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She is fogged out again stretch. has there been ANY contact at all? it could be as innocent as her seeing his FB page or a flyer for his band.

What about another om? is she in contact with any other men? She seems preoccupied to me with thought. My guesses are there's been some kind of contact.

Her comments about you writing her a love letter sound as if she is deliberatly trying to villify you to MAKE HER ACTIONS seem more noble, and it makes me think she is doing something totally dishonorable right now. Something smells. And it is the ws actions right now.

Snoop again.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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I am vigilant. Continue to be.

She has convinced herself she cannot love me again, I believe. Such a shame. Her deliberate vilification of my every motive is in my opinion, her trying to convince herself that she is right in her feelings to leave me, that she she can avoid working on her own internal problems because her problem is her spouse after all. Its much easier to imagine throwing away the spouse rather than do the hard work of working on her own depression and other internal problems.

That vilifiaction hurts. And her finding validation in so-called professionals is unbelievable. I think it may have been the therapist who suggested upon reading my love letter that I was "a trained salesman." Ummmmm, maybe suggest to your patient that she might, just might consider being open to the possibility that her husband does really love her??? Maybe her really had those words in his heart for your patient???Well, enough about the quack...

She has been delightful and happy. We took the family on a canoe trip this afternoon. She seemed to love how I packed lunches, organized the kids, threw some surprise treats in the cooler, taught my girls to paddle, and on and on. While at a swimming sand bar she hugged and kissed me. She hugged and kissed me again when we got home.

This type of thing goes on. She loves me and comes closer to me. Then if one bad thing happens she says it feels like, "I lured her in and then whacked her in the head." Two days ago she was ready for immediate Separation. I think she was disappointed I said I was committed to continue working on love. I also promised to make mistakes... guaranteed we both will. She needs help dealing with minor disappointments and marital differences. I think she is too fragile.

Last edited by stretch123; 08/20/11 08:22 PM.

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"I want to be married and stay married. Now I uunderstand the kind of marriage I want and we all deserve. But I also know it takes two to want to Build that Marriage."
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I don't know. Still seems like she is fogged out to me.

Are you sure there isn't ANOTHER OM lurking about?

Something about her actions isn't normal. She should be withdrawn from OM by now.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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I'm sorry, but I agree. Something else is going on here...or at least my gut says so like Peachy's?

Something seems wrong here...

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"I think she is too fragile."

Ohhh bulllll. We're not going here, are we?

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Cant seem to deal with conflict or any bad feelings. Determined to believe our relationship (me) makes her feel bad.

OM? The fantasy lingers in her mind for sure. But no contact. So tell me, how does the wayward lose that? How long? Is it possible to say what is in the spectrum of normal? What can the betrayed do?

Enlist third intermediaries to talk to her. Someone else to tell her these thoughts are destructive and unhealthy and foolish.

Show her how i am the man to meet her ENs

Eliminate my LBs

Suggest books or articles i read. (She tends to quit reading when the reading gets too hard)

Somehow she needs better advice from someone else. Our MC is good. I want to see him once per week. I should work with her mom and dad.

What else please?

Me: 43
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EA (ExWW): May-Nov 2009 + Aug-Dec 2010
D-DAY JAN 30, 2011
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"I want to be married and stay married. Now I uunderstand the kind of marriage I want and we all deserve. But I also know it takes two to want to Build that Marriage."
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Well Stretch, it comes down then to this. Either there is THE SAME OM coming into her life somehow and you need to snoop further or there is a NEW OM in her life and she's learned different ways to dodge your snooping


It's the 3rd parties ruining your marriage. Stretch, WHY ON EARTH would you let ww and yourself go to see counselors when they usually ruin marriages? There is an amazing program HERE which deals specifically with healing marriages. There are no excuses in the MB program, nor does it give a prop up to wayward and fogged out thinking.

So which one of the 3 is it?

Sadly stretch, there is the possibility, and what I would bet on, that the bad marriage counselors have been mentally enabling her to continue this scherade, and possibly that she has learned HOW you spied on her and found her out, and she has dodged your old ways of snooping and may have either old OM or new OM on the side now.

Again, if there is truly NC, then the ws should begin to come around a bit around month 3. She has been WAY WAY WAY out of the 3 month period am I right?

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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6 mos more of Plan A?


Haven't you been in Plan A since you got here?

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I think you need to revisit what Melody told you in June:

Originally Posted by MelodyLane
But the time has passed for Plan A. Plan A is only a short term plan until the affair is killed. You should be in Plan Recovery. Plan A is not supposed to be a way of life for conflict avoiders to enable tyrants. You are just teaching your wife to be a tyrant. If she bolts because you won't settle for a death of a thousand cuts, what have you lost? This is not about marriage at all costs, Stretch. What happens at this phase is recovery. You don't have a marriage otherwise.

Nor do I think she will bolt. I think she would have done that a long time ago if she didn't want the marriage. If she won't commit to recovery, you are BETTER OFF without her. She will respect you for having standards, stretch.

Move forward and lead your marriage out of the ditch, Stretch. The time for Plan A is long over.

My $LB feels low right now, indeed. They say that is normal for the BS working on a foggy WS and Plan A.

Not working on the marriage is NOT normal and is not advised. Foggy is normal, but that does not mean you abandon recovery and settle for this. You don't settle for a death of a thousand cuts, you raise your standards and recover your marriage. If she doesn't get on board, then Plan B is in order.

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And this:
Originally Posted by MelodyLane
Stretch, what usually happens when a BS sets the standards and gives the WS an opportunity to EARN his forgiveness is she will rant and rave and make threats. See, she is used to having you under her control and will not like you taking back control of your own life. Because all you are doing here is telling her what YOU will or won't accept. You are stating your own boundaries and giving her an opportunity to respect them.......or not. But you do have control over whether or not you choose to stay in an abusive, neglectful marriage. When you state your boundaries she will begin to RESPECT you.

Women do not respect men they can run over. It is disgusting. If you want your marriage to survive, YOU are going to have to stand up and LEAD your marriage out of the ditch. Your wife is currently in charge and she is a drunk driver. You need to take the wheel back, Sir.

You might hear, "well, I don't know if I want to work on it." She is testing you to see if you really mean it and to see if you really have standards. [she doesn't believe it and still believes you want her so bad she can manipulate you] If you are willing to make yourself available to be a doormat, I would tell thats ok, that you are volunteering to be her doormat.

If you choose, rather, to stand up for your marriage and not accept a crippled, loveless marriage, I would tell her that if she chooses to reject your offer and leave the marriage, you will sure be sad, but think it is for the best. Now, when will she be leaving because her refusal will lead to divorce. Can she move out today?

You have to be willing to back up your boundaries, Stretch. And keep in mind, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by setting standards for your marriage. I predict she will be shocked at first but will come to you later and agree to your terms. That is what usually happens. And if she won't commit, you have lost nothing except a death of a thousand cuts.

Ddays 2007 and 2011
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Stretch, I'm sorry I can't remember, but is your wife depressed? Because if there is untreated (or ineffectively treated) depression involved it most likely will remain "your fault" and she won't be able to see things clearly even if there is no contact with an OM.

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Possum, stretch's W is being treated for depression...I definitely don't pretend to be a mental health professional, but I've suffered from depression as well, and while I know each individual is different, her responses to stretch's behavior, his attempts to meet her EN's, just sound, well, wierd.

IC's are primarily focused on the individual they are treating, making that person feel "better." stretch, you may genuinely like your MC, and they might be making genuine efforts to help the two of you improve your M, if they are sold on applying the MB concepts, but if her IC is essentially contradicting all of it, it's for nothing. Do the IC and MC consult one another at all? If not, there's no point in continuing to work at cross-purposes. Well, the point for them I suppose is to make money at your expense.

I'm definitely not sold on IC as being a "treatment" for depression, either, based on what I've read here and my own experiences.

ANyway, if her behavior is a result of depression, then her current treatment is not working...but if you try to tell her that, even in as gentle a way as possible, she's going to take it as a DJ.

Have you guys ever had a session with an MB coach? Or you could write to Dr. H and see if he'd answer your question on the radio, to see if he believes a continued Plan A is appropriate.

If she's weak enough to be swayed by any "toxic" friends or 3rd-party opinions, she's not going to fight for your M. If I listened to every well-meaning (?) person in real life I'd have given up on my H and my M a long time ago. If she's running to her friends and constantly saying what a bad H you are, then their advice is going to be pretty much the same, and it ain't going to be to work on the M. It's going to be along the lines of "You need to be happy, sweetie. Follow your heart. squeeeek." puke

I don't know if you think her parents could be helpful in getting through to her, if she'd take advice a la "We don't believe your current treatment for depression is helping you, honey," better from them than from you. Or, if your MC thinks that contacting her IC would be beneficial. Barring that, would she ever even consider posting here? (caveat - maybe that isn't appropriate and one of the more experienced posters can weigh in on that...I know I'd be glad to smack a little sense into her via the forum if I could!)

I don't know. Her behavior puzzles me, b/c if my H was doing all the things you seem to be doing for her, I'd be on cloud 9. That knocking of your love letter to her is just nutso.


"Snow and adolescence are the only problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough." ~ Earl Wilson
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ANyway, if her behavior is a result of depression, then her current treatment is not working...but if you try to tell her that, even in as gentle a way as possible, she's going to take it as a DJ.
That's why I said ineffective treatment, as well, but I in no way meant to discount the idea that the original or another OM could be in the picture. Just worried that if she thinks, "Oh I'm being treated," but it's not working, it'll be a never-ending circle. But, like you said above, I don't know how that should be dealt with. There have been times when I've spiraled down that DH has stood by and watched; I know full well though that most anything he said/did while I was in that state was not going to be received well. I've also at times been in a low-level state where I thought I was better than I was but my thinking was still very muddled and I didn't recognize it; I guess I was just hoping it was something along those lines (ie -- treatable), because he seems to be doing everything right and her responses just are ... not.

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I don't know that I'm convinced that any OM is still in the picture, but it's certainly possible. If it is anything to do with OM, my money would be that she's still keeping the fantasy alive in her own head and someone needs to get her to drop it. Whatever the case, ineffective treatment of depression or holding on to fantasy, the current counseling/medication regime is not working - and yeah, that's the trick, trying to get that across to her without her taking it as a DJ.

I agree, he seems to be doing everything right, really, going above and beyond, but it's not getting through to her. If she's got this active fantasy playing in her head, whether that's of the OM or if it's more along the lines of "Im not happy, I've never been happy, stretch is not making me happy, blah blah" then her LB$ is going to remain closed to him. I'd be interested to see stretch send a Q to the show and see what Dr. H suggests.


"Snow and adolescence are the only problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough." ~ Earl Wilson
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SOMETHING is keeping this fantasy in her head going. It is either one of the 3. The IC, the OM, or another OM. She doesn't per se sound depressed to me, because of her saying stuff like, "the letter sounds like a salesman" and her other declarations you wrote about.

They sound imho, fogged out. NOT depressed thoughts. Fogged out wayward thoughts.

You know I hate to say this, Stretch, but after the first d day where I exposed, my wh found out how I discovered the affair (he on his own did that) and did have a recovery phase, but then rekindled the crap and took the affair MUCH FURTHER INTO SECRECY. He had figured out a way AROUND what I had done and how I'd discovered his affair.

Does she visit a library or have a friend of hers (not a friend of the marriage) where she could use a computer to generate contact? Does she go to "lunch" with friends? Is there any time alone for her? Is there any time that could be unaccounted for? DOES SHE HAVE A SECRET CELL PHONE?

These are things you might look into. As imho, her behavior screams fog. And either she's in contact with some OM, or her IC is enabling this fog to continue. sometimes an IC calls it "exploring your feelings" and they try to rack up the minutes charging $ for nothing, just encouraging and "listening" to crap.

My pos marriage counselor I went 1x to with Darth (we had IC then MC together) was HORRIBLE. She was supposedly a Christian counselor, but all she did was try to use the Bible as a basis for me "moving on" and getting a divorce. And my xwh lied his butt off to the counselor and she BELIEVED him. So much for that "professional counselor" eh?

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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Is she on antidepressants?

Are their effectiveness being evaluated?

Any clue on what her IC is doing? An IC that allows her to dwell on depressive fantasy should be fired, and I would venture investigated as a fraud.

Her IC should be building coping mechanisms, and making sure her medication regimen is working appropriately.

If this isn't being done, the IC should be burned at the stake for witchcraft evaluated and/or replaced.


Last edited by HoldHerHand; 08/21/11 04:35 PM. Reason: extreme sarcasm missfire

"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field." - Niels Bohr

"Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs they arrived at for non-smart reasons." - Michael Shermer

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Hey stretch
I'm not gonna do the crystal ball on the WW, but it seems the IC might be.
Witchcraft? Drugs to make her feel better? Unfortunately the treatment for the patient can hurt more than help. Esspeccialy if the MC,IC,and you are not on the same page pulling in all directions

IC wants her to feel better, MC might just be a hand holder facilitating everything, and you are not sure what to do

I am the poster child for staying in a relationship where I felt guilty and allowed stupid crap to ruin it. We all need to submit to an authority and feelings are not it. No matter how suffering the servant they miss the point, they aren't supposed to

Mel pointed out how her actions were those of a tyrant. Let's be clear that nothing is more painful than living your life looking at yourself and trying to make yourself happy when there is no reason not to be Whatever Bull that she is buying that is festering this need to be happy is like a snake and slippery. It appears as "poor me" but is subtle in it's tyranny. It's her lack of definition and grip of "now" that is ruining her life. Looking in the past and worrying about what the future brings is allways a mistake long term.

You know about coaches right? The effective ones lead without letting you run the show, intimidating you into your place . Humility is a gift sometimes forced upon us, and when it is an effective teacher, it works

So let's see, you have three coaches in her life, and she is sheltered from the pain from anti Ds , how horrible it must be, and confusing also, that so many helpers are there, but there is no definition. But to feel sorry for her and let it go on, I can tell you is more cruel than all the counselors getting the boot, and letting one reign.

It will haunt you as well, and when bad counsel is accepted as you say,"It's her life", well you won't find much solice in fact that you were also messed up at the time. Yes understanding, but peace no

So take it from me, get to Dr H and make him your counselor and coach, even if WW will not, so you can have peace in knowing you submitted to the best authority, and you will be able to help her, because you trusted in someone who coaches without compromise the sanctity of marrige the only way it works

He is a great example of submission to a higher authority

She is being sucked into the pit of "self consciousnes", just like the "tree of knowledge". That is where much of this depression and self examination is coming from, and that nice sweet demon who says it's ok, of course we understand, will have her sitting on the bench watching the others in the game as life passes her by.

Praying she will snap out of it, and see the light, until then it is up to you to carry the torch,

So what do you believe is a good marrige made of? Work on that first so you can help her out of the woods when she calls.

Talk to the good Dr and dedicate yourself to living in the now, screw the past and know it's your mind and thoughts, and you are in charge of them.

God bless

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Originally Posted by ConstantProcess
IC wants her to feel better

Questioning the road to "feeling better" here.

My X-SIL was seeing an IC after her A. When my lunk-headed brother started his own A, she filed for D... and began dating her IC.

The goal for any "counselor" or therapist should be the end of counseling or therapy - and if she is being enabled in her thought processes, and not being taught coping mechanisms, then her IC is garbage.

Dear A.J.,

From your description, you married a man who has "used up" the love of many women. I'm sure that others in his past have come to many of the same conclusions as you have. Your husband probably has a serious depressive disorder, and he's probably been that way, off and on, most of his life. It's certainly no fun living with someone who's depressed, and I would imagine that if he doesn't overcome his depression soon, your name will be added to the list of women who've left him. However, there are proven ways to help him out of his depression that may save your marriage.

Apparently, you lived with him before you were married, and you probably had a better relationship then. You may have met him when he was in a more energetic part of his cycle, and since you married him, his cycle has turned to a less energetic form of depression. He may have periods of temporary recovery that last days or even weeks, but the recoveries are less frequent and don't last as long as they used to. His depression doesn't keep him from his job, but it makes his work miserable. When he comes home from work, he may try to relieve his suffering with alcohol.

If I'm right about this man, his problem may be almost entirely biochemical. The juices that flow through his brain make him depressed. Lots of people are that way, and without medication that stops depression, there's not much they can do about it.

Granted, he's probably done plenty to make himself even more depressed. The way he has treated the women in his life has caused them to leave him. That's pretty depressing. He's probably done all sorts of things in a state of depression that has made his life pure hell for himself and anyone around him. After someone's been depressed a while, it's hard to know what causes the depression, biochemistry or the behavior of the depressed person, because his behavior also makes him depressed.

I won't lay all of his problems (or even the majority of his problems) at the feet of his depression, however. He probably has a lot to learn about caring for a woman, but his depression has given him a handicap that makes him socially disabled, at least when it comes to marriage. Regardless of how hard he tries to please you, his depression makes him a miserable man to be with. He simply cannot meet your emotional needs while he's depressed.

Depression is the most common of all emotional disorders. Everyone knows what it's like to be depressed from time to time, but that's not what depression, the emotional disorder, is all about. It is not the sorrow we feel at the time of an important loss, but rather, it is an irrational feeling of hopelessness when there is evidence for hope. The emotional disorder, depression, leaves a person blinded to his opportunities, unaware of his potential. The longer he is depressed, the more opportunities he misses until his life becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy -- he always thought he was worthless, and finally he proves it because he stops doing anything that's productive.

Whenever a spouse I counsel for marital problems suffers from severe depression, my first item of business is to treat the depression, not the marital problems. The treatment, however, is much simpler than most people think. Anti-depressant medication is the ticket. It greatly relieves, if not eliminates entirely, a depressive state so that the spouse I counsel can succeed in meeting the other spouse's emotional needs. As his depression is lifted, he seizes opportunities both in his marriage and at his job, that makes him more successful. In the end, his self-esteem is restored because he finds himself successful in achieving his life's ambitions. I do not believe that counseling to improve self-esteem, apart from showing people how to be successful, ever really improves self-esteem.

The approach that I use to save marriages looks at the present and future for solutions. I encourage you not to worry about your husband's past, his self-esteem or whether or not he loves himself. After he is treated medically for depression, focus your attention on the way you treat each other in the here and now.

Your biggest hurdle will be to follow my Policy of Joint Agreement (Never do anything without an enthusiastic agreement between you and your spouse). His depression has made it impossible for him to follow that policy, and by failing to follow it, you have both been developing habits that make you increasingly incompatible. You are coming to a point in your relationship where you will be so incompatible that you will not be able to live together anymore, and you will end the relationship. When his depression lifts, he will be in an emotional position to learn new habits, habits that will restore compatibility to your relationship. By following the Policy of Joint Agreement you will eliminate all the things you're doing that grate on each other, and you will substitute behavior and activities that make both of you comfortable.

If either of you feels you cannot follow that Policy, it means that you are willing to gain at the other's expense, and that will eventually ruin your relationship. When you follow the Policy of Joint Agreement you create compatibility by taking each other's feelings into account, especially when you don't feel like it. When you feel the most self-centered, that's when you need it the most. If you cared about each other all the time, you would follow the policy instinctively, but in every relationship, there are times that we care far more about ourselves than we care about our spouses. So by following this rule day in and day out, you keep your relationship healthy when your instincts would tend to ruin it.

You and every other couple can have a terrific relationship regardless of your past. Granted, your spouse's depression must be treated, and, in my judgment, anti-depressant medication should do the trick. But his past has left him with all sorts of unpleasant habits which must change before you can have a happy marriage. If you follow the Policy of Joint Agreement as soon as his depression lifts, you will have that relationship.

If anyone reading this column is suffering from the disabling condition, depression, help is already available to you. Medical science has found an incredible cure that should leave you free to solve your marital problems intelligently and completely. Don't ignore it, take care of it now.


Fact of the matter is, this IC is more than likely making things worse than better.

Last edited by HoldHerHand; 08/21/11 04:54 PM.

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Originally Posted by wulffpack_girl
If it is anything to do with OM, my money would be that she's still keeping the fantasy alive in her own head and someone needs to get her to drop it. Whatever the case, ineffective treatment of depression or holding on to fantasy, the current counseling/medication regime is not working - and yeah, that's the trick, trying to get that across to her without her taking it as a DJ.

I agree, he seems to be doing everything right, really, going above and beyond, but it's not getting through to her. If she's got this active fantasy playing in her head, whether that's of the OM or if it's more along the lines of "Im not happy, I've never been happy, stretch is not making me happy, blah blah" then her LB$ is going to remain closed to him.
WPG has, I believe, nailed it exactly.

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Yeah she did

If anti depressants are not used while monitoring they can just be enablers

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