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Me:BW Dday:12/31/09-Found MB 01/03/10 3DstepChildren24&20 PlanA:01/03/10 PlanB:03/25/10 D final 11/15/10
"I dare you to find some time and some place to be silent for longer than usual; a few moments, a few minutes, a few hours. Listen to your heart, listen to your soul; and most importantly, listen to the silence to see what it sounds like and how it speaks to you."
Well, I am back. Glad you all had a good time while I was gone.
Tired and have a lot to do. We had a GREAT time. Went to my nephew's part on Saturday and SIL and MIL were there. It was awkward. The boys had such a good time that they wanted to stay another night. they are currently playing video games. On Saturday night, the campground had Halloween night. The kids got dressed up and went trick or treating. We went swimming in the freezing cold pool. We played a couple of rounds of mini putt. Walked a lot. Got sun burns on our noses. Made lots of new memories.
I would be lying if I said that I didn't owe the pickle jar about 50 bucks. We were in the same camp site where we would camp with Bampot. Bampot was the MASTER at putting away the tent. I missed him most when I saw other couples having fun together and dads playing with their kids. THOSE have to be the hardest things right now.
Well, I am showered, laundry is started and I am going to take a nap. Air mattresses are more comfortable than the ground but nothing compares to my bed.
To all of my friends out there, I thought of you all often and I will be catching up on your threads as soon as I wake up.
Well scotty I see you have cleaned up the debris we left behind when we partied on your thread while you were away.
Like all good friends we stayed away from the site of the carnage untill you came home and dealt with it.
Seriously, Glad you got away and had some good times. Welcome back
Me 56 Former BS Widowed 5-17-09 --married 25 years. 4 children DS-35 previous marriage--18-22 DGrandSons 6 and 4 Me former BS DD-29 with DGDs 5 and 1yr DSs 26 and 23 Teilhard de Chardin..“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ...Sounds about right to me.
Welcome Back Scotty, Glad you had a great time with your boys and that you were able to get away!!!!
Me:BW Dday:12/31/09-Found MB 01/03/10 3DstepChildren24&20 PlanA:01/03/10 PlanB:03/25/10 D final 11/15/10
"I dare you to find some time and some place to be silent for longer than usual; a few moments, a few minutes, a few hours. Listen to your heart, listen to your soul; and most importantly, listen to the silence to see what it sounds like and how it speaks to you."
I started an online course to become a Teacher's Aide. I learned that in Ontario, to be a teaching assistant in elementary and secondary school, all you need is a HS diploma and a police check. Well, I have those. I want to get some education too. Then I will start looking for a job in a school. This way, I will get the shifts I want, and more importantly, I will be able to make a real difference. It is funny. I have my vision board on my bathroom wall still(had to move it higher because the puppy tried to eat it) and I am AMAZED that the things I put on there are becoming a reality.
Yesterday morning, I woke up at 510am because I "heard" Bampot say, "Are you alright?" It freaked me out. I don't know what I was dreaming but I seriously thought that I heard him. I looked around and there was no one there(of course). It was "weird."
BIL did talk to me more about Bampot on the phone the other night. He said that SIL and SIL's OM told him that Bampot doesn't look happy. I told BIL that it doesn't matter. Bampot isn't at my door asking to come home. He could be unhappy for years and not end his affair. It doesn't matter to me. I KNOW that affairs suck. It doesn't make a difference to the original marriage unless the affair ends FOREVER.
Gotta go workout and then do some of my online homework. I will still be around but not as often as I was before.
The kiddos start school on Tuesday. WOOHOOOO Can't wait.