Today my WH came by the house to drop off $$ and pick up his mail. He left in February. He wouldn't tell me where he was living and I discovered that he was living with a woman he used to work with. He says it's not an affair but I'm not stupid. He said that it wasn't what I thought it was.

Here's my problem. Today when he was here I asked him if wanted me to just file for D if it was that he can't afford and attorney or whatever. He said no that he didn't want me to do that - even though he thinks eventually is what will happen. Then I told him I was thinking about putting the house up for sale (its in both our names) and he said he didn't think that was a good idea. He thinks I should keep it for now and if I tried to put it up for sale he wouldn't sign any paperwork because he's against it. I don't understand why if he doesn't plan on coming back. Then when D came up again he said that he isn't ready to make that decision yet.

I don't know what to do. He won't do counseling and says we've grown apart and can find happiness elsewhere. Although he doesn't want to do anything official or admit to the A. He also wants us to be friends and talk on the phone at least once a week and also come to the house when I'm home to help with anything needing done around the house or just so we can spend some time together. We have no children and will be married 8 years on 3-31.

Does this man know what he wants? He says he's still not any happier with his life. I don't know what to do. It's hard to know what my next move should be. He says he wants me to move forward which I have told him I am but I can't let go of the hope that he might change his mind and come home. Any advice on what I should do? I want to save my marriage.