Well you were right on
He's embarrassed so he gets defensive that is where it went
at first
I did what you said and tried to stay on the one point
At first
he said I am not going to keep going on like this..
talking about this
That he wasn't going to go through this every 3 or 4 weeks
I said something that I think shocked him
I told him that if is what he wanted to do instead of talking and trying to work it out
that is fine if that is your decision
Then he started talking
He said you don't understand you are not a man..
He said he is embarrassed as a man
I said isn't there a way we can work on it
was there a problem with other things that we could do and he said yes because he can't finish..
He said the heart attack messed up a lot more then just his heart..
I told him that the heart attack wasn't his fault that I didn't see it that way..
that to me it would be like him being in a car wreck and losing a leg and saying that was his fault...
He said it would be if the wreck was his fault

I was trying to make a point
He got upset hope it is OK to say this
He said
do you want the hand of God to come down and grab my **** and make it work....
Said for a woman it is easy you don't need a pill or anything for him the pill isn't good because of his heart...
He can't get past it
it seems to me
I did ask
and know you might think I shouldn't have but did
questions that I have had and he would never talk about it with me
I asked
Did you have this problem with OW
he got upset said I can't leave it alone
I said NO I had just wondered because I care about him and love him and sometimes I wonder if it is me...
And that I do care how he feels
And I can't even believe I said this
But I said
if he wasn't happy here if he was feeling or thinking he wanted to be somewhere else maybe that would be best for him...That I wanted him to be happy that this isn't all about me
That he had this problem long before the OW and I never complained to him about it.. That I have really tried to understand..
well he said
Yes I did right out of the gate
said now are you happy
I said No
that I had kind of thought with it being something new
he might not of had a problem right away...
He said it is over can't I leave it alone..
I asked him if he was still having an EA with OW
he tried to skirt that one
he said what do you think
that he is here all the time
I told him that isn't what I was asking
I said I don't know because he was just answering my question with a question
And that I would like him to be honest with me
He said No he is not..
I told him I would try
that I missed the closeness I felt when being with him..
That I missed that a great deal because I do love him...
I asked him also has he ever thought about it with me
he said yes
And he has thought after what happened with the OW that I would say oh no I don't want to go there with you and if he couldn't perform I would think it was because of something it wasn't...
I told him it is kind of funny that there are many a nights when I go to bed I want to put my arm around him, but I feel he doesn't want me to... So I don't...
He said he couldn't help that... me feeling that way...
That he has never said or done anything to stop me...
maybe I am bad at getting it across...
He would never talk to me about this before
answer my questions
and that has bothered me
and after doing so much reading on here
I felt I needed to get this out....
And went by what you all have said
I took the advice
don't know how good at it I was
But after all this time he did answer my questions...
Where we go from here I don't know
Thinking I will have to take the lead here
what do you think ??
By the way we couldn't talk till the little one was in bed
I hope he was honest with me
What is your take on this
Did I do this right
I tried to keep this short and to the point didn't work out that way lol but you get the drift of what went on here