A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Urban Cowboy was a topic of conversation.
I remember you said that it embarrassed you, LOL!
I was going to reply and didn't and now I can't remember what thread it was anyway, so I'm posting here.
Yeah, good ol' Gilley's, LOL!!
I never went there during the height of popularity but some of my "gang" did. LOL!!
I really wanted to go to Mickey Gilley's restaurant that he opened in Pasadena a few years ago but I don't know if it's even there anymore.
I look at Urban Cowboy fondly these days. There was a time when it was a horrible trigger because of a horrible break-up I had with a guy I was with before Gray. I made the mistake of living with this jerk. Well, he cheated--coworker, natch!
So I was the one who ended up moving out. Yeah, stupid, I know. He took my key but didn't know I secretly made another so I could get the rest of my stuff.
He never knew until I finally got the rest of it--she was practically living there by then. He was "playing," too, keeping both of us on a string.
Well, the day I got the rest, I left a little "message." I had NO idea it would make such an impact!! LOL!! I didn't know until years later because I "B'ed" him after that.
Anyway, the weekend I was supposed to move out, while he was at a wedding in SA with her that the two of US had been invited to...Urban Cowboy was on. And it was so sad.
To top it off, I looked outside at one point and there were two people going at it in the hot tub!!

EW!! Glad I moved!!

Anyway, I gradually got the movie back to the point where it is a fond memory instead of a crap one.
Plus...hey...John Travolta? Va-va-voom!! (at least then, he's a little hefty now, LOL!!)
So, I'm done yakking now. I think!!

Have a nice day!!