Wow thanks so much everybody. It's amazing and I just am so happy..God's been good to us..except right now for my son and his half sis..they're still hurting over their dad (my xh). The little one (she's 5 now) doesn't understand about everything at all.
Please pray for these two kids. They're totally innocent in this..and I do love that little girl too. When you're able to step away from the situation long enough, you learn who's blameless and who's not. heck I'm not even blameless nor was I ever. Sometimes I wonder how I got thru granny told me a quote that I love and it somewhat describes me.
"A Southern (or change to Northern or Western or whatever) woman is like a tea bag..put us in hot water and we ONLY GET STRONGER!!!" Feel free to quote her on that (Peachy granny)!
We had an amazing mother's day. T took us to the aquarium for brunch in a special ballroom where you can see the gargantuan fish and sharks and rays and you see another wall where it's the beluga was so fun! All 3 of us (he, I and my son) went..then we went to play in the park afterwards nearby. He also got me 2 dozen roses. Swoon! Life's great when you've finally found somebody who values family and marriage as much as you do.
I went thru the last five years listening to the XWS be disrespectful to me, still attempt (of course unsuccessfully) to shout orders to me, and try controlling behaviors. It was kinda funny when I met T, because he was a very OBVIOUS presence, it somewhat put the x in his place, but then again I DID THAT FOR HIM TOO!!! Lol...BITE THE PEACH!
Every once in a while the x would go on rampages. It's my opinion that these WS, when they really get what they THINK they want DO NOT WANT IT anymore. My x immediately remarried, had a baby 3 months later, and began a cheating rampage that was merciless on her. Give em' what they truly want and 99 percent of the time they don't want it anymore..but unlike most, my x idiot remarried immediately so there was no chance for repentance on his behalf. I think most here will have that chance for marriage renewal. Mine just didn't. But God had a better plan for me!
I actually pray every night w/my son for his dad..and for his sister. I don't have too much anger anymore.
A few years ago I was talking to another MB Oldtimer on the phone. She told me that a WS that never changes is like a drunk driver who is allowed to keep on driving and driving..takes out victim after victim barrelling down the highway until they hit a wall. That's the only way to describe what happened in this situation. so if your WS is waffling, let them see what bottom looks like. It will suddenly be a more attractive place to be (with you) than the alternative if they're allowed to hit that rock bottom that so eluded my xh for many years.
Wish good luck to my boy or send out a prayer..for his baseball team! Goodness, they've had a tough season and will be finishing up their season this week..NO WINS.

My lil guy is a bit downtrodden, but he's quite a hitter, shortstop and pitcher. Me? Im typing now with an allergic reaction. Geez. The south sometimes is a baaad place for allergies. My right eye is itching beyond belief. Gonna run...I think benadryl is calling my name..and to the lovely Maple trees and pollen that are making my right eye almost swell shut?