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Everyday seems like a new beginning towards finding out how I managed to destroy my relationship with my true love. 12 years together with my partner, in a loving relationship that clearly had problems that were fixable but ignored....mostly by me. Mostly by the issues within myself that I chose to push down bc I could handle it.

9 years ago I kissed another woman in a last opportune moment. I hand worked on building a friendship with this woman against my partners request to please leave her alone. At the time I believe I felt I was doing nothing wrong, it was innocent. I only wanted to be a friend but twisted it in my mind at some point and crossed the line of complete betrayal. The OW called me a couple days later to tell me she had told her husband and I responded with I didn't know if I could tell my partner. The thought of disappointing her made me very sad. In fact after the kiss and the OW left, I sat on my porch steps and cried. I knew I was wrong. I continued to keep the friendship in attempt to ignore what I had done and to pretend like nothing had happened. So I didn't tell her and years went by.

3 years ago we became friends with another woman. Once again what started out innocent became a summer of hell. I was in a darker place in my life than I realized at the time. I didn't feel like myself. I was acting out if character with my daily activities, lowering myself to a point of which I though would make us happy. On top of that I was facing the fact that my father ( who I loved but have major mental issues with) was dying. The man who I thought would live forever. My partner who hated the way he treated me, yet was angry bc I still chose to help him. She supported me but was angry at the same time. I didn't know which way to go. I deeply wanted to be the strong woman my partner encouraged me to be and just walk away. I craved it. But I didn't live it. She was my happiness, yet I was letting her down. I knew she was right in all ways but I was torn in doing what I thought was the "right thing to do". Knowing that the right thing was to choose her. My future! So instead of talking with her and trying to face my problems, I ran the other way, I ran towards another woman. Of course I chose to spend my time when I could with the OW, I wanted nothing more than to escape my life. She was conversation and she was someone who didn't judge me, heck she didn't even know me. We didn't have deep conversations and I didn't complain all the time about my life. She knew my dad gave me a hard time and that was about the extent of any knowledge of my life. We talked or shared absolute dribble, fishing, boats, camping, anything other than my problems. As time went on, the attention was nice, I looking back clearly sent a signal that I wanted more and I believe I did. One night she pop kissed me. I tried to play it off, knowing it was wrong yet trying to ignore what had happened. It was never talked about between us again. Soon after, we were alone again and I kissed her. Once again it was not spoken of between us. In the middle of all do the this, days going by, I started pulling away from my partner. I told her I didn't know if we belonged together or worth fighting for. I started feeling the guilt of the first kiss with the first woman again. I felt ashamed and disappointed in myself, how on earth could I share this with the woman who loved me? So I convinced myself that my partner was better off without me, that she would be happier and I pursued what I thought I wanted, what I thought was an answer to all my problems. I kissed the OW again. But after that kissed she chuckled a little bit and I felt like a clown, like this was a game and I was the contestant. I had lost. I started to see what I was doing, as they say up here, I was coming out of my fog slowly. This is the part that I believe hurts my partner the most. I still continued to be friends with the OW. I tried to play it off as nothing had happened and thought I had to keep my actions as they had been, one night the OW called me upset, I left my partner crying to go check on the OW. When I got there, she was with friends and seemed fine. I remember feeling like an even bigger fool. The ride back to my partner felt like the walk of shame. I couldn't believe what I had done, the pain I had caused the true person I loved. I wasn't in love with the OW, nor did I love her. I crawled in the bed and held onto her. I took a couple of days and stayed away from my partner, I had to get my thought of the pain I caused together. I went back to my partner crying and begging for her forgiveness. As the 3 years went by, I denied and lied that anything had happened. I was to the point of anger bc I didn't want her to know what I had done. She feels the OW rejected me, and that she is the OW sloppy seconds.

It's been almost 4 months since she told me she wanted out of our relationship. During the beginning, she pushed to find the truth of what did happen. Of course I lied up until the very last moment. 3 days it took for me to tell her each of the three kisses, one each day. I dug myself a nasty hole. Admitting it to her would make me have to admit my wrong doing to myself. I love my partner, and the thoughts that I was protecting her feelings we're oh so wrong. My thoughts period were wrong. I knew I could depend on this woman, I knew she loved me and accepted me for all my faults, yet I didn't trust her with my weakness. She wanted out. She asked me to move out. So we spent time apart. Over this time we have been back and forth together. It's been a roller coaster for both of us. Each time getting a little closer and more time together. Don't get me wrong there has been allot of fights and hurt feelings. Together a few days and she hates me for a few days. She has been reading a lot and found this awesome website which I feel has been a big help. For more than a month I have felt and seen that she was trying to get past this. Now she says she can not live like this and will not be the fool. She does not feel like she is getting the truth, that I am still lying and there was more. I believed we were trying to go down a road of recovery but here we are back to the beginning. What do I do? How do I walk away from the person I feel is my soulmate. I made the biggest mistake of my life. I have apologized and I will for the rest of my life if that's what it takes. I love her and want to be with her. The shame and guilt I carry for the pain I have caused her is heavy. I can't believe I was able to do this to the one I say I love. How screwed up am I?

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Are you married?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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No we can't marry in our state

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Originally Posted by Earthandwater
No we can't marry in our state

Do you want to be more specific?

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Sure we are in a non traditional relationship, I am gay.

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Originally Posted by Earthandwater
Sure we are in a non traditional relationship, I am gay.

Ok, thanks. Here's what Dr. Harley has to say on the issue of homosexual relationships.

From Defending Traditional Marriage by Dr. Willard F. Harley, Jr. (Chapter 13 Pgs. 209-218)...
Originally Posted by Dr. Harley
Same Sex Marriage a Threat?
Is There Anthing Wrong with Gay and Lesbian Relationships?

"Over the past thirty-five years, I've watched as our government has done just about everything imaginable to lose the meaning of traditional marriage. We've allowed the enactment of laws that suggest traditional marriage has become outdated-that a permanent and sexually exclusive relationship of extraordinary care is no longer relevant. And all this has occurred with very little resistance despite devastating consequences to our families and to society in general. In each case these laws were passed with hardly a murmur of opposition.

That's why I was shocked to witness the energy behind grassroots efforts to resist same-sex marriage. Why now? I must say that I honestly didn't understand how this issue could create such a firestorm of protest when so little opposition had arisen against earlier changes in laws regarding marriage. But whatever the reason, I was energized by the realization that the controversy had awakened a sleeping giant. And legislators were listening.

In response to the public outcry, legislators at first simply enacted laws against same-sex marriage, hoping that would be enough to satisfy their constituents. But when judges challenged those laws as being unconstitutional, it became apparent that nothing short of a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage would suffice. So states throughout America are now in the process of changing their constitutions. They want to define marriage in their state constitutions as a relationship between one man and one woman-just so judges will not tamper with it.

From my perspective, traditional marriage was already doomed by cultural bias against extraordinary care in marriage and by the passage of laws supporting infidelity and divorce. So what difference would it make if gays and lesbians "married", when marriage had already lost its traditional meaning? Based on the legal and cultural trends we've considered so far in this book, I had already predicted that traditional marriage would be reduced to a cultural footnote within the next few decades.

Consider the numbers. My best estimate of the percentage of marriages that suffer from infidelity is 60%. That's over half of all marriages. And the percentage of the marriages that end in divorce is about 45%-almost half. In contrast, where same-sex marriage or civil unions are encouraged, they account for just 0.5 percent of all marriages. That means only five couples out of a thousand actually choose that path-99.5% choose heterosexual marriage. How much influence could that half of one percent have on the rest of us?

So when I first became aware of the same-sex marriage issue, I didn't view it as a significant risk for traditional families. There were too few of them to have much impact. On the other hand, laws favoring infidelity and divorce have had, and continue to have a devastating effect on marriage. It seemed to me that all of that energy going into avoiding same-sex marriage was being directed at the wrong issue. Traditional marriage was already on the rocks-and not because of the same-sex marriage issue.

Nonetheless, the more I studied the arguments both for and against same-sex marriage, the more convinced I became that the fourth element of marriage-that it is between a man and a woman-does need to be supported. Let me explain why I'm now on board.

Do Same-Sex Relationships Really Work?

Traditional marriage creates the most fulfilling relationship that is possible in life. When all four of its essential elements are in place, a husband and wife-and their children-are very happy. But when even one of those elements is lacking, trouble is on the horizon.

It's easy to see how the lack of extraordinary care, sexual exclusivity, or permanence would wreck a relationship. But is it all that important for the couple to be of opposite sexes?

Admittedly, there's not much published research on this topic. As with surveys that ask people about incidences of infidelity, it's difficult to obtain accurate data regarding fulfillment in same-sex relationships. In public surveys, most people will either deny ever having had an affair or, when they do admit it, will tend to downplay its disastrous consequences. Likewise, in surveys, same-sex couples who are fighting for the right to marry are likely to downplay frustration or dissatisfaction with their relationships.

But I've observed hundreds of same-sex couples in my own professional experience, and they have always stood out to me as being characteristically frustrated and depressed-many to the point of suicide. Same-sex relationships tend to be very brief and, especially for men, very unhealthy and violent. Granted, I've seen my share of unhealthy opposite-sex relationships as well. Yet on average, the same-sex relationships I've witnessed have been far more fragile.

For these and a host of other clinical reasons, I've discouraged my clients from maintaining their same-sex relationships. Instead I encourage them to either pull away from romantic relationships entirely for a time or to turn their attention to opposite-sex relationships. And, contrary to public perceptions, I've seen many clients successfully reorient themselves to opposite-sex relationships. Scores of my previously gay and lesbian clients are now happily married with children-all because they embraced a traditional definition of marriage that is marked by extraordinary care for life.

I have absolutely no doubt that same-sex relationships can be very romantic. And they can be characterized by the extraordinary care I've suggested. But even in the best of these relationships, when a couple has been honest with me, they have both admitted that they would have preferred feeling the same way toward someone of the opposite sex. The truth is, on average, opposite-sex relationships tend to be more stable and fulfilling. And that, in itself, is a good reason to promote traditional marriage rather than same-sex marriage. But there's also another, even more important reason: the welfare of our children.

Can Gays and Lesbians Become Heterosexual?

I've heard most of the arguments used by gays and lesbians against the possibility of changing their sexual orientation. But I know from my counseling experience that it is possible. I've seen many who were same-sex oriented. It's possible for these individuals to be just as attracted to and just as much in love with someone of the opposite sex.

The reverse is also true. Those who are attracted to the opposite sex can become attracted to the same sex. In fact, most of us can become sexually attracted to almost anything or anyone under certain conditions. Eliminate attractive opposite-sex alternatives, and people find that they can respond sexually to whatever happens to be available.

That's why I'm so concerned about educational programs in schools that teach children that we are born to be either same-sex oriented or opposite-sex oriented. In those early years when children are very impressionable, they may be influenced to believe they are gay or lesbian simply because they experience some same-sex interest.

Quite frankly, most children at one time or another will find themselves sexually attracted to members of their own sex. If, as a result, they begin to focus their sexual attention on those of the same sex and create skills and neural pathways that make same-sex relationships far more satisfying than opposite-sex relationships, it's easy for them to think they were born to be gay. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand, if they recognize such same-sex attraction as a natural response to certain circumstances but remain open to opposite-sex attractions that will also develop, they'll likely go on to pursue opposite-sex relationships that ultimately will provide the stability and fulfillment they're looking for.

Sexual orientation is not determinded by birth but rather by choice. The truth is that we are all capable of expressing our sexuality in ways that we haven't even considered yet.
People can become sexually oriented to just about anyone or anything. And they can change that orientation if there is good reason to do so. In the case of gays and lesbians, a change to opposite-sex orientation can help them achieve more fulfilling relationships for themselves. And it provides the best opportunity to raise happy and successful children as well.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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I am not here for a lecture....just help

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Originally Posted by Earthandwater
I am not here for a lecture....just help

Yes, I understand this. That is why I posted Dr. Harley's position on homosexual relationships. That is his general advice.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Since you had the affair, it would be helpful if your Partner got and thoroughly read Dr. Harley's book, Surviving An Affair.

Are you in No Contact with the OW?

You should write a NC Letter that your Partner approves of and she sends to the OW. There are templates available to use on this site as a guide.

See if you will follow the instructions on the following checklist.


Here is a checklist for how affairs should end. Can you tell us which steps have been taken? From Surviving an Affair, pg 66-67

The extraordinary precautions do more than end marriage-threatening affairs; they help a couple form the kind of relationship they always wanted.

These recommendations may seem rigid, unnecessarily confining, and even paranoid to those who have not been the victim of infidelity. But people like Sue and Jon, who have suffered unimaginable pain as a result of an affair that spun out of control, can easily see their value. For the inconvenience of following my advice, Sue would have spared herself and Jon the very worst experience of their lives.

Checklist for How Affairs Should End

_____The unfaithful spouse should reveal information about the affair to the betrayed spouse.

_____The unfaithful spouse should make a commitment to the betrayed spouse to never see or talk to the lover OP again.

_____The unfaithful spouse should write a letter to the lover OP ending the relationship and send it with the approval of the betrayed spouse.

_____The unfaithful spouse should take extraordinary precautions to guarantee total separation from the lover OP:

_____Block potential communication with the lover OP (change e-mail address and home and cell phone numbers, and close all social networking accounts; have voice messages and mail monitored by the betrayed spouse).

_____Account for time (betrayed spouse and wayward spouse give each other a twenty-four-hour daily schedule with locations and telephone numbers).

_____Account for money (betrayed spouse and wayward spouse give each other a complete account of all money spent).

_____Spend leisure time together.

_____Change jobs and relocate if necessary.

_____Avoid overnight separation.

_____Allow technical accountability.

_____ Expose affair to family members, clergy, and/or friends.

Last edited by LearnedTooLate; 07/04/14 02:35 PM.
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The affair only lasted maybe a month. It's been three years. There has been no contact and all has been accounted for and followed on the list. We/I have read this website from front to back. We were following the program. Now she has done a 180 and hates me again, saying we don't belong together.

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Originally Posted by Earthandwater
The affair only lasted maybe a month. It's been three years. There has been no contact and all has been accounted for and followed on the list. We/I have read this website from front to back. We were following the program. Now she has done a 180 and hates me again, saying we don't belong together.

Your Partner probably had a very strong gut feeling that something was off in your relationship for the past 3 years.

Understand this.

For you, this may have occurred 3 years ago, but for your Partner, she has been outright lied to continuously, then gaslighted, then trickle-truthed finally over a 3 day period of time.

For HER, this affair just occurred.

She still does not know the full and entire truth, because you have lied and gaslighted her about any suspicions for the past 3 years.

For her to FINALLY know she has the complete truth, you will need to willingly take a polygraph.

Also, she is under no obligation to want to continue in this farce of a relationship that she had been led to believe she maintained with you.

You may not save your current relationship, yet you can still work towards becoming a more truthful and committed potential future partner for someone.

Are you willing to do the work and take the actions necessary to attempt to improve?


Last edited by LearnedTooLate; 07/05/14 02:31 PM.
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Originally Posted by Earthandwater
The affair only lasted maybe a month

And don't minimize this!!!

The affair more accurately lasted One Month longer than your Partner deserved.


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Originally Posted by LearnedTooLate
Originally Posted by Earthandwater
The affair only lasted maybe a month

And don't minimize this!!!

The affair more accurately lasted One Month longer than your Partner deserved.


ummmmmm, it was not an "affair." They are not married. They are both free agents who are free to pursue other relationships. Living together is NOT the same as being married.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Thank you learnedtolate! I realize minimizing is something I have done /do and don't intend to. You are absolutely right, it was a month longer than she deserved. She deserved none of this. I am trying to do everything in my power to learn from this and become a better person. I want to improve! I have been willing to do what it takes to make this right . I understand completely that for her this is new, even when she had a gut feeling. I feel beyond horrible for treating her this way and would love nothing more than to prove to her I am sorry. I have to improve me! I don't like that part of me.

I don't blame her for not wanting to move forward in this relationship. I know that I want to be with her but that feels selfish. I want her happy.

Thank you Melodylane for your comment.

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Btw I know I suck. After being in therapy for the past four months and reading as much I can when I can, I realize very clearly that I handled this all wrong. From the affair, to lying for three years, to the trickle-truths. What she has always believed in was wiped away.....all bc of me.

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If there is Any chance for your Partner to ever redevelop trust in you and your behavior, then you will need to become open with complete RH, Radical Honesty.


This is a step in the right direction here.....

For her to FINALLY know she has the complete truth, you will need to willingly take a polygraph.

You glossed over this without replying to that from an earlier post.


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I apologize, I did not mean to gloss over it. Sorry I didn't address it. I have tried to be honest with her. I tell her I am trying to figure this out the same as her. We have had many heart felt talks where I truly believe we heard each other. Unfortunately because of my lies and trickle truth I don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to asking her to believe me. I don't have a fight. I did this, I wanted this and I chose this. There are no other details or incidents. This was way more than she deserved. I ruined any beliefs she had in me. And the truth is it was all for nothing. I didn't not find them attractive nor was I in love, I did this bc I thought I could and I did. We have read many many websites and like I said had many deep conversations. We have been extremely intimate. But now she says she just can't do it anymore. I know I have to respect this. I just want somehow to make this right. I am working very hard on improving me, my weakness, my issues and thanks to her she has helped me in many ways....even when she doesn't have to. I am trying to be honest and grateful for her. I did this and that's been the hardest pill to swallow.

Thank you very much for the conversations smile

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Btw offered to do a polygraph in the beginning after I finally told her everything. She is upset with me bc I haven't clearly said I would have slept with them. My actions made it very clear that that was my intentions. Why else would anyone act the way, it was inevitable. It makes me sick to my stomach to even have to say what my intentions were. It makes me sick to think about the pain I have caused the one I love.

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Am I missing something here? I believe I read you kissed two different women at two different times and your relationship is over because of that? Something doesn't add up. Is there more to the story?

No need to lie here, we won't judge you.

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No that is what happened. The summer of the last woman I kissed (3 years ago) I pulled away from my partner, I told her I didn't know if we belonged together. My father was dying and she wanted me to leave my family alone. That he had made his choices to drink and I wasn't going to change that. My family has done nothing but used me. I have a drug addict brother, alcoholic brother and father died from alcohol, I am a clean person. I don't like being out of control. I felt like I didn't make her happy and that she was right and I didn't feel strong enough to walk away from my dad. There was just allot of stress over that and I convinced myself she would be happier verses putting up with my drama. Anyway, I proceeded to spend time with the other woman. I enjoyed her conversations of absolutely nothing that pertained to my life. I at some point twisted that attention into wanting something more. I thought I could keep the friendship and my desires separated. I enjoyed the attention, the curiosity of seeing how far I could go. "The thrill", it makes me sick to say that I was needing something so little that I would jeopardize what I had with such enthusiasm. I practically chased this other woman's attention in front of my partner. That summer she was fighting to hold onto me. After the last kiss the OW kind of chuckled which made me feel foolish. I knew I had crossed a line of no return. So instead of disappointing my partner with the truth of what I had done ( which is no justifiable reason) I decided to try to hide it and pretend like everything was the same as far as my friendship with the OW. One night the OW called me upset and I mistakenly made the choice of going to check on her verses staying with my partner who was upset. This is where my partner feels I left her for the OW. When I got to the OW she seemed fine and with a group of her friends. I felt like an even bigger fool. My partner says she feels like I had other intentions and my feelings were hurt bc the OW rejected me. I went back to my partner and held her tight that night. That third kiss was the ah ha moment for me but I felt trapped not knowing how to do what was right or make it go away. I tried to ignore it and pretend like nothing had ever happened. I thought I could handle it. So I chose to lie and deny for the next three years. See the thing is I didn't share anything with the OW regarding what was going on in my life as far as my stress or any kind of unhappiness. There was nothing special about her, she was an escape.

There are other issues in our relationship. I am dealing now with my low self-esteem, jealousy, insecurities and the abuse from my father. We have issues like wanting more out of life, money, not traveling more, and my family. These are her needs she feels I haven't met. We have two great kids 16 and 13 and she is disabled. The everyday struggles has also put a strain on our relationship.

I hope I have made this a little clearer for you smile

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