G'day all
Not sure if the people who used to talk to me here are even still around been so long.
Yeah been a long time since I have been here! Couldn't even remember my username or password! though my DD says thats due to age.
We are all up because I am still on the other place hours having trouble adjusting right now and the girls, wife, DD, future DIL, niece are all trying on dress, after dress, after dress, after dress for a party on Saturday. Unbelievable

yes that dress does make your [censored] look fat EEK DID i SAY THAT ALOUD?
You know you're old when you get on the bus with your wife and some young school girl around 16 or so, its hard to tell these days, promptly stands up and says "Here mate you can have this seat."
Just because my hairs gone a bit white and I have a few bruises over me, well I admit they look a lot yellowish on my arms and face but thats part of the deal. Yes of course I took the bloody seat!!

Resigned to the new image, not stupid. Anyway I got my wife to sit on my lap which got us a few hoots from the crowd telling her to look after her soldier. Beet red she got. I thought it was funny at least.
My youngest son is just 6 ( he was a nice surprise from those days of mad making up

) and he just started talking to the girl who gave me the seat. Talk about the gift of the gab. I don't know why the wife rolled her eyes at me I was always the shy retiring type.
How quickly the years have gone by. My daughter is married to a soldier, my son is an officer and engaged, my niece is getting engaged (formally) this Saturday AND I get to be the man her bloke gets the ok from - its a Irish family tradition.
Her dad, one of my best mates is divorcing his wife, my wifes sister, to shack up with a marriage killing life sucking heap of slag and he's happily wallowing in the diseased excrement, and my niece told him to go you know where, he's not invited. She's even paid to have security on the doors to stop him.
My lovely wife said go on love tell them how you feel then, well I have. My niece and DD have taken to MB quite a bit for marriage advice, got the books on it and all. They are thick as thieves and more like sisters than cousins, OMG they are the Veronicas, now I should worry. They need kids to tie them down if you ask me. Twins would be nice.

well I don't have to have them so its ok.
So after all this time I just thought I should tell everyone just how much our marriage and our lives turned around after my wifes affair. I think without doubt it was the worst time in our lives, our kids lives, the whole family in fact. Yes worse in some ways than our sons death. Honestly it was. Never thought I would admit that. I guess all of you BS, men or women understand that one.
Very hard to honestly say our marriage is better or not than before the affair as in those last few months before the affair it was pretty crap time for us when our then youngest son died. Just tore us all apart and none of us did very well in handling it. Of course getting deployed at the time didn't help any. My wife really really hated me back then. You know with some hindsight I guess I was running away from the pain and loss of our son I should have been there for her and the other kids. I guess that there are some things we all run from one time or another.
You would not believe the work she put into making our marriage work or maybe giving our marriage a new start is a better way to put it and getting me to work with her on it. I'm not exactly the easiest bloke in the world to get along with. Amazing the things we talk about now, how we say what we feel or how to approach an issue or problem. I hesitate to use a wuzzy word like gentle. So I won't Can you believe we hold hands like teenagers walking down the street ? Fun though especially all the strange looks we get.
Whenever we go out as a family my DD ends up telling us for cripes sake you two go get a room! Now theres an idea!!!!!!
But thats ok as our kids can see, they went throught it as well, its not just some half arsed theory, that you can get through anything TOGETHER if you both want it hard enough to work at it.
We are as happy as Larry these days, even if most of the few minor arguments these days still finds I'm in the wrong, usually about everything. I'm a bloke I'm used to it. That mostly happens during the post deployment periods like now. Yeah hard to get along with. My darling wife just said that was an understatement!
My wonderful passionate wife has the patience of Job. Well as she tells EVERYONE, with me she needs it. Ok yeah it true. She just never ever gave up on us, even when I was ready to chuck it in and walk. Well yeah I'm a stubborn [censored].
Did I say how much I love her and how proud I am of her? She is a keeper.
I tell you the best, the BEST, sight for me arriving back in OZ is seeing the light in my wifes eyes, I swear they glow as she sees me walking off the plane and starts yelling and screaming to let me know she's there. When your little boy hugs you starts crying saying Daddy and your wife is clinging to you with everything she has, the other kids are group hugging you, mate thats being HOME.