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I see that you have a lot of control over what is happening now. You are going to have to hand over that control. It doesn't help your wife monitor you if you have access to the monitoring accounts, etc. Does your wife want to stay married? Have you both been tested for STIs?
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This is an action-oreinted forum. We want to know what actions have been taken. Promises mean nothing, as you have proven. Only actions matter.
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Show her a PLAN of action that does not allow ANY opportunity ever. Remove all opportunity from your life. Otherwise, we will advise her to get divorced for her own personal safety. You are not safe until that happens. This is tangible advice I can cling to, thank you. I can�t be away from the computer/phone. I have a career that requires it. Is your career more important than your marriage? Your marriage will never recover from the massive amount of damage you have created if you do not put the marriage FIRST. If you continue to put your career first and your marriage second, it will never recover. I do not see a man here who is 100% committed to making amends to his wife. I see a man who is full of fluffy words and 'will consider' the most important actions he needs to take. To me, that says you do not *really* want to close the door of opportunity to continue this behavior. Your wife is not safe with you, at all.
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Can you send your wife here to post so that we know that you have been fully honest with her? So that we can help her establish a safety checklist? She will only be safe through verifying. You are not in a positive to follow up with her.
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The KEY is to remove all opportunity. You have to focus on action steps, not flowery philosophizing. You ARE NOT a man who can live in a sexualized world without removing the opportunities to cheat.
What is your plan to do this? [ You all are helping me create my plan. I am considering your words about removing all opportunities to cheat too. Please understand that my job/career is something I have to offer to my family and my marriage. To change it is to rip away the only safety net my wife has left. Please cut the poetry and self pity and focus on an action plan. Noted. Thanks. I have told you what to do. Go to your wife with an ACTION PLAN that will effect real, radical change in her life. Did you read my posts? Yes, I am reading very post. Perhaps you overestimate my powers of perception - I started an action plan this morning for myself but didn�t realize I was showing it to my wife until you pointed it out here. What are you crying for? You are not the victim here. Guilt, shame, and defeat. All cause pain and tears. Will your wife come here and post to us? She�s reading every post. She was a member here long before I was. I asked her if I could join a forum she was on and ask for help. Then she should divorce you. If you can't change careers to something that is SAFE for her, she needs to get out of this marriage. The other alternative would be for her to be with you 24/7. You should never be alone on a computer again. This isn�t what AA teaches. And it�s not my life. I�m not addicted to my computer. I�m a successful businessman. My wife does not want me to give that up, I assure you. Losing my job would be grounds for divorce at this point. I�m not defending my actions, I�m telling how it is, no [censored]. As an AA member of 31 years, I know even a wetbrain could find a way around that. There are so many holes in that plan, one hardly knows where to start. This is not a plan to remove opportunity but window dressing for your wife. No, Ma�am. 5 Fortune 100 companies disagree with you. The monitoring program I bought is the best there is. Research it on your own and see if you can find a single person that found a way around it. There aren�t any. I didn�t do this for my wife, I did it for myself and for my marriage. I am excited to show that the man she thought I was exists. Oh stop. Despising liars does not stop a person from lying. Saying this does not reassure people. It is empty, meaningless talk. It means something to me, from me. You don�t have to believe me. I do. I know my heart and what my intentions/reasons are. I understand what you are saying though. I need more than words to myself or others - I need a written plan of action that my wife can see and hold my actions accountable to. I need the action plan to effect real change. I get your point. Making a "commitment" to not be a liar is not worth the paper it is written on. you have made this commitment many, many times before. You made a commitment in your vows. Stop making commitments that you won't keep and arrange your life so this can never happen again. Tangible, written, and real. Thats how I read your voice here and that�s how I�ll create my action plan. Your wife needs to hold you accountable and that will never happen if you are driving the ship. Will she come here and post to us? She was privy to the first post and every post thereafter. If you can help save my marriage, please go ahead and speak. She is listening. It would help us help you if you would lose the drama and start speaking - and thinking - in straightforward, clear language. Being overly dramatic is a bad habit used by people who live a life of lies. [or are teenage dramaqueens] It only makes people suspicious and I am sure it bothers your wife. As they told me in AA 30 years ago: "cut the bullsh**." Working on it, thanks. I type how I talk. I�m willing to change whatever needs to be changed. If using words like �thanks�, �pursuing her heart�, and other things is [censored] or dramatic, I�m guilty of it. I want your help or I wouldn�t be here. Thanks for your input and the time you are putting into helping me - no [censored].
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This is another example of the melodramatic things you must not say. For a start, it isn't true. Melody does not despise you - she does not know you. She might well despise the lifestyle you have been leading (as, indeed, do you), but nobody posting regularly on this forum would despise someone who comes here looking for help. What would be the point of that? Why would we post here?
This is a forum offering an action plan for those seeking help. Let's focus on your action plan, and leave the drama outside the door. You�re right. Thank you.
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I'll do it today before lunch. Thanks.
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I see that you have a lot of control over what is happening now. You are going to have to hand over that control. It doesn't help your wife monitor you if you have access to the monitoring accounts, etc. Agreed. I am showing her how to access the monitoring accounts this evening. She will then change the passwords so I don't have access. Does your wife want to stay married? Yes, I believe she does. Have you both been tested for STIs? I got extensive testing done immediately after confessing everything. We are STD free. This is an action-oreinted forum. We want to know what actions have been taken. Promises mean nothing, as you have proven. Only actions matter. Understood. That's why I'm here. I need tangible action. Glad I'm in the right place. The no BS answers are my language and I am grateful for them. I'll write my action plan down and post it here.
Last edited by pleasehelpme02; 05/26/16 11:31 AM.
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Your marriage will never recover from the massive amount of damage you have created if you do not put the marriage FIRST. If you continue to put your career first and your marriage second, it will never recover.
I do not see a man here who is 100% committed to making amends to his wife. I see a man who is full of fluffy words and 'will consider' the most important actions he needs to take. To me, that says you do not *really* want to close the door of opportunity to continue this behavior. Your wife is not safe with you, at all. Perhaps my wife will post so you can see that committing to my career is crucial to the commitment of my marriage and my wife's safety. She and I have discussed this at length. My career isn't for me, it's for my family. She feels the same and my long term actions outside of my addiction have proven it. I would have messed this up regardless of where I was or where I wasn't. That's the nature of addiction. Despite this, do appreciate your concern and will consider your words.
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Can you send your wife here to post so that we know that you have been fully honest with her? So that we can help her establish a safety checklist? She will only be safe through verifying. You are not in a positive to follow up with her. She's here and reading. She may or may not post. She joined here years ago.
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Your timeline appears very cyclical. Are you or have you ever been diagnosed as bi-polar?
Underlying mental disorders/illness needs to be addressed first and foremost. Have you shared this story with a psychiatrist?
Were you soliciting prostitutes off the streets too?
Have you spent yourself (and your family) into debt/bankruptcy?
You shouldn't have access to a $1 bill or a credit card in your name ever again. Thank you for responding. I am not bi-polar. I am addict. Outside of the addiction I am a very stable, dependable person. Most addiction resources talk a lot about this characteristic. I have not shared with a psychiatrist. Well, you haven't shared your story and all your life's circumstances with a psychiatrist so you (and I) have no idea whether you are bi-polar or not. This EXTREMELY risky and seemingly compulsive sexual behavior is very indicative of someone who IS bi-polar as is your apparent financial success (it takes a lot of money to maintain that lifestyle and NOT be financially burdened) but I'm not psychiatrist and I don't know you from Adam. It would explain your situation a lot better than victimhood - "waaaaaaah, I'm a sex addict....I couldn't control myself". No, I was not soliciting prostitutes off the street. But you're a sex addict. A quick drive downtown and you can have a "release" in 20 minutes. What has prevented you from exploring this easy avenue to feed your addiction? Is it REALLY sexual addiction or is sexual addiction just a convenient excuse or technique to hook your wife on the vow - "in sickness and in health". I mean, if it's really an addiction how is it that you can suffer through the time it takes to drive to the airport and get on a plane to meet a prostitute miles and miles away when the sex addiction could just as easily be satisfied with a street hooker or craigslist massage? No, I didn't harm my families finances. 44 "encounters" over just the last 2 years at $500 to $1000+ each (I have no idea - you tell me) adds up to a lot of chips. Who knows how much more on internet chat rooms and online porn. You've got 5 kids and a wife....if you are that successful that that amount of money doesn't "harm your families finances" than, to me, it's another indication that you're possibly bi-polar. BTW...I'm not being derogatory about the mental illness - bi-polar disorder ----- you either are or you are not. If you are, specific medications can help you control your delusions of grandeur and your compulsions (including risky sexual compulsions). Bi-polar disordered can be seemingly some of the most stable effective loving people in the world. Bi-polars have contributed substantially to society as a whole. But being in a personal or marital relationship with an unmedicated one is miserable. I'll consider your words about not having access to money. Why consider it? What better way to TRY to comfort your wife and/or control your supposed "addiction" than by insuring you never have access to enough money (cash or credit) to pay anyone for sex . You and your wife can buy you some $25 McDonalds or Chipotle gift cards so you eat out a time or two. Maybe a Amex with a $100 limit that texts your wife every time it's swiped or used for anything. I can GUESS that you probably control the finances (because Bi-Polars tend to like to control everything) so I understand giving up that control might be difficult, in particular, for you; but, she can handle it. She'll learn and you can help her learn sitting side by side as you stick together like glue. Do you have any advice regarding how to fight for my wife's heart? Yes. Make an appointment for an evaluation for bi-polar disorder with a reputable psychiatrist in your area and take the medication prescribed no matter how it makes you feel. If I'm wrong...I'm sorry. The psychiatrist won't bite or hurt you but ruling out a mental health condition (besides "sex addiction") would be a good first step towards repairing your marriage. Also, you MUST sign the disclosure waiver allowing your wife to talk to and confirm the psychiatrists thoughts, conclusions, diagnosis BEFORE your first appointment because if you are bi-polar and the Doctor confirms it; you're probably going lie to your wife again and say the doctor said everything is fine or that the doctors and idiot. Protect your wife from your compulsion to lie by letting her speak to the Doctor herself. If you are, the worst part about bi-polar disorder is the disorder makes the person experiencing it FEEL GREAT. They FEEL powerful and energetic. Mania is akin (and often as destructive) as a cocaine high. The medication for bi-polar tries to regulate or moderate such extremes which the bi-polar tends to experience as a loss of energy and power. Unfortunately, there is no medication yet designed to make you FEEL like taking a medication so getting bi-polars to not FEEL compelled (they have issues with compulsion) to disregard their meds in order to ride the mania high is very difficult to do. Since your work involves computers how can your wife ever trust anything you put or do on the computer to make her somehow feel she can monitor you. If you're a tech guy, you could certainly by-pass it if you felt compelled to, right? Every system has a workaround, right? Maybe - seeing how you want to protect your wife's heart (your stated desire), you'd need to take it a step further and for a lot less money than you've spent on prostitutes the last couple years you could have an outside company install state of the art 24/7 video and audio monitoring systems with cloud back up only accessible by her (and maybe other family members) throughout your home, workplace (I agree you probably need to work WITH her), your flip phone, etc. such that you live is a bubble and your behavior is constantly monitored remotely and backup remotely whether someone is actually watching you or not - they can always go back and look. This literally wouldn't be the threat that someone MIGHT be watching you...NO, this would entail the actuality that you ARE being watched at all times. Strangely, addictions, bad habits and other unhealthy behaviors seem to disappear when people think they are being watched. I KNOW that sounds a bit crazy and over the top but since you want to protect her heart it might be worth trying. The beauty of it is she won't be left to wonder what you are doing. At any point in time she can stream what you are actually doing in real time or rewind and see what you were doing at all times. In time, as you demonstrate trustworthiness over several years, her need to "check in" and stream may dwindle but considering your history of escalation and repeated offenses, YOU should ensure that the monitoring continues, indefinitely, as a way to hold yourself accountable to yourself.
FBH(me)-51 FWW-49 (MrsWondering) DD19 DS 22 Dday-2005-Recovered
"agree to disagree" = Used when one wants to reject the objective reality of the situation and hopefully replace it with their own.
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Well, you haven't shared your story and all your life's circumstances with a psychiatrist so you (and I) have no idea whether you are bi-polar or not. This EXTREMELY risky and seemingly compulsive sexual behavior is very indicative of someone who IS bi-polar as is your apparent financial success (it takes a lot of money to maintain that lifestyle and NOT be financially burdened) but I'm not psychiatrist and I don't know you from Adam. It would explain your situation a lot better than victimhood - "waaaaaaah, I'm a sex addict....I couldn't control myself". I�ll consider this strongly and act accordingly. But you're a sex addict. A quick drive downtown and you can have a "release" in 20 minutes. What has prevented you from exploring this easy avenue to feed your addiction? Is it REALLY sexual addiction or is sexual addiction just a convenient excuse or technique to hook your wife on the vow - "in sickness and in health". I mean, if it's really an addiction how is it that you can suffer through the time it takes to drive to the airport and get on a plane to meet a prostitute miles and miles away when the sex addiction could just as easily be satisfied with a street hooker or craigslist massage? This is a complicated question. I�ll spare you the long answer by telling you the way it is: I�m a sex addict. In no way does this constitute any attempt to hook my wife. That would be manipulate and therefore a lie. I�m done with that. Others with a sex addiction well understand my actions. Non-sex addicts probably never will. BTW...I'm not being derogatory about the mental illness - bi-polar disorder ----- you either are or you are not. If you are, specific medications can help you control your delusions of grandeur and your compulsions (including risky sexual compulsions). Bi-polar disordered can be seemingly some of the most stable effective loving people in the world. Bi-polars have contributed substantially to society as a whole. But being in a personal or marital relationship with an unmedicated one is miserable. I�ll talk to someone. Im no stranger to bi-polar people and treatments. If I�m bi-polar, I�ll seek proper medical attention. I consider most things before acting. It�s the way I am. Being measured in my decisions is the opposite of being bi-polar. But I will still consider your words regarding such. What better way to TRY to comfort your wife and/or control your supposed "addiction" than by insuring you never have access to enough money (cash or credit) to pay anyone for sex . You and your wife can buy you some $25 McDonalds or Chipotle gift cards so you eat out a time or two. Maybe a Amex with a $100 limit that texts your wife every time it's swiped or used for anything. I can GUESS that you probably control the finances (because Bi-Polars tend to like to control everything) so I understand giving up that control might be difficult, in particular, for you; but, she can handle it. She'll learn and you can help her learn sitting side by side as you stick together like glue. Giving up financial �control� isn�t difficult for me. For most of our marriage, she handled the money. I run a company. It�s not feasible for me to live without access to funds. My wife and I have discussed this. She and I are on the same page. If she wanted me to quit my job and move to Antartica, I would. We made the decision to maintain my career and handling of the finances together, as a means of protecting her from more hurt. Yes. Make an appointment for an evaluation for bi-polar disorder with a reputable psychiatrist in your area and take the medication prescribed no matter how it makes you feel. If I'm wrong...I'm sorry. The psychiatrist won't bite or hurt you but ruling out a mental health condition (besides "sex addiction") would be a good first step towards repairing your marriage. I will talk to someone. I�m not afraid to see a psychiatrist. It will take time to find the right person. In the interim, I�ll see professional guidance regarding a bi-polar diagnoses and treatment options. Also, you MUST sign the disclosure waiver allowing your wife to talk to and confirm the psychiatrists thoughts, conclusions, diagnosis BEFORE your first appointment because if you are bi-polar and the Doctor confirms it; you're probably going lie to your wife again and say the doctor said everything is fine or that the doctors and idiot. Protect your wife from your compulsion to lie by letting her speak to the Doctor herself. I�ve never lied about anything except my sex addition. However, I agree with you completely that my wife should have full discloser from whomever I see. Good advice. If you are, the worst part about bi-polar disorder is the disorder makes the person experiencing it FEEL GREAT. They FEEL powerful and energetic. Mania is akin (and often as destructive) as a cocaine high. The medication for bi-polar tries to regulate or moderate such extremes which the bi-polar tends to experience as a loss of energy and power. Unfortunately, there is no medication yet designed to make you FEEL like taking a medication so getting bi-polars to not FEEL compelled (they have issues with compulsion) to disregard their meds in order to ride the mania high is very difficult to do. Feeling powerful and energetic do not describe me. I will still seek professional guidance. Since your work involves computers how can your wife ever trust anything you put or do on the computer to make her somehow feel she can monitor you. If you're a tech guy, you could certainly by-pass it if you felt compelled to, right? Every system has a workaround, right? Maybe - seeing how you want to protect your wife's heart (your stated desire), you'd need to take it a step further and for a lot less money than you've spent on prostitutes the last couple years you could have an outside company install state of the art 24/7 video and audio monitoring systems with cloud back up only accessible by her (and maybe other family members) throughout your home, workplace (I agree you probably need to work WITH her), your flip phone, etc. such that you live is a bubble and your behavior is constantly monitored remotely and backup remotely whether someone is actually watching you or not - they can always go back and look. This literally wouldn't be the threat that someone MIGHT be watching you...NO, this would entail the actuality that you ARE being watched at all times. Strangely, addictions, bad habits and other unhealthy behaviors seem to disappear when people think they are being watched. I KNOW that sounds a bit crazy and over the top but since you want to protect her heart it might be worth trying. The beauty of it is she won't be left to wonder what you are doing. At any point in time she can stream what you are actually doing in real time or rewind and see what you were doing at all times. In time, as you demonstrate trustworthiness over several years, her need to "check in" and stream may dwindle but considering your history of escalation and repeated offenses, YOU should ensure that the monitoring continues, indefinitely, as a way to hold yourself accountable to yourself. I am not a tech guy. But I completely agree with the monitoring being a good thing. For me, it isn�t having her watching me that compels me to do this, it�s the chance to effectively build real trust with tangible actions. I need to think about the best way to do this. I�ll add it to my action plan once I have it figured out.
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PHM, Wayward Husbands who try to cut corners do not make it.
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PHM, Wayward Husbands who try to cut corners do not make it. I don't know what PHM means?
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PHM = PleaseHelpMe02 It is your name.
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PHM = PleaseHelpMe02 It is your name. Oh ok. I do not want to cut corners. Your words hit me pretty hard. I'll post my action plan here for your honest feedback.
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You all are helping me create my plan. I am considering your words about removing all opportunities to cheat too. Please understand that my job/career is something I have to offer to my family and my marriage. To change it is to rip away the only safety net my wife has left. No, to continue in a job that has you on the computer is the GREATEST THREAT to your marriage. It allows you the freedom to commit adultery and that is a grave threat to your wife. You will be divorced if you don't find another career. WE will advise your wife to separate from you if you don't because she is NOT SAFE. Yes, I am reading very post. Perhaps you overestimate my powers of perception - I started an action plan this morning for myself but didn�t realize I was showing it to my wife until you pointed it out here. But are you following the plan of ACTION we have outlined? If you are, you need to indicate that and respond. Guilt, shame, and defeat. All cause pain and tears. It comes across as quite dramatic, rather than serious. It is like the rapist who cries for himself while his victim lays bleeding on the ground. She�s reading every post. She was a member here long before I was. I asked her if I could join a forum she was on and ask for help. What is her board name? This isn�t what AA teaches. And it�s not my life. I�m not addicted to my computer. I�m a successful businessman. My wife does not want me to give that up, I assure you. Losing my job would be grounds for divorce at this point. I�m not defending my actions, I�m telling how it is, no [censored]. AA has no earthly idea how to save marriages. Even so, AA does teach that you stay out of the bar and get the booze out of your house. Your little computer job is the BAR. That is part of the problem. And will continue being the problem until this changes. *NOT* losing your job will be grounds for divorce because Dr Harley will tell her to leave you if you don't find a job that is SAFE for her. ]No, Ma�am. 5 Fortune 100 companies disagree with you. The monitoring program I bought is the best there is. Research it on your own and see if you can find a single person that found a way around it. There aren�t any. Even an 8 yr old could find a way around that. You installed it and can turn it off anytime. And you can also just use any other computer. This is not a solution. I didn�t do this for my wife, I did it for myself and for my marriage. I am excited to show that the man she thought I was exists. ] That's nice that you "did it for yourself" while your wife lays bleeding on the ground. What an unbelievably SELFISH thing to say.  It means something to me, from me. You don�t have to believe me. I do. I know my heart and what my intentions/reasons are. I understand what you are saying though. I need more than words to myself or others - I need a written plan of action that my wife can see and hold my actions accountable to. I need the action plan to effect real change. I get your point. Talk is cheap, so please knock it off. Your "heart" has led you to do despicable, evil things to your wife so lets not go there. A plan of "action" does not include empty "promises" and "commitments" from a dishonest person. Your wife should ignore EVERYTHING you say and only focus on ACTIONS that she can see with her own eyes. She was privy to the first post and every post thereafter. If you can help save my marriage, please go ahead and speak. She is listening. Dear Wife, please start your own thread. There is a very narrow path for recovery and if you don't follow that path this will fail. A big part of the problem is your inability to be with him 24/7. Anything short of that, will not work and you are better off getting divorced. It is his LIFESTYLE that is the problem and unless he makes a radical change in his LIEFSTYLE, starting with the job, this will be your future. Working on it, thanks. I type how I talk. I�m willing to change whatever needs to be changed. If using words like �thanks�, �pursuing her heart�, and other things is [censored] or dramatic, I�m guilty of it. I want your help or I wouldn�t be here. Thanks for your input and the time you are putting into helping me - no [censored]. Good!
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Oh ok. I do not want to cut corners. Your words hit me pretty hard. I'll post my action plan here for your honest feedback. WE have posted the ACTION plan for recovery. Did you read it? Your best thinking led your marriage into the ditch. So far, you have only posted ways to cut corners. That is not a "plan!" You need to follow our plan.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Oh ok. I do not want to cut corners. Your words hit me pretty hard. I'll post my action plan here for your honest feedback. WE have posted the ACTION plan for recovery. Did you read it? Your best thinking led your marriage into the ditch. So far, you have only posted ways to cut corners. That is not a "plan!" You need to follow our plan. Yes, I read the plan: quite my job. Put myself in a place where I am either monitored 24/7 or with my wife. Is this correct (not being facetious in any way and asking genuinely)?
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Yes, I read the plan: quite my job. Put myself in a place where I am either monitored 24/7 or with my wife. Is this correct (not being facetious in any way and asking genuinely)? Find an occupation where you are together 24/7 and CAN'T get on a computer unless she is right there beside you.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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