My wife isn't happy with me right now. She says that I have made comments that didn't make her happy. When I ask her what they were she doesn't really know what it was or what I said. Its so frustrating. Things seem to be going well as we have been spending a lot of time together and we have been getting a long great. We do have are moments but we are able to talk about them and continue to keep moving on. She is having a lot of doubt now and all of the sudden since yesterday afternoon she is making herself very distant from me. I have tried to give her space and not be on top of her then she says that im blowing her off.I feel like [censored] and im frustrated please help me!!! I need my wife more then anything. I can't lose her.
Please help,
KISS, Here's the thing that's jumping out at me. The "need" rather than the love and desire to spend the rest of your life making things right, no matter what you get in return.
Your approach to recovery is very me-me-me oriented and not much about what is in it for her to take you back.
Where is your heart right now? trying to get back to the status quo?
That world is gone. Blown up. Obliterated by your repeated refusal to do anything about expelling the OW from your life and making things right before your wife had to take things to separation.
Now you want to get that world back. It's gone. I'm so sad for you. You can't get it back. It will never be back.
Acceptance is the answer to all your problems today. Accept that there is nothing in it for HER to take you back as you are right now, focused on KISS, KISS, KISS and not about her, her, her.
When you have reached that point of surrender, and acceptance of the damage you have done - the recognition that as a man, you have blown it with this woman you claim to need so badly. You have already lost her. Beyond recovery, if you retain any self-centeredness at all.
What can you do?
Surrender your pride. Surrender your expectations of her taking you back before you have proven that you are a changed man.
Tell us about those changes. Tell us what you are going to do differently tomorrow to fill her love bank without expectation of making any more withdrawals from that account.
Everything you have done, including breaking her Plan B request to work through an intermediary reeks of your disrespect that she has needs, and that you have bankrupted your lovebank with her.
So how will you change that? How will you change your character? Who will you be accountable to? HerPapaBear is one of the very best recovered waywards I know of who can guide you through that mine-field. And believe me, when he started posting here, I took exactly the same tactic with him as I have with you in this post. I didn't believe he was changed. He proved me wrong, not with defiance or belligerence or selfishness about how much he deserved another chance. He was changed.
Your responses to those who have cared enough to take the time to help you have not given me much hope yet that you "get it".
Your post that I quoted is just one example of why I'm concerned that you won't get it.