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Originally Posted by Northwood8900
Yeah, the irony is just sickening and my wife is his second OW in two years. I really wonder if the first one was also a co-worker. ..
faint faint

O.M.G....Well if you listen to any preachers, they will tell you that Satan takes up residence as much as possible within the Church. Think about it.. where else do people go to get more out of life? Where are they more open to temptation?

What a weak excuse for a man. at least he could be honest and buy a hooker, instead of dragging Gods name into his fantasies.

I allways said that about Clinton, why did he need a relationship with an intern that "LURVED" him and looked up to him, instaed of buying a hooker like all the rest of the politicians? Because his ego needed it, he was a child too. And cruel to boot. His defaced his office.

Again another idiot who is in love with himself.

Good luck on with the Phone call, wish I could be a fly on the wall.

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Thats hilarious, Christian charity.

Thats even better than if he worked for Acme Chastity Belts Inc.

Love it!

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I think that om sunk his own battleship.


Anyhow, it is ridiculous how some people twist and turn around God's word to make it and any action albeit a sinful action, ok isn't it?

My x fil is a perfect example. Former deacon in church. Turns out, after during my first five years married to Darth, they presented to me/us two people who were very very Christian. They even would kinda judge me when I'd have a glass of wine. I remember them being very preachy at me some times too.

Turns out, he had an affair with somebody at their church (found this out later) so they had to suddenly change churches. Then it was found out last year (they OMITTED TO TELL ME THIS and I am still fuming and raging mad to this day) that he had an illicit affair with an underage girl, and he is now on the offenders' list. They somehow managed to NOT tell either their daughter or me or Ms. Family Values (the affairage wifey of Darth's) who all HAVE CHILDREN WHO ARE MINORS as we were DENIED by them the fact Darths' dad has this kind of record.

I refuse and will always now refuse to allow my child around them since finding this out.

Once you go down the path of no return, sometimes the waywards just keep going.

I personally, hope that this OM goes DOWN and realizes that he is a sinner, and needs to honestly change his ways. If not he will doom himself to a life of dishonor and shame.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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Missed his call, was standing outside with W, kids and my mother. I'll try him tomorrow--guess he has something he wants to say!

Their group helps disadvantaged people--single mothers with troubled children, disaster relief, etc. Yeah, OM is a real role-model. What a turd, hope he got some dirty looks at work today.

Then again, if I never hear his name again, that wouldn't be bad either.

W wrote me a real nice letter, if she's faking this recovery then she deserves an Oscar.

Me (BH)
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Well imho OM needs to be fired, because imho, he is a predator of women, and single moms with troubled lives DO NOT NEED A PREDATOR entering theirs.

That would certainly be horrible. I hope that non profit agency weighs this decision carefully. He needs to be fired.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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Originally Posted by peachyisback
..Anyhow, it is ridiculous how some people twist and turn around God's word to make it and any action albeit a sinful action, ok isn't it?

My x fil is a perfect example. Former deacon in church. Turns out, after during my first five years married to Darth, they presented to me/us two people who were very very Christian. They even would kinda judge me when I'd have a glass of wine. I remember them being very preachy at me some times too...

Ridiculous is not the word for me, but maybe I was ridiculous in the relationship I had with my wifes church. she was a big-wig celebrity type,(at least she thought so anyways or aspired to be in the inner circle), I went there because she swore that what she needed to stay away from alcohol, and although God was there in his word, many of the members were pretty schetchy.

I can understand a newly born again Christian, the excitment of starting a new life with God, but I struggle with those who just want to stay the way they are and sugar-coat it. Like the people who go to dry-out farms just so they can come out and do it again, or by court order to stay out of jail.

Being newly introduced to this church, and it politics, with all its inner circles, as an outsider, who was mainly there to find out why they didn't teach my W that Christ either was real and died to take away our sins and fears, or he wasn't real, black and white to me. My God that is the basis in our hope, the cross, Christs death, how they drew the masses. Why didn't it work for my W to conquer her addiction issues? Well as truth has it, she liked to drink to much.

I was also told so many times I had to forgive and trust people who did not merit it, and even I was the cause thier problems, because I would not let the past go. Introduced to some girl who had past addiction issues, who my W was counselling, yeah well I had my reservations but went along, trying to be supportive, positive, God was everything, we are nothing, we had no right to judge. I am sure there were and are those who were of a more balanced mindset, but it was hell for me. I did hear God there through all the other noise, so I am thankful for that. The girl my W was counseling?, well she continued to fall, and eventually was the one who supplied my WW with hard drugs. One day she told me, "Well I never got the whole God thing anyways" as she was waiting for a client.

"Jesus loves them too", was one of the favorite sayings of my wife if I was at all critical of a child-molester, murderer, or any other sleaze ball. I had said at times, "Its not my place or job to have them in my home, or trust them, its my job to protect my children from sickness, not expose them to it and tell them they have to understand it"

I was exposed to the worse side of "Born Again" Christianity, with some that were still looking for loopholes on how they could stay the same, and not be changed internally. Granted we are all sinners saved by Grace, with all the same abilitys to be where others have fallen, but without consequences there is no justice, and thats where I have found God every time, when I am alone with the consequences of my choices.

This guy NW reminds me of many egotistical slimeballs that weaseled thier way into our church also. Now where will he go from here? He has rejected God and turned Him to his own image. Where will he find strength now? Does he want to return again for another "do-over". Well God will accept him but we should not, even according to His word.

Matthew 7:15-17 (King James Version)

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

This guy is toast

PS;Oh I forgot to add I have come to the place that I totally accept and adhere to "By thier fruit you shall know them"

You can call me "doubting Thomas" but talk is cheap, and actions mean much more to me as they should anybody.

Last edited by ConstantProcess; 04/18/11 08:00 PM. Reason: know them
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Yeah, the guy is toast one way or the other.

His wife surprised me, didn't get mad or yell and scream--just said she'd pray for us, my wife in particular. Guess she didn't rub off on her husband.

In the jerk's defense, he's the accountant for the group so I doubt he really has much one-on-one with those in need. He just handles their money crazy

As much as I'd love to post a picture of the creep on here, just think of Bill Paxton where he played the sleazy car dealer in the Arnold Schwarzennegar (sp?) movie "True Lies"-- that's about what he looks like.

Me (BH)
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Originally Posted by NeverGuessed
Their's is a Christian non-profit charity, so maybe the boss is a little worried about image?

The only way this could have been better would have been if his boss was also his father-in-law!
I'm going to re-align my mental picture of "stupid SOB" to that of an employee of "a Christian non-profit charity" who decides to pursue a married woman! rotflmao

That is just too sublime. I am ROTFLMAO just like everyone else.
NW, that one detail made everyone on this thread bust a gut with laughter.

OK, on a serious and sad note about unfaitfulness within religious groups and churches specifically, there is a classic infidelity book written by Dave Carder called "Torn Asunder" Its been around for a couple decades. And soooo many of his examples and case studies are church related. Pastors too. Lots of pastors. Its sad. Its where satan likes to work his evil naturally.

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I think if he is involved in any fiduciary responsibility with a faith-based organization, he should be let go.

Why? I think it is easier sometimes for somebody to lie or cheat when it comes to money, but think of how hard it is to break up a family.

If this jerk did this to his wife (and maybe kids) then what could he do with a little creative accounting? I think a once-over of their books SHOULD be in order at that company.

After all, if he lies and breaks up a marriage and tries to break up two more other than his own marriage, why wouldn't that guy NOT steal, lie, or cheat with the finances he is in control of at his job? That would be my arguement.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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Originally Posted by Northwood8900
..As much as I'd love to post a picture of the creep on here, just think of Bill Paxton where he played the sleazy car dealer in the Arnold Schwarzennegar (sp?) movie "True Lies"-- that's about what he looks like.

Yeah I tried to post a u-tube vid when arnold was gonna throw him off the bridge when he was whining, showing what those guys are really like IRL. (Paxton was brilliant BTW), It got censored because of the lauguage.

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Originally Posted by peachyisback
I think if he is involved in any fiduciary responsibility with a faith-based organization, he should be let go.

Why? I think it is easier sometimes for somebody to lie or cheat when it comes to money, but think of how hard it is to break up a family.

If this jerk did this to his wife (and maybe kids) then what could he do with a little creative accounting? I think a once-over of their books SHOULD be in order at that company.

After all, if he lies and breaks up a marriage and tries to break up two more other than his own marriage, why wouldn't that guy NOT steal, lie, or cheat with the finances he is in control of at his job? That would be my arguement.


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CP, love what you do around here, but that has to be by far the shortest post you ever did. I usually need a coffee and my slippers when you write something:)

Just a little jab:)

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Originally Posted by Reynolds531
CP, love what you do around here, but that has to be by far the shortest post you ever did. I usually need a coffee and my slippers when you write something:)

Just a little jab:)

Well as you can guess, I like to talk, and have a lot of opinions. lol I can def understand the part about coffee, sometimes they go on and on and on

I kinda resigned my self that even if I am making no sense, and am goin off on some CP tangent born of mistakes and mis-conceptions, that in some way it could be profitable to someone, even if they were to pull back and say "Whew, he is so screwed UP!" , and say "boy I better listen to Dr. H, I never wanna end up like that". Lol.

This site is a Godsend, because of all the reasons but in mine it is someplace that deals with reality, the true human condition, and the part of life that drives us, our spirtuality. I try to stay on the subject and give healthy MB advice, yes to help others avoid pain and misery, but also to help myself learn and listen, that my problems are very small compared to others, and understand my own at the same time.

Its the magic of interaction with people, that is one of the gifts of staying young at heart.

Sad to say mine wasn't an MB success story, although in the craziness I did see how MB principles aligned at one point to make my marraige so much better. They make so much sense I am a convert. I wished I had brought everything out into the open years ago, and now that I see that, and have suffered those consequences of not doing it, I can understand how far things can go, and how they can all be turned around also, because of the years living on the fringe of a happy love filled and romantic marriage, and then watching it fall into dis-repair, and tragically end.

Tell me when you say "CP" out loud when you sit down in front of the PC to read, and your Dog fetchs your slippers. Maybe then it will be time to start that book. lol

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Originally Posted by Northwood8900
Their group helps disadvantaged people--single mothers with troubled children, disaster relief, etc. Yeah, OM is a real role-model. What a turd, hope he got some dirty looks at work today.

Oh, yeah. Sounds like a real winner to have working with people in vulnerable positions in their lives...


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Fwiw, NW, that omw seems to be genuine in her response to your ww. I hope your ww sees the way she forgave, and how she listened.

that is class! The opposite of the posom. Tonight I'll say a prayer for that lady. That took lots of faith and self-control to do what she did when she spoke to your ww.

Now back to vacations. Some villas are cheap, but girls don't like (great for family vacays)having to do one thing on a vacation. Like stock groceries. I hate doing that on vacation. Do like I said and find a great discounted vacation on cheap caribbean! Like a lovely all inclusive. Better than cruises (gone on a few).

Like one of the couples' oriented all-inclusives. Sandals is good, always a special somewhere. My sil and bil love the one in Antigua. Also good ones everywhere in Jamaica! We had a short vacation just dh and I (was fi then) to Grand Palladium lady Hamilton and it was gorgeous. Just a quick 3 day trip and a short 2 hr flight. Easy peasy. But got rid of the whole "overwhelm" thing us girls get that makes us feel awful. (see my post to Andy about that).

Give her a vacation where she is catered to. Moms cater to everybody ELSE but leave themselves out. Somewhere they can hand her a boat drink and she can get a spa treatment, and have a romantic ocean view and great dinners out. You know, all the things you haven't done lately. (I tell dh that too!)

With a villa you have to usually pick up after yourself, stock the kitchen, maybe cook a little. Those are the LAST things I do on vacation, and when we get a villa, I make sure those things are done by somebody else! When I am on vacation I want to feel like I'm on vacation! I want to do NOTHING that I do at home on vacation, basically. And even less of that if I'm with dh on a vacation smile

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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Thanks all for the thoughts on my beloved OM. Heh, "my OM"--sounds like a pet dog or something. Ha ha, maybe I should make a "my OM can beat up your OM" bumper sticker or something. Sorry folks, couldn't help it.

Oh well, I'll see what the boss-man wants tomorrow. They do good work (did a lot on the coast after Katrina) and I suspect he's worried that I'm going to cause a big stink or something. Non-profits are stretched pretty tight these days since fewer and fewer people are donating money.

To peachy--thanks for the reminder about not having to do anything on vacation. W actually mentioned something like that, said she liked the idea of the Sandals/Beaches type places. So Jamaica's Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton, huh? I'll take a look at it, thanks for the recommendation.

Above all, I'd want to avoid one of those places where all the kids go for spring break and cheap booze.

Like most things, it's going to come down to money smile

HoldHerHand had a good line earlier when he said he couldn't even afford to pay attention. Well, it made me laugh, at least!

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Like I said. Cheap Caribbean! checkitout!

Well that place was nice, but we got an upgraded villa there. One of the actual villas at the point.

DH is all about St. Lucia. after his divorce from his ww, he actually went by himself (yes he did) and stayed at a gorgeous place called Jalousie Plantation. He went to a luxurious all inclusive. Got a beachfront villa with a plunge pool for himself. Rode horses, took a hike up the huge pitons there. And was the only single darn man on the island, as everybody else he said, must've been on their honeymoon or anniversary trip. He just hung out with the wait staff, dive crew, and they were super nice to him. Now he wants us to go there and I'm..."Yea Mon"!

My sis and bil love a place called Round Hill in Jamaica. Outside of Montego Bay. You don't have to get a villa, but a hotel suite in the main house. All villas and suites are decorated by Ralph Lauren. Your w would love it! My bil actually watched last year a starfish crawl across his foot while he sat half in and out of the ocean with a red stripe in his hand! My sis just sat there with a frosty drink and watched her hubby watch the starfish! They loved it.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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Also a cool hotel in the keys. We might have anniversary trip there too! Check out Little Palm Island!

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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Originally Posted by peachyisback
My bil actually watched last year a starfish crawl across his foot while he sat half in and out of the ocean with a red stripe in his hand! My sis just sat there with a frosty drink and watched her hubby watch the starfish! They loved it.

Ok, now you're reminding me of those Corona commercials where they just sit on the beach and drink beer. You're not exactly making me enthusiastic about going to work in the morning! Wonder if I could POJA that with my boss --work vs. the beach smile

Geez, I don't know if I'd ever want to come back if I spent a week down there.

Oh, just got that you meant cheapcaribbean.com-- cool, will take a look and see what I see.

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Originally Posted by peachyisback
Also a cool hotel in the keys. We might have anniversary trip there too! Check out Little Palm Island!

Woah, just looked at their website. Never heard of it, would have never guessed it was in the US.

Me (BH)
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