<BR>Debbie,<P>Thanks for your encouraging words and prayers. I must say that I am trepidatious about the next fee weeks and even months. I'm not sure if you will be able to help but your input will be welcomed. I want to believe that with time things will continue to get better and my W eyes will begin to open even more. I have this great fear (my enemy) that this will continue to drag on for the next 3 to 6 months, that my W will continue to hold on to the hope that OM will be returning and that things will pick up where they left off. I'm afraid she want see this as an opportunity but as a minor setback in her relationship with OM. I know every situation is different but I thought as being a WS yourself you might have some advice or insight unlike any one I know would. I guess this could all be due to the fact that this weekend will be very hard. I'm taking our kids and she is spending it with OM. I've pushed it out of my head as much as I can, don't want to even try to imagine what will take place. I'm taking the kids to the mountains on Saturday just to keep us, myself busy. I know that God has a plan just sometimes really difficult to just trust in that. I'm sure I'm just over reacting and/or analyzing and should continue to trust my head and heart. We even talked about this a little last night. She noticed that I was a little down and asked so I was honest. I told her about how I was feeling and about my fears, not to in detail. She responded by getting upset and seemed overly concerned about whether it was just a mood I was in and would pass or not. I'm sure that was a good sign, for her to be concerned about my feelings about the future. Any way thanks for your prayers and for any thoughts you may have.<P>silwl<BR>