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Originally Posted by Humbled_
What do I do with WW now? She wants me to explain stuff.

Be very polite and explain that her affair is over. NOW. Tell her you have exposed the affair to everyone. Everyone knows, including the OM's wife. And if she wants to stay married, then the affair needs to end.

It is very disrespectful of you and the kids to carry on her affair in the home of her husband and children so it must end.

Be firm; be calm and don't try to reason with her. Don't allow her to bait you into a fight.

you are doing just great! Hang in there, it is almost over.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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You sir are a WARRIOR!

You are FIGHTING for your family!!!!


Your wife will get over her anger. Now go FULL FORCE Plan A. Meet all her ENs like your life depended on it - because it DOES!

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Originally Posted by Humbled_
Now I'm back. I see that she and OM were writing on FB. I'll write more later.

Tell her this is inappropriate and her affair discussions need to be taken out of this house. Otherwise, I would suggest unhooking the internet. Maybe take the router to work with you.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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You have done great! If she was done with you...she would be gone! Did he really send you a message on FB saying his marriage would be fine?

I love the statement that YOU had ruined the OM marriage LMAO!!! What questions does she have for you?

Keep us posted. YOU ARE GOING TO BE FINE!

Last edited by itsamess; 09/01/10 09:57 PM. Reason: misspelled word
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Well, they have been talking on the cellphone quite a bit. She missed some of his calls. She is in shock - she did NOT expect me to do this.

She asked me a bunch of questions, amounting to

Why? - standing up for my family

Why did you tell EVERYONE? - I told the truth

That was my business! How could you send people my pornographic words? - if you didn't want his wife to see them, you shouldn't have been writing them.

You took away EVERYTHING! - affair killed, maybe?

You took away my boyfriend! - maybe?

His wife kicked him out! they will end up divorced! - you should be glad - you two can be together (she replied that he'll never be with her)

How could you ruin two marriages? - I didn't, the two of you did by committing adultery. I just told the truth.

Then she wrote the OMW a foggy apologetic letter begging her to take OM back because she didn't want to ruin his life. OMW said "F@#$ you."

She then informed me "Well, this didn't save your marriage! I WILL NEVER BE WITH YOU! EVER! YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS NAKED AGAIN! I HATE YOU!"

Okay, so help me out. What do I do now? How can I meet ENs now?

Do I lock down cellphones and FB now?

How long does the rage usually last? When will she calm down?

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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
And if she wants to stay married, then the affair needs to end.

She doesn't. She told me to file for D tomorrow. I said no, I will not. She said fine, she will call lawyer tomorrow and I will have to give her money for it.

I said I love you and this family. She said f@#$ you.

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Originally Posted by Humbled_

She doesn't. She told me to file for D tomorrow. I said no, I will not. She said fine, she will call lawyer tomorrow and I will have to give her money for it.

Tell her no thanks. smile

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by Humbled_
Well, they have been talking on the cellphone quite a bit. She missed some of his calls. She is in shock - she did NOT expect me to do this.

Tell her to take her affair conversations out of this house. It is inappropriate for her to conduct her affair in your home and that of her children. Follow her around when she is on the phone and say loudly "please take your affair converstation out of this house. It is inappropriate to carry on your affair in this house."

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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and I will have to give her money for it.

Nope - and thanks to your foresight with the accounts, she will have to find other means of financing her 'divorce'.

They always threaten divorce, they almost never file.

You are doing GREAT!

Your answers were spot on!

Her rage WILL blow over.

I'd say kill the phone, or block OMs number, and block Facebook. When she gets mad just stay firm - you're doing what you have to to save the marriage.

Be loving, and upbeat. Try to be affectionate if she'll let you. What are, typically, her most important ENs? We can help you put together a plan for your Plan A.

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Originally Posted by Humbled_
Okay, so help me out. What do I do now? How can I meet ENs now?

Don't worry about meeting emotional needs now. That won't happen for a long time, until she gets through withdrawal. The best you can do now is avoid lovebusters.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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As long as she is in the house..she is not gone. Has she made any attempt to leave? Probably not. Where would she go if she did leave? Does she have anyone who would take her in? I would ask everyone I know to PLEASE not help her by letting her stay with them. (That is if and a BIG IF she tries to leave). Make sure that she knows that if she leaves she will be leaving without the children.

As far as filing for D, you said the right thing. Tell her that you will not file and that you will not give her the money to file. If she wants to file that she will have to file alone. Tell her that if she files that you will fight her tooth and nail and will file for full custody of the children and her paying you child support.

You must keep your emotions in check. Remain pleasant around her, make yourself attractive to her. Make home a pleasant place to be. Take your children and have fun. Invite her to come along. If she does not go, you go anyway.

Is the OM telling her they will be together or is he freaking out and scared his wife will leave?

HANG IN THERE!!!!! You are doing everything right!

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Originally Posted by Humbled_
How long does the rage usually last? When will she calm down?

I sent my sister here last year when it was discovered her H was having an A. She did a nuclear exposure. The OW told him it was over but they kept texting for a couple more days.

He ranted and raged for a couple of days, the worst came the day OW stopped talking to him. My sister stayed strong, saying similar things that you are, she left the house with their D when it got really bad. He even ripped the kitchen cabinet door off at one point and said some pretty crazy stuff. But he eventually burned out and calmed down.

I think he has since told her (they are recovering nicely now) that he kept turning up the volume hoping she would give in. He is completely embarassed at his behavior now.

Just keep doing what you are doing. Stay calm and be a broken record.

Hang in there!!

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Originally Posted by Humbled_
She told me to file for D tomorrow. I said no, I will not. She said fine, she will call lawyer tomorrow and I will have to give her money for it.

I said I love you and this family. She said f@#$ you.

Typical WW rage.
How long will it last?
About 48 hours at this temperature.

OM will dump her.
That will make her feel worse.
You might catch some fallout anger after he dumps her.

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Just go about your business.
Avoid any "fighting words".

Carry a few of the following catch phrases in your pocket:

I'm sorry you are upset.
I understand feeling angry and hurt.
Can I bring you a cup of tea?
A cookie?

Her anger will self-extinguish.
The affair needed to be killed.

Good job !

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This can go into the WW hall of shame ...

Then she wrote the OMW a foggy apologetic letter begging her to take OM back because she didn't want to ruin his life. OMW said "F@#$ you."

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Originally Posted by Pepperband
This can go into the WW hall of shame ...

Then she wrote the OMW a foggy apologetic letter begging her to take OM back because she didn't want to ruin his life. OMW said "F@#$ you."

Some day she will cringe with horror at the irony of that statement. doh2

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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This one goes into the WW hall of shame too.

How could you send people my pornographic words?

Uhhhhhhhh .... don't write pornography to another woman's husband, and that will end that.

Humbled, NEVER refer to OM by his given name. He is never "George" when you speak of him.
ALWAYS refer to him as "Peggy's husband". (or, whatever her name is)

Last edited by Pepperband; 09/01/10 11:22 PM.
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From my carrot/stick thread:

Not apologizing for exposure or speaking the truth in a kind yet direct way.

Exposure makes the infidel furious

stay calm

no one can stay furious forever ... being furious is exhausting ... consumes a lot of energy ... let the furious infidel fume and exhaust his/her self

YOU stay cool

You will hear:

"That's it. We are never going to stay married after what YOU did."
"I am moving out now, thanks to you."
"You are getting OP in trouble at home."
"Now our kids will have a broken home thanks to you."

blah blah blah

You respond to all the raging comments: I am still holding out hope for our marriage.

You stay calm

You don't argue

You don't explain

You do not preach

You do not educate

~and~ you do NOT apologize for standing up for truth and marriage and keeping your family intact

YOU calmly re-state your belief that there is hope for the marriage ....

if things get out of hand ... excuse yourself and go for a walk or a drive ...

remember ... exposure makes the already foggy spouse act insane ... but it is temporary

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Thank you all so much! Today was SO hard and frightening. But you were right - I feel better now. I really do. All of a sudden instead of suffering in silence with only my WW's carefully doled out support I am now basking in love and support from my family and friends, and even WW's family! They all told me they love me today and defended me, even to her!

I will work on the EN questionnaire for her - I feel like I know them well, but it could be a good exercise. Then I will post and would appreciate help with Plan A.

I have to share something with you. Here's my FB message exchange with OM.

OM: Thanks I appreciate what you did! Its not going to get (WW) to take you back! I love my wife and I will find a way to fix it, but yours is f@#$ed up for good. You can blame me all you want, but you need to look in the mirror about who f@#$ed your marriage up. It was messed up before me. Have a good life bud! (Why is he saying this, because my WW lied to him and told him we were separated. Not true, of course) smile

My reply (please note he also doesn't know that my WW has already told me OMW kicked him out and may or may not take him back): If you want your wife to take YOU back, you might want to stop contacting MY wife. I don't think (OMW) is going to take your begging seriously when she finds out you're still in contact with my wife. Stay away from my family. You are the bad guy here, not me, and you have to live with that.

That felt good. POS. I have so many more things to say, every time he tries to contact her, which I think will not last long. I think the exposure just gave him a new "hobby" to work on - salvaging his shattered life. A-hole.

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You did awesome. I know it's a little scary right now. Ride out the storm. You know what you did was right and was done for the right reasons. Stay calm. I'm proud of you.

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