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I know the divorce will go ahead, that's a given.
I was just hoping for a sliver of a chance.
She has recently found out that after her first pregnancy I developed a sexual attraction to pregnancy. I told her that when she was pregnant and of course she asked me if it was ALL pregnant women or just her. I lied and told her it was just her. I think pregnancy on an already attractive woman makes that woman more attractive.
I also considered hiring a pregnant escort once 5 years ago but never went through with it. I did own two DVDs of pregnant porn from 5 yrs ago to 2 years ago.
I understand that hiring escorts or supporting the porn industry is terrible and destructive to the people that are involved, and it's especially bad when it's a woman who is pregnant. I am ashamed of what I did.
When she found out she said I was sick and disturbed and now she is considering kicking me out and taking my kids away from me because she isn't sure they are safe with me.
I would never hurt my kids and I've always been a great dad. This has me extremely anxious and disturbed and she looks at me with the blackest of hatred and utter contempt and disgust now. Because this is the cruelest thing you can do to your wife. You have violated your covenant in the most vile way. You acted deplorable, vile, with extreme selfishness If you do not start at this very minute changing yourself this will be passed onto your children and your children's children. You have one shot to make this work. I am concerned you still do not get the gravity of what you have done. Please see how sick and twisted your actions are in the eyes of others. Schlag - you have one shot to turn this around. You have one shot to make right what you have done wrong. If you get off this very narrow path, you will see this again in your children and your children's children. They are learning from you every second of the day. Amy will not shelter them from the truth of you. She will not shelter them from these actions. These will be known to those you vowed to protect. Don't even worry about your marriage. Save yourself first -- have you thought about volunteering at a nursing home? I suggest you throw yourself into volunteer work. What can those nearing the end of their lives teach you? How can you humble yourself? I think something that would be good for you to understand is the contrast effect that is happening with Amy and the revelation of your sins. It would serve you very well if you could give her everything she needs as quickly as possible, so this can all be behind you. The more you trickle truth this out the more she will grow to hate you. Your contrast effect is great - Amy will need to grow within herself to work through all of this. This means you will need to really dump love into her as much as possible. I also have many kids, and I can tell you the delusion you have that you were a great father needs to go. Anyone engaged in adultery is not a good parent, friend, lover, or anything. A good father would not have done this to his family. You need to understand the depth of this reality. For many women FC is a high need. If she won't let you meet any other need, then the best you can do is FC and FS. FC needs to be spectacular. You need to be father of the year, and you need to understand what it takes to be a father. I would recommend networking with other great father's from your church and find out what works for them. What makes them a great father? Find out from Amy what she thinks is a great father. Find out what she needs from you as a father. If you divorce, then FC and FS are the only things she will get from you. You need to master them, and make sure they meet her needs.
Last edited by itistoughlove; 11/30/11 07:11 PM.
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Schlag, my BS detector isn't as highly refined as others here, but a few comments here...
I know the divorce will go ahead, that's a given.
I was just hoping for a sliver of a chance.
She has recently found out that after her first pregnancy I developed a sexual attraction to pregnancy. I told her that when she was pregnant and of course she asked me if it was ALL pregnant women or just her. I lied and told her it was just her. I think pregnancy on an already attractive woman makes that woman more attractive.
I also considered hiring a pregnant escort once 5 years ago but never went through with it. I did own two DVDs of pregnant porn from 5 yrs ago to 2 years ago.
I understand that hiring escorts or supporting the porn industry is terrible and destructive to the people that are involved, and it's especially bad when it's a woman who is pregnant. I am ashamed of what I did.
Question for you: **WHY** is it bad? Serious question here.
When she found out she said I was sick and disturbed and now she is considering kicking me out and taking my kids away from me because she isn't sure they are safe with me.
Do you think she was right in what she said about you? I sense that you really don't agree with this assessment by her.
I would never hurt my kids and I've always been a great dad. This has me extremely anxious and disturbed and she looks at me with the blackest of hatred and utter contempt and disgust now.
Great dads don't cheat Eric. They aren't turned on by a woman carrying an unborn child. You have hurt your kids by your sexual exploits and through lying and stealing from them. I think maybe you are painting this over...pedophile? No. probably not. Danger to your kids? absolutely. You've hurt them deeper than you know.
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She has recently found out that after her first pregnancy I developed a sexual attraction to pregnancy. I told her that when she was pregnant and of course she asked me if it was ALL pregnant women or just her. I lied and told her it was just her. I think pregnancy on an already attractive woman makes that woman more attractive.
I also considered hiring a pregnant escort once 5 years ago but never went through with it. I did own two DVDs of pregnant porn from 5 yrs ago to 2 years ago.
I understand that hiring escorts or supporting the porn industry is terrible and destructive to the people that are involved, and it's especially bad when it's a woman who is pregnant. I am ashamed of what I did.
When she found out she said I was sick and disturbed and now she is considering kicking me out and taking my kids away from me because she isn't sure they are safe with me. _________________________
Sexuality without direction is worth nothing. Why are you/have you been in the habit of wildly directing your sexual thoughts at anything with a skirt that walks by?
It is not a bad thing that you found your wife amazingly attractive as she was pregnant. And it is not odd either to be reminded of that attraction when you see a pregnant woman.
But why not redirect those thoughts and think about how stunning your own wife looked as she was pregnant? And how you loved to touch her changing body? And think to yourself how awesome those days with your own wife were?
In that way, she would be filling your love bank without even being there or knowing that, because of your pleasant thoughts about her. And if she asked you, you could honoustly say, that you are always reminded of her, when you see a pregnant woman.
You can do the same thing with any urges whatsoever. You have been in a long habit of not being the boss of your own sexual feelings. If you would relax and close your eyes while driving your car on the freeway, that would also be nice for two seconds. But only the mastery of the machine can bring you real and not fleeting satisfaction. Apart from the fact, that you won't crash.
Once you are the master of your urges, you direct your life and than you will be really free. Not a slave to infatuations and fleeting emotions. But a true master of your own self.
You too, have it in you. But no skill without practice.
God bless, Happyheart
Last edited by happyheart; 12/01/11 04:50 AM.
me, DH all the children
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Question for you: **WHY** is it bad? Serious question here. Because what I didn't take the time to think about before when I was objectifying these women is that they are being violated during the most precious God-intended purpose for their life - the miracle of creating, carrying, and nurturing life. But because of my selfish urges I used them and defiled a pure, godly thing. My desire to look at their outside body to remind me of the amazing feeling of that miracle in my wife turned it into the opposite - a horrible, ungodly, shameful abomination.Do you think she was right in what she said about you? I sense that you really don't agree with this assessment by her. Well, I think that I was more sick and disturbed to do that than I realized a day ago. Like happyheart said, it's okay to have that attraction if it is channeled in a healthy way. I didn't channel it in a healthy way. I can see why she would wonder if my kids are safe with me when I didn't get how wrong what I did was. More on my dadhood below.Great dads don't cheat Eric. They aren't turned on by a woman carrying an unborn child. You have hurt your kids by your sexual exploits and through lying and stealing from them. I think maybe you are painting this over...pedophile? No. probably not. Danger to your kids? absolutely. You've hurt them deeper than you know. I understand this after a long conversation about it with Amy last night. She has always said I'm a great Dad and I always took that for granted, but in actuality I have not been. Not only because of the reasons you list, but because I have spent years modeling the wrong way for my son to treat his future wife and the wrong way for my daughters (who will be wives someday) to see a wife be treated. I have been directly hurtful to them on occasion with my tone and my manner as well.Because this is the cruelest thing you can do to your wife. You have violated your covenant in the most vile way. You acted deplorable, vile, with extreme selfishness I see that now.
If you do not start at this very minute changing yourself this will be passed onto your children and your children's children. You have one shot to make this work. That is my biggest concern. I am already changing but I still struggle with the selfishness and impulsivity that contributed to my past behaviors. But I'm getting better. I am at least aware of it now. That's the first step in solving a problem, right? Yes, I fail at times. I take two steps forward and one step back. But I'm learning.
I am concerned you still do not get the gravity of what you have done. Hopefully my answer to CV will tell you that I do.
Please see how sick and twisted your actions are in the eyes of others. I do.
Schlag - you have one shot to turn this around. You have one shot to make right what you have done wrong. If you get off this very narrow path, you will see this again in your children and your children's children. They are learning from you every second of the day. Amy will not shelter them from the truth of you. She will not shelter them from these actions. These will be known to those you vowed to protect. I understand.
Don't even worry about your marriage. Save yourself first -- have you thought about volunteering at a nursing home? I suggest you throw yourself into volunteer work. What can those nearing the end of their lives teach you? How can you humble yourself? Well, living with Amy the last 6 weeks, seeing our counselor who sees right through me and calls me on everything, and getting feedback from all of you has all been very humbling and eye-opening. What Amy tried herself to tell me over the years never sank in, but the realization of what I have been and done and not done for many years has hit me with full force. Every day Amy finds email exchanges where the full reality of my horrible treatment of her is evidenced clearly for me to see in retrospect. Where I saw her as nagging she was caring. Where I saw her as spoiled she was generous. Where I saw her as critical she was accepting. Where I saw her as rejecting me she loved me. I am horrified how I could have been so blind to my own issues not to recognize what an incredible woman I had.
I think something that would be good for you to understand is the contrast effect that is happening with Amy and the revelation of your sins. It would serve you very well if you could give her everything she needs as quickly as possible, so this can all be behind you. The more you trickle truth this out the more she will grow to hate you. I understand this and am living it every day. She has been telling me this for weeks. Unfortunately my memory is so bad that I am trickling despite knowing how destructive it is to her healing. And my lack of discernment as to what is a big deal and what isn't has led me to reveal some of the most hurtful things most recently.
Your contrast effect is great - Amy will need to grow within herself to work through all of this. This means you will need to really dump love into her as much as possible. I also have many kids, and I can tell you the delusion you have that you were a great father needs to go. Yeah, see above. There's no delusion anymore.
Anyone engaged in adultery is not a good parent, friend, lover, or anything. A good father would not have done this to his family. You need to understand the depth of this reality. For many women FC is a high need.
If she won't let you meet any other need, then the best you can do is FC and FS. FC needs to be spectacular. You need to be father of the year, and you need to understand what it takes to be a father. I would recommend networking with other great father's from your church and find out what works for them. What makes them a great father? Will do.
Find out from Amy what she thinks is a great father. Find out what she needs from you as a father. If you divorce, then FC and FS are the only things she will get from you. You need to master them, and make sure they meet her needs. Will do. Amy just responded to my question. I have her permission to include it:A great father is someone who is a role model for their children. One that teaches/leads by example. A great dad is nuturing and kind and soft spoken. He is a good listener and supportive to their dreams and ideas. Someone who is firm with their expectations and follows through with discipline and does what is best for them even if they don't understand it now. A great father needs to be affectionate with their love and words....telling children he loves them often and hugs them daily. A great father is present in their lives. An awesome dad PLAYS with their kids...outside sports and inside rolls around and plays and wrestles on the floor.....he spends one and one time and makes each child feel special and important. And even though it's cliche........the most important thing a man can do for his children is to LOVE THEIR MOTHER. I need all of those things from you as father. And btw, loving their mother means not going outside of our marriage for ANY emotional or sexual needs with another person, not yelling, being emotionally available at all times, being understanding and supportive, and protecting me above all else with your words and actions. These things you are NOT. I already do many things in the first paragraph and what I don't do I will make my mission in life.
The second paragraph I can also make my mission, though she does not want me right now. I can be these things to her even though there is likely no chance of reconciliation. Right now I am walking on a thin line, doing more damage than help by staying in the house. If I can't figure out how to do more help than damage - and VERY SOON -I'll need to leave.
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A side question I'd like opinions on - We did a belly cast in plaster with our last child and Amy wants me to destroy it. She is disgusted by my betrayal regarding pregnancy and wants it gone.
I think that she may feel differently someday and it would be tragic to destroy an irreplaceable thing like that. I have placed it in a box so that she knows I'm not looking at it but I wish she would let it sit in the garage until she works through her healing process and can decide for sure on something so permanent. Thoughts?
I understand that protecting her feelings above all else (my EP and mission as a father/husband) would mean doing what she wishes. But I think that she may regret destroying it someday so I'm also trying to protect her future feelings.
Last edited by Schlag; 12/01/11 12:25 PM.
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Can someone she trust hold it for her? Maybe with an agreement of time to re-visit this?
I agree she may change her mind and you cant go back from this.
Me -BS 40 Him - FWH 34 (dtl) 3 D-Days from 12/25/10 to 01/06/11 NC - 01/09/11 02/20/12 done beating my head on that wall.
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A side question I'd like opinions on - We did a belly cast in plaster with our last child and Amy wants me to destroy it. She is disgusted by my betrayal regarding pregnancy and wants it gone.
I think that she may feel differently someday and it would be tragic to destroy an irreplaceable thing like that. I have placed it in a box so that she knows I'm not looking at it but I wish she would let it sit in the garage until she works through her healing process and can decide for sure on something so permanent. Thoughts?
I understand that protecting her feelings above all else (my EP and mission as a father/husband) would mean doing what she wishes. But I think that she may regret destroying it someday so I'm also trying to protect her future feelings. Schlag, I am astonished that you haven't done what she has asked. I'm astonished that you have acted independently by taking the decision to go against her wishes and keep the cast (in a box), and I am horrified at the DJs you are making against her in the passages I underlined. You are in no position to do any of these things. You are fighting for your marriage, and you need to do what Amy requests. If you feel that there might be room for negotiation, then you should follow Dr H's guidelines for safe negotiation. You could PROPOSE keeping the cast in a box in the garage with a view to seeing how she feels about it, say, one week, and then three etc, but if, with or without negotiation, she says that she wants it gone now, it should be gone YESTERDAY. I am gobsmacked that you are thinking of overriding her wishes with your wishes on this issue. Stunned.
BW Married 1989 His PA 2003-2006 2 kids.
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About a week after D day, I started tearing our wedding photo album apart. OW was a guest at our small ceremony and that was, in part, my motive for wrecking the photos. Mr Pep quietly tucked the album deep in the garage, where I'd have to work hard to locate it. MUCH MUCH MUCH later, I was able to enjoy the photos. Of course, the OW photo had been destroyed.
I like the previous suggestion of asking your wife if she'd mind if a trusted friend keep the plaster cast, in case your wife wants it later. If your wife says "NO!" Then, get rid of it.
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Schlag, if your wife says that the cast must be destroyed then do as she says.
It doesn't matter if she cannot go back from this. Any woman can live without a cast of their pregnant belly. And Pep, if a BW destroys her wedding photos because of learning about OW, then the fact that they are no longer available when she doesn't feel so strongly can be gotten over. Having your wedding photos or pregnant belly cast isn't important in life. What IS imoportant is the child that was cast in the womb, and the marriage that is now recovered.
Pep, you didn't order your H to destroy the photos, and he did not take it upon himself to countermand your wishes. Schlag has had an express request from Amy and he has chosen, independently, to decide that he knows better than she about what she wants. I think that is a very different matter from stopping her (you) from acting destructively in a fit of rage.
Schlag, your wife has already told you that she wants the photos destroyed. If you ask her again, and she says "destroy them", with the attitude that you want to stop her doing something she will later regret, you will give yourself permission to override her wishes.
DO NOT DO THAT. Do not tell your wife (even silently, by hiding the cast) that you know what is best for her. Do as she asks, and let her know that it has been done. Acting independently when you KNOW her wishes is a lovebuster, and you can ill afford those.
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I told her it was in the box and that she may regret destroying it. I wasn't hiding it from her or acting independently. She knows where it is I just want her to consider tucking it away safely and not doing something permanent on day two of her anger at my betrayal.
I am not hiding anything.
I thought about overriding her wishes by hiding it, but that's what the old me would have done. I won't do that.
Last edited by Schlag; 12/01/11 01:09 PM.
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Throw out the kid to with the cast because they both are equal reminders of the affair.
Both will remind her of the time she was pregnant.
I can see demanding NC, NC letter, having to answer all details about the affair, moving far away from the OP for recovery, get rid of the clothes a WW wore for the OM, the new car that the BS bought for the WS that did the OP in, the furniture in the marital home the AP's rutted on, the whole home for that matter, quit job if the AP's worked together, be transparent, dump friends and family that enabled/covered the affair. These things are to be demanded. No need to reach an agreement. Forgot to throw in throwing out all gifts from the OP.
Other then the above I think this cast business needs to have a negoiated agreement.
This cast is about her pregnancy. Has this BW requested all materials be dumped that were part of the pregnancy. If not how can she be selective?
Though if I was the offending spouse as part of trying to make amends I would through it out for that reason alone.
Last edited by TheRoad; 12/01/11 01:22 PM.
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This cast is about her pregnancy. Has this BW requested all materials be dumped that were part of the pregnancy. If not how can she be selective? The only things she has requested destroyed are her pregnancy boudoir pictures and the cast. The two things related to her body in the light of my view of pregnancy as sexy. I just wish she could accept that my unhealthy channeling of that into porn previously doesn't mean that my view of her body carrying my child wasn't healthy. It was. I didn't get her pregnant to feed my attraction. I loved that she was growing my baby and loved her body in the process. That part was not sick.
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A side question I'd like opinions on - We did a belly cast in plaster with our last child and Amy wants me to destroy it. She is disgusted by my betrayal regarding pregnancy and wants it gone.
I think that she may feel differently someday and it would be tragic to destroy an irreplaceable thing like that. I have placed it in a box so that she knows I'm not looking at it but I wish she would let it sit in the garage until she works through her healing process and can decide for sure on something so permanent. Thoughts?
I understand that protecting her feelings above all else (my EP and mission as a father/husband) would mean doing what she wishes. But I think that she may regret destroying it someday so I'm also trying to protect her future feelings. the idea someone had to have someone hold it for you is good. Does the cast stir something in you? I mean is it just what happened or what she's worried about might be caused by it being around (some kind of sexual thing)?
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the idea someone had to have someone hold it for you is good.
Does the cast stir something in you? I mean is it just what happened or what she's worried about might be caused by it being around (some kind of sexual thing)? I think it's both. When I told her I put it in a box she was mad that I had seen it in order to do that. What I think of when I look at the cast is how much fun it was to do it, what a great memory of intimacy involving our last pregnancy because we were almost certain that it would be our last. How beautiful her body was. She feels differently about it now and sees it as a sexual object. I don't.
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Throw out the kid to with the cast because they both are equal reminders of the affair.
Both will remind her of the time she was pregnant.
I can see demanding NC, NC letter, having to answer all details about the affair, moving far away from the OP for recovery, get rid of the clothes a WW wore for the OM, the new car that the BS bought for the WS that did the OP in, the furniture in the marital home the AP's rutted on, the whole home for that matter, quit job if the AP's worked together, be transparent, dump friends and family that enabled/covered the affair. These things are to be demanded. No need to reach an agreement. Forgot to throw in throwing out all gifts from the OP.
Other then the above I think this cast business needs to have a negoiated agreement.
This cast is about her pregnancy. Has this BW requested all materials be dumped that were part of the pregnancy. If not how can she be selective?
Though if I was the offending spouse as part of trying to make amends I would through it out for that reason alone. How offensive, Road. how disrespectful to Amy. It doesn't matter how she can be selective. It isn't for you or anyone else to challenge her on her logic or consistency. The implication of what you are saying is that since she is being illogical, her WS should ignore what she has asked for. Have you read an MB book yet, Road? Do you know what Dr Harley says about the lovebuster of independent behaviour? How cruel to Amy your post is. Shame on you.
BW Married 1989 His PA 2003-2006 2 kids.
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Throw out the kid to with the cast because they both are equal reminders of the affair.
Other then the above I think this cast business needs to have a negoiated agreement.
This cast is about her pregnancy. Has this BW requested all materials be dumped that were part of the pregnancy. If not how can she be selective?
Though if I was the offending spouse as part of trying to make amends I would through it out for that reason alone. How offensive, Road. how disrespectful to Amy. It doesn't matter how she can be selective. It isn't for you or anyone else to challenge her on her logic or consistency. The implication of what you are saying is that since she is being illogical, her WS should ignore what she has asked for. Have you read an MB book yet, Road? Do you know what Dr Harley says about the lovebuster of independent behaviour? How cruel to Amy your post is. Shame on you. If it is a shared possession, it should be POJA'd IMO. It should *not* be an opportunity for a LB. Instead of boxing it, he should have asked her to POJA it. I understand Amy's pain. She does need to be encouraged that she will need to exercise some discipline herself. Amy's pain (as understandable as it is), is not license to do whatever... She does need to be challenged on that. Maybe Schlag's not the best person though.... Maybe we should be encouraging her on her thread if she still posts. CV
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Schlag, I'm slightly on the fence. I'm a bit of a packrat, and hate throwing out anything. And I'm very sentimental.
But look, the cast is a horrific reminder to Amy of your unrestrained, offensive sexuality, which you've exercised in a depraved manner.
I think you're really in no position to negotiate.
I think your options are: keep the cast, and lose Amy, or meet Amy's conditions, show her you are getting rid of the old marriage and ready to start a new one.
It is disrespectful to second-guess your wife's motivations. It's disrespectful to try to push her to your point of view.
Show her that it is about building a life that will thrill her and be offensive to her in no point, whatsoever.
If you are serious about saving your marriage, you can't get it all on this forum. You've got to listen to the Marriage Builders Radio show, every day. Install the app! Married to my radiant trophy wife, Prisca, 19 years. Father of 8. Attended Marriage Builders weekend in May 2010 If your wife is not on board with MB, some of my posts to other men might help you.
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Just destroying the cast would be a great show of good faith to Amy, you know?
If you are serious about saving your marriage, you can't get it all on this forum. You've got to listen to the Marriage Builders Radio show, every day. Install the app! Married to my radiant trophy wife, Prisca, 19 years. Father of 8. Attended Marriage Builders weekend in May 2010 If your wife is not on board with MB, some of my posts to other men might help you.
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the idea someone had to have someone hold it for you is good.
Does the cast stir something in you? I mean is it just what happened or what she's worried about might be caused by it being around (some kind of sexual thing)? None of this is relevant, and you are doing Amy and Schlag a disservice by trying to psychoanalyse her feelings about the cast and his feelings for wanting to keep it. None of that matters. Neither the supposed illogic of her request nor the irrelevance of Schlag's sexual impulses matter. We need to remember that Amy is divorcing Schlag. I think that this might have been forgotten, and some of you are responding as if this is a couple in recovery, where POJA should be used. They are not, and it is irrelevant to Amy right now. If Schlag decides that he has justification for sticking to his guns, because Amy is wrong to ask for what she wants here, she will not go back to the marriage. She has already left it; remember that. Just as, even for a couple in recovery, POJA should not be used to decide that affair mementos must go, neither should it be used as a way of getting Schlag to do nothing. He must, if he wants to save his marriage, drop the independent behaviour and act on Amy's wishes. She is divorcing him; once again, remember that. If he is happy for that to happen, or if he merely accepts its inevitability, then Schlag can fulfil his own desires and ignore Amy's, but if he is fighting to bring her back as he says he is, then he must do as she asks and he must not disrespectfully judge her by telling her that she does not know what she really wants, or act independently by overriding her express wishes about an affair trigger. You are not helping him win her back by giving him cod-psychoanalytic reasons for disregarding her wishes.
BW Married 1989 His PA 2003-2006 2 kids.
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If it is a shared possession, it should be POJA'd IMO. It should *not* be an opportunity for a LB. Instead of boxing it, he should have asked her to POJA it.
I understand Amy's pain. She does need to be encouraged that she will need to exercise some discipline herself. Amy's pain (as understandable as it is), is not license to do whatever... She does need to be challenged on that. Maybe Schlag's not the best person though.... Maybe we should be encouraging her on her thread if she still posts.
CV She is divorcing him, but he wants to win her back. Have you forgotten that, cv? She does not need to exercise anything; she wants rid of this man, but there is a window of opportunity within which he can prove himself as devoted to compensating her for his monstrous behaviour. Amy has a licence to do whatever she wants. If Schlag doesn't like it he can walk. But he has no licence to override her wishes, because she has already walked and will not be coming back following independent behaviour like this.
BW Married 1989 His PA 2003-2006 2 kids.
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