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Had a phone interview with a small private biotech company. It's intersting work, and since the company is trying to move into GMP direction, they need someone to run their lab, which could be an opporunity for growth for me.
I had sent my resume to them last year, when I got the boot from UofA. They came across it when developing this new position. Sounds promising. I don't know about working for a small company again. Generally means more hours and less pay in the onset, but also means stability and autonomy in the long run, if all goes well with the platform they are working under. We'll see...
DS has had multiple phone conversation and video chats (he is currently on one) with my sister. His dad pales in comparison so far. He usually vid chats with him on Wednesday; no letters, no calls. Whatever.
DS is doing well in school and making more and more friends as the weeks pass. We have dinner together every night and have a good schedule going. I have kept him disciplined, when it comes to the routine, cleaning, homework and so on...that he is thriving.
I am doing better and better with missing home, as this is turning into home. I really have begun to enjoy taking care of the home, planning meals, baking, still ordering things for the house and making it a home. I still feel that tug at my heart when I see things that remind me of my old digs, when I talk to my sis and even when I smell certain smells. I know this will fade with time, so that it doesn't hurt.
I am happy. I am unafraid and ready to face whatever comes my way. There is just no sense in not enjoying this new challenge, so I ditched the negativity and just deal with the sad feelings when they come, because they go just as quickly
LIfe is good
Me-BS-38 Married 1997; son, 8yo Divorced April 2009
I remember landings at Kai Tak Airport (old Hong Kong airport, now closed). That sucker was short for a 747 .... and a failure to stop put you in the sea.
It was scary but also it was awesome. The approach was right above the buildings. And, I kid you not, I mean RIGHT ABOVE. I always tried to sit in the cockpit for Hong Kong landings.