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I'm not doing anything....but crying my heart out.

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
D-day 5-14-07, WH moved in with OW
Plan A 9 months, DARK Plan B 3-17-08 until 3-2-09
WH and OW broke up 1-09
Started over 7-09
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Just for you hug

Originally Posted by pepperband
When the 'dumb answers' thread was started, I had trouble restricting myself to two posts. There were about 137 dumb answers I could have dropped in right away. I notice the thread is still growing healthily, so clearly 'fog' is a universal mirth-maker.

I was also struck by Kat's thread on how tough it must be to be the deliverer of the dumb answer, the one deep in fog.

So yesterday, during an interminable technical seminar and a long motorway journey, I found myslef wondering just how WS's get into that situation. My own H has described his own situation to me very clearly, and I've generated my own homespun psychology to explain it. I suppose I'm still at the stage where I'm trying to make sense of everything.

So the following is a personal slant on what I think goes on in the mind of affair partners, and how I think the fog works. It's talking about the 'soulmate' kind of affair - I think fling-type affairs follow different paths. I'd find it useful to know if it matches with others' experiences.

And it's LONG.

To begin with, I believe that 'fog' is a distorted reality.

‘Reality’ for each of us, consists principally of two things – our ‘life model’, and our value system.

The ‘life model’ is the picture we have in our head of how the world works, how people interact with each other. As with an engineering model, we feed possibilities into it and come up with predictions. The accuracy of the model is dependent on many things – how good a starter pack our parents gave us, how detailed we’ve made the model, how much we’ve tested it by running sample data through. Some people have highly accurate models and are considered ‘shrewd’, and some have poor predictive powers and are thought naive. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle.

Our values system is what we use to guide us through life. It’s the set of rules and restrictions and codes that we innately believe will give us the best chance in life. It can be a narrow set – “what’s best for ME”, can revolve around the family, or can be very broad – “what’s in the best interests of the community (town, nation, world)?”

Some of our values are personal – we’ve learned hard lessons from our own experience. – “Don’t steal, or you’ll get a record.’ Some we’ve unconsciously absorbed from our parents – “It’s wrong to steal”. Some we adopt to fit in with peer group ideals – “Her son was done for burglary, isn’t it awful?”.

When we engage with a life-partner, we usually pick someone with a similar values system to our own, and we work hard to bring those systems together. This is not lovey-dovey stuff - it’s innately practical. If we are both bound by the same restrictions and drivers, we are likely to support and reinforce each other. We will be able to ‘trust’ – to confidently predict the other’s actions and opinions – and will therefore have a solid platform on which to base our life.

Our values system is based implicitly on our life model, and it works by reward and punishment. If we conform to our values, we build self-esteem and feel good about ourselves. If we violate our values, we feel discomfort. We attempt to get away from the discomfort by a) confessing and apologising, ie reconforming to values, or b) stuffing the discomfort down, or c) altering the values system so that we don’t appear to have breached it.

When an affair begins, there is usually huge temptation involved – for whatever reason. The temptation overwhelms the values system – when the WS says “I didn’t think…” , that’s exactly right. The normal mental mechanisms were not in play, largely because the life model was not sophisticated or accurate enough to detect what was happening nor predict the likely consequences, or because an intensity of resentment or anger caused normal mechanisms to be deliberately ignored. There is a ‘fantasy leap’, almost like a leap of religious faith. This leap says ‘ I want some fun / excitement / attention. I deserve that. I believe that this will make me feel better, and I believe I can control it, and get what I want out of it.”

The ‘denial’ mechanism can’t operate for long – the values system is too powerful for that. But by the time the underlying values system kicks in, the two affair partners have usually got themselves in sufficiently deep for there to be painful drawbacks in pulling out, and significant benefits in staying in. Excitement and pleasure oppose pain and discomfort.

For most people, an affair is a serious violation of their values system, so that sooner or later, the intense discomfort of values-betrayal is felt. This is heavy-duty pain, the kind that the WS is keen to escape from, like appendicitis. So how do they escape that pain? See above. They could a) confess – but of course it’s not something trivial they’d be confessing, so forget that, b) stuff the discomfort down, or c) alter the values system.

I suspect that most WS’s begin by trying to stuff the pain. But it’s too big – like getting an elephant into a suitcase. So there is really only one way to go. The values system has to change. It seems likely that the WS moves rapidly away from such intense pain – perhaps so quickly that its presence is not even noticed.

So the WS’s position metamorphoses:

1) It’s wrong to have an affair.
2) Friendship is not an affair.
3) Affairs are only wrong if they threaten the marriage. This is a friendship-with-sex and does not threaten the marriage.
4) The outside relationship ‘brightens’ me, and is therefore good for the marriage.
5) Other people are inexperienced. They don’t understand the power of a passionate friendship, and how enriching it is.
6) This affair is not wrong. In fact, I could not live without it.

The process is driven, I suspect, by a factor which none of the literature seems to comment on much – the fact that TWO people are involved.

Both affair partners are having to alter their values systems to accommodate what they’re doing. This feels uncomfortable, so they look to each other for confirmation that they’re justified in acting as they are. Neither wants to believe that they’re involved with someone whose values system is easily changed – that would be weak - so they must each work hard to convince each other that they are good, that their values are altering only because they are ‘growing’, becoming too complex and sophisticated / visceral / emotionally liberated for the old realities as personified by their spouses. They therefore reinforce each other, generating a self-perpetuating cycle that builds like a fire in heavy winds.

In addition, the same values-converging process that happened with the marital partners operates on the affair partners. Ironically, there is a strong need for security, perhaps to replace the dwindling security that the marriage is likely to provide (if the affair is exposed). The affair partners therefore work to keep each other ‘in’ the relationship by escalating involvement and increasing the other’s personal investment.

The desperate need to believe in the security of the relationship, in its ability to support and nurture, in its essential goodness, leads to what looks from the outside to be reckless behaviour. There is a mutual denial of the dangers of STDs or pregnancy.

By this time, the WS’s values systems are a LONG way from where they began.

Think back to what a values system is. It’s a set of beliefs based on a life model – the most realistic picture an individual can generate of how the world works. To support the altered values system, there has to be an altered life model (the one that says, eg, affairs won’t hurt my family).

The problem with the altered life model is that it’s not realistic. It starts from a premise that’s innately flawed – that it is OK for this individual to have this affair. The flaw distorts all logic.

Imagine that you postulated a theory that air would support your weight if there was enough of it under you, ie if you got high enough above the ground. Obviously, water supports large ships under a similar theory, so it’s a reasonable conjecture. The theory would look OK as long as you didn’t have to personally prove it. We can see that skydivers don’t appear to conform to the principle, but perhaps that’s just because they don’t get high enough?

Once you’re working to this theory, it becomes obvious that planes are a rather naïve concept. All that going-fast when all they have to do is climb up to the level where they’re supported by air molecules! The notion that satellites have to orbit at high speed is also clearly daft – at that height the trouble would be getting them down!

The affair partners are now operating far above safe oxygen levels. But to them, everything makes perfect sense.

This is ‘fog’.

The flawed model is a poor predictor. It fails as soon as it’s put to a real-world test. In fact, it fails all the time. In truth, it fails so frequently that the affairees must exert colossal energy just to keep themselves in the suspension of disbelief. And the self-delusion may eventually be exposed by real-world reactions that cannot easily be denied or ignored – the anguish of children, the disappointment on a mother’s face, the lash of a lawyer’s letter.

So what’s happening to the marriage, while all of this is going on?

To begin with, the WS moves between the two realities with a sense of excitement. It’s an escape. But, as the two realities diverge, there is increasing discomfort at the difficulty of bridging the two, of making the transition between them. To counter this, and because the affair is where the excitement is, a sense of anger, indignation and self-righteousness develops that the WS is ‘having’ to lie and deceive. If only the BS’s could be sophisticated enough to understand the benefits of the arrangement! If the BS’s were not so selfish, they would be glad that the WS’s are happy! It is infuriating that the stupid, inflexible BS’s would inevitably whinge and complain and wreck the perfect love of two people who were destined for each other…

There is no counter-balancing argument from the BS, because the BS does not know what is going on. But the likelihood is that the spouse has an instinctive awareness that something is wrong, and is becoming defensive and confrontational. The marriage is becoming an uncomfortable environment.

So the WS has now manoeuvred themselves into a position where the only source of acceptance and pleasure is with the OP. The WS inevitably moves further away from the marriage.

The affair usually loses its flavour, as the affairees begin to know each other and recognise that the affair partner is far from an improvement on the marital partner, and that the effort involved is no longer justified by the benefits. But as the emotional bond weakens, the two affairees may perversely cling to each other even more tightly, though not always at the same time. There is probably a bond of friendship, hopelessly complicated by the sexual connection and conspiracy to bteray.

By now they are in a position where exposure of the affair seems likely to end the two marriages anyway. The marriages are now so tarnished – the WS’s have moved so far away from the original values systems still supported by their spouses – that the affair, for all its misery, is now a more likely candidate for the future than the marriage. Both WS’s are locked in a death-spiral – each is terrified that the affair partner will leave the affair to recover the marriage, leaving one WS abandoned and hopeless. And at least one WS may be trapped by the terror of having to establish permanence with the affair partner, or be alone.

So what about the ‘fog’? The WS is moving between two realities; he or she is effectively two people. There is a ‘flickering’ effect, like moving between perceptions in a magic-eye picture. Sometimes WS#2 flickers into life in Reality #1. If the bad reception makes it difficult for the BS to ‘see’ the wayward spouse, the discontinuity makes it impossible for the WS to ‘see’ the old reality clearly too. WS convinces themselves that all is unchanged and well in the old life. They may even become angry if the BS is liberal with the old value system. It is necessary for the BS to be predictable via a well-understood parcel of values, in order for the WS’s deceit to work. There may also be a need, unacknowledged, for the BS to act as keeper-of-the-flame, to vicariously hold to what the WS has lost, to be a solid platform to return to.

And then comes dday, and the clash of matter and anti-matter, as the two realities meet. For the first time, the WS is presented with penetrating questions about the logic of the affair’s life-model. For the first time, the illogicality of the affair’s premise is exposed. The WS must defend the affair, or appear hilariously stupid. Defending the affair with dodgy logic has been the option for the life of the affair; the dodgy logic has been vigorously supported by the OP, so that the WS has had no practice in providing a reasonable defence. Small wonder that the WS feels threatened and humiliated and hits back. Small wonder that the arguments are so feeble – the same feeble arguments have been applauded as sage wisdom for so long, the WS is profoundly indignant at being challenged in any way. At this point, the WS provides us with all of those witty sayings that we howl at on the ‘dumb answer’threads.

At this point, the WS can head off in one of several directions. They might retreat permanently. They might reluctantly acknowledge that some of the logic was flawed, and move slowly back into the old values system. They might recognise immediately the mistake they have made, and set about with energy and determination to fix the mess they have created. Or they might settle for a fortress mentality and stubbornly defend what they’ve done, in unconscious fear that being wrong means being annihilated.

There seem to be lots of each WS type here on this board.

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Thanks Lil,

Night sweetie, I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Hugs babe

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
D-day 5-14-07, WH moved in with OW
Plan A 9 months, DARK Plan B 3-17-08 until 3-2-09
WH and OW broke up 1-09
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ok. I dont know why it stopped working, sorry about that. hugs and loves to you too

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Originally Posted by QueeniesNewLife
I'm not doing anything....but crying my heart out.

I try to keep up with your thread. You are an inspiration. Ive noticed lately i have been crying my heart out a lot. MY WH seems to be done w OW and no indication that he wants his family back. It seems like just when I start feeling strong I fall apart again. the pain is always there.

I hate to hear that your heart hurts. It makes me so mad that there is so many eartbroken ,good people on this forum. Hang in there. MY prayers are with you tonite. Lots of hugs.

hug hug hug pray

BW me-41
WH -39
DS - 9
married 12 Yrs together(?) 18 yrs when A discovered
DDay aug 2007
found MB dec 2007
Moved out april 2008
still seeing OW
Plan B

Okay I fixed the ages, it was looking screwy. smile
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Hi Queeenie (JT squinting while waving...could that really be the sun?)

If you need to, call me.


"I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future." -Martin Luther

Remarried my FXH 25 years to the day of our first M. God is so good-and sometimes so unexpected!

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How you doing hon????.....Well, actually, that is a stupid question (must be the blonde in me again....).

Anyway, continue your journey.....you are on such a great path, and I am so proud of YOU. Look how you have grown. YOu have been dealing with one of the hardest things life can deal you, and you are not only making it, but you are THRIVING.....think back, you never thought you could do this, yet here you are today, doing it. And encouraging and inspiring others in your journey. That, my dear, is NO SMALL FEAT......sooooo, stand proud...

Now, that being said, of course you will become affected when your children talk about their dad. And honestly (watch who gets the 2x4's now.....) I think it is good for you to hear this stuff because YOU are their mother. You are there for them and support them, no matter what, and even if have to suffer some amount of pain to do it. Plus this gives you a gauge to see where you are in your journey concerning your WS.

Now when will your LB be negative or empty???....No one has the answer to that. I personally (notice I say PERSONALLY....I already argued this, and this is how I see this) know that my LB for my H would never go there. There would ALWAYS be something.

Is that how it would be for you???? or can you see your LB becoming negative and empty for this man???

That is a question only you can answer, and maybe with all that has gone on recently, combined witht the fact you were SERIOUSLY talking divorce just PRIOR to finding out the WH and CH were over, that you need to comptemplate and think on. Yes, I know that it won't be easy and even painful.

I am so sorry honey really I am. I understand this pain you are going through. Though my journey isn't over and has taken a different road, I do understand. I hate it too. The pain is unbearable. I get that. In fact, I was just telling H yesterday that I get angry still because THAT is easier for me to deal with than the pain......

and even though you want to held and heard and cry your heart out, well, it may not be the same but that is why you have all of us.....

Queenie....I love you and am very proud of you.....

hug hug hug


ps...sorry if this seems kinda rambly and goes off course from time to time, but my thoughts were drifting in and out on exactly what it was I wanted to say and what pertained to your sitch, my sitch, or MB stuff in general......again, that blonde in me....lol

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The EXACT SAME thing happened to me today. Don't know what happened, but I too have been crying my heart out. And D@mn! I was doing so good.

I'm feeling your pain.

I'll post about my experience on my thread. I'll be up for a while, so if you want to talk give me a call....

BS - me 56
XWH - 57

12/25/06 - Dday - WH promised NC. Plan A in effect. Thought we were in recovery.

6-3-07 - Dday#2 Found out NC never took place and A never ended. Found MB NC promised again, but WH would not write NC letter.

9/07 - Dday #3. Still lying and sneaking around. Plan B implemented
WH wants nothing to do with me

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My DD car got broken into Thursday night. She contacted her dad because she needed his help and he came through for her. The first time in such a long time.

She text me tonight and told me what had happened and how he was so proud of her for the help she had given him and that he realizes what a mistake he made with respect to the children. He realizes what he lost and he wants to reconnect with all three of them. But nothing about me, just he wants to know what to do about the taxes.


In my experience, it is easier when they are being jerks. As long as the wayward is acting like a cracked out alien, the BS can ALMOST convince themselves that they are better off without the WS.

But IF the WS starts to act slightly human again, and STILL won't come home, it is just another blow to the gut of the BS.

So many things have happened to my exWS, the affair ended (he still didn't love me), he has moved over 6 times (he never came home), he was single for a few months (he still didn't see me as a potential partner), he occasionally acts like a good dad (but he still doesn't love me).

It is a ridiculous cycle, me waiting for something from him. I am MUCH better now, but man...it has taken a loooong time. I think I will always want to feel something from him, other than flat out rejection.

Many BS's get to experience that day when the WS WANTS them again, sometimes the BS has already moved on. I do not believe I will ever have that experience, I don't think he will ever apologize, ever hint that he made a mistake or ever acknowledge that I am not the cause of Global Warming, famine and economic crisis.

Here's a little secret: If I pretend that I am OK with that, maybe I can fool the karma bus and that feeling from him will come because I have acted like it is the last thing I expected.

It doesn't work, you can't fool Mother Nature (what was that commercial???)

I'm sorry you are hurting, it does get better, it just takes longer than we want.

Me-41 BS (FWS)
DH-41 WS (FBS)
2DD's- 10 and 12
Married 15 years
Separated for 2 years after my A
Reconciled for 1 year before his A
D-day for his A 8/23/05
WH moved out 9/16/05
Divorce final 1/23/07
Affair ended or month or so later
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Originally Posted by Jean36
But IF the WS starts to act slightly human again, and STILL won't come home, it is just another blow to the gut of the BS.

You are so right Jean. When that happens, it's like Dday all over again. Like you, I've realized that my WH will never attempt any kind of apology or make any effort to put this all back together.

Trying to learn to just live with it.....

BS - me 56
XWH - 57

12/25/06 - Dday - WH promised NC. Plan A in effect. Thought we were in recovery.

6-3-07 - Dday#2 Found out NC never took place and A never ended. Found MB NC promised again, but WH would not write NC letter.

9/07 - Dday #3. Still lying and sneaking around. Plan B implemented
WH wants nothing to do with me

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HI, just checkin in on you before I head to bed...I still have the runny nose, sneezing, coughin, yuckies.... frown

BTW, love you 2! smile

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Thomas Carlyle
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Hey, Queenie, you know this whole mess is NOT G-d's work or plan or idea, don't you? He doesn't do stuff like this to us. This is NOT His.

What does G-d want from you? Hmmmm. Don't you know.....He wants you to walk with him and talk with him.

Micah 6:8

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your G-d.

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Hi StillHere, thank you for stopping by. I'm so grateful for your kind words and support. I hope you are feeling better and the wave of pain and sadness has passed for you. It doesn't last, I promise you that. And you'll be stronger for having gone through it.

JT, Thank you so much for taking time to call me. Your message meant so much to me and always helps me keep focused on G-d and my limited if not blind view of what's truly happening. Because I'm the limited one not G-d and he sees exactly what is happening.

Chai and for the others who were hurting this week. I thought of something so silly. What if we were helping by crying our hearts out this weekend and it kept the rising waters of the red river down for the families and homes of South Dakota. Ok a far stretch but hey... I'm all about getting out minds changed.

Hi Not, I love you so much and yes I know how hard this journey has been for you. I miss our talks on here more than you realize. I so appreciate your words of encouragement and follow your story. You have some amazing strength and you betcha... who would have thought we could have come through this as gracefully and strong as we have. It's only natural that we have our down days, but they are NOTHING like they were.

In my experience, it is easier when they are being jerks. As long as the wayward is acting like a cracked out alien, the BS can ALMOST convince themselves that they are better off without the WS.

But IF the WS starts to act slightly human again, and STILL won't come home, it is just another blow to the gut of the BS.
I would have to agree with you on this. And I'm so very sorry for the pain and hurt you have gone through as a result of this very thing. Not just once, but many times over. It's no fun at all is it?

It is a ridiculous cycle, me waiting for something from him. I am MUCH better now, but man...it has taken a loooong time. I think I will always want to feel something from him, other than flat out rejection.
Oh my goodness I can relate to this so much. It's almost as if all those years you were together were for nothing or didn't mean anything. I'm not made this way and so it's so hard for me to understand.

Jean, I am inspired by your strength and ability to get through the painful times. Thank you so much for posting to me and helping me. Chai, it isn't really like D-day over again. We get to give ourselves so much more credit than that. It's just the pain wave coming in, reminding us we are hurting and then going back out. We are so truly much stronger than before. Remember, these used to last DAYS and we went so MUCH farther DOWN....

He wants you to walk with him and talk with him.
Well, then my friend Cinders, he should be very happy right about now. Because I have done a lot of walking, talking and praying...

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
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Loving you, Queenie.

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Hi Queen! Just checking in on you again! What's going on in your world?

I haven't caught on IM and I've been checking!

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle
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Oh Queenie I love ya girl. I am sorry I havent been around. I have been so busy with work and getting things organized here. So this is a check in... and wishing you a happy passover.

Married 1996
4 wonderful children 16, 13 *OC*, 10, 7
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My dday 1-2007 he came clean to me

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Shabbat Shalom Pretty, Mark, Miriam, Bellevue and anyone else.

Happy Friday..

I'll be back with an update, but I see you are on Mark. Yes, I'm asking when you have time can I get some of your wisdom in life and walking with G-d?


Have a good weekend everyone

BS 52, FWH 53, Married 1-1-84
D-day 5-14-07, WH moved in with OW
Plan A 9 months, DARK Plan B 3-17-08 until 3-2-09
WH and OW broke up 1-09
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When Israel was in slavery in Egypt and Pharaoh refused to let them go free, God performed miracles to humble Pharaoh though his heart was hardened against God and against His people. He sent plagues across the land and brought Pharaoh and his whole kingdom to a place of brokenness and proved that He was God, the Master of the universe and King over all. If that had been all that He did, it would have been enough…

But He didn’t stop there. He brought calamity on the house of Egypt, killing the first born across the entire land while sparing those who called on His Name. If He stopped then, it would have been enough…

But He led the people from Egypt, not merely sending them out into the wilderness alone but actually going with them. He led them by day and guarded them by night. And that alone would have been enough…

But when they found themselves with their backs to the sea and their enemies attacking for all around them, He parted the waters and led them to safety. He destroyed their enemies as even the seas obeyed His commands and swallowed the army of Pharaoh. And that surely would have been enough…

But God continued to lead them as they made their way across the wilderness to the place where He gave them the Law, to guide them, teach them and set them apart to be a beacon to the world. If that had been all He did, it would have been enough…

He watched over them, guided them daily, and provided for them daily with manna and with water from a rock in a dessert where no water flowed. For 40 years he watched over His people while waiting for them to understand that what He had done already would have been enough…

He led them into the land He had promised to Abraham and to Isaac and Jacob and drove out their enemies before them. He blessed them and sent judges to show them His ways, kings to lead them to victory and prophets to warn them of their impending doom if they failed to follow His laws. And it would have been enough…

But though He punished them for their disobedience and allowed them to be led away once more into captivity and let their cities be destroyed, He kept a remnant safe from harm and used His guidance to place Daniel in a place of power in the very kingdom that held His people captive. He shut up the mouths of the lions so they could not harm His servant. He surrounded His servants with protection in the midst of the furnace and prevented even their clothes from being singed by its flames. And that certainly would have been enough…

But He put Nehemiah into place where he could be sent by a pagan king to rebuild the walls and sent him and Ezra to rebuild the House that bore His Name. It could have been enough…

But He kept His people together through days of terrible persecution and sent leaders to drive away those who had defiled the Temple. He worked a miracle to make the oil that should have been only enough for a single day to last until the Temple had been cleansed and rededicated. And that might have been enough…

And when the Romans destroyed the cities and the people scattered to the four corners of the earth, God went with them all and kept them apart, preventing them from being absorbed into the culture where ever they went. He watched over them and though their enemies tried to destroy them He saved a few so that when the time came they could return to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…

He isn’t just sitting by while you suffer, Queenie. He is acting to protect you and lead you where He wants you to go. He isn’t content with what He has already done or the miracles He has already performed though any of them would have surely been enough.

Psalm 139 (New International Version)
1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.

What He has already done would have been enough, but He isn't done working yet...

Shabbat Shalom, Queenie, Pretty, Miriam, Bellevue and White Russian.

Have a blessed and joyous Passover...


Last edited by Mark1952; 04/03/09 02:37 PM.
Joined: Nov 2007
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Joined: Nov 2007
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And if Mark's beautiful post didn't do it.... then we are left but with one option.........

:twobyfour: :twobyfour: :twobyfour:

LOL... I've been looking for an excuse to use that....

Hang in there, count on your faith. Don't forget you MB fans too... you like a rock star arround here.

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Joined: Jun 2006
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OK. Who let the furners in again? skeptical

Hey TMTS! How's it goin'?

Looks like we might get an extension to our hockey season around here this year...Who'd 'a' thunk? No thoughts of actually bringing a cup home at the end, but at least the boys can play...


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