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Rock, if you have never pulled your finger out and done anything difficult in your life up to now......
This is your opportunity to grow up.
What would you do if you were not afraid?
"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.
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Or give up.
Please. She's bailed to Fantasy-land. Good luck, Rocky. You've wasted a lifetime of help.
Maybe you'll be back, but I doubt it.
Enjoy the cheese with your whine...ugh.
How dare you take those kids out of their home AGAIN on some POSOM whim. Where is their HOME?
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I hope Strike calls on all law enforecement to regain his kids (BOTH of them) to his home.
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Well, Rocky, there's probably little point to me chiming in, and likely you don't care what I think, but FWIW I am so terribly disappointed in you.
Likely you've blown your chances for good with Strike. He's put up with a lot from you, and he was willing to take you back and try to reconcile your M.
So you weren't happy. OK, well, how much of that was due to your inability to do the tough work and face up to the consequences of your actions? How much of that was due to your failure to pull your weight and play your part in marital recovery?
Like me, you chose to step outside of your M and have your needs met, b/c you had poor - no, make that nonexistent - boundaries and you worked up a host of phony little justifications in your head. You couldn't stomach having to face the consequences of your actions, so you decided to run away again.
Rocky, nobody said recovering a M after infidelity was easy. You make the choice every day to get up and fight again. I thought you had it in you after you moved back cross-country to be with Strike.
Rocky, I know people all over have it tough. I thought after my father died that I had no more fight left in me, I just wanted to give up and crawl into a hole somewhere and let life go on without me. And then something else happened yesterday, another disappointment for our family, and I suddenly remembered what I had been fighting for and that by God, I need to start fighting for it again, because I promised my H that I would not give up on him.
And you had what I would give anything for, Strike was with you and willing to try to make it work. H3ll I've been trying everything to just get my BH to come back home for nine months now. Haven't done everything right or perfect and I d@mn sure have "not been happy," but I haven't given up.
Fine, if you want, go back to fantasy land, Rocky. But you need to send your boys home to their father, b/c an active wayward is a selfish creature, and not fit to be a parent.
"Snow and adolescence are the only problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough." ~ Earl Wilson
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"Fine, if you want, go back to fantasy land, Rocky. But you need to send your boys home to their father, b/c an active wayward is a selfish creature, and not fit to be a parent."
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Here is your letter Strike posted. "blah blah blah everybody should make ME happy blah blah blah..Om tried to make me happy blah blah blah DH tried to make me happy mememememememe."
You're out of control. YOu are A HORRIBLE MOTHER AND INFLUENCE ON YOUR CHLIDREN UPROOTING THEM AND TAKING THEM TO LIVE IN IMMORALITY WITH YOU. You know what you're doing. You're not some powerless, little wallflower. You're an adulteress who is wanting a fix of her stanky drug.
Go wallow with the pig but TAKE THE KIDS BACK. Leave the kids with your poor husband, who stood by you and tried to even be open minded enough to take your azz back after what you did.
Are you capable of being a mom or woman yet? If you have any shred of that inside of you, TURN AROUND AND BRING THE KIDS HOME. And if you can manage to do it without barfing, then go wallow in the mud shacking up with the posom. Wallow like a pig with him if you want, BUT LEAVE THE KIDS OUT OF IT AND GIVE THEM TO THEIR DAD.
You're out of control. Working without a brain. pretending you have NO CONTROL over things but you do. WOMAN UP.
Bring your kids BACK TO SAFETY.
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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I have so much more!! Well my husband an I were in a very bad place in our marriage an things just seem to get worse we both new it was wrong but didn't know what to do about it I guess! Not going to make excuses or best around the bush on where we are now! I asked my husband for a divorce kicked him out an started dating someone then moved that person in. I am making the steps to fix what I have done not sure how to go about it all but I want my husband I don't want what our marriage had become before I want what it was suppose to be! We both were wrong in our marriage both made mastaked but I know how I handled things isn't in anyway how I should have I now struggle with the guilt of all but most feel lik he will never forgive an i thought he was mean before I fear to see how he would make me pay for what I have done! I fear that our issues in the marriage that lead us to this point won't get heard or the work because it will always go back to the afair I am willing to do all that is needed but very fearful at the same time! On a good note it wasn't always bad lots of wonderful memories too an we have two boys our baby boy ahh so amazing!! Adorable!! My oldest baby boy is one of a kind very funny sweet!!! First off she was never committed. Look at her first post. ***EDIT*** And it never changed. Where did any of you see real contrition from her? And absolutely strike needs to get the cops involved if she took the kids again.
Last edited by Ariel; 10/02/11 09:39 AM. Reason: Profanity. Do not bypass the filter.
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Yes, it is sad isnt it that some people choose to believe they have no control over their actions.
Peachy's 'wallflower coment' really made me laugh. The truth is Rocky could have had it all. She has beautiful children and a good, loving, forgiving man. Who fought for her. I would give my left arm for that.
This whole business of how she whines that Strike had absolute control over her moods is sickening.
Feelings follow ACTIONS and taking personal responsibility
It is easier to be a victim than a real woman, but as Rocky should have discovered time and time again by now, it does not bring happiness.
Even now, if she discovered her spine and made sure her actions were honourable she has a chance of a decent life.
But she doenst believe in nything that isnt a cop-out.
I think the sort of person you are all boils down to what you believe is possible.
What would you do if you were not afraid?
"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.
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Oh wow your story makes me sad. Not for you, but for Strike and your children.
You had the opportunity to work on the marriage, create a loving marriage and home for your two children. Strike took you back and was willing to work on things even after you moved to OM, told Strike you would come back, end contact and then did not. Now you have uprooted your kids again so you can do what? Go be with OM?
You are living in a fantasy world if you think OM and you will have an easy life. If you could not make your relationship with Strike work, how are you going to make future ones work? What are you going to do when you run into problems in your new relationship? Run away? Why would I say this? If you have not fixed yourself, you can never be in a stable healthy relationship. You have only learned to run away when things get tough instead of solving them. What kind of life is that for your children?
You were lucky enough for your BH to take you back twice after all that you put him through. You took a gift that no wayward ever deserves and stepped all over it and threw it in his face.
You may have thought recovery was hard, but nothing good in life comes easy. You chose the easy way out and it makes me sad for Strike, and your children.
I hope you wake up from this fantasy but unfortunately if you do, it most likely is too late....
FWW? no children D-day Sept 2010 Divorced requested by BH Jan 2011 Separated Sept 2011 OW discovery Oct 2011 Divorced 2012
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Wow. I guess you're enjoying wallowing in mud at the PIGpen aren't you Rocky?
Is the mud cold dear? I bet it is. And I am sure the odor is quite nice too.
Just realize that you are doing DAMAGE TO YOUR CHILDREN and you should at the least, turn the children over to your decent husband, who IS a good father and CARES that they are not raised around immorality and subjected to a horrible man who doesn't give a damn about them and a mother who (YOU ROCKY) is self-centered to the core and unable to focus on any other thing other than herself.
KARMA'S COMING ROCKY. it's coming. Might not be today, or tomorrow, but it's coming. Hey Rocky. Did I tell ya where my xwh is now? My UNREPENTANT xwh, whom has ZERO CUSTODY of our child (I have sole custody and decide who even is allowed around my child)? That wayward? His unrepentant adultery and MASSIVE ego (like yours, where he blames anybody for any fault in his life yet seeks nonstop personal adoration and satisfaction) is in jail. Yea, in jail. He spiraled out of control.
You got a BRIGHT future ahead of you, Rocky, if you keep this crap up. Maybe they will realize when you are at prison intake, that all of this wasn't really your fault, and they'll feel sorry for you. Maybe they can paint your cell pink and add a padded toilet seat in there for your comfort, since nothing is EVER YOUR FAULT...you're a victim. Controlled by everybody and only sad she can never find happiness. Yea, going forward as you are now, you got a BRIGHT FUTURE AHEAD.
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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On 01 August, as this *** was preparing to move to her husband, I posted the following to her:
He hasn't appeared for a while, but The Great Neverguessedeo is going to make the following prediction:
Instead of taking real action in the direction of honor, fidelity, and integrity, you will continue to provide frantic three-line postings, with numerically-increasing exclamation points to demonstrate how serious you are, until Skippy dangles his love-lure, oh, about 04 August. You'll then yet again decide that you haven't the fortitude to go forward with your plan, and stay in your current situation.
Sadly, probably because she was unable to inflict sufficient pain on S2 at a four state distance, she did make the move, with the heinous results we're seeing now!
Two weeks earlier, I had posted:
Folks, may I respectfully suggest we all stop feeding this creature's addiction? Every note begging, castigating, or counselling this pathetic creature contributes ***edited by Fireproof***
She KNOWS what she did. She ENJOYS the attention and conflict.
I would repeat that suggestion.
Last edited by JustUss; 10/02/11 02:34 PM. Reason: names
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I blasted Rocky at first because I thought I saw someone so closely related to my ex SIL in her. Something in her reminded me of her and her whining that kept drawing my late wife back into her drama, that helped to bring late wife down ultimatly to her fate.
She was a toxic person, allways talking about how tough life was, and introducing drugs into my wifes life, behind my back, at every oportunnity she had.
Rocky, you will become what you think, and you can pretend how bad life has been to you, and how it is everyones fault,as many will fall for that also, becuase misery loves company, and only the miserable will search you out my dear, as you think that they are in the same boat as you are. Poor Rocky, Boo Hoo..Its all about you.
Its up to you Rocky, if you ever grow up, and learn it is not about you, but others, and if you can ever come to that place, you will then begin to know what maturity is.
It will be a new beginning also, and I pray that it comes to you, but God and his circumstances that relate to reality in life will bring it, and the well intentioned and heartfelt words from people on this site will not reach you untill you have have the two brain cells to rub together to create that spark.
Oh, I know, "But you just don't understand!" God bless you you toxic woman
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She KNOWS what she did. She ENJOYS the attention and conflict. [/color][/b]
I would repeat that suggestion. Im with ya NG..100% Thanks
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PLEASE..I know you're all discouraged, disappointed & hurting for Strike,,,but
Let's encourage her, help her to see the light & do the RIGHT thing.
No name-calling & ripping her to shreds.
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I rembember your prediction NG, and while I thought you were spot on about her whining, half thought out sentences and drama marks !!!!! I had hoped that Strike's clear example of how to fight would influence her to do the same.
I guess you can lead a horse to water......
What would you do if you were not afraid?
"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.
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Sorry Justus, Your right, In my frustration I am lashing out at a lost soul.
My appologies
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You're doing just fine ConstantProcess.
Everyone on this thread is doing ok.
Very few edits needed.
I just don't want it to sink to name-calling & want her to feel she is able to come back when she realizes we were right.
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Thanks JustUss, and I won't waste another word on her now.
However I don't think she'll return. But I'll bet when she is standing before a judge having to explain her actions, regret will set in at that point.
I was hoping some toughness might verbally jolt some sense into her. Giving up as I have other things to do. But you're right.
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right. ~Jane Goodall
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