Saw a pretty good article that was listed on an eharmony advertisement. It's the six signs you're settling for second best. Link below for those that want to view.
The Reader's Digest version is:
1. You're irrationally iritated by the "little" things your partner does
2. You're increasingly nostalgic for weekends and evenings alone
3. You tell yourself you're racing the clock for one last chance at love.
4. You see your relationship as a rescue operation. (You know you�re in danger of settling the moment you make a �to-do� list of things you�d like to help your partner improve upon: lose weight, stop smoking, be more outgoing, find a better job, and so forth. The best person for you will not feel like a fixer-upper.)
5. You pointedly decide to overlook your partner's faults.
6. You routinely make excuses for your partner to others.
It was thought provoking.;index=0&cid=2091&aid=1209103Another one was 10 Reasons Your Relationship Picker is Broken:
1. You Feel That Stable, Emotionally Healthy People are Boring.
2. You still aren't over your ex.
3. You're using Hollywood to qualify your dates - fantasy.
4. You're too young to know who you are.
5. You're trying to please someone else w/your choice of a partner.
6. Physical beauty far exceeds other traits you value.
7. You have some need to control the other person.
8. You tend to choose wounded souls, so they will need you to fix them.
9. You're self esteem is so damaged that you don't do the picking at all.
10. You didn't get a very good relationship model from your parents.
Link below: