NCW !!!
mate sorry I took so long to reply but I've been out and about with the wife and the kids, taking Mikey to the pictures Hey did you know they expect him to be in school instead of with me?? crikey those teachers are stupid, how can the little fella be in two places at once?
Glad you are not angry too much any more. The worst thing with that anger is thats its almost a helpless sort of anger. I mean what do you do, put your hands around a neck and try to get the fingers to meet in the middle? well you may FEEL like that but its not too helpful to you, let alone any of your kids and family.
Looking back, from where we are now, there is probably nothing we wouldn't give to have our little bloke back with us. Including our marriage to be honest. I mean wouldn't anyone? But reality is you can't ever do that. Its a final absolute ending. Eventually you come to terms with it, one way or another, and yes I do totally understand the context NCW.
I totally get how people want to make the non repentant WS suffer preferrably forever!! Trouble is, it takes a toll on YOU. You get a double dose of being a victim. Not for me.
I reckon you're victim until you decide you won't be any longer.
I probably would never have even engaged with my wife if it ended in divorce and totally unrepentant attitude, or a still foggy attitude, in any way if possible otherwise just yes or no type of thing. Guess thats harder with kids under 18. But I'd bloody well work at it.
Life is far too short to let a person like that stop you seeking and finding new love and happiness. But like we all know, walk in my shoes awhile mate and aee if its that easy!! Yep I can accept it's not that easy. Wouldn't it be great if it was?
Kids wedding? mate thats easy make it all about your kids!! Pretend shes one of those VERY strange distant sort of relatives who you mutter innocuous senseless meanlingless comments at, you know like, Mmmmmm yep, MMMnnnnnn nah and not even sure what she says! I do that ALL the time just ask AW!!!!
And besides, don't you think that at the forefront of your kids thoughts about marriage would be " well I'm NOT going to make Mums miatake am I". And I bet you will get all the real marriage questions, kids are not stupid. They won't want someone who FAILED by choice in marriage, who chucked in the towel when it got hard, they will want Dad who stayed, who fought and tried to make it work. Just ask AW how hard it was to show our kids she had learned and stood up to be counted after the affair. Most kids realise it eventually.
ok enough of that.
Neak, its all true everything I said! Blokes just don't have a chance!!

A smart bloke just negotiates the terms of surrender
And hopes his wife never reads what he just wrote!!!!!!!!!