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Because you are talking CRAP!! Honesty doesn't have to be "qualified!" Isn't it an important distinction when admitting that I told OW I loved her - to point out that I didn't really love OW? That's part of the truth too. How is that crap? How does Amy get an accurate accounting of the real situation if I only tell her part of it? Assume for a minute that I really didn't love OW. I know you think I did. No. It really isn't an important distinction because the question was not "did you love her", but "did you say you loved her". See the difference? one is pointing to what you said the other how you felt. They are night and day different. CV
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...except in Amy's mind, LOVING the OW is the horrible offense, not TELLING her that I loved her. that I didn't really love her is ALSO truth. Important truth. [/quote]
Realize this important thing... If you just answer the question yes or no, the follow up question will invariably follow after. You will have the opportunity at some point to explain it.
If she asks "did you tell OW you love her"? and you simply say yes I did, then there will with all probability be the follow up question: "did you really love her?" that will be you opportunity to answer the second part.
As a BS I can promise you this will happen at some point.
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If this statement is true, why are you HERE? Do EVERYONE a favour and READ this site. If you don't find that you agree with what the basic concepts are in MB, then you have NO hope for recovering your marriage from an affair.
You did love OW. She did do something for you. You most likely DID think about leaving Amy for OW. You most definitely DID put OW above Amy. Actually, Dr Harley doesn't say that love is always the result of affairs or all affairs result in love. It is *possible* he didn't love posow.
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that I didn't really love her is ALSO truth. Important truth. These really are the correct answers. You can waste days or even months trying to decide if these are really the correct answers or not. But you only have six months, and that is not as much time as you think, and you're not making much headway.There, I put it in red for you this time. Maybe you'll see it and read it. It's like a test and I'm giving you the answers. Dude, cheat, copy the answers I'm giving you, or you're not going to make it. MelodyLane is right that lying is the worse offense. You are compounding your crime as long as you attempt to control Amy's perception. This is control and abuse, sir.
If you are serious about saving your marriage, you can't get it all on this forum. You've got to listen to the Marriage Builders Radio show, every day. Install the app! Married to my radiant trophy wife, Prisca, 19 years. Father of 8. Attended Marriage Builders weekend in May 2010 If your wife is not on board with MB, some of my posts to other men might help you.
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If this statement is true, why are you HERE? Do EVERYONE a favour and READ this site. If you don't find that you agree with what the basic concepts are in MB, then you have NO hope for recovering your marriage from an affair.
You did love OW. She did do something for you. You most likely DID think about leaving Amy for OW. You most definitely DID put OW above Amy. Actually, Dr Harley doesn't say that love is always the result of affairs or all affairs result in love. It is *possible* he didn't love posow. Please stop giving him cover. His marriage depends on his getting honest so this is not helpful at all. If you are unable to see through his bullcrap, as others are, then you aren't helping him by giving him an out. He already told us exactly how he felt about her and it was a perfect description of romantic love. He just doesn't want to admit it. We know what Dr Harley says, but Dr Harley does not define Schlag's feelings. Schlag does. And he described romantic love. He is just scared to call it what it is.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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We know what Dr Harley says, but Dr Harley does not define Schlag's feelings. Schlag does. And he described romantic love. He is just scared to call it what it is. Pare it down to the core, Schlag. GET IT DONE.
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She made it clear to me that actually loving her was worse. It was not my judgment. That is entirely her decision. But she is entitled to the truth. And yes, you did love the OW. Your wife already knows it so denying it just makes it worse. Mel is 100% correct! A definition of surrendering that I like very well.... "When we cease fighting everyone and everything. When there are no more excuses, only a white flag, acknowledging our complete defeat. Only then are we teachable." Surrender looks like this; "You're all rigt, I've been an idiot trying to defend myself" "You're right, I said ILU to OW" "You're right, I thought I had love for OW" "You're right, I was so wreckless and thoughtless by committing adultery" "You're right, I'm really clueless and have been doing everything wrong by defending myself" "You're right, I need to acknowledge I'm still rationalizing my thoughts and behaviors, doing great damage to my wife and family" Etc. Etc. Etc. You are guilty of the same thing I was guilty of..... Trying to surrender and still, desperately trying to somehow be right.... somehow I wanted to keep my sense pride.... See, like you, I was still clinging to my old ideas, and until I acknowledged that my best thinking led me into this mess, I was forever stuck in my mire of bullsh**
Last edited by HerPapaBear; 11/17/11 09:14 PM.
Recovery began 10/07;
Meeting my wife's EN's is my "thank you" that refuses to be silenced.
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justification and rationalization, mentally, are the same as masterbation.... In the end you're only screwing yourself!
Recovery began 10/07;
Meeting my wife's EN's is my "thank you" that refuses to be silenced.
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If this statement is true, why are you HERE? Do EVERYONE a favour and READ this site. If you don't find that you agree with what the basic concepts are in MB, then you have NO hope for recovering your marriage from an affair.
You did love OW. She did do something for you. You most likely DID think about leaving Amy for OW. You most definitely DID put OW above Amy. Actually, Dr Harley doesn't say that love is always the result of affairs or all affairs result in love. It is *possible* he didn't love posow. Those are one-night-stands that Dr. Harley refers to. Which this was not.
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You are compounding your crime as long as you attempt to control Amy's perception. repeated for emphasis. Specific to the crime currently going on. The need to control people places and things. The 12 step program deals with all sorts of addiction. And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation -- some fact of my life -- unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.
Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.
For me, serenity began when I learned to distinguish between those things that I could change and those I could not. When I admitted that there were people, places, things, and situations over which I was totally powerless, those things began to lose their power over me. I learned that everyone has the right to make their own mistakes, and learn from them, without my interference, judgement, or assistance!
The key to my serenity is acceptance. But "acceptance" does not mean that I have to like it, condone it, or even ignore it. What it does mean is I am powerless to do anything about it... and I have to accept that fact.
Nor does it mean that I have to accept "unacceptable behavoir." Today I have choices. I no longer have to accept abuse in any form. I can choose to walk away, even if it means stepping out into the unknown. I no longer have to fear "change" or the unknown. I can merely accept it as part of the journey.
I spent years trying to change things in my life over which I was powerless, but did not know it. I threatened, scolded, manipulated, coerced, pleaded, begged, pouted, bribed and generally tried everything I could to make the situation better -- only watch as things always got progressively worse.
I spent so much time trying to change the things I could not change, it never once occurred to me to simply accept them as they were.
Now when things in my life are not going the way I planned them, or downright bad things happen, I can remind myself that whatever is going on is not happening by accident. There's a reason for it and it is not always meant for me to know what that reason is.
That change in attitude has been the key to happiness for me. I know I am not the only who has found that serenity. You are not in acceptance. You are fighting for control - over people, places and things. You are dealing with people who are not deceived by an addict's excuses, platitudes and "right answers". Your heart is in the place of trying to fix how Amy sees you and the desperation you are feeling rises as you grasp for that control. Accept that you can't stop the divorce. Accept that you are a fallen man. Accept that you haven't yet fallen as far or as hard has you must in order to accept that this situation is no longer under your control. Amy sees through you. She is broken and wounded and you can't fix it. Have you called Steve Harley yet to start working on a real plan?
Cafe Plan B link http://forum.marriagebuilders.com/ubbt/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2182650&page=1 The ? that made recovery possible: "Which lovebuster do I do the most that hurts the worst"? The statement that signaled my personal recovery and the turning point in our marriage recovery: "I don't need to be married that badly!" If you're interested in saving your relationship, you'll work on it when it's convenient. If you're committed, you'll accept no excuses.
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If this statement is true, why are you HERE? Do EVERYONE a favour and READ this site. If you don't find that you agree with what the basic concepts are in MB, then you have NO hope for recovering your marriage from an affair.
You did love OW. She did do something for you. You most likely DID think about leaving Amy for OW. You most definitely DID put OW above Amy. Actually, Dr Harley doesn't say that love is always the result of affairs or all affairs result in love. It is *possible* he didn't love posow. Did you take out Schlag's words that I quoted on purpose to make it look like I was arguing something else? I was talking to him about how he doesn't believe in the love bank, and since that is a MAJOR and pivotal part of MB, I was asking him why he was HERE. I believe, as everyone else is posting that Schlag most certainly DID love OW during his affair. Could he be looking back on it now and see that it wasn't real? Sure, but it doesn't change the fact that he did at the time. (FWIW, I don't think that is what it is) That is why the polygraph caught him in a lie. I also would like to point out that had my WH tried to change wording on a poly to try to ensure that he passed the test, I wouldn't have believed anything it told me anyways. He was intentionally trying to be deceitful. That is just not cool. Not the actions of a truly repentant wayward, and Amy would be on her way to a very nasty false recovery which would have the potential to clear out the LB$. That would be destructive to this marriage. CV, I think that you can agree that ENs were being met by OW. Schlag was even going to move closer to OW to get more of a fix more often. Using DrH's own words, what would YOU call it?
BW(Me)aka Scotty:37 DSx2: 10,12 DDAY2(PA)Nov27/09 Plan B Dec18/09 Personal R in works Scotty's THING Newly Betrayed click herePraying for walls and doors. Thanx MM “Surviving is important. Thriving is elegant.” ? Maya Angelou PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION THANK YOU
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If this statement is true, why are you HERE? Do EVERYONE a favour and READ this site. If you don't find that you agree with what the basic concepts are in MB, then you have NO hope for recovering your marriage from an affair.
You did love OW. She did do something for you. You most likely DID think about leaving Amy for OW. You most definitely DID put OW above Amy. Actually, Dr Harley doesn't say that love is always the result of affairs or all affairs result in love. It is *possible* he didn't love posow. Did you take out Schlag's words that I quoted on purpose to make it look like I was arguing something else? I was talking to him about how he doesn't believe in the love bank, and since that is a MAJOR and pivotal part of MB, I was asking him why he was HERE. No, I didn't. I was editing for space. I believe, as everyone else is posting that Schlag most certainly DID love OW during his affair. Could he be looking back on it now and see that it wasn't real? Sure, but it doesn't change the fact that he did at the time. (FWIW, I don't think that is what it is) That is why the polygraph caught him in a lie. this is the crux of my argument. I could have felt the sky was green last week and it doesn't mean that the sky was green. Feelings change. they come and go. Can't be trusted and feeling something doesn't make it real. I guess my problem here is that feelings often conflict with people. I agree he was dishonest in his answers on the poly. I also would like to point out that had my WH tried to change wording on a poly to try to ensure that he passed the test, I wouldn't have believed anything it told me anyways. He was intentionally trying to be deceitful. That is just not cool. Not the actions of a truly repentant wayward, and Amy would be on her way to a very nasty false recovery which would have the potential to clear out the LB$. That would be destructive to this marriage. I agree it is a possibility. I don't think we are too far apart on our thinking here. I do know that we cannot force him to repeat something until he believes it to be true. Been through that and tried it with people before. What I want Eric to do is be able to understand it and be able to grab hold of it himself. Applying heat does one of two things in my opinion... It either burns down the false view, or is solidifies it. He has serious problems in the way he talks. The deceit has permeated every single area of speech. It is evident to all of us. However it doesn't mean he's lying every single time. It Does mean that he suffers the effects of communicating extremely poorly. CV, I think that you can agree that ENs were being met by OW. Schlag was even going to move closer to OW to get more of a fix more often. Using DrH's own words, what would YOU call it? agreed. I would call it a fix. A love fix? maybe, maybe not... But like a drug, yes.
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Schlag, a quick diversion.
Have you listened to the Marriage Builders Radio show at all other than the day you were on it? It's FREE, it airs nearly every weekday, you can go back and listen to old shows, it's FREE, and you need all the help you can get. Listening to other people's situations may enlighten you about a lot of things.
And speaking of you needing all the help you can get, I honestly thing that you need to be working through the Marriage Builders coaching center or Dr. Harley's online program (where you can post your questions directly to Dr. Harley and have a coach keeping you on the right path). You are about to lose your marriage, and you need all the help you can get.
Back from my diversion to the main issue: quit trying to make Amy believe what you want her to believe. Your continued lying is compounding your crime and will lead to the end of your marriage. We know what the answers are, you are trusting a known liar (yourself). How about trusting some folks who have a bit of a track record at this kind of thing?
What you felt for the OW is called love by most normal people who are not liars splitting hairs with the truth. If you want to argue semantics about it for six months while your marriage goes down in flames, be my guest. But if you want to save this, you need to get on the straight and narrow TODAY and then create a six months proven track record for yourself. I do not believe you can afford delays.
Last edited by markos; 11/18/11 11:51 AM.
If you are serious about saving your marriage, you can't get it all on this forum. You've got to listen to the Marriage Builders Radio show, every day. Install the app! Married to my radiant trophy wife, Prisca, 19 years. Father of 8. Attended Marriage Builders weekend in May 2010 If your wife is not on board with MB, some of my posts to other men might help you.
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Actually, it is math. It's just not easily perceivable math. The sum of Love Bank deposits being equal or greater than the Romantic Love threshold = Romantic Love. Now, let me see if I can get you to grasp this and quit arguing; There is a reason behind the wayward statement "I love you BUT I'm not IN LOVE with you." That reason is that the wayward usually has CARING love for their spouse (though, they are doing something that goes against that). They usually still care about their betrayed spouse; this lie is told as a way to avoid and or minimize the damage that the wayward KNOWS infidelity will visit upon their betrayed spouse. They don't wish ill on them, and some of them have this screwed up thing in their heads where they can just divorce their spouse to be with their AP and "just be friends" with their betrayed spouse. They don't want to cut their spouse out of their life because they still have CARING love. HOWEVER, by allowing the AP to meet their needs, they have "fallen in love" with the affair partner. And this is Romantic Love. Romantic love drives us to do MORE than care for that person. It drives us to want to meet their needs, and to allow them to meet ours. So, your assertion that you "didn't love" your AP is BUNK. You did - you were at least in Romantic Love with her, though you never had any Caring Love. Romantic Love is the goal of the Marriage Builders program. Everyone, This post is exactly right. I spent a long conversation last night with Amy admitting that I loved the OW. Thank you for taking the time and having the patience with me to continually try to beat the truth into my thick skull. I apologize for being so obstinant in my denial. I accept Dr. Harley's love bank concept and the reality that I was in love with the OW. She made it clear to me that actually loving her was worse. It was not my judgment. That is entirely her decision. But she is entitled to the truth. And yes, you did love the OW. Your wife already knows it so denying it just makes it worse. Mel is 100% correct! A definition of surrendering that I like very well.... "When we cease fighting everyone and everything. When there are no more excuses, only a white flag, acknowledging our complete defeat. Only then are we teachable." Surrender looks like this; "You're all rigt, I've been an idiot trying to defend myself" "You're right, I said ILU to OW" "You're right, I thought I had love for OW" "You're right, I was so wreckless and thoughtless by committing adultery" "You're right, I'm really clueless and have been doing everything wrong by defending myself" "You're right, I need to acknowledge I'm still rationalizing my thoughts and behaviors, doing great damage to my wife and family" Etc. Etc. Etc. You are guilty of the same thing I was guilty of..... Trying to surrender and still, desperately trying to somehow be right.... somehow I wanted to keep my sense pride.... See, like you, I was still clinging to my old ideas, and until I acknowledged that my best thinking led me into this mess, I was forever stuck in my mire of bullsh** Papabear, thank you for this post as well. I absolutely surrender. I am done rationalizing and equivocating. I told the OW I loved her and I did have love for her because we were meeting each other's ENs. I have been clueless for much of these 52 pages and I apologize to everyone, especially Amy, for taking so long to come to my senses and accept the truth. I'm sure I will still have problems with rationalizing and equivocating and manipulative speech, but I trust that you all will call me on it ruthlessly as you have up to this point. I am open and want to learn how to not be that way. I also thank you for teaching Amy how to recognize it in me because it has given her the tools to call me on it when I do it in our private conversations, and that is very helpful for us. I accept that I can't fix Amy's pain and that what she does is out of my control. I accept that I can't stop the divorce and that she is justified in doing so because of my actions. But I also have the hope that I can change and live an honorable life from this day forward, and that someday she might see the change in me and give me the chance to marry her again as a new man. I accept that even if I do change she may not see it or if she sees it she may not want it. That is all out of my control. Finally, a very special thank you to Melody for having the tenacity of a pit bull and not letting go or (until it was almost too late) giving up on making me see myself for what I am/was.
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I believe, as everyone else is posting that Schlag most certainly DID love OW during his affair. Could he be looking back on it now and see that it wasn't real? Sure, but it doesn't change the fact that he did at the time. (FWIW, I don't think that is what it is) That is why the polygraph caught him in a lie. And that is the crux of the problem. Of course he loved the OW. But he spends all his time denying it and going through mental gymnastics. And I don't doubt that he doesn't love her now. Typically a WS will love the OP when they are high on the affair. But when it is exposed, and they end contact, it bursts that bubble and the love fades. It is just like an alcoholic. We LOVE alcohol when we are high and when we are addicted. But when we sober up and break the addiction, we don't love it anymore. But as soon as we get around it again, that love is triggered. Applying heat does one of two things in my opinion... It either burns down the false view, or is solidifies it. He has serious problems in the way he talks. The deceit has permeated every single area of speech. It is evident to all of us. . You can't have it both ways. I disagree that the heat "solidifies" his deceitful ways. It was the absence of heat that solidified his deceitful ways. The reason he is so bad off is because no one HAS applied heat in his past. He has been surrounded by people that tolerated it in the past. That has helped him become what he is today. When folks are in an environment where lies and deceit and spin are not tolerated, they either stop lying or they get out. However it doesn't mean he's lying every single time. It Does mean that he suffers the effects of communicating extremely poorly It means he is deceitful, not that he communicates "poorly." He communicates just fine. When something doesn't ring "true" with a practiced liar it makes no sense to afford him the "benefit of the doubt." That is inappropriate and it doesn't teach him to be honest. Giving a liar the benefit of the doubt might feel good, but it does nothing to help this guy. And that is what we are here for. His marriage is destroyed over his deceit, so we need to stay on him. It might be painful to watch him take fire, but it is in his best interest. Bullsh** has a short shelf life here and he is learning that the hard way. He is not going to be validated for dishonesty here.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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And speaking of you needing all the help you can get, I honestly thing that you need to be working through the Marriage Builders coaching center or Dr. Harley's online program (where you can post your questions directly to Dr. Harley and have a coach keeping you on the right path). You are about to lose your marriage, and you need all the help you can get. I agree with this. Schlag needs to be guided by a firm hand that also has the ability to see through his BS. Most people do not have that ability, but Dr H has a great BS detector because he used to manage treatment centers full of addicts and alcoholics. If there is any way you could get Amy to agree with this, Dr Harley could be a great help. He also would not hesitate to tell Amy to divorce you, Schlag, if you didn't get honest.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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I spent a long conversation last night with Amy admitting that I loved the OW.
Thank you for taking the time and having the patience with me to continually try to beat the truth into my thick skull. I apologize for being so obstinant in my denial.
. Wow! I missed this and am so pleased to read it. Way to go, Schlag!! 
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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[Papabear, thank you for this post as well. I absolutely surrender. I am done rationalizing and equivocating. I told the OW I loved her and I did have love for her because we were meeting each other's ENs. Truthful and honest. I have been clueless for much of these 52 pages and I apologize to everyone, especially Amy, for taking so long to come to my senses and accept the truth. change to "admit the truth." You admitted the truth 50 pages back but then tap danced for 50 more pages. But I forgive you for that.  I'm sure I will still have problems with rationalizing and equivocating and manipulative speech, but I trust that you all will call me on it ruthlessly as you have up to this point. I am open and want to learn how to not be that way. you can count on us! 
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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I agree with this. Schlag needs to be guided by a firm hand that also has the ability to see through his BS. Most people do not have that ability, but Dr H has a great BS detector because he used to manage treatment centers full of addicts and alcoholics.
If there is any way you could get Amy to agree with this, Dr Harley could be a great help. He also would not hesitate to tell Amy to divorce you, Schlag, if you didn't get honest. I am supposed to come into some money in 2-3 weeks that would cover counseling with Dr. Harley. If Amy is open to it, I will absolutely do it. If she is not open to it, and if you guys recommend it for me alone, and amy agrees to the expenditure, I will still do it.
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I am supposed to come into some money in 2-3 weeks that would cover counseling with Dr. Harley. If Amy is open to it, I will absolutely do it. If she is not open to it, and if you guys recommend it for me alone, and amy agrees to the expenditure, I will still do it. :::sniff, sniff::: Who's got a tissue? I always cry when a wayward finally starts coming around... 
D-Day 2-10-2009 Fully Recovered and Better Than Ever! Thank you Marriage Builders!
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