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He told my IM no way...he would never do any of those things...he's hell bent on the divorce...getting his own place...so that his personal security can never be threatened again. I own my house...when he would punch holes in doors or we would fight...I would tell him to get out of MY house.
I suppose that played on his early childhood abandonment issues.
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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In January, after much badgering from us, where we tried to get you to tell us what Plan B letter you sent in December, it finally became clear that you had never sent a Plan B letter. When she realised that, MelodyLane drafted this one for you: Send him a Plan B letter that goes something like this:
My Dearest __________,
This is a very hard letter to send, but I feel I must do it in order to protect myself.
Until your affair ends, and you are willing to follow a plan that resolves anger and substance abuse issues, I will avoid seeing you or talking to you. My cousin, _________ has agreed to act as an intermediary on my behalf. If you want to communicate about any pertinent matters regarding finances or legal matters, it will have to be through her. Otherwise, I won't get the message because I have set up my email to delete your emails after I send this message.
I ask that you respect my decision to separate from you in this way. You must know about the suffering I have endured because of your relationship, and I simply cannot be in direct contact with you under these conditions.
As soon as you are willing to get help for your anger & substance abuse problems; permanently end your relationship, follow precautions to avoid absolutely any contact with the other person, and join me in a plan to restore our relationship, I will be wiling to discuss our future together with you.
I hope that we will be able to rebuild our marriage some day. I want us to be able to meet each other's emotional needs and to avoid doing anything to hurt each other. We can build a new lifestyle together in which everything we do makes us both happy. Then there will never be a reason for us to be separated. I want to be your best friend, someone who is always there for you when you need me. And I want you to be my best friend.
I cared for you when we married and I continue to care for you right up to this day. But I cannot be with you or help you as long as you are in this relationship.
With all my love, (signed) About 5 minutes after Mel drafted that letter for you, you stated, I sent that exact letter a few weeks ago minus IM stuff. Mel replied, I Just WROTE that letter so you couldn't have sent it! The whole point of the letter is to a) go into Plan B [which you have never done!!] and b) to give him the contact information about your intermediary. [which you have never done!] About 20 minutes later, you said, Ok....I just sent your letter Melody...and block his email! But now you seem to be telling us that you did not send the letter that ML drafted for you. Did you ever send the letter above, drafted by MelodyLane on 21st January?
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He told my IM no way...he would never do any of those things...he's hell bent on the divorce...getting his own place...so that his personal security can never be threatened again. I own my house...when he would punch holes in doors or we would fight...I would tell him to get out of MY house.
I suppose that played on his early childhood abandonment issues. After what we've said to you AGAIN today about your IM not telling you stuff, she's just told you again. This is hopeless. We can't seem to make you understand, so that you can make her understand. No matter what we tell you, she still tells you the crap he tells her.
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Here is my exposure letter:::::
Dear friends of WH and OW
I am WH wife, Always and I love my husband. My only purpose for telling any of you this is one thing and one thing only, to save my marriage. I know many of you do not know me, some of you know of me, and others of you were at WH and my wedding in June 2013. I am writing you this message because it grieves me, but I believe all of WH and OW friends should be aware that they are having an affair. They have been having this affair since well before September 2015, according to the evidence. As some of you know, WH recently filed for divorce, on November 23, 2015, which shattered my heart to pieces. WH promised me from the time before we were even married up until he filed for divorce, that divorce was never going to be an option. To my shock, I was devastated to have discovered that the reason for the divorce is that WH has been carrying on an elicit sexual affair with OW, your friend and coworker. The purpose of the divorce is so that they can carry on this affair without my interference.
In February 2015, I had to obtain a restraining order for domestic violence in order to protect my son and myself. WH had punched two holes in doors in the house, and kicked in half, off the hinges another as well as other things. I do not tell any of you this to make WH look bad or put him down in any way, but as an explanation for why we separated earlier last year. During that time apart, we were to be working on our marriage and ourselves. We both failed miserably at working on our marriage.
Our faith is a huge part of both our lives and both the sin of divorce and adultery are not consistent with biblical teachings. As WH is now knee deep in an extramarital affair with someone not his wife, he is trying to rewrite the script of our marriage by saying things like I never loved him, I never wanted him, our marriage was not ordained by God, he made a mistake, he is divorced in his heart, etc. in an effort to rationalize and justify his actions. Simply put, none of those lies from Satan are true. I do love WH, I do want him as my husband, I expected we would grow old together and God did bless our marriage. We were two people, biblically free to marry and we married for love. Somewhere along the way, we were sidetracked.
I also want you all to know that I am praying for your friend OW, as it is my belief that she too is a victim of sorts. Affairs are born in secrecy, built on a foundation of lies and deception, as well as a fantasy and addiction. I have let go of my anger and forgiven OW because I realize that she must not value herself enough that she would choose to be involved with another woman�s husband. I pray that she will realize her mistakes as she has been fooled. She has lost her dignity, her values, and she threw herself away for something that was not hers to begin with. It is my earnest prayer that she finds real love, forgiveness and healing for herself, as stealing, lying, cheating, hiding and committing adultery with a married man � these things are not love. God did NOT bring OW another woman�s husband, my husband, only Satan would do that.
WH refuses to end the affair. However, I want our marriage to recover from this affair. I love my husband. I love and want my husband, but he is in the grips of Satan. I pray for my husband and my hope is that he return to his biblical roots. If you have any influence on my husband, please do what you can to get him to stop this dangerous affair. I want to stay married to WH, but the affair must end.
As friends of WH and OW, I am asking that you use your influence with them, to persuade them to end the affair so that WH and I can begin to try to work on our marriage, to heal our marriage. It is my belief, that through Christ our Lord and Savior, that our marriage can be restored if one or both of them were to end the affair. Please support them in doing the right thing. Please support WH, myself, and our marriage.
I would appreciate your support and your prayers!
In Christ,
Always Wife of WH
Mathew 18:15-17 15 �If your brother or sister sins go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that �every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.� 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.�
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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My pastors and counselors all loved this...and asked for copies to share with others in my situation. I realize it's long...but it's what I sent on FB and an amended one to his mom and niece.
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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Thank you for that, but I asked you for the Plan B letter you claimed to have sent on 21st January.
This is important. I am asking you for a reason, and it isn't for the good of my health. I would like to know exactly what your WH has and has not been told.
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I sent the one in December...the one ML drafted...ill have to find hers...and one today.
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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My pastors and counselors all loved this...and asked for copies to share with others in my situation. I realize it's long...but it's what I sent on FB and an amended one to his mom and niece. I have not asked you one word about exposure letters today. We have not been talking to you at all today about exposure letters. We have been asking about Plan B letters, because of what you posted here today about your WH saying he would consider reconciliation but he would not change his job. I have been asking for over an hour for the Plan B letter you claimed to have sent on January 2016, and I do not know why you have not posted that yet.
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I sent the one in December...the one ML drafted...ill have to find hers...and one today. So look at my post a few up, the one with the quotes from 21st January. You said on that date that you had just sent the Plan B letter MelodyLane drafted 30 minutes earlier, specifically for you. Are you now saying you never sent that letter - the one ML drafted on 21st January? This is important, and I would like a clear answer, please.
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Dear WH,
Then we will have no contact. I will be blocking your email after this.
IM is your new contact for business related communication.
If you block her that is YOUR choice.
As for me...there is no more communication between us until you've ended your affairs with the other women and have agreed to no contact.
If you choose this life path...so be it..God nor I will stand in your way. For that reason...WE will have ZERO contact regarding any matter.
Until your affairs end and you agree to a plan that resolves anger and substance abuse issues (which includes affairs) I will avoid all contact with you. IM has agreed to act on both our behalf to communicate business related issues. If you choose not to let her act in that manner...I will not get your messages.
I ask that you respect my decision to cease all communication with you. You must know the unbearable suffering I have endured because of your affairs and I simply can't remain in contact with you under these circumstances.
I hope that we will be able to rebuild our marriage someday as I want to be able to meet each others emotional needs and avoid doing any more hurt to one another. We could build a new lifestyle together in which everything we do makes us both happy. Then there would never be a reason for us to be separated. I want you to be my best friend.
I cared and loved you when we were married and I continue to care for you and love you right up to today. But I cannot be with you or help you as long as you are carrying on extra marital sexual affairs outside of our wedding vows.
With all my love,
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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Sugar...I sent you all the MB letters I could find...some from templates and others from you guys.
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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I just posted the Jan 21st letter of ML...some ad lib but by and large her post
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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The Jan 21st letter starts off that way because I had just told him about using an IM
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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I just posted the Jan 21st letter of ML...some ad lib but by and large her post You "just posted it" - you mean you just sent that to him now? But you did not send it on 21st January, as you said you did at the time.
BW Married 1989 His PA 2003-2006 2 kids.
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No I sent one letter 12-31-15 the one on 1-21-16 and then an amended one today from my IM to him....so 3 total
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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The Jan 21st letter starts off that way because I had just told him about using an IM You're being really obscure, just as you have been quite a lot on this thread. You are refusing to answer a simple question about whether, on 21st January, you sent your WH a letter that ML drafted for you that day, and which you said you sent 30 minutes after she drafted it.
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No I sent one letter 12-31-15 the one on 1-21-16 and then an amended one today from my IM to him....so 3 total "the one on 1-21-16 " When did you send the one on 1-21-16?
BW Married 1989 His PA 2003-2006 2 kids.
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Yes Sugar...I sent ML letter ON Jan 21st as I said I did. I just couldn't find it easily because I had sent it as part of a different email subject line about using an IM.
I sent one myself on Dec 31st
My IM sent one TODAY
So 3 total
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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Yes Sugar...I sent ML letter ON Jan 21st as I said I did. I just couldn't find it easily because I had sent it as part of a different email subject line about using an IM.
I sent one myself on Dec 31st
My IM sent one TODAY
So 3 total Now that we've established that, please tell me what you wrote in it.
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I posted it for you already. ML message is posted. It's the letter posted after the exposure letter
Last edited by Alwayslookingup; 03/13/16 07:54 PM.
BW, me - 44 WH - 47 Married 2.5yrs EA 6-2015 estimate PA 9-2015 estimate D-day 11-22-2015 WH filed divorce 11-23-2015 Exposure 1-10-2016
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