Thank you for the advice on moving the thread
I�m not a very patient person. Didn�t want to get lost in the many many pages of threads.
My H & I are still separated. Going on 2 � months now.
The reason I say he is in withdrawl is several reasons please correct me if I am wrong about assuming this is the stage he is in.
Not returning or acknowledging texts or e-mails
Not returning phone calls
Telling me he will call me back but never does & then gets mad because I didn�t call him back. (This is all the same day/same phone convo)
One day he�s positive, next several days very negative
Conversation is very forced unless it is about Our D, His Job,Our Finances
Anything other than these subjects it�s like pulling teeth to get him to talk .... All one word answers. Or if I do get him into a convo it typically ends in a argument. That I have to remind myself it his taker talking & bite my tongue.
Almost no UA time .... phone calls, texting , other persons interefere & he thinks that it still counts
Little things he still did for me when he 1st left he has stopped doing
General feeling he is slipping away more everyday & I can�t stop it.
Almost like he is preparing for the D but hasn�t taken steps to file.
He has taken both LB & HNHN quiz�s these are his answers & what I am doing to meet them please correct me if I am taking the wrong approach:
LB quiz
SD 3 trying to catch myself as much as possible no matter how much I have to bite my tongue
DJ 4 " see above "
AO 2 have't done this since reading LB ( also started reading Dance of Anger so far a little over my head may need some explaining lol)
DH 1 Sad to say I'm a open book now & it seems to be making things worse than better
AB 5 Didn't state exactly what so anything he has complained about in the past I try not doing
IB 6 trying not to but sometimes catch myself doing it
A 1 trying as best as I can when he will let me
SF 2 " see above "
Convo 3 see #5 & 6 above
RC 9 suggesting so far not biting .... hoping it will be better with lake season upon us
H & O 4 see above
AAS 5 trying to meet have lost 27lbs since 01/04/10 ~ wearing make up again
FS 8 Trying --- registering for Dave Ramsey Seminar he says he will attend with me
DS 10 Not doing anything different than when he lived here. Still buying his groceries, still baking goodies for him, trying to make sure he is eating somewhat healthy.
FC 7 meeting
Amiration 6 someone needs to give me some examples .... don't know for sure if it is what I think it is
One of his biggest problems with me is someone ,something upsets me, annoys me, hurts my feelings. I'm like a turtle I hide in my shell it's like prying my mouth open to talk. You can ask me what's wrong till you are blue in the face I may or may not tell you. Usually I'm thinking I'm being a baby, it doesn't matter, he or she didn't mean it. My feelings get hurt very easily. I do not want anyone mad at me so I do not say anything. I'm really bad about this with my H. We have a fight & I will not speak to him for hours/ days just depends on how bad the fight was. Once I'm over whatever upset me I act like nothing is wrong & go on my merry way. The problems come in when he is mad at me for ignoring him for days/hours & he doesn't get over it o he finally has let that episode go. Then magic 6months later whatever has upset me in the last 6 months/ years comes out in a AO. Don't know how to fix this I have been this way ever since I can remember. I'm sure it was learned trait in my family.
Vibrissa mentioned doing the things we use to do when we were dating. Well we never had a normal dating relationship. No romance, no sweeping me off my feet etc etc. For you to understand what I�m up against I need to give you some background info.
Please bare with me while I ramble & explain!
Also Bubbles I am a real living breathing person in the state of Misery so sorry no mod posting this. My soap opera my life
We became friends in 8th grade when his family moved to my hometown. His family owned a business where they didn�t live in one place very long. (Moved every 1yr or 2yrs)
So anyway we hung out in a mutual group of friends. One night after hanging out with the group we were left by ourselves for a good length of time & one thing lead to another.
I became pregnant I will do the math for you we were 14yrs old. (I will not get into it on here why I would give myself to a 14yr old boy & leave it at that) He moved away shortly after that night didn�t know where he moved to. Yes, I did live with all of the shame, embarrassment all by myself & I survived. I had our D on 07/13/87 with the support of my mom (Couldn�t of done it without her
So I will fast forward to 10th grade. He moved back into town & came back to our HS. Decided he didn�t like moving around switching schools so his parents let him move back with a family member & live with them.
We started talking again , as convo�s progressed he started asking questions & put 2 & 2 together. And I told him the truth.
He started coming over to see our D & one thing led to another. convo & sex that is what we did. During this time we became best friends. We did not go anywhere, we did not do anything. During this time he also had a GF. If we seen each other outside of my place we acted as if nothing was going on.
Ok I know some are thinking where in the world was their parents for all of this to take place !!!! Let me just say both sides of our family puts the D in dysfunctional. And I was already on my own when this was taking place.
My mother did the best she could with struggling to raise 3 girls by herself & no support from our father. That she divorced when I was 3.
She has apologized for the mistakes she made with us 3 girls. And she has more than made up for her mistakes by being a outstanding grandmother to her 5 grandchildren.
So anyway back & forth he went between me & his GF. I was the other woman/girl. And if I am going to be totally honest I was a prostitute without getting paid for it. He was aware of my behavior with other guys & he told me that is why he wouldn�t break it off with the other girl.
Finally gained some self respect & broke it off with him and any others. And dated a nice clean cut wuss for about a year or so. He still could not compare to my best friend I had lost. The poor guy had several strikes against him.H comes back into the picture wanting to see our D.
Says he loves me & we can be happy together & he has forgiven me for the other guys.
We were married in 1992
We were very happy except for the sex & his reminding me on a regular basis of what I formerly was. I was not honest how I felt , I wouldn�t discuss the subject of sex. If he would ask I would brush him off. I was not comfortable telling him what I liked. I was ashamed to tell him because good girls did not do that. I was not that girl anymore. I had built a new life, a new persona I was a upstanding mother now. I was not that person anymore. (for those that are wondering , no I never did enjoy sex with him or those other escapades either ) I wanted him to want me for me not what I could give him sexually.
This went on for 10 + years & then finally in a AO I told him how awful the sex was. It did get better sexually but I still did not have any sex drive. Sex was a chore , a pain in the butt , something to do to keep him from griping.
This went on until our D graduated HS & moved out. We started drifting further & further apart until 02/13/10 he left. I kept telling myself this is a rough patch, It will get better, we aren�t kids anymore couples do not STAY IN LOVE. He�s going thru a change of life.
Well I didn�t get a clue until he left & still for a couple of weeks after I still didn�t get it.
I found Dr H�s books got a clue & realized all of the damage I have done.
Thank you for being patient & reading my rambling. Hope I atleast entertained you with my doc drama!
I feel like I have done the majority of the damage. I do not know if I can fix it or if I should move on & learn from these mistakes.
So folks this is what I am up against. Any insight please would be helpful!
PS thanks for the tip on word didn't know if would work or not !