As you are writing your posts, you can "preview post" by clicking the tab to the right of the "submit" button. When you do that, you can see if all your links work (click on it to check), your photos/videos/colors are looking the way you intended them to look. You can re-hit "Preview Post" as often as you like.

Once you have written your post, checked "preview", then you can "submit". Your completed post is not ready for all of MB to see. Please note- you will see some clickable tabs on the bottom right of you post.

Reply Quote Quick Reply Quick Quote Notify Email Post

And, for a brief time, you will also see a tab that says "edit". The edit tab disappears after a short amount of time, so you can still go back and make corrections .... But not for an indefinite amount of time.

If you do hit "edit" you can type in a reason for the edit, if you choose to. Or, there is an option to choose that will not display the fact that you made an edit. The choice is yours.


Replying to someone's post:

When you hit "reply" instead of simply typing in the "quick reply" box, you have many more options.

You will see the yellow smiley. smile If you click on him, your other options are there to punctuate your posts with things such as rant2 or dramaqueen and these can help you express the feelings behind your words. If you don't like the smiley, you can just click the delete button over it, or highlight it with your curser, and hit "cut" from your computer.

Next is the "link" option. It looks like a tiny globe with a link of chain in front. Have your URL already copied and ready to paste. Once you hit the link a small box opens where you paste your chosen URL. Hit "OK" and another box opens where you can title your link. Once you are done, it's a good idea to check it by going to the "Preview Post" option.

Marriage Builders frowns upon linking email addresses. So, it's not a good idea to use that option.

Play around with the fonts. The colors. The size option.

If you want to put something in quotes, the tab makes it quick & easy.

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