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Originally Posted by Dr Bill Harley, clinical psychologist and founder of Marriage Builders

Escaping the Jaws of Infidelity: How to Avoid an Affair

Letter #1

Introduction: Most of the letters I receive are from people whose spouses are having an affair. Affairs destroy families and the innocent spouses don't know how to respond to the unfolding tragedy they witness. But once in a while I receive a letter from someone who is about to have an affair, and wants help in how to avoid it. This week, I am printing their letters and my answers. Quite frankly, the only one who can avoid an affair is the one that is about to have one. While his or her spouse can make the job easier or more difficult, the spouse can't avoid it for them. So these letters from those who are tempted get to the heart of the issue, how to avoid an affair.

Dear Dr. Harley,

I have been married almost seven years to a wonderful man who treats me like a queen. I was pregnant when my husband and I got married, but I never experienced the passion for him that I know I can feel for a man. We now have four children and he has been a solid foundation for our relationship and our family. He has done whatever he can do to make me happy. I do not deserve him....

I am a very aggressive woman in my mid 30's, I love to party, dance and laugh. My husband, on the other hand is very passive and serious. He's just not much fun. The problem: I am gravitating towards an older man in his late 40's. A man with a tremendous zest for life, who too is married, and in the same business as myself. I have not had sex with this man, but I feel as though I am falling in love.

I am overwhelmed with guilt...I know that I am a horrible wife for feeling this way..PLEASE HELP!!


Dear N.S.

The man you are attracted to is meeting one or more of your emotional needs much better than your husband does. From your description he seems to be meeting your needs for conversation and recreational companionship. You have such a good time when you're with him that his account in your Love Bank has reached the threshold that triggers the feeling of romantic love.

It's not uncommon to find a person that does a good job meeting our needs, but it's dangerous when our spouses are doing a bad job. At first, we simply find ourselves in love with this person. If we also love our spouses, we shake it off and move on. But if we are not in love with our spouses, like you, we feel confused as to why we don't have the same feeling toward our spouses. Then, in an effort to make sense of it all, we think we are being cheated by our spouses out of what's rightfully ours, a fulfilling life. We think, if our spouses can't do the job, we have the right to find someone else who can, and we should grab the opportunity while it exists. It may be a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Many faced with this dilemma are not in your position, where your spouse has dedicated himself to your happiness. They find themselves married to spouses who have ignored them or even abused them. It's much easier to justify an affair under those conditions. But since your husband has tried very hard to give you the best he has, and you have four children who need you to stay together, your feelings of guilt are quite understandable.

Although your husband has put a great deal of effort into making you happy, he has missed the target, apparently right from the beginning. His efforts have been misdirected. He wants to meet your most important emotional needs, but has never learned how. It is not his lack of dedication or good intentions -- it is lack of knowledge. But he can learn to meet your needs as well as anyone, and you can be more in love with him than you've ever been. When that happens, your marriage will be secure.

You are on the brink of an affair, and once you jump in, you may not be able to get yourself out before you have done untold damage to your family. Sooner or later most affairs die out, but in their wake they leave unspeakable pain. Your husband would rather have his hand cut off than go through the agony of your unfaithfulness to him. It is the most cruel decision you could possibly make. Avoid that choice at all costs. Instead, dedicate yourself to training your husband to become the man you've always needed.

First, you should avoid seeing the man at work altogether, and it will mean quitting your job. You are already addicted to him, and your emotions will control your decisions whenever you see each other. It won't be long before you have thought through a justification of your behavior, and then there will be no stopping you. You will lose all perspective and ruin your marriage and family, to say nothing about intentionally hurting a man who cares a great deal for you. Six months after your affair has started you will be so up to your eyeballs in guilt you will be contemplating suicide. Get this man out of your life at all costs!

Then, you should try to come to grips with what it is this man does for you that you need so much you'd risk giving up everything to have it. After you identify what it is about the other man that you find so attractive, try to teach your husband to do whatever it is. I understand personality limitations -- your husband is more passive, while this man is more aggressive, like you. But you should be able to identify your needs, such as conversation and recreational companionship, that can be met regardless of the personality type of the person you are with. I have seen remarkable recoveries of couples just like you with seemingly incompatible personalities. It turned out that their personalities were not incompatible, it was their habits and activities that were incompatible. Once their lifestyle changed, their marriages were terrific.

Four children can do a lot to change your lifestyle and your ability to meet each other's needs. You and your husband should create more privacy in your marriage and set aside time to be alone so that you can meet each other's most important needs. Your husband should be your favorite recreational companion. To give him a fair chance to succeed, make him your ONLY recreational companion for a while. Train him in on the activities you enjoy the most.

My book, Fall In Love, Stay In Love, will teach you to achieve exactly what you need: Compatibility. Read it with your husband, and build the marriage both of you need.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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You are going to ruin your life if you keep walking down this street.

Cut it out.

Tell your husband right now before you make a worse mess of things !

This has "TRAINWRECK" written all over it. Believe me.

me: FWW/BW
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You have been greeted with some harsh responses. That's because your situation is urgent and you are on the threshold of making the biggest mistake of your life. You did very well to post here. We are so glad you found this forum.

There is an easy solution to your problem:
1) End contact with your friend. You must absolutely not be with him alone.
2) Share with your husband what you shared with us. This is called "Radical Honesty" and it is a key ingredient to a successful and loving marriage.
3) Read together with your husband His Needs, Her Needs by Dr. Willard Harley. Read Love Busters also. Same author.
4) Do the exercises in the books in #3.
5) Spend 15 hours giving each other your undivided attention doing things you both enjoy and that meet your emotional needs (read the book to find out what these needs are.)

If you both do all of these things faithfully, you will have a very happy and romantic marriage. It's mathematical. There is much to be hopeful for, Bras. The solution is within your grasp. Do you have the wisdom and conviction to grab it?

Last edited by Justthe3ofus; 06/19/13 08:00 PM.
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Originally Posted by Bras
Wht can I do so I can feel that spark again intimately with my husband???

You can certainly get that spark back and fall in love with your husband. That romance can be kept alive throughout your marriage, but it does take very definitive steps to get there and keep it.

The first thing is to get this other man out of your life. He's providing a very unfair contrast effect in your marriage.

You are in the best place for ending what would turn out you have paused and are still in the position of looking at this logically. Having an affair with this other man will not turn out well for you; that's just about guaranteed. And you would end up putting your husband through the worst experience of his life.

You said you love your husband, so he must be doing a lot right. If you were to work through the HNHN and LB together and start spending 15 hours a week together, you would have a romantic marriage again.

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Originally Posted by LongWayFromHome
Originally Posted by Bras
Wht can I do so I can feel that spark again intimately with my husband???

You can certainly get that spark back and fall in love with your husband. That romance can be kept alive throughout your marriage, but it does take very definitive steps to get there and keep it.
So, are you willing to do what it will take to get that spark back?

Markos' Wife
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Originally Posted by Bras
That doesn't mean I had sex with my friend if I did I would have said it

What have you done, physically, with your "friend"? You keep insisting that you haven't physically had sex with him, despite the fact that no one accused you of it. If I went around telling people "I never robbed that bank" when no one had accused me of doing such a thing, it would be a pretty good clue that I'd done something wrong regarding that bank and was trying to do pre-emptive damage control. My gut feeling is that you've been having an emotional affair which recently turned physical. Please stop referring to this other man as a "friend," and tell your husband everything--both emotional and physical--that has already occurred between you and this other man. That's the only kind of pre-emptive damage control that will help you at this point.

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Originally Posted by Bras
Wht can I do so I can feel that spark again intimately with my husband???

Watch all of these with him, and follow the instructions:


If you are serious about saving your marriage, you can't get it all on this forum. You've got to listen to the Marriage Builders Radio show, every day. Install the app!

Married to my radiant trophy wife, Prisca, 19 years. Father of 8.
Attended Marriage Builders weekend in May 2010

If your wife is not on board with MB, some of my posts to other men might help you.
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Originally Posted by markos
Originally Posted by Bras
Wht can I do so I can feel that spark again intimately with my husband???

Watch all of these with him, and follow the instructions:

First of all, Bras, congratulations for coming here BEFORE you destroyed your marriage! Read markos' link. Come back with your questions. We'll be here for you.

D-Day 2-10-2009
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My wife did what you are doing. She lead me tho believe things were great, and instead if being honest and working to ACTUALLY make things great, she had an affair. If you have ANY feelings for your husband, never, ever see this other man again.

I can honestly say it is the most painful thing I have ever been through. I sobbed like a little kid for days.

Stop asking what if and start making your marriage to what you wish your marriage was.

Me: 34 BH
Her: 31 FWW
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D-day 2/2/13

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I often wonder what my M would be like if my FWW would have just come to me with her challenges in the M before having an A.

Please buy HNHN's and LB's today. There is no problem big enough that MB can't help you solve.

Last edited by 20YearHistory; 06/20/13 08:47 AM.
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My wife did the same thing too. Our marriage was seemingly good and she never even hinted to me that there was something missing or that one of her needs was not being met by me. I treated her like a princess and one of the most important aspects of my life was to make her happy. I only wish she had come to me and had a heart to heart talk explaining what her true and honest feelings actually were. Nobody is a mind reader. She dropped the bomb on me with the news of her A and it was the single most devastating thing I have ever gone through and am still going through. Despite the fact that she apologizes every day and is ridden with guilt and shame from her actions, it does not erase what she did. An A is the most hurtful, selfish thing a human being can do to another human being. I truly believe it is more painful than grieving the death of close friend or relative. You need to step up and tell him your true thoughts today! I would have given anything had my wife told me before she gone through with the A.

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Are you a caring person?

An A is the MOST painful experience you could ever put your H through.

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Originally Posted by GregB12
My wife did the same thing too. Our marriage was seemingly good and she never even hinted to me that there was something missing or that one of her needs was not being met by me. I treated her like a princess and one of the most important aspects of my life was to make her happy. I only wish she had come to me and had a heart to heart talk explaining what her true and honest feelings actually were. Nobody is a mind reader. She dropped the bomb on me with the news of her A and it was the single most devastating thing I have ever gone through and am still going through. Despite the fact that she apologizes every day and is ridden with guilt and shame from her actions, it does not erase what she did. An A is the most hurtful, selfish thing a human being can do to another human being. I truly believe it is more painful than grieving the death of close friend or relative. You need to step up and tell him your true thoughts today! I would have given anything had my wife told me before she gone through with the A.

As did my wife. I only found out how she felt after she had sex with POSOM. If she would of told me I would of made changes. For whatever reasons she didn't and now we are in this messed up situation. I normally, don't comment on women threads who are in the middle of an affair because its painful to see how this type of situation is the same no matter the people involved. Please tell your husband the TRUTH despite how you think it will hurt him. Hiding facts and lying for the same of sparing his feelings is disrespectful and does more harm than good.

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Originally Posted by TranquilDark
Originally Posted by GregB12
My wife did the same thing too. Our marriage was seemingly good and she never even hinted to me that there was something missing or that one of her needs was not being met by me. I treated her like a princess and one of the most important aspects of my life was to make her happy. I only wish she had come to me and had a heart to heart talk explaining what her true and honest feelings actually were. Nobody is a mind reader. She dropped the bomb on me with the news of her A and it was the single most devastating thing I have ever gone through and am still going through. Despite the fact that she apologizes every day and is ridden with guilt and shame from her actions, it does not erase what she did. An A is the most hurtful, selfish thing a human being can do to another human being. I truly believe it is more painful than grieving the death of close friend or relative. You need to step up and tell him your true thoughts today! I would have given anything had my wife told me before she gone through with the A.

As did my wife. I only found out how she felt after she had sex with POSOM. If she would of told me I would of made changes. For whatever reasons she didn't and now we are in this messed up situation. I normally, don't comment on women threads who are in the middle of an affair because its painful to see how this type of situation is the same no matter the people involved. Please tell your husband the TRUTH despite how you think it will hurt him. Hiding facts and lying for the same of sparing his feelings is disrespectful and does more harm than good.
Do you need another testimonial? Well, not just me, but my wife as well, now wishes that she had come to me first.

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He knows I'm not the same intimately cause he has told me that I'm not like I used to

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You're right thank you ii do love my husband ,i appreciate everyone's response

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This has helped me alot even though my friend and I haven't done nothing with my friend I feel guilty just talking so

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Originally Posted by Bras
This has helped me alot even though my friend and I haven't done nothing with my friend I feel guilty just talking so

I totally get this. Many years ago, I was once in a similar situation. I loved my H, but he worked long hours. I started hiking a lot with a family friend, a young man about my age. We had so much fun together. My H totally trusted us both. My daughter liked this guy and said she wished she could have two daddies.

I believed I was in love with two men. I hated it. I fantasized about this male friend frequently. I spent time alone with him. We never never did anything phyiscal. I recall wishing he would "start something," and at the same time I was terrified that he would. I knew I would respond.

We never discussed the feelings either. I never told him how I felt about him. He never told me whether he had the same feelings for me.

I kept putting myself in the same, very tempting, situation, week after week. Wishing, hoping...dreading...and hating the divided feeling.

One night I had a dream that I'd had an affair. In my dream, everyone found out and I was deeply ashamed. I woke up panicking briefly, then slowly came back to "real life," the life I hadn't yet screwed up.

I took a step back mentally from my situation and realized that I would lose everything that really meant something to me, the respect of my friends and colleagues, the respect and love of my husband, and my own self-respect.

After that, thankfully, the man moved away. And I was out of that potentially dangerous situation. After that, I made sure not to do fun things with men. I would no longer ever have friends who were males. It was way too easy to get close, even when I had a good marriage.

And, yes, I have been radically honest with my H. He knows all about this and what could have happened.

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Thanks it's nice in a way I can relate to someone, thanks you for the info LongWayFromHome

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If I had one wish granted in life, I wish I never had an affair. In fact, I wish I could back to the day I met the OM and delete it from my life. I really do.

You are in such a good place to STOP this now. I beg of you. Please don't entertain thoughts of this friend any more.

Tell your husband what is going on, then build boundaries and precautions to prevent this ever again.

We can help you do that, but it starts with full truth (not partial truth, in case you are tempted ).

me: FWW/BW
Married 20 years, 4 kids
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