...I believe her recent blow up at me over nothing and having me share candidly with her that it just didn't make sense to me for two people in love to behave that way has caused her some real soul searching. One text she sent me today said "I Love You" first, without me saying it first (which made it feel to me in the past like it was just a conditioned response rather than genuine), for the past 7 years she has not said it first almost ever, only when I say it first. I don't think she knew how much we both needed to "fall in love" again.
One question, as I read more about Disrespectful Judgments, a couple folks stated I've made several in my thread. It's new to me, so could somebody cut and paste mine so I can understand them more directly? I'm still not seeing them, and maybe it's a lack of context?
The paragraph I bolded sounds like a bundle of disrespectful judgments to me. Here is how I would hear it if I was your wife (Note, I am not saying you MEANT any of it this way, just telling you how I, as a wife, would feel.):
1. ...
recent blow up at me over nothing... :
There is no such thing as a blow up over nothing. I am not saying her angry outburst was acceptable or okay, or that anything you did caused it. Perhaps she can't express the catalyst for it in words, but
something caused her to feel extremely frustrated and angry.
Saying it was over "nothing" is incredibly dismissive and condescending.
If I had to guess, I'd guess that you are big on "logic" and she is perceiving that if she cannot defend her feelings logically you do not find them legitimate. Which will make her shut down and not want to try to tell you. Remember, the whole impetus for your thread is the idea that you are doing so much so well for her and she's not even really trying for you and that does not make sense to you. But you can't logic her into loving you with a score card.
2. ...
having me share candidly with her that it just didn't make sense to me for two people in love to behave that way...
You "candidly" let her know she's not "behaving" well? I would feel like I was being treated like a recalcitrant child. I may agree with my spouse but I definitely would not feel more love or desire to be a better wife on the receiving end of that paternal, pedantic message.
3. ...
caused her some real soul searching...
She finally decided to really look deep inside herself and see the error of her selfish, inferior ways and evolve into the light to be more like you, the superior, giving being.
4. ...
One text she sent me today said "I Love You" first, without me saying it first...
This is more subtle, I know you're just reporting what happened, but it could also come across as "She hasn't been doing her job as a wife. I always have to say I love you first."
5. ...
(which made it feel to me in the past like it was just a conditioned response rather than genuine)...
Assigning motives to your spouses actions and "mind reading" is disrespectful. (even if you're assumption turns out to be correct.)
6. ...
I don't think she knew how much we both needed to "fall in love" again....
The ignorant dear didn't know what she needed, imagine what would become of her if she did not have you to enlighten her?
Please Note: I believe it's almost impossible to seek help on here without expressing some DJ's - after all, people come here because they are dissatisfied with their marriage. I'm just giving you these examples because you asked. :-)
However, like someone else said, the fact that things have gotten emotional with crying, assuming she was the one crying, really is a red flag that there is a lot more frustration on her part than she is able/willing to express right now. Regardless of the discussion technique you described, she does not feel safe being completely candid with you about her feelings, or she really does not know what is wrong, but she is not currently in love with you and having a spouse repeatedly invalidate your feelings by logically explaining why they are baseless is one surefire way to make someone withdraw and not want to say what they are feeling.
I think the 20 hours UA will be awesome for your marraige. (I am trying to get myself and my H to do that even though I'm the one who does not feel in love and really does not want to devote the time because I know it will work.)