* I don't see anyone named "H" here. You must be mistaken. There is no "H" here. There is DD17 and DS10 and all us electrons out here ROFL I can't remember anyone else. Can you?
me - 47  H - 39  married 2001 DS 8a  DS 8b :crosseyedcrazy: (Why is DS7b now a blockhead???) (Ack! Now he's not even a blockhead, just a word! That's no fun!)
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You can't that I know of. Other than maybe asking the mods to do it for you. If you find a way, let me know, LOL. I want to take pictures off of my thread (JIC, you know?) Kids are so much more intuitive than we give them credit for. DD12 would say (during the A) that Dad was acting weird, not acting like himself. And, I had said nothing to her! They really know when something is wrong and the really do make judgment of the parent that is in the wrong. It's very difficult. I just had to second another poster who said that your husband was an idiot because you are gorgeous!! I saw your pic on the photo album and you so are. You're kids are beautiful, too. You are too sweet, kind, and pretty to be dealing with someone like your WH. Ugh, WS's.... 
Last edited by Verve; 01/06/09 01:30 AM. Reason: I spelled KIDS as KINDS...wth?
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
The person who is always finding fault seldom finds anything else.
I pity the fool. - Mr. T
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T2L, can you come over and organize my house? What are you going to do after you run out of chores? vacation?? I also sometimes think about H accessing this site. Yeah right, but it would be really really incriminating especially after I posted on Non Violet D day reactions (read for a laugh) some really good ones in there. Sorry your H is being such a fog bobble head with the kids. I hate that. Stop by my sitch and read about my lovely H. He is like a spoiled child - me me me. I feel like grounding him. My heart goes out to your son. They hate, love, cry, need it is a sorry time for them. I know the world is not perfect but it is up to us as parents to try and make it good for our kids. My D15 was so grounded before all of this, now she is struggling. I am angry. But I pray for her to have peace. Hold your head up and take care. P.S. I agree with all the others what a "fox" you are. What an idiot when your H traded really down.
Also you cannot edit old posts. You only have the capability for about 20 minutes from when you post it.
Me 55, XWH 53, M 22 years D17, D30 alien replaces my husband "I'm not happy" -7/08 Discover OW-8/08 (his direct report and I work there also) H moves out 10/1/08, confront Ow 10/28/08 Plan B 1/09 D final 12/09
Quote: "First thing you do is pray; when there is nothing else to do, continue to pray."
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It hurts me that he does that to them. And this is why he does it... If you won't let him hurt you face to face, he's gonna use the kids to get atcha. We've already seen him do it a few times.
I never had to take the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?O'hana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. My Story Recovered!
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It hurts me that he does that to them. And this is why he does it... If you won't let him hurt you face to face, he's gonna use the kids to get atcha. We've already seen him do it a few times. I don't even think he's trying to get at me by ignoring kids, I'm probably wrong. Whenever the kids are upset with HIM he gets mad at them and doesn't talk to them. His famous saying to kids all the time now is, "Ya know I am still your father, I want to be your father". I mean what are they supposed to say to that? They usually are not sure how to respond and they say I know. Several months ago Pre-SAA he had said he feels he can be a better father by not being with me. This is his motive and goal now to try and be this involved dad, that he never really was. I mean he did however tuck them in and spend about 20 minutes each night with them, of course it was at my request and he gave me massive grief over the request, but it was very special to the kids and always laughter came from the bedrooms. Aside of that he wasn't too involved, actually not attached or bonded would be better words to describe it. I know he loved them, but in hindsight, it seems like we ALL were kinda a bother.
Me-39 H-38/Married 19years/DD18 & DS10 Dday EA/PA 4/23/08 Left home 5/08/08 Moved in w/Sea Hag 08/01/08 Read SAA Sept 08 Plan A 10/03/08 thru 11/15/08 Plan B 11/15/08-currently 01/18/09 Plan B crack w/phone call restating PBL 01/31/09 Planned brief contact 02/15/09 Delivery of Planned 2nd PBL Filed for D Dec 2009 Recovering well!
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I don't even think he's trying to get at me by ignoring kids, I'm probably wrong. Whenever the kids are upset with HIM he gets mad at them and doesn't talk to them.
His famous saying to kids all the time now is, "Ya know I am still your father, I want to be your father". I mean what are they supposed to say to that? They usually are not sure how to respond and they say I know. Several months ago Pre-SAA he had said he feels he can be a better father by not being with me. This is his motive and goal now to try and be this involved dad, that he never really was. This sounds EXACTLY like my WxH. Twenty nine months after he left I want to ask "how's that working for you?" One daughter refused to go to visitation with him and he very seldom ever speaks to her on the phone. He sees it as HER problem. You are doing wonderfully, T2L. Lucky for them, their father may be a putz, but they have a FANTASTIC mother.
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their father may be a putz He's just another wayward
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good morning T2L!!!!!! Sorry about the early morning (to me) text  I just had to say hi BTW: How do you go back to an old page in your own thread and edit? I thought just incase H finds this, which I pray to God he doesn't I should edit out that intimate stuff in during the PA. Anyways can you go back to your own post a month or two old and edit? If so how? You will need to notify the mods of each post you want edited. I would like to ask that you make a copy of them for when you dont care so much. There was a lot of really great information in them, they made alot of people smile and show newbies that its not all doom and gloom this side of affairland. We do have fun, and we can be silly, and just be ourselves for a while instead of the BS. I would be happy to save it on my computer if you don't want it on your home computer. Or maybe someone else could start a thread under their name and we could move the posts to it. Please please please???
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Ya know I am still your father, I want to be your father". I mean what are they supposed to say to that? They can say, no... my father would never abandon his family. My father is a good man who loves the Lord. My father loves his wife. My father is not a cheater.
Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage ********************* “In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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