SNL<P>I'm moving this to GQ from the D/D where I first asked you to consider shorter and kinder posts. Remember?<P>Talk about judgemental. That's it. <P>When we aproached our D about her A with MM. She said we were being judgemental. <BR>You said in your last post to me that the BS were so judgemental of the WS.<P>SO, please just give your thoughts about being or just the word judgemental. Not every single thought you've ever had about this topic, but for now, what is my Daughter telling me? <P>I have noticed your since of fair play in a previous post to Bad Hubby and I also found your information on the sociopath, and the way it was used, to be knowledgeable. <P>Please keep this somewhat short as I have a short attention span. Also, I ask that references to your wife be be respectfuly made. <P>So, I'm "seeking to understand" (from the Seven Habits book)with ground rules so that I CAN understand. This is not an effort to change you or your ideas in any way, just to understand them. BUT, important here so pay attention [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] SHORT (well atleast short for you) and BE NICE. OK?<P>JUDGEMENTAL--discuss it.