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Who told you that he is divorced, your wife who is committing adultery and lying to you on a daily basis? Find out all that you can about this guy. If you D, he may very well be spending half the time with your children.

Read the Carrot and Stick of plan A. It seems counterintuitive but it is a proven plan that has worked in many cases. It is a plan to improve yourself while dealing with the devastation that adultery brings into your life.

God's Blessings,


Me, BW-57
FWH 54
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In recovery since D-day, May 28,2007
FWH never onboard the MB boat but still clinging to the side.
One day at a time by God's grace.
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I'm not sure exposure (right now) is the way to go. She is very protective of hime right now and she would be furious if I contacted him or others. She saw me looking at houses on-line last night and she got angry at me asking why I was doing that......duhhh! I am having trouble figuring out what she wants and I'm not sure how long I can let this go? I have told her I wanted a couple weeks to decide what to do and I understood how this happened, but it was going to have to end sooner than later. The other thing is I think she is going to see him next week on a trip. That's part of the problem, she travels so much that it's easy to get together.

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Well, it is true, just like WSs follow a script, so do the BSs. If I had a dime for every newly minted BS that offered the WS's anger as a reason for not exposing, I'd be rich.

Making her furious is a good thing. It is your goal. Let her feel frustration and humiliation.

Sadly, these folks do not come around until they have felt consequences. Thye step all over passive BSs and, ultimately, grow to despise the Bs for perceived weakness.

Show her that she cannot do this to you without a price. Your kids need you to destroy this affair, whether the marriage continues or not. You want this guy around your kids?

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I have not been exactly where you are, but I have done a lot of reading on these forums.

Do what the vets say. It's like a football coach talking to his team after a game. "Do you have anything left in you?" if so, then "why the hell didn't you leave it all on the field?".

Don't leave anything left undone,.....git 'er dun!!!!

ME: BS (50)
DW: WS (38)
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I'm not sure exposure (right now) is the way to go. She is very protective of hime right now and she would be furious if I contacted him or others.

She is in an active sexual adultery with another man. And you are afraid of her anger?

TryingEverything is in a very similar situation with a cake eating WW and posted this a few days ago.

"Exposure definitely has her mad, but I really don't care. She was threatening divorce before exposure. She's threatening divorce now. Like that really scares me... Oh no! My lying cheating, abusive, won't-have-sex-with-me wife wants to leave me."

I love that line. Every BH coming hear needs to read it over and over.

Your marriage will not survive an unopposed adultery. No chance.

Expose to her parents and siblings now.

She needs consequences to her choices and actions.

What is the exact relationship your WW has with the OM? Does she authorize purchases with his company?

Call his companies HR and report him.

Last edited by chrisner; 01/13/10 05:10 PM.

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I am starting a new job next week, so that will help. I'm not sure how long I'm suppose to wait for this to end.It's only been two weeks since I found out. Last week she was on a trip and she told me he was going to be there. She said she had to see him to find out where it was going. She said "when I come back I will have an absolute answer" I knew she wouldn't. She called me several times crying, saying how much she missed and loved me etc. Now that she is home, things are cordgial, but tense. No more talk of love or missing. She does not want to get close, that seems reserved for him. I understand plan A, but sometimes she seems receptive and other times I think any sign of care is percieved as being weak. Hard to tell what's right. One thing for sure, now that I'm going back to work and she knows she will have to be home more she is a little concerned. Should we trying going out together? She is defenitly defensive right now. Example, this morning she shut our bathroom door and asked for privacy when she got out of the shower. Nudity has never been an issue with us. She desbribes the bedrooms now as yours and mine.

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Originally Posted by patriot45
I am starting a new job next week, so that will help. I'm not sure how long I'm suppose to wait for this to end.It's only been two weeks since I found out. Last week she was on a trip and she told me he was going to be there. She said she had to see him to find out where it was going. She said "when I come back I will have an absolute answer" I knew she wouldn't. She called me several times crying, saying how much she missed and loved me etc. Now that she is home, things are cordgial, but tense. No more talk of love or missing. She does not want to get close, that seems reserved for him. I understand plan A, but sometimes she seems receptive and other times I think any sign of care is percieved as being weak. Hard to tell what's right. One thing for sure, now that I'm going back to work and she knows she will have to be home more she is a little concerned. Should we trying going out together? She is defenitly defensive right now. Example, this morning she shut our bathroom door and asked for privacy when she got out of the shower. Nudity has never been an issue with us. She desbribes the bedrooms now as yours and mine.


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There is no conection through work. She is a DM for her company and he is an independent contractor. I here what everyone is saying about exposure, but I don'tnow how that helps? If she has everyone ganging up on her, dosen't that just force her to him? Not trying to be dumb here, just trying to figure things out. Should this be the first course of action?

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Expose this affair to everyone you know.

Yes she will be furious, but that fury is from you hurting her affair. You will not be hurting her, you will be hurting the affair.

Look, there are 4 plans.

and Plan-Do nothing/hope/Be a doormat

You are doing the last, and it never works.


Go to plan-A and EXPOSE to everyone, all at once, without any warning. That is the best shot you have to save your marriage in the long run. It will also protect you from her spin on a divorce if thats what happens.


Oh, and do not under any circumstance move out of your house. It will not help save your marriage and can devastate you in a divorce.

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Originally Posted by patriot45
Should this be the first course of action?


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dosen't that just force her to him?

No, I think her meeting up with him in hotels pushes her to him.

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So I expose her, she becomes furious, then what? Do you just ignore it and say, now the next step is up to you, we work on this or it's over?

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Originally Posted by patriot45
Should this be the first course of action?

Tell her parents
OM's parents
Your family
Your Friends
Your pastor

Anyone who can put pressure on the affair

Keep it short and business like

Something along the lines of
"WW is having an affair with OM. If their is anything you can do to help me save my marriage to WW it would be appreciated"

Me 34
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good point!!

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Originally Posted by patriot45
So I expose her, she becomes furious, then what?
or Plan-B, depending on what she does.

Me 34
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Originally Posted by patriot45
I'm not sure exposure (right now) is the way to go.

The first thing you need to decide is: do I want to try to save my marriage or not?

If you haven't decided that, then go find a quiet place to think and figure it out. If you have decided on divorce, do it the best way you see fit. It's your marriage, it's your divorce. Good luck.

Now, if you decide you want to save your marriage, I'm going to say "Welcome to the club!" Five months ago, I too decided I was going to save my marriage from my wife's affair. It can be done, and it is being done.

STEP 1: Be the best man you can be. Buy "Surviving An Affair" by Dr. Willard Harley and Jennifer Harley Chalmers. Read it cover-to-cover. Implement your "Plan A" right now: make sure every contact with your wife is fun and pleasurable. Dodge any difficult questions or arguments. Do your best to keep a smile on your face and be the man she married.

STEP 2: EXPOSE. Yep, you know she's having an affair. You know who the other person is. You know his name. His marital status. This is a WAR against the AFFAIR. Collect every name of every person that is important to your marriage, important to the other man, important to your wife, important to you, and CALL THEM ALL ON THE SAME DAY.

You resist. I understand that. I was scared silly of my wife's anger, too. I thought it was going to drive her into her lover's arms. I WAS WRONG. YOU ARE TOO. Exposure to everybody that matters to your wife is THE CURE TO HER INFIDELITY. It takes a few weeks, typically, for this cure to seep through. What happens is that your spouse suddenly realizes what an embarrassment having an affair is, and even if nobody is judging her, she thinks they are.

Don't talk about it with her first. Just do it. Collect all those phone numbers. Call them and read from a script:

"Hi, Friend. This is Betrayed Spouse. How are you? I'm doing OK, but I have a problem I thought you could help me with. Wayward Spouse is having an affair with Other Person. I want to save our marriage from this affair, but I'm not sure how to proceed. You know her well; I could really use some advice."

Modify it based on audience, but you get the idea. I wrote it down so that I said what I intended to say. Yes, SHE IS GOING TO BE INSANELY FURIOUS.

But you know what? My FWW and I talked about exposure today, because a friend of mine is having another affair. She agreed it was a HUGE HUGE HUGE Love-Buster. She also agreed that the realization of the DAMAGE she was doing to OM's FAMILY motivated her to stop. She wasn't just ruining our life. She was ruining his, too.

That compassion for him helped motivate her to write a no-contact letter. She didn't want to be a homewrecker, or for him to live with the stigma of having started a marriage (to FWW)
as an affair and EVERYONE WOULD KNOW. That's part of what you're destroying with exposure. You are destroying ANY CHANCE the wayward couple has of making a new life together using any of their old friends.

You're burning the bridges to those friendships and family relationships. She can no longer cross them unless she's willing to reconcile with you, first. And, ADDED BONUS to you, you gain VALUABLE SUPPORT from all those people feeling sympathy for the betrayed spouse.

Did you know that most people don't think a whole lot? Humans, on the whole, tend to believe what they hear FIRST 85% of the time. Doesn't matter how logical or sound an opposing argument is, 17 out of 20 people will go with whatever story they heard first.



We seriously know what we're talking about. Exposure usually marks the first step toward recovery. There are very few exceptions:

Originally Posted by Dr. Willard Harley
Whenever a betrayed spouse tells me that they�ve just discovered their spouse�s affair, my advice is almost always the same: Let others know about it. Tell your children, family, friends, clergy, and especially the lover�s spouse, if they have one. And this is even to be done during what I call plan A (making an effort to make as many Love Bank deposits, and as few withdrawals as possible). The problem some people have with that strategy is that it conflicts with the goal of plan A because it�s likely to cause massive Love Bank withdrawals. An unfaithful spouse almost always considers such exposure to be a worse act of betrayal than their affair itself. But the alternative, helping the unfaithful spouse to keep the affair a secret, is enabling the addiction, prolonging the agony. In the long run, making the affair public knowledge without any forewarnings, threats, or bartering (which by themselves can create massive withdrawals) actually reduces the number of Love Bank withdrawals made by the betrayed spouse. It�s my opinion that the advantages of immediate exposure usually far outweigh the disadvantages.

But are there exceptions to my recommendation of the immediate exposure of an affair? Absolutely! Let me give you a few examples of situations where I would not suggest immediately exposing an affair...

A physically violent unfaithful spouse...
Uncertainty regarding the affair [if they are in an affair or not]...
Economic considerations...

Many betrayed spouses are afraid that exposure will drive the unfaithful spouse further away. While it�s true that unfaithful spouses usually feel betrayed and angry when their affair is exposed, I regard that reaction as being part of the fog that most addicts experience. When the fog has finally lifted, and the source of addiction no longer has control, the value of exposure is usually conceded by the addict himself.

Some feel that an affair should not be exposed to children. Granted, I would not tell a 3-year old about an affair, simply because a child that young cannot possibly understand what it means. But I would not hesitate to reveal an affair to a child 7 years or older. Exposure to those between those ages should be a matter of discretion.

What about exposure of an affair that took place years earlier and is now ended but recently revealed? I feel that the children, close relatives, close friends, and the lover�s spouse should be informed. Granted, it�s embarrassing to admit an affair, but publicly admitting failure is usually the first step toward redemption.

As you already know, I�m a strong advocate of honesty and openness in marriage. I call it transparency�letting your spouse know everything about you, especially your faults. But should that level of openness carry into the public arena? I believe that it should in cases of extreme irresponsibility, and that certainly includes infidelity. When you have done something very hurtful to someone else, others -- especially those who care for you the most -- should know about it. Such exposure helps prevent a recurrence of the offense. Your closest friends and relatives will be keeping an eye on you�holding you accountable.

If exposure of an affair threatens the marriage, should the risk be taken?

I regard infidelity as a violation of the most basic condition of marriage. In most wedding vows, �forsaking all others,� is the only real promise that�s made. When you marry, the overriding condition that is mutually accepted is that you won�t have an affair. When that condition is broken, the marriage is threatened at its very core. That�s why I believe that spouses who have recovered after an affair should make new vows to each other, in effect reestablishing their marriage.

So when a betrayed spouse asks for my advice, I usually take the position that infidelity is the greatest betrayal of all. After an affair, trust -- an essential ingredient in marriage -- is dashed. If the unfaithful spouse is offended by being exposed, so be it. Exposure is very likely to end the affair, lifting the fog that has overcome the unfaithful spouse, helping him or her become truly repentant and willing to put energy and effort into a full marital recovery. In my experience with thousands of couples who struggle with the fallout of infidelity, exposure has been the single most important first step toward recovery. It not only helps end the affair, but it also provides support to the betrayed spouse, giving him or her stamina to hold out for ultimate recovery.

If you don't believe anything else we say, believe us when we say that EXPOSURE is the first step toward recovery. If she threatens to divorce you, she was going to do that anyway. If she says you ruined everything, you DID: you RUINED EVERYTHING good about the AFFAIR. If she says you have no chance now, she's a wayward and lying to you again: you've just given your marriage the only chance it has to survive.

When she's so furious, remove yourself from the situation. Don't defend yourself verbally except to say "I will do everything I can to save our marriage". Repeat that message consistently.

There are only two Love-Busterish things Dr. Harley recommends betrayed spouses do: snoop and expose. Remove every other Love Buster from your life, and learn to be an expert meeting her Emotional Needs.

See you on the other side, Brother.

(Formerly Barnboy)
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So I expose her, she becomes furious, then what? Do you just ignore it and say, now the next step is up to you, we work on this or it's over?

No there won't be time for that. She will be too busy shrieking like a smoldering vampiress out in the mid-day sun.

She will tell you it is over and divorce blah blah and she was just thissssssssssssss close to recomitting to the marriage before you expose but now you ruined everything blah blah blah.

You calmly tell her you did it to save the marriage and get out of her way.

"Oh no! My lying cheating, abusive, won't-have-sex-with-me wife wants to leave me."

I love this!

Last edited by chrisner; 01/13/10 05:32 PM.

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Barnboy ROCKS !

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What you're being advised to do is counter-intuitive, but it is the truth.

Read these forums and see how common your WW is and how common your fear as a BH is. There is nothing unusual to your situation.

Exposure brings the affair to light and puts pressure on it to be ended.

She will hate you for doing it. She will be angry as he77. We're warning you about it.

But the reason you have to expose is the same as a having a crack pipe or a needle taken away from an addict. You are brining the nasty deed to light.

Read the thread by JCB. He is on his way to recovery. There's tons of others on here who successfully recovered after exposing the affair.

Exposure puts pressure on the affair to end.

She will be enraged by the exposure.

What I don't understand is why you're willing to file for D, which is your right and will end your marriage, but you're afraid of exposing the affair. Why?

Exposure is a baby step compared to divorce.

Plan A doesn't mean being lovey dovey. It means making yourself attractive as a spouse while taking the actions necessary (exposing the affair).

SH has advised that a Plan A be followed for as long as a BS can stand it, but a guide mentioned on here is 2 weeks for a WW and 6 monts for a WH (others can correct me on this if I'm wrong).

I think a WW is more difficult to wake up than a WH. Doing this as a man requires that you man up, grow a pair, and act like you want your wife back and to have this man out of her life.

That means doing what you're afraid to do, which means upsetting her. THAT is the only hope you have.

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Yeah, what BarnBoy said.

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