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mbfan #2510260 05/17/11 02:10 PM
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mbfan -

Please don't let your distaste for the tone or tenor of poster's style alter your opinion of the MB program. The program is hard to follow, it often requires BH's to go way outside of their comfort zone. Don't let your mind play this trick on you - this is where you need to be, even if you find a personality or two not to your liking.

Would you allow your WW to put a picture of her and OM on her nightstand? Well, that is NOTHING next to them working together. How about if she was an alcoholic and worked in a bar, would it be acceptable for her to stay there because she really likes this bar?

The wakeup call we are trying to get through to you is this: neither of you value your M one whit if she wants to remain working with OM and you let her. The question is really very simple. Is your marriage more important than a job? Its yes or no, there are no shades of gray or caveats. It may not be easy, but the survival of your M depends upon all contact being severed permanently, forever, for life.

Last edited by fight4life; 05/17/11 02:13 PM.

BS (me) 49
WW 49
married 6 years
dday1 8/23/10 NC 9/3/10
NC broken 12/10
dday2 2/6/11
NC2 3/5/11
shinethrough #2510261 05/17/11 02:10 PM
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I hope that posters on here can understand that and still help guide me and not make me feel bad about the decisions I'm making. I might be digging my own grave but if there is something still going on between them I know I will find out the truth.

How can we guide you when all you do is give excuses as to why the plan we are laying out for you (ie, the one who has worked for many, MANY couples) won't work and give excuses as to why you can't do it?

It sounds like you have your own plan, so why are you here?

And FTR, I have yet to see even ONE couple recover when the WS and AP are still in contact/working together. What are the odds that your situation is different?

If your M is as important to you as you say it is, you will insist that your W leave her job. No job is more important than a M.

My H left his job AND we moved out of state to ensure NC. That is how important it is.

Me,BW - 42; FWH-46
4 kids
D-Day #s1 and 2~May 2006
D-Day #3~Feb.27, 2007 (we'd been in a FR)
Plan B~ March 3 ~ April 6, 2007

In Recovery and things are improving every day. MB rocks. smile
MelodyLane #2510264 05/17/11 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
With all due respect, I saw enormous grace in the posts on this thread. This poster is not angry because posters have no grace, but because they are giving him a much needed wake up call. If he doesn't wake up, he is not going to make it and the posters don't want to see that happen.

Mel, I too saw grace extended. Hey let's be real... We all relive a little bit of what we went through each time we help someone... At least I do... I just don't want us chasing red-herrings... I get easily side-tracked at times... I'm sure others may as well.

Anyway, I have read tons of your responses (and others here as well), and it is easy to discern your hearts for helping. This makes you guys more valuable than you realize.


Celtic Voyager
Married 22+ years
3 young adult children

"A story of me"
RidicSit #2510266 05/17/11 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by RidicSit
Your wife is not special, your situation is not unique.

You ignore these things at your own peril.

I can't emphasize enough to you how right this is. I ignored the advice I was given because I thought, as you do, that my situation was different and unique.

It's wasn't just as yours isn't.

You can't trust one word your WW says.

Try this on her to see how trustworthy she is:

Tell her she needs to give you access to her cell phone, email accounts, and all other accounts she may use.

See how she responds.

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Really, I am lobbying for a "like" button here.... What everyone is saying is sooooo right!

Your situation is unique only in the respect that you are you and your wife is your wife... I'd bet if you put a hundred of us in the same room and asked us to raise our hands if we have experienced the same basic things, 99.9% of us would raise our hands.

In court, 2 or 3 witnesses can seal a case if their testimony matches. On MB, you have dozens... maybe hundreds of us who are all saying the same thing (in differing ways).

I know there is fear. I know there is a lot of hurt... The one thing that is probably most disastrous right now is thinking you know best. I know that that doesn't make sense, specially if you were a good decision maker before this, but trust us... We all entered lala land when the truth of our WS' A's hit us. You have a chance to do it better than some of us who made it by sheer determination, hard-headedness, blind providence, and a good bit of stupidity... It saves a lot of heart-ache... trust me...

Celtic Voyager
Married 22+ years
3 young adult children

"A story of me"
celticvoyager #2510279 05/17/11 02:43 PM
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Believe me when I say this. You will not find as much empathy for you and your WW in this entire world as you will on this little forum.

Divorced 11/5/2013
FXWW EA 2005/2008/2010
mbfan #2510296 05/17/11 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by mbfan
I hear you loud and clear everyone! I trying.

Unless trying includes exposure and taking steps to ensure NC ASAP, then your M is in serious jeopardy. Every contact your WW and OM has puts your M at risk. Every contact.

You are operating under the assumption that your WW has your best interest at heart and will *really* be trying to leave her job.

Let me tell you what is really happening: You threatened her with exposure so now she is planning and trying to figure out how she can stall you until she figures out her next move. Hopefully you realize this before it is too late.

Ddays 2007 and 2011
Plan B 6/21/11
Divorced July 2012
2 kids
How to Plan B Correctly
Parallel Parenting in Plan B
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Originally Posted by helpthelostdads
Originally Posted by RidicSit
Your wife is not special, your situation is not unique.

You ignore these things at your own peril.

I can't emphasize enough to you how right this is. I ignored the advice I was given because I thought, as you do, that my situation was different and unique.

It's wasn't just as yours isn't.

You can't trust one word your WW says.

Try this on her to see how trustworthy she is:

Tell her she needs to give you access to her cell phone, email accounts, and all other accounts she may use.

See how she responds.

Originally Posted by SusieQ
Unless trying includes exposure and taking steps to ensure NC ASAP, then your M is in serious jeopardy. Every contact your WW and OM has puts your M at risk. Every contact.

You are operating under the assumption that your WW has your best interest at heart and will *really* be trying to leave her job.

Let me tell you what is really happening: You threatened her with exposure so now she is planning and trying to figure out how she can stall you until she figures out her next move. Hopefully you realize this before it is too late.

Just thought I'd throw my hat in to the ring and quote the two responses above as what I wanted to say to you.

My wife did the same thing, by the way, with regards to working with OM and "looking" for another job. Yep, she figured out how to placate me and keep her affair going quite well. And, like you, I was just trying to give my wife the "chance" to do the right thing. A dumb move on my part.

Once you wake up, you'll take control of this back and I hope you do so before it's too late.

Me (BH)
Married 2000, DS 8, DD 6, DD 2

Northwood8900 #2510328 05/17/11 04:34 PM
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For nearly two years, I came here for advice. Sometimes I came to vent. Some posters told me what I needed to do. Others opened there hearts and hugged me with words. I argued. I ignored. I couldn't read the board because it was too full of "ANGER." But the inescapable truth is, the veteran posters here will help you. It is easier to lash out at them than at your wayward spouse. Or at least just as easy. All I can tell you, is people here do care. Many of us know your pain and hurt and we know we cannot make it go away. We also know there are no guarantees. Marriage was not a guarantee either and it never will be. BUT... Dr. Harley's approach is the very best odds in the land. If you like betting on long shots... it maybe is not for you. Is it a sure thing? No. It is just the highest percentage chance you will ever have. And the sooner you start the plan, the better odds you will get. Talk to the veterans here. They all have hearts. Big ones. Wounded Ones. Guilty Ones. Loving Ones.
Two things you need to know...
When people hurting as much as me try to tell you... plese consider listening.
You are like me in many ways. I felt hurt. I fought back. But it was easier to fight with posters than with my wayward wife who took away my will to fight and knocked the stuffing out of me. Would you want to choose my path? Don't do it. I made my problem ten times worse because of my DENIAL.
Because I needed someone other than my wayward wife to BLAME.
I know you are in terrible pain and hurt. I wish I could take it off your shoulders today and put it on my own. Today (for this day) I am not hurting so much. I could take more pain. I have for over two years.
Your pain will not be forever....

Blessings and prayers for you today.
Hurting Turkey
ME: BH age 56 Recovering Verbal Abuser
SHE:WW age 49
Married 13 years
Hers: 22 and 18 years
Mine: 30, 28 and 22 years
Ours: 11 years
D-Day # 1 April 26, 2009
D-Day # 2 October 15, 2009
WW admits # 2 1/31/2010
She still won't admit A # 2 despite overwhelming evidence
Considered Plan B but was told not to by Steve H. since A is over
to hang on to Plan A. Grateful for the people on this board (even though they tired of telling me what I don't want to hear!)
Plan B on Deck after my son's marriage 5/28/11
Still wonder if my Plan A is the longest on record....

celticvoyager #2510340 05/17/11 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by celticvoyager
Mel, I too saw grace extended. Hey let's be real... We all relive a little bit of what we went through each time we help someone...

CV, what you mis-perceive as posters reliving something is actually the reaction one would have watching a person sit on the railroad tracks while the train is coming at him. Would it be realistic to sit by quietly and say some cute, calm words while a fellow human being sits on the RR tracks completely unaware that a train is headed his way?

Because that is usually the case with most BS's when they show up here. Most are being gaslighted by their WS's and they WANT to believe that everything really is ok. When we tell them "no, no, it is not ok!!! it is a trick!!" They sometimes get mad. They just don't believe what is headed their way. [at first - they almost always get it soon enough, but sometimes soon is too late] They are in shock and don't WANT to believe it. But, their survival depends on them WAKING UP AND GETTING OFF THE TRAIN TRACKS.

Now, when some poor deluded BS gets angry because we point out the train headed towards them does a caring person stop yelling at them to GET OFF THE TRACK or does a caring person ply them with some cute, enabling words?

I am not forthright because I am reliving anything, I am forthright and urgent because I SEE WHAT IS COMING IF THEY DON'T GET UP. The longer you are around here, the more apparent the signs will be and the less willing you are to sit by quietly while the train comes for that person.

My issue is that my human decency will not allow me to sit there when I see a train headed for my fellow human being. Now, if they refuse to listen after I have warned them, that is another thing. I cannot force someone to listen to me. But when someone doesn't listen, I will tell you honestly that I GRIEVE INSIDE FOR THEM. It is painful to watch someone sit there while the train rolls over them.

Lack of grace? Maybe. I have been accused of much worse. But be assured it has nothing to do with reliving something, it has everything to do with simple human decency.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

MelodyLane #2510350 05/17/11 06:02 PM
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Well said, ML.

Me (BH)
Married 2000, DS 8, DD 6, DD 2

mbfan #2510360 05/17/11 06:30 PM
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No one's trying to screw you, mbfan. We're trying to keep you from screwing up your chances to salvage & rebuild your marriage.

It can't happen while they work together. I've had an affair, man -- I know how this stuff pans out. I wish I didn't. I wish I could be wrong. But I've seen & caused too much pain to be silent & not give you the best advice I can.

No one's out to make you feel like an idiot. I'm perfectly willing to assume you made your promise not to expose your wife's affair at work in a moment of fear & lack of knowledge about what to do, mixed in with the noblest good intention to see the best in the woman who said "yes" to you & accepted your ring. That's perfectly understandable. You didn't ask for or plan to be put in this awful situation. I can only have compassion as far as that all goes. But it's the honest truth that it would be idiotic on your part (not ours) for you to keep that promise.

I'm in your corner. I want you & your wife to have what I got & didn't deserve, which is the best possible chance to have this come out right for your marriage. But you've got to redefine what you see as intuitive, or you won't be giving yourself the best possible chance.

Me: FWH, 50
My BW: Trust_Will_Come, 52, tall, beautiful & heart of gold
DD23, DS19
EA-then-PA Oct'08-Jan'09
Broke it off & confessed to BW (after OW's H found out) Jan.7 2009
Married 25 years & counting.
Grateful for forgiveness. Working to be a better husband.
"I wear the chain I forged in life... I made it link by link, and yard by yard" ~Jacob Marley's ghost, A Christmas Carol
"Do it again & you're out on your [bum]." ~My BW, Jan.7 2009
MelodyLane #2510370 05/17/11 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
CV, what you mis-perceive as posters reliving something is actually the reaction one would have watching a person sit on the railroad tracks while the train is coming at him. Would it be realistic to sit by quietly and say some cute, calm words while a fellow human being sits on the RR tracks completely unaware that a train is headed his way?

Mel, maybe it's personality... I don't know. I know that I am not in disagreement with what you are saying though.

Because that is usually the case with most BS's when they show up here. Most are being gaslighted by their WS's and they WANT to believe that everything really is ok. When we tell them "no, no, it is not ok!!! it is a trick!!" They sometimes get mad. They just don't believe what is headed their way. [at first - they almost always get it soon enough, but sometimes soon is too late] They are in shock and don't WANT to believe it. But, their survival depends on them WAKING UP AND GETTING OFF THE TRAIN TRACKS.

I am certainly not claiming to be a seasoned vet here. My arrival was quite a bit later in our recovery, and I'm not too big a man that I can't defer to those who have had more experience and knowledge on something.So please, don't mistake my plea for a little grace as "coming down" on anyone. It wasn't my intent. I have seen some things here that do bother me though. Referring to someone else's spouse as a POS for instance. Not pointing a finger at any one person, just saying there are times that the tome and even words (and please understand that I am not pointing a finger at you) can be over the top when trying to help. If it was me three years ago, I would probably have left the site if someone referred to my W as a POS or skank or whatever (even if it was true).

Now, when some poor deluded BS gets angry because we point out the train headed towards them does a caring person stop yelling at them to GET OFF THE TRACK or does a caring person ply them with some cute, enabling words?

Lack of grace? Maybe. I have been accused of much worse. But be assured it has nothing to do with reliving something, it has everything to do with simple human decency.

All that said, I do agree with you that being firm helps through the fog. FWIW, I read your posts with great interest, hoping to learn and grow myself. You rarely post something that doesn't benefit me directly. So, again... Please accept my apologies if you felt this was pointed at you directly, it wasn't. Can we get to helping this fella now? TEEF


Celtic Voyager
Married 22+ years
3 young adult children

"A story of me"
celticvoyager #2510395 05/17/11 09:07 PM
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Originally Posted by celticvoyager
All that said, I do agree with you that being firm helps through the fog. FWIW, I read your posts with great interest, hoping to learn and grow myself. You rarely post something that doesn't benefit me directly. So, again... Please accept my apologies if you felt this was pointed at you directly, it wasn't. Can we get to helping this fella now? TEEF


Thanks, CV. Just wanted to say how much I do appreciate your contributions here. You are definitely one of the good guys and this place is better because of it. smile

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

Exposure 101

MelodyLane #2510515 05/18/11 09:53 AM
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what's the word?

Celtic Voyager
Married 22+ years
3 young adult children

"A story of me"
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