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It has been almost a month since I posted on this site. The last month has been awful. All self inflicted. I have created new heartache for my goldpig22 and can't believe that he hasn't contacted the divorce attorney, which he has every right to do. No, I have not had contact with OM but it is just as bad if not worse... dishonesty.

Dear goldpig22,

366 days ago was d-day #1. Isn't it sad that I have to put d-day #1 in stead of just saying d-day. I wish I could say that but I have not been strong and I have been selfish and have thought that recovery meant me doing what I thought was enough, not what you thought or professionals, or anyone on this website. We have now had so many d-days that I have lost count. I can't say d-day #4 like on my signature line but it should say... "I have decided to murder my husband daily with lies and deceit and only I know how fix things". What a load of crap that is. As of today, you no longer believe anything that comes out of my mouth. Understandable. I do not deserve to be trusted. At all. I don't deserve your love. You are too good for me. You have asked me to do things in our recovery and yes I have done them but only just enough to make me feel like I have done something. I have not done any of the major steps that you have asked of me. Radical honesty. Why is that so difficult to do for me. What am I afraid of? Am I afraid of how tarnished and decayed I will look to myself? I don't understand why I find it so hard. February 8, 2008 was the day that I completely removed any boundaries that I possibly had in life and started a PA with another man. What a disgrace. And I let that PA continue till 3-26-08 because I thought that another man could make me happier then you and meet needs that you weren't meeting. How wrong was I! What did happen is I was used by that OM treat me worse then you had ever done. I let myself just be a piece of meat for another man. I have never done that and can't understand why I would let it happen. What else I did was blame you for what I was doing. I blamed you entirely for my behaviors because then I had some justification for my actions. I couldn't blame myself... no way! It was all your fault and no one elses. Again, what a load of crap. What I have learned in the last 366 days is that everything that happened is my fault and that you are not to blame for me CHOOSING to have an A. You didn't CHOOSE that for me. Who in their right mind would ever CHOOSE for their spouse to have an A??? NO ONE!!!! You say to me often that I haven't learned anything but in my defense, I have learned that I am to blame and not you. I in no way still blame you for me choosing this path. And it makes me sick that I put US on this path not just me. Don't get me wrong, I am sick that I am on this path but in a marriage, it isn't I it's WE and I have acted like it's "I" for too long.

What adds to this mess is that I have chosen not only to be dishonest about the PA that started 2-8-08 but also about the EA/PA that started with a completely different man towards the end of march 2008. It has become apparent to me in the last 2 days that I have not had boundaries for at least 18 months because this man and I became friends and began that friendship by talking about the problems in each others marriages. Sick, he was a married man. I felt it was okay to talk to another man about us. What was I thinking. I thought because he knew what I was going through because of problems in his own marriage that it was nice to have someone to talk to. No, the only person that I should have been talking to is YOU! We continued to talk via text and the conversations about marriage led to flirtacious texts. I was comfortable talking to him. I was getting that EN of conversation met. It felt good. Then on 3-27-08 after he showed up at the gym while I was working out, we met at a bar not far from the gym, had a few drinks and on our way out to our cars, we kissed. It was a very platonic kiss. I am trying to describe this kiss the best way I can. It was not a passionate, heated kiss but a peck. Yes, I understand, that line was crossed to PA. We said goodnight and left. I came home to OUR house and immediately felt guilty because there you were, waiting for me. You had been gone all week for work and you wanted to see me and I was off starting another A. I felt sick. But not sick enough to stop it. We continue to text, alot. Lots and lots of texts. We never talked on the phone, just texted. We texted about marriage, work, flirting. Then, right before our anniversary, our first anniversary, he texted me and said that he was having a really bad night and that he needed to talk to someone and asked if he could come over to my apartment. (Yep, you heard me right, my apartment. I had left my husband, not to have my affairs but because I believed I was insane and that I was poisoning you being around you. Not only was I spiraling out of control but I was watching you spiral out of control. Only now do I realize that it was because of me. I made you this way. I put you into hell and I have been keeping you there with my foot on your head holding you down.) I told him he could come over and we could talk and I gave him directions to get there. He got there, came in, we sat on the couch and he talked about his marriage and I talked about mine. Again, why was I talking to him when all I had to do was pick up the phone and call you. You were desperate to talk to me and I kept you at arms length. We talked for about an hour and then I told him it was getting late and that he better head out because I had to work in the morning. As he left, again we kissed. Again, the kiss was not passionate or romantic or even sexual but still a kiss with another man. After that, our texted to each other continually increased in number and the flirting was continuous.

We decided to go away for anniversary and I took that opportunity to actually and FINALLY look at myself in the mirror and want to be in my marriage and work on my marriage. How many lies there were mixed into the foundation but I wanted to just put cement on those and move forward. I texted him and told him that we were going out of town for the weekend and that we were going to go and work on our marriage. He replied that it was probably a good thing. I saw him once since then because of work but there was nothing flirtacious or even emotionally involved between us at that time. Both of us were working on our marriages and excited that they were moving forward. The boundaries were still down because I divulged that info to him. That was at least 6 months ago. I had NC with him until monday night.

What happened monday night... goldpig22 was researching my phone records from 4-08 and discovered numerous texts to this strange number. I had not told him about the 2nd A. I had chosen to keep that from him because again, what he didn't know won't hurt him. As soon as I brought up that record I immediately remembered who the number belonged to and had to tell gp about the 2nd A. Talk about heart ripping/murdering all over again. He told me to tell him everything that happened and until yesterday I with-held info again. But yesterday, I started to realize that if this marriage has any chance, then I have to tell him the truth. Actually, even if it doesn't have a chance, he still deserves to know what happened. I told him at 1150am yesterday the full story of A #2. He met with the OM, OM friend, and OMW yesterday at lunch and OM confirmed what I said. Actually, I was I was 100% honest with the info and OM I think chose to only tell his wife little details.

So, here we are. 366 days of dishonesty. I don't expect you to trust me. Actually, I wonder if you will ever trust me again. I sure as h--l don't expect it. I hope that some day I can earn it. I do wonder why you still love me. I wonder if this trial separation that we are trying is going to work and if it is going to lead to a "real" separation. You often state that you don't think that I can do all that needs to be done to recover this marriage. To be honest, sometimes I wonder too. I wonder if I can and know what all needs to be done. Boundaries, transparency, radical honesty. Why do these steps seem so hard. Well, the transparency isn't hard, I could care less if you have all of my info. But that is not enough.

In the last few months we both have made whoppnig mistakes. Too many to count. But I truly believe that the mistakes that have been made have been my fault. I am calling the polygraph tester tomorrow to set that up. I have a great idea of the questions you still have and wonder if I am being honest that I am confident that I can submit a good list of questions. I want this marriage, I truly do.

You asked me last night, "what do we have left to save and fight for?" I responded... "at one time, we really loved each other." I want that back. I want us back. I miss my best friend. I miss my husband. I miss my confident, sarcastic husband. I know that it is your choice if you want me. I just hope that I can do what it takes for you to see that I want you.

I love you - more then I will ever be able to show you, tell you, explain... lindz0225

WW - 31 (me)
BH - 33
A 2/8/08-3/26/08
NC 4/21/08
DDay #1 - 4/21/08, DDay #2 - 4/25/08,
DDay #3 - 3/2/09, DDay #4 - 3/3/09
Final DDay - 4/21/09
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love makes up for many of our faults.
I Peter 4:8
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Please just stop torturing this poor baztard and leave him alone.

WTF is wrong with you?

Do you have any heart?

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FWW ~ 47 ~ Me
FBH ~ 50 ~ MrWondering
DD ~ 17
Dday ~ 2005 ~ Recovered

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Take some time and think over your entire past, let him know everything, don't leave out anything that might be relevant to his processing your history and how it relates to the present.

God Bless

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What is this, D-Day #5 or #6? At this point I would just warn goldpig to rememeber that talk is CHEAP. REAL CHEAP.

Words have no meaning here. Watch your back, goldpig, there may be much more that you haven't caught yet.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Well, this certainly explain Lindz's polygraph thread.


BW - 70
WH - 65
M - 35 years
D-day - 17 Apr 08
H broke contact 11/1/09
Back in love after the worst thing that every happened to us.
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Originally Posted by armymama
Well, this certainly explain Lindz's polygraph thread.


I was thinking the same thing.

Lindz, if your H can get past this, I'm putting him up for canonization. It's asking a LOT.

Me BS 61
Him FWS 63
Married 40 years
D-Day 6/30/06
Still can't believe it.
6/08 Recovering nicely. Anything is possible!
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This is sort of deja vu-ish for me. Something similar happened to me 5 weeks post Dday. It wasn't 1 year later and the chain of events were different, but it was still another WTF courtesy of my H. The discovery of another OW (sort of) fell into my lap or rather blew up in my face. sigh

lindz stop torturing this man. You are destroying him. One day he's not going to care about you at all and then you will see the true rage of a BS. When that happens, God help you.

BW - me
exWH - serial cheater
2 awesome kids
Divorced 12/2011

Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
--------Eleanor Roosevelt
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You don't deserve him. Why should he give you a seventh chance?

Me: FWH / BS (36)
W: BS / WW (37)
Two youngsters
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Do not believe a word this woman spews goldpig22.

Get that paternity test done ASAP. File for D.

If she's truly repentant you can always remarry her.

Originally Posted by lindz0225
I am sorry you feel that way about "final confessions". Happily for me, if that is correct to say, I will not have to "sing-like-a-canary" when the polygraph does take place. My H and I have talked a lot about it in the last 2 weeks. I have tried to schedule it but he insists that I wait till we can make a decision together. I would have loved to have taken it by now.


Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Yes, your husband is right to not trust you and yes you should take a polygraph. But taking a polygraph will not erase the past and make you a trustworthy person. Trust has to be EARNED. And it is EARNED by demonstrating trustworthy behavior over a long period of time. Its not an entitlement program.

What a shame your H has to endure this crap.

Originally Posted by iam
This is the same crappy line of thinking you brought here last time.

Do us all a favor, will you?

Stop trying to use this forum to 'game' your husband. You, I, the forum members and, most importantly, your husband all know you are still lying.

I'd lay odds the baby's not your H's either.

Take the poly and quit the stalling. God you WW's can be a vile breed.

Originally Posted by lindz0225
I am sorry that many of you vets don't feel that I am worthy of being helped but I really do need it. I know that the truth has been put out on the table for my husband and yes, I need to prove that.

Originally Posted by Tabby1
redflag redflag
Waybabble alert!!!!!

The way my WstbxH phrased it was: "I didn't bother to try because I was lying anyway."

Lindz, have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?

Originally Posted by lousygolfer

So have the paternity Test.
And then the Poly.

That will make the next two months of recovery smoother.

Your Husband should not have to schedule this. You should just DO IT.

Show that committment. You have finally "come clean"? If you have, your husband will know. He is suspect right now that you have, but he will know. And your recovery will start to speed up. Understand that your recovery will start from THAT date of 'coming clean" not the April 08 date. Start all the timelines that are listed around here from there.


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What happened monday night... goldpig22 was researching my phone records from 4-08 and discovered numerous texts to this strange number.

Who are you talking to? Thought this was a letter to goldpig.

Oops. Seems you're posturing... again.


Widowed 11/10/12 after 35 years of marriage
“In a sense now, I am homeless. For the home, the place of refuge, solitude, love-where my husband lived-no longer exists.” Joyce Carolyn Oates, A Widow's Story
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Umm...as a BS who has had to endure 4 affairs..the scary thing is that my WH writes the SAME KINDS OF LETTERS TO ME.

It's all about you, isn't it? Just like it is all about WH.

I should leave...feeling many triggers and getting VERY mad.

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Originally Posted by princessmeggy
What happened monday night... goldpig22 was researching my phone records from 4-08 and discovered numerous texts to this strange number.

Who are you talking to? Thought this was a letter to goldpig.

Oops. Seems you're posturing... again.


I was thinking the same thing. Just like Muted Sparkle, she's playing to the MB crowd, lying to herself and everybody else.

Me - 45
Her - 47
Married - 23 yrs
4 chillun: D18,D14,S12,D9
Separated since March, 2010
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I'm waiting for the paternity test results.

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You were advised to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

So now you want to tell the truth after not following that advise, hiding another affair from GP and lying to us and to him about how honest and truthful you have become.

And now GP and all of us should believe you.

Deja moo again...

I know I have heard this bull before...

Want help fixing whatever is broken inside of YOU? Maybe some of us can help. Want help scamming your way to the next D-day? Leave us out of it.

Which way do you want to go?


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Originally Posted by Lostin2008
You don't deserve him. Why should he give you a seventh chance?

You're right, I don't deserve him. Absolutely don't. I only hope and pray that he can forgive me someday for the awful things that I have done to him and how I manipulated him. Why should he give me a 7th chance... I have no answer for that. All I can say is that I am human and have made multiple mistakes and I am hoping to be forgiven someday for them.

WW - 31 (me)
BH - 33
A 2/8/08-3/26/08
NC 4/21/08
DDay #1 - 4/21/08, DDay #2 - 4/25/08,
DDay #3 - 3/2/09, DDay #4 - 3/3/09
Final DDay - 4/21/09
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love makes up for many of our faults.
I Peter 4:8
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Originally Posted by iam
Please just stop torturing this poor baztard and leave him alone.

WTF is wrong with you?

Do you have any heart?

"WTF is wrong with me..." I wish I knew the answer to that. What I can say is that I am human and humans make mistakes. No one is perfect. Do I have a heart... sometimes I wonder because if I had a heart, a good heart, I would have never done anything like this.

WW - 31 (me)
BH - 33
A 2/8/08-3/26/08
NC 4/21/08
DDay #1 - 4/21/08, DDay #2 - 4/25/08,
DDay #3 - 3/2/09, DDay #4 - 3/3/09
Final DDay - 4/21/09
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love makes up for many of our faults.
I Peter 4:8
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Originally Posted by lindz0225
What I can say is that I am human and humans make mistakes. No one is perfect.

It's not a matter of being "perfect".
It's a matter of deciding to be a decent and honorable and honest person.

A mistake happens once. As in "oops". After that, it takes planning and a deceptive heart to continue to do the wrong thing.

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Originally Posted by Pepperband
Originally Posted by lindz0225
What I can say is that I am human and humans make mistakes. No one is perfect.

It's not a matter of being "perfect".
It's a matter of deciding to be a decent and honorable and honest person.

A mistake happens once. As in "oops". After that, it takes planning and a deceptive heart to continue to do the wrong thing.

You're right. It is a matter of deciding to be decent and honorable/honest person. Absolutely correct. I have never chosen to do that. I never looked into myself and I never decided that I needed to put my foot forward and make those changes. GP said to me yesterday that "he can't make me be honest". He's right, only I can make myself be honest.

WW - 31 (me)
BH - 33
A 2/8/08-3/26/08
NC 4/21/08
DDay #1 - 4/21/08, DDay #2 - 4/25/08,
DDay #3 - 3/2/09, DDay #4 - 3/3/09
Final DDay - 4/21/09
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love makes up for many of our faults.
I Peter 4:8
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Originally Posted by lindz0225
All I can say is that I am human and have made multiple mistakes and I am hoping to be forgiven someday for them.

lindtz, these were not mistakes. These were deliberately cruel choices on your part. You did not "mistakenly" commit numerous acts of adultery and lie about them. That was not a mistake. Nor is "being human" an excuse for cruelty and selfishness.

Nor did you do this because you are "human." We are all human, we do not all choose to destroy others in pursuit of our self degradation.

If being "human" is your excuse for such cruelty, then your H is doomed, isn't he? Because you will always "be human." You can't change that. But you can change your BEHAVIOR.

The first step is to be honest about what you have done and that is sure not demonstrated here.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

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