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#242424 01/23/04 09:58 PM
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Gout is a form of arthritis but is caused by the high uric acid levels. The uric acid (if your body can't filter enough of it out of your system) starts to settle in your joints and crystalizes, mainly in the first joint of the big toe. I have a friend who has it in all of his joints, but this is not common. This is what causes it to swell up and it hurts like hell. Beef is not a big culprit. Remember, animals which are not capable of getting enough water to help flush these substances are goung to be the biggest culprit. Birds, don't have these mechanisms for this so you are likely to get huge amounts of uric acid from this. Chicken is an exception. Also, when you are putting so much protein in your body, your kidneys can't always get rid of it all either. If you stick to beef, chicken and fish you should be ok. Flax seed oil and Milk Thistle will help healthy liver and kidney function and does wonders for preventing gout. Flax oils also does wonders on your joints if you already have problems as well as provides you with your essential fatty acids. Also, the by-product of metabolising yeast is uric acid. Yeast in all things including alcoholic beverages and breads. It is very important you get 4-6 liters of water also to help your body's filters stay clean. It is essential you get tons of protein on Atkins so you can preserve your muscle tissue and utilize more stored fat as energy.

Another thing is you CANNOT gain muscle tissue while on a reduced calorie diet, contrary to what people say. You can only minimize its loss. Your body will only grow if you have excess calories. Increase calories, gain muscle (or fat), reduce calories, lose fat (or muscle). What people usually see when they think they are working out and gaining muscle is the more defined muscles from the workouts that are being uncovered from the fat they are losing. Never the less, it still looks and feels good and you feel better about yourself and that's all that counts.

#242425 01/23/04 10:04 PM
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after listening to the biochemists with the zone, forget his name, the atkins diets makes alot of sense. . . and i've agreed with it, but now i need to use it. . . ..

so what is the best web site to get the mest information about it. ..



#242426 01/24/04 02:24 AM
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Great site.

I can also give you some variations of the Atkins that I have done with great success. I have turned to bodybuilding as a way to vent and gain my self confidence back. Give me your email if you would like to try them.. Also, there are some great fitness sites ou there that have (forums) great advice too. I have done and tried and researched this almost as much as my marriage and I would be happy to share.

#242427 01/25/04 01:34 AM
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http://www.atkinsfriends.com is a good one for recipes and support,too.

#242428 01/24/04 06:41 PM
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Atkins, Scarsdale, South Beach, Power Protein, etc., ad infinitum. They're all about lowering carb intake, not about increasing fats.

However, no diet discussion is complete until someone brings up the subject of good fats vs. bad fats. Simply put, good fats make you slim whilst bad fats make you, firstly, obese, then they kill you. The problem these days is figuring out who to believe concerning exactly WHAT are the good fats and which are the bad? The AMA, in all its dubious wisdom, would have everyone injesting margarines, canola oil, and other 'modern' fats which they say are good for us because they are full of 'polyunsaturates'.

Do you know that there is no such thing as a 'canola' in nature? Canola is NOT a foodstuff, but a genetically altered form of rapeseed, which is poisonous due to its extraordinarily high ericuc acid content.

'Canola' is a nickname for "Canadian Oil". It was originally called LEAR oil, but wouldn't sell, so they changed the name to make it less objectionable. 'LEAR' stood for Lower Erucic Acid Rapeseed. It is not a natural or healthy ingredient in any food. It will, over time, give you heart disease and/or circulatory disorders.

Any hydrogenated oil or fat is guilty of the same health-destroying properties as canola oil. Margarine will KILL you, over time.

The AMA and ADA are promoting, as 'healthy' the very diet that will CAUSE the diseases they proport to study with hopes to cure! Just remember, where would the American Diabetes Association BE, if no one had diabetes anymore????

The love of money is the root of all evil.

The truly healthy fats are good, old-fashioned butter, cream, virgin coconut oil, palm kernel oil, beef fat and lard. These fats promote good heart and blood health, as well as assisting in excess weight loss.

MUCH research has been done on the subject, and the information is out there for any one willing to do a little personal investigation.

Here are a couple of links, in case anyone is interested:



Also, Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, top researchers in the areas of healthy vs. unhealthy fats have an excellent book out called Nourishing Traditions. It is a cookbook, but also jam-packed with information on traditional diets, good fats/bad fats, etc.

I have lost forty pounds, and the scale is still going down, eating healthy foods, including fat. I feel great, my labs are better, blood sugars are finally stable, and my skin and hair look better than they have in years. I do not count calories, carbs or fat grams, but I do eat as much as I want of the healthy foods, including lots and lots of natural fats.

True, I did have gastric band surgery last June, but I didn't start losing steadily until I made the adjustments in choosing healthy foods, mainly healthy fats.

An example:

Hot Chocolate

1 teaspoon high quality cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon stevia
1 cup hot cream, prefearably raw but if not available, at least choose cream that is not ultra-pasteurized

Mix the powders together in a mug and add a bit of hot cream to form a paste. Stir in the rest of the cream and enjoy. Delicious and good for you!

A cup of this at nighttime takes the place of all the ice cream and/or cookies I used to eat, and I feel great because of the sugar-free healthy fat. This hot chocolate does not adversely affect blood sugars, and in fact, it actually helps reduce triglycerides.

Cheers and good eats,

aka Green Jewel
(I lost my password and had to re-register recently.)

#242429 01/24/04 07:03 PM
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Hehe, as soon as I read that you'd had the surgery, I knew it was Green Jewel! *laughing*

Great to hear that you've lost 40 lbs!

I agree with everything you've said---thanks for saying it so well!

#242430 01/24/04 08:26 PM
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Hi Aeri,

Didn't think anybody'd remember me. It's been quiet a while since the old 'hypothetical scenario' thread. Thanks. ;o)

I re-registered again, so now I'm Green Jewel II.

Yes, I've lost forty pounds since the surgery. The first seven months were tough since I had an undiagnosed leak and I had to go back to Mexico thirteen times for fills, an exploratory surgery and finally two CT scans. But the doc replaced the leaky port (at no charge) and I've been adjusting to banded life for the past few months. It's strange, sometimes I can't eat anything, and others, it's as if I didn't have a band at all.

Proper diet and exercise is crucial after banding, as it is in all successful dieting. The difference is that now, with my band, I can not just give up like I always did before. I may get discouraged or even depressed for a time, but my band is always there to work with me once I get myself back on track. It limits the amount of food I can injest, but I still have to make the right choices.

In typical INTJ style, I've done tons of research lately on traditional diets and healthy fats. It's very 'freeing' to know that the stuff I love to eat anyway is really good for me, as long as I cut out the carbs and sugar. The low-fat, high-carb diet scam was killing me, and I'm so happy to feel this good. I've completely eliminated one diabetes med and reduced the other by two-thirds. My blood pressure is normal, lab numbers are better and the arthritis is improving.

For the first time in my life, I weigh less than my driver's license says. I haven't been this thin in over fifteen years. I have a long way to go still, but I have high hopes that in time, I'll get there.



#242431 01/26/04 03:00 AM
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Gosh Damn Jewel, you're an inspiration. I can't tell you the amount of "just too much work" people I know. I am so tired of excuses. I, myself, know of the blood, sweat and tears that goes into the weight-loss game from first hand experience. A bIG CONGRATS to you for taking the right steps, not only for your sanity, but for the hard work involved. Dam Skippy, A hard days work deserves a HIGH FIVE!!! Keep up the good work Jewel!!!

#242432 01/26/04 03:45 AM
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Could someone please post the time-frames from starting Atkins up to the maintenance phase? I lost the dang book when I was deployed a couple years ago... gained a pile of weight back (+30lbs) and I can't remember the numbers.

Is this about right?

1st 2wks 0 carbs
Weight Loss 20 carbs per day (or was it 70?)
Maintenance ??

Isn't gaining wieght back really stooooooopid? Beer and junkfood for a few months and wham! All that effort down the drain.

Well anyway, would appreciate someone putting the numbers up as I don't want to do it wrong. Already down about 8lbs this month and BP is down from 160/110 to "livable" levels(this was new, maybe scaring the weight off me).


#242433 01/26/04 06:23 AM
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1st 2 weeks - 20 carbs per day from allowed VEGETABLES. No low-carb junk food.

Ongoing W/L - Increment your carbs by 5 every week to determine your critical carb level. That's the level of carbs at which you maintain your weight....at that point, minus 5 and continue dieting down to your desired weight.

Pre-Maintenance - Within the last 10 lbs of goal.

Maintenance - At goal weight, begin to add low glycemic index fruit (cantaloupe, blueberries) and the ODD starchy veggie

#242434 01/26/04 12:07 PM
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I'm not posting to knock the Atkins diet. I believe it is a very workable diet and has helped a great many people lose weight.

I myself have been doing the South Beach Way of Eating since 9/15. I lost 8 lbs. in Phase 1 (2 weeks) and dropped another 12 before Turkey day. I, like most, slipped during the holidays but only added 4 lbs. back.

South Beach preaches Good Carbs, Good Fats. I'm not going to get into a discussion about what fats are good for you and which ones aren't because too many studies are conflicting. I will only state that I've heard plenty of good stories of both SB and AD participants that have lost weight, reduced cholosterol and blood pressure.

I myself was not overly overweight but wanted to drop 30 pounds to get to a weight some experts state is not considered overweight for my height.

I love how these diets get rid of the cravings. I can walk by a plate of goodies without batting an eyelash. Whereas before I couldn't not grap one.

I also love being able to eat until I feel satisfied. On SB there is no counting, carbs, grams, etc. (except for nuts where you are limited) As long as the food is on the list of acceptable foods you can eat until you feel satisfied.

I eat plenty of lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey. I'm also in Phase 2 so I can eat quite a few different types of fruits. I can have bread, rice or pasta as long as they're made from whole grain products.

Folks on this plan call it a Way of Eating or a Way of Living. Through experience you will be able to find enough foods and recipes to build a large menu for yourself so that you don't need the other foods you used to eat that were so bad for you.

#242435 01/26/04 04:48 PM
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Congratulations on your success with South Beach.

Just to give you a heads up--lots of low carb eaters call their "diet" a "way of eating" or "way of living". Dr. Atkin's called low carbing a "way of living" back in 1972....so if anything, South Beach ripped him off <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

I read the South Beach book and I thought it was alright, but I know from experience (with my body--the ongoing science project) that it won't work for me....The Zone is another one that just doesn't feel "workable" to me---too complicated for the long run...

#242436 01/26/04 05:28 PM
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Congrats to all who have lost weight on the Atkins diet.

Here is a question, does Atkins advise exercise?

The reason I ask is I'm probably on the reverse-Atkins diet. I eat tons of carbs: wonderful pastas, thick whole grain breads, German beers, fruits of all sorts, etc. Godiva chocolate too.

In fact I was Vegan for about 8 years and took in no animal protein at all. I have been able to maintain my weight . . . infact I weigh at the low end for someone my height and age and bone structure.

What is the magic sercet to this . . .


I run, usually 20-40 miles a week. I have tons of energy and great cholesterol to boot . . . and I get to eat anything that I want. What could be better?

I just wonder how healthy a diet could be if it didn't advocate some serious exercise. I don't know what Atkin's stance on this is so I thought I would ask you all since you seem to be followers of his diet.

This is not meant to be a slam or a taunt at all . . . I just wanted to say there are many ways to loose weight . . . even eating all the carbs you want.

Thinking about giving up carbs and having to force down tons of bacon, eggs, beef, etc. just sound horrible to me. Well I guess it will leave more desert for me!

#242437 01/26/04 05:59 PM
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Comfortably Numb:
<strong> What is the magic sercet to this . . .

</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You are right, exercise is important. But it is 1 of 2 part. The 2nd part is diet.

AD provides a change in lifestyle. It provides a way to lose weight. With that weight loss , it gives more energy to exercise or more active lifestyle.

For many overweight people, going to exercise causes sore muscles, pain, and tiredness. Overcoming that initial muscle burn is hard, and the motivation to exercise is lost. Sometimes, a 2 week exercise routine becomes boring.

Many diets also fail. Eating in itself is rewarding.

AD provides an extreme (and safe) lifestyle: cut the carbs off the diet, etc. Because it's an extreme change, results seem to be positive thus far. And of course, other people are free to make their creative interpretation of AD and they creeate their own "idea" of a better diet.

When I did AD with low impact aerobics, the weight loss was FAST that I was on a 3k calorie daily meals. It's the sugar craving that I needed to overcome.

#242438 01/26/04 06:09 PM
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I picked up my Atkins book not long after I had started it and the page I opened it to said something about if you are not exercising then you are not on the Atkins diet.

I think the sentence even started with my name. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

#242439 01/26/04 07:32 PM
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I'm sensing that you've never actually had a weight *problem*. Those who are severely overweight wouldn't have very much success following your regimen. For obvious reasons, a person who is severely overweight cannot run 30 miles per day--so what's the solution for the problem in that case? In my opinion, the weight must be shed, using an extreme solution, that will help to shed pounds quickly. Unbalanced weight lends itself to an unbalanced diet in order to equalize.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but many severely overweight people have type II diabetes. Type II diabetes, commonly referred to as "adult onset" diabetes is the most common disease of middle aged people today! Adult onset diabetes is typically caused by a diet too rich in sugars and carbohydrates.

Sure, there are many people who eat ANYTHING they want and never gain a pound. There are those people who eat like there's no tomorrow and WISH they could gain weight....It's not that these people are doing something "right" and all the overweight people are doing something "wrong". People who are predisposed to insulin related disorders (such as type II diabetes) typically gain weight after age 20.

The Atkin's diet works very, very well for severely obese people. The reason WHY ATkin's works is because it keeps blood sugar at even levels. Even blood sugars mean less sugar "lows", less cravings and increased energy and stamina. Increased protein allows for a feeling of being satisfied, longer. For a person who has tried every diet imaginable, only to feel endless hunger pangs, this diet is a godsend. Contrary to popular belief, Atkin's doesn't work because it's essentially a low calorie diet....ATkin's works because the real culprit in weight gain is overproduction of insulin. If you'd like further information on HOW the diet works, there's an exellent explaination in the book THE PROTEIN POWER PLAN and also in DR ATKIN'S book DR ATKIN'S NEW DIET REVOLUTION.

Atkin's advocates exercise. One great side effect of the Atkin's way of eating is increased energy levels. The rapid weight loss in the intitial stages also lends to a person being motivated AND inspired to excercise. On a low fat diet, it could take months of starving for the same person to feel motivated enough to set foot in a gym....

The Atkin's diet limits sugars and carbohydrates--it's not so much that it ADVOCATES eating fat. Contrary to what you've heard about the Atkin's diet, I eat very little bacon and greasy foods. My protein consists of chicken, fish and lean meats. I don't eat processed ANYTHING, including deli meats....My carbohydrates consist of a mixture of healthy vegetables---usually raw...I can honestly say that I eat FAR more vegetables than my friends who follow "low fat" regimens...(they're usually filling themselves with low fat candy bars and treats)....

The point of my post is this---I believe that you probably indulge in all the carbohydrates you enjoy, however, I also believe that some people just aren't predisposed to having a PROBLEM with carbohydrates. I could *NEVER* maintain my weight eating ONLY carbs...even if I ran 100 miles a day! I learned this through my own research---when *I* eat pastas, breads and sugar, I feel as if my brain is in a fog, I feel sluggish, lazy, unable to concentrate AND my body SWELLS.....Carbohydrates cause me to have heart palatations....THiS is how I know that carbohydrates are literally POISON for my body....

I work with a girl who weighs 110 lbs. She works out every day and looks great. Her diet consists of things like Coke for breakfast and chocolates for lunch. AT last check, her cholesterol was through the roof....so why didn't her strenuous exercise regimen take care of the cholesterol? Probably because exercise, although beneficial, isn't the central factor. On the other hand, although I'm technically still a bit overweight for my height and other than some swimming, I don't exercise seriously---my cholesterol and lipid counts are normal. They've dropped significantly since I began Atkin's and I'm not the only one---the majority of the people in my Atkin's support group online have found the same results....

I'm very passionate about Atkin's, but only because it works for ME. If I didn't feel great, I wouldn't spend all this time trying to tell people who wonderful the diet is. All I ask is that people try it and see if it works.

I hope this information was useful to you, CN!

#242440 01/26/04 11:32 PM
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Someone asked earlier if you had to be on AD for life. The answer is no. Once you reach your goal weight you need to find out what your new base metabolic rate is (BMR) then you can eat a healthy diet of whatever. You still can't pig out on Twinkies and Oreos. I look at my intake on a weekly basis and try to at least write down what I eat. It's a little work at first, but once your dialed in with the food values of what you are eating you can pay less attention to it. It almost becomes like a Weight Watchers style of eating but without reducing cals. It is a lifestyle change though. AD is more geared toward sedentary people with lots of weight to lose so exercise is not necessary but always a plus. You will lose weight with all reduced calorie diets, carbs or no carbs. The good thing about cutting out carbs is they are a huge part of almost every food and the cals really add up quick so eating breads and pastas you really have to cut down the amount whichs leads you to be hungry all the time. On AD, there is only 1200 cals in 2 lb's of chicken. You could get so full and bloated to eat that much chicken in one day and it has very little food value, except the protein. Add some cardio (50-60% of your max heart rate)before breakfast when your blood glucose is low and the fat just melts off. Another good diet is Body Opus. This one is where you load carbs a couple days a week and go low carbs for the rest of the time. That diet also rocks. The fat melts away very fast. Do a search on Amazon for the book if you're interested. Very interesting chemistry going on there.

#242441 01/27/04 10:05 AM
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Hello aeri:

No, I’ve never had a weight problem. I’ve always been active though. High school and collegiate soccer, cross-country running, etc. Genetically, It seems that I do have the genes to put on weight. Many of my extended family are, trying to be nice here, heavy.

Boy I don’t think many people could run 30 miles a day, that is more than a marathon each and every day. I said 30-40 miles a week, big difference.

I agree, someone that is severely overweight can’t run 30 miles a week, probably can’t even run at all. That is o.k. The person could probably walk 100 yards twice a week. After one-two months, he probably could walk 1 mile 3 times a week. After six months, he probably could wog “walk/jog” 3 miles 3 times a week. After a year, 5 mile 4 times a week. One needs realistic goals. No one got “fat” overnight, it will take time to get back into shape.

I’m aware of type II diabetes. It mainly affects overweight individuals. I think that the scientific evidence that it is somehow caused by eating carbohydrates is pretty slim. It rarely affects marathoners, even those in there 60's and 70's and they eat tons of carbs. We eat it to extreme before big races . . . it is called carboloading.

I wasn’t aware that the target audience for the Atkin diet was severely obese individuals. I guess such a drastic diet would be suited for those who are in that category. I hear may people who talk about getting on it who appear to be only 20 or so pounds overweight. Is the diet meant for them too?

I’m heartened to hear that Atkins recommends exercise. I will pay more attention to his views since this primary facet of a healthy lifestyle is included in his philosophy.

Here is one reason that I can indulge in the “forbidden foods” for people on the Atkins diet. Let’s say I had a good week and ran 40 miles. I’m 5'11'’, 165 lbs, fairly heavily muscled. I burn approximately 150 calories per mile at an 8 minute pace. So, 40 miles x 150 cal/mile = 6000 calories per week or 857 calories per day. So I have about 850 calories per day that I can devote to anything I wish. For me a calorie is a calorie . . . I will burn these calories unlike someone who is sedentary. This is the reason that I can consume carbohydrates . . . not because my body is somehow special or my insulin production is significantly different from others.

My point to this is carbohydrates are not bad in and of themselves.

#242442 01/27/04 10:20 AM
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Carbs aren't bad...no food is really BAD, unless it's something that is genetically modified...

I know that carbs are bad for ME.

#242443 01/28/04 12:01 PM
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Exercise is like the force-multiplier while on Atkins. On Atkins alone, I drop weight reasonably well. Throw in a brisk 30-45min walk or a 2-3 mile run (hehe... jog) every day or every-other day and the pounds begin to melt off really fast. I've ordered the literature again for Atkins too, want to go about it right this time will all the information I can get.


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